THIS is What Happens When You Speak Their Native Language on Omegle!

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(Romanian) Do you speak Romanian? OHHHHHH!!!!! (Georgian) You speak Georgian? (*freak out) How do you know that!?! (Arabic) Algeria. Yeeeees!!! (Russian) How is life there? Ohhhhh!!! (Uzbek) What’s your name? OHHHH!!! ahaha (German) Cool!(slang) (German) Cool! ahaha (Finnish) Nice to meet you! (Finnish) Nice to meet you, too! (Hindi) Really? Woah! You’re giving me heart attack! (Spanish) You speak Spanish as well!? (Spanish) Yeah of course! (*shocked) Oh my gosh! I know you, oh my gosh! I was always watching you!! Hello!! Hello, how are you? I’m good, how about you? Where are you from? I’m great, I’m from Japan! (Japanese) Ohhhh hello!!! (Japanese) Hello!! I love Japan! Where are you from in Japan? Thank you! I’m in Nagoya, you know? Ohhhhh!! Where are you guys from? I’m from Paris, and she is from London. (French) Ah, France! But originally Algeria and Morocco. (Arabic) Wow, Algeria. Yeeeees!!! Yes! Oh my gosh!! (Arabic) Morocco and Algeria! Ohhhhh!!! That’s so cute! Oh my gosh! You look so handsome! Oh thank you! You’re beautiful! You’re welcome! ahaha (Arabic) You’re very beautiful. (*GASP) Ahahahahahahaha (*cracking up) Hehehe She leaves the room! Can you speak Arabic? (Arabic) Yeah I learn it. (*cracking up) (Arabic) You’re very beautiful! ahahahahaha This is so sweet!!! Do you speak any languages other than Arabic and English? I speak French, Arabic and English. I speak a bit of Spanish, Arabic, English, and she is teaching me French. And she teaches me English. (French) Ah you guys speak French? (French) Yes. (French) Oh yeah? That’s nice! (*surprising in French) (French) What is this!!! (French) What is this! ahaha How many languages can you speak? I’m studying 8 languages. Gosh!!!! We love multilingual man!!!! Ahahahaha multilingual man! (Arabic) Let’s gooo!! Hi!! Hi! How are you? We’re good! And you? I’m great, thank you! Are you from Moldova? Yeah! Are you from Korea? Ah, I’m from Japan actually. AHHHH!! She wanted to learn Japanese. I have a textbook. (Japanese) Japan(Nihon)! (Japanese) Oh Japan!! Yeah and I study like this. Oh you’re actually learning it! Yeah!! I like your English accent! That’s so cute! Thank you so much! Can you show me your handwriting? Ahhh yeah! (Japanese) Thank you. Excuse me. Ohhh it’s really good!!! Thank you! I think it’s better than some Japanese people! Hehehe you think!? Seriously, yeah! I try to write very correctly. It’s beautiful! Thank you!! hehehe And you? How did you learn English? I learned by myself actually. Yeah!? You’re very good at it! Seriously? Ohhh thank you! But your English is also awesome! Thank you! We study English at school and from social media! Ohh that’s cool! What is your native language? Romanian and Russian. (Romanian) Ah! Do you speak Romanian? OHHHHHH! Wow, that was cute!! (Romanian) Romanian language is beautiful! Awwwww!!! (Romanian) It’s very good Romanian! (Romanian) Ahh thank you!! OHHHHHH!!!!! Ahahahaha How many languages do you know!? (Russian) Actually, I know Russian as well. Ohhhh! That’s very cool! I speak Russian better than Romanian. (Russian) Romanian. (Russian) Romanian, yeah. (Russian) In Romanian(grammar). (Russian) In Romanian. Ahahaha (Russian) You live in Chișinău(capital)? (Russian) Yeah!! (Russian) Yeah? (Russian) You know about Moldova, what is it? (Russian) Well, yeah a little bit! (Russian) You wanna visit this country? (Russian) Yeah I’d like to visit. (Russian) We’re waiting!! (Russian) Aww thank you!! (Russian) You advice me to go to Moldova? (Russian) Yeah! Actually, there aren't many places you can visit. (Russian) But interesting. Yeah, the food is very tasty. (Russian) Food, yeah! (Russian) And people are nice! (Russian) Yeah like you guys! (Russian) Ohhh thank you!! (Finnish) Hi! (Finnish) Hi! (Finnish) Hello. (Finnish) Hello. (Finnish) What’s your name? (Finnish) My name is Kazuma. Okay. (Finnish) What’s your name? Lotta. Lotta? (Finnish) Yeah. (Finnish) Nice to meet you! (Finnish) Nice to meet you, too! (Finnish) Yeah nice to meet you! (Finnish) Yeah! ahaha Hehehe (Finnish) Where are you from? (Finnish) From Finland. Helsinki? (Finnish) I’m not from Helsinki, I’m from Tuame(I’m not sure where it is). I see.... (Finnish) How old are you? (Finnish) I’m 23 years old. (Finnish) Okay, 23! (Finnish) 23! Yeah! ahaha (Finnish) I speak Finnish a little. Okay! (Finnish) Yes. (Finnish) Yeah, goodbye! (Finnish) Goodbye! Hello! Hi! Hi! Hello, how are you? I’m fine, how are you? I’m great, thank you! Can you play? Where are you from? I’m Japanese. You’re Japanese! Yeah I can play, but I’m beginner, so don’t judge okay? Ah sure! (Stay with me - Sam Smith) Wow that’s beautiful!! My nails are ruined, yeah! Ahahaha You’ve just started practicing Ukulele? It’s just a hobby, I practice twice a month. Only twice a month, and you play like that? Yeah. Wow! I think you’re talented! Yeah... no! ahaha Yeah yeah! ahaha You’re in Japan? I can say.... (Japanese) Hello. I’m Nina. Ohhhh that’s nice!!! Ahaha I just told you my name. Have you learned it? No, never. Never? But you know that. I really like watching anime. Ahh I got it, but you’re from the U.S.? No, Georgia. I live in Europe. Ah Georgia! Have you ever heard of the country, Georgia? Yeah I know Tblisi, Batumi(largest cities). (*thumb up) That’s so cool! (Georgian) Hello? (Georgian) Hello!! (Georgian) Thank you. That’s right! (Georgian) Thank you. (Georgian) Thank you! Do you speak Georgian? (*freak out) How do you know that!?! (Georgian) Do you speak Georgian? Do you speak Georgian? Yeah yeah! How do you know that!? I don’t know, I just learned it. (Georgian) Where are you from? Ahahahaha (Georgian) Where are you from? Your “kh” sound is so good! Ahh thank you! That’s so nice of you! Ahahaha Hello! Hi! How are you? I’m great! How are you? Not bad! What’s your name? I’m Kazuma! Kazuma? Yeah! You’re not Korean, right? Ohh I’m Japanese. Ohhh wow! I’ve seen Japanese for the first time! Oh really? I’m honored to be the first one! But where are you from? I’m from Uzbekistan. Oh, Uzbekistan, nice! (Uzbek) What’s your name? OHHHH!!! ahaha My name is Malika. Malika? You know Uzbek? Just a little bit though! Wow! (Uzbek) Nice to meet you! What? (Uzbek) Nice to meet you. Ahhhh okay! I got it! My Uzbek is really good. No, really bad! Oh really!? ahaha I live here but actually I have an accent. But you’re originally from Uzbekistan, right? Yeah I’m from Uzbekistan, but I talk mostly in Russian. Okay, I see! Do you know Russian? (Russian) Yeah, of course I speak Russian. Do you.... (Russian) You speak Russian? (Russian) I learn Russian by myself. Oh my gosh... Wow, I didn’t expect that! Your pronunciation is pretty good! (Uzbek) Thank you! And how old are you? (Uzbek) I’m 22. (shot before my birthday) Okay! I didn’t expect you to speak Uzbek! Okay, many people can say something in Russian, but Uzbek! (Russian) Just a little bit, but yeah. Wow, really... You’re so talented! Ahh thank you!! (Uzbek) How old are you? (Uzbek) I’m 16 years old. 16? Yes! I see! (Uzbek) Where do you live? (Uzbek) I live in Tashkent. Ah, Tashkent! (Russian) The capital! (Russian) Yeah! The capital! Wow!! (Russian) Awesome! Hi! Hello. Hello, how are you? How are you? Where are you from? I’m from Japan, where are you from? You’re originally from Japan? Yeah I’m originally from Japan. Oh nice! But you can speak very good English! Ah thank you! I appreciate it! I’m from Germany. Oh Germany! Yeah! Cool, you live in Japan right now? Yeah, I’m here on vacation. Oh vacation! How is Japan? It’s perfect! Oh perfect!! I love Japan!! Nice to hear that! Where are you? Which city? Nagoya, do you know? I don’t know because I’m in Osako. Ah Osaka? Yeah Osaka sorry! haha It’s okay! How many days you’ll stay? It’s very expensive here. I arrived here yesterday and this is my third day. I will fly tomorrow. Oh wow! Because it’s really expensive here in Japan. But I think Germany is also expensive. No, it’s not so expensive as in Japan. I see! What’s your name? I’m Kazuma! Kazuma! (German) Yeah, what’s your name? Ahaha ohhhhh!! Bilal. Bilal? (German) Exactly. Nice to meet you Kazuma, how old are you? (German) Nice to meet you, I’m 23 years old. Wow!! Why you can speak German? (German) Ahaha I’m learning German currently. (German) Very good! Very very very good! (German) Thank you so much! (German) BUT! You have to teach me also Japanese! Sure! What do you wanna know? I wanna know how are you in Japanese. How are you is: (Japanese) How are you? Yeah! (Japanese) Hello, how are you? (Japanese) Hello, how are you? I’m fine!! Something like that! ahaha (German) Where are you from? Which city? (German) I’m from Munich. (German) Ah Munich! Yeah! (German) Ahhh cool!(slang) (German) Cool! ahaha (Japanese) I’m fine, I’m fine! (Japanese) I’m fine! hehehe Hi! Hi! Do you speak English? Yeah I do! Ohh nice! You speak good English! How are you doing? I’m great, thank you! You? Oh, thank you! We’re also fine! Cool! Are you guys from Russia? Yeah we’re from Russia. In which city do you live? We live near St. Petersburg, near Finland. Oh, near Finland! Yeah, we’re in northern Russia. Ah, northern Russia! (Russian) And how is life there? Oh! Wow, you speak so well!! (Russian) Thank you! Hehehe (Russian) I’m studying Russian language. (Russian) Ohhh really!? (Russian) Yeah why not? (Russian) So good Russian language! Awesome! (Russian) Ahh thank you so much! (Russian) Our situation is difficult, but.... (Russian) Everything will be fine. (Russian) Thank you!! (Russian) And what you guys’ names? Alina & Kalina. Kalina, Alina! Yeah!! (Russian) It’s easy to remember! (Russian) You guys are sisters? (Russian) No, we’re friends! (Russian) But you guys have similar names! (Russian) Yeah! (Russian) Awesome. (Russian) What do you read? (Russian) I read “Natsume Soseki’ a lot. (Russian) Ohhh wow!!! (famous Japanese novelist) (Russian) Cool!!! (Russian) I think even Japanese don’t read it. (Russian) Really!? (Russian) Because it’s very difficult. Ahhh! (Russian) And it’s classic. (Russian) Now we read “Anna Karenina” from Tolstoy. (Russian) Ahhh yes!! I’d like to try Russian literature. (Russian) Ohhh hang in there! It’s difficult. (Russian) Yeah it’s very difficult for foreigners. (Russian) Yeah you speak Russian very well actually! (Russian) Ahh thank you! One of the most difficult languages. (Russian) Yeah! (Russian) You guys speak English very well! (Russian) Ah thank you so much! (Russian) Where did you learn it? (Russian) I just watched movies. (Russian) Only!? (Russian) Yeah!! (Russian) Just like that? Ahahaha (Russian) It’s just that I was 11 or 12 years old, I started watching movies and reading a lot. (Russian) Ahhh that’s great! (Russian) Thank you so much! (Russian) So you practice English here on Omegle? (Russian) Oh no, it’s our first time. (Russian) Ah first time! (Russian) Yeah! ahaha Ahh okay!! hehe (Russian) How many languages do you study in total? (Russian) English, Spanish, French, Portuguese, Russian, Arabic, Indonesian, and German. (Russian) Wow, you even know Arabic! Arabic is a difficult language! (Russian) Yeah! But compared to Russian, not that much. (Russian) Arabic? Seriously? (Russian) In terms of grammar. (Russian) Ah grammar probably yeah. (Russian) I have a friend who is half Arabic. (Russian) For us, it’s difficult probably. (Russian) Yeah definitely. Hello! Hi! Hi! How are you? I’m doing good! How are you? I’m great! Thank you, are you from UK? I’m actually Indian. Oh Indian! Where are you from in India? I don’t know if you know that place, it’s called Kerala. Ah Kerala! Do you know!? Yeah I know Kerala! You speak Malayalam? (*GASP) Oh my gosh!!! Ahahahahaha Wow... Oh wow!!! But unfortunately, I don’t speak it for now. You’re smart! Ahaha thank you!! And you speak other Indian languages maybe? Hindi. Hindi? Yeah. (Hindi) Do you know Hindi? Wow... Ahahahaha You’re giving me heart attack after every 5 minutes! (Hindi) Ahahahaha really? (Hindi) Really!? Wow!!! You know Hindi!?! (Hindi) A little! I speak a little! Ohhhh what the heck.... Hi! (*waving hand) How are you? Good! How are you? I’m great, thank you! Are you from Morocco? Yes! Do you know Morocco? I’ve been to Marrakech. Oh! I’m from Chefchaouen. It’s called blue city. Oh yeah I know!!! I’d like to go there. I have an Attack on Titan manga! (Japanese) Attack on Titan. Oh yes!! But it’s in French! This is volume 25. Oh it’s in French? Yes. I have others. That’s great! It’s really nice! Thank you! (French) So you speak French? (French) Yes! ahaha (French) You speak French as well? (French) Yeah I speak French as well, for sure. Wow!! ahaha (French) It’s weird when Japanese speak French! (French) But you speak very good French! (French) Yeah because I’m Moroccan, it’s a French-speaking country. (French) Yeah! Actually, many Moroccan speak French very well! (French) Yeah! But why do you speak French? (French) Because I think it’s a beautiful language obviously. (French) And then, I love French culture and French-speaking countries. (French) Wow, I think you’re very intelligent because... (French) Thank you so much! ahaha (French) I can’t learn many languages. For example, I love Japanese culture. (French) I watch many Japanese series. (French) But I can’t speak Japanese. (French) Oh yeah, I think it’s pretty difficult. (French) Yes. (French) How many languages do you speak? (French) I can speak Berber, it’s my mother tongue. (French) I can speak Arabic, French, English and Spanish. (French) Spanish? (Spanish) Yeah. (Spanish) Ah, but.... ahaha (Spanish) How do you know Spanish!? (Spanish) You speak Spanish as well!? (Spanish) Yeah of course! (*giving her a headache) Ahahaha That’s the first time that I met Japanese who can speak languages other than Japanese. They can’t even speak English! Yeah I mean.... I don’t know ahaha You’re very intelligent! You like learning languages just for fun? Just for fun, yeah. You’re really smart! No, you’re smart! No, I’m not! (Arabic) Wow. I’m not.... !?!?! How do you know this word?! (Arabic) Ahaha I speak Arabic language. (*cracking up) (Arabic) But ahahahaha This is unbelievable. (Arabic) Do you speak it fluently? (Arabic) No, not fluently, but I’ve been learning for 10 months approximately. (Arabic) And in fact, it’s my favorite language. (Arabic) I’m so shocked! Ahahahaha Really! You’re amazing, for real! (Arabic) Thank you!! Japanese! Hello! AH!!! I know you!! Oh my gosh!! You know me!? Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! I know you, oh my gosh! (Turkish) Why!? ahaha Hehehehe oh my gosh! Wait! Oh my gosh! How do you know me!? You have a YouTube channel! I know your channel! Thank you for watching! But I forgot your name right now! I’m so sorry! I’m Kazuma! Kazuma, yeah!! (Turkish) Japanese? This boy is YouTuber who speaks 13 languages! I follow you since your follower numbers were so low. I follow your that entire period! (Turkish) Ahhhh!! Seriously!? (Turkish) He knows Turkish! You know Turkish, right? (Turkish) Yeah, actually I study Turkish everyday. Oh my gosh! (Japanese) Hello! (Japanese) Hello!! (Turkish) You know Japanese!? Ahhhh no... No? I only know.... (Japanese) I’m Han Zena. (Japanese) Nice to meet you! (Japanese) Nice to meet you! (Turkish) Very nice!! (Turkish) Yeah! How old is he? (Turkish) I’m 23 years old. (Turkish) Ah well done! You speak Turkish well! (Turkish) Thank you!! I feel like I’ve met with the celebrity or something. I feel so honored! Ahahaha nooooo!! (Arabic) How are you? (Arabic) I’m fine thank God. (Arabic) How are you? (Arabic) Thank God, I’m fine. (Arabic) Wow. (Turkish) How many languages do you speak? (Turkish) I know 3 languages. (Turkish) You? Turkish, English, Korean a little. So she knows English and Korean a little. I was learning Japanese, too. But I only learned Hiragana and Katakana. Yes. When it comes to Kanji, that was really hard! Yeah! ahaha I’m planning to start learning it again! Because Japanese is easy for Turkish learners. (Turkish) Yeah, Turkish grammar is very similar! (Turkish) Yeah very similar. I was always watching you, I’m really.... I’m honored, thank you so much! Me, too! You’re welcome! It means a lot to me! Your English is awesome!! Exceptional! Thank you so much! (Turkish) You seem like a very nice boy. Do you know what it means? (Turkish) Well-behaved? (Turkish) Excuse me? (Turkish) Respectful. Kind person, pure person! Ahhh I got it! (Turkish) Thank you so much! That’s so nice of you. (Turkish) Thank you. I know... (Japanese) Are you Japanese? (Japanese) Are you Japanese! ahaha (Japanese) I’m Turkish. (Japanese) Yeah I’m Turkish. (Japanese) I’m Turkish, yeah! Wow! You’re really great!! (Turkish) Very happy. Me, too! (Turkish) Your teeth is very beautiful! (Turkish) Ahhh thank you!! ahaha (I’m flattered) (Turkish) You’re very smart! Ohh thank you so much! (Japanese) You’re cute! (Japanese) Cute! ahaha (Turkish) You’re cute. (Turkish) Yeah. Do you have siblings? (Turkish) No, I don’t have. (Turkish) You’re an only child. (Turkish) Only child! Yes! (Turkish) Currently working in Japan? (Turkish) Yeah I live in Japan. (Turkish) Have you ever been to Türkiye? (Turkish) Yeah I’ve been to Istanbul 3 years ago. Ohhhh!! (Sudden German) But. (Turkish) When I went to Türkiye, I didn’t speak any Turkish. (Turkish) But now I speak a little, so I wanna go again. (Turkish) What was your favorite food? (Turkish) Recently, I ate Çiğ köfte. Ohhh!! (Turkish) I love Shish kebab, İskender kebab so much. (Turkish) I love Baklava, too! (Japanese) I love Baklava! (Japanese) You love Baklava, ah!!! (Turkish) You speak very well!! (Japanese) Thank you!! (Japanese) Thank you!! Can we take a photo? (Turkish) Of course! (Turkish) 3, 2, 1... (Japanese) Thank you!! (Japanese) Yeah thank you!! That was really a nice talk! Yeah! You guys are amazing, so nice! Thank you! I hope we can meet again when I learn Japanese! Yeah! I’m looking forward to it! Yeah! We can practice! (*became friends) (Turkish) Take care of yourself! (Turkish) Thank you! You, too. Take care! (Turkish) Have a good evening! (Turkish) Thank you!! (Turkish) Thank you!!!
Channel: Kazu Languages
Views: 4,252,792
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Omegle, OmeTV, Polyglot, Language
Id: ElzxWpx0lcI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 6sec (1506 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 24 2023
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