Polyglot Compliments Strangers in Their Native Language! - Omegle

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(Hindi) Not yet, but I wanna visit. Ohhhhhhhhhh!!! (Turkish) I wanna learn it. Oh...!!! (Polish) I speak a bit of Polish! Ohhhhhh!!! (Russian) You’re doing really great!! (Russian) Thank you!! (Chinese) Welcome!! (Chinese) Ahaha you can speak Chinese?! (Spanish) Well, actually, I used to live in Spain so... Ah!!! ahahahaha (Portuguese) I’ve learned by myself, internet. (*speechless) (Uzbek) Pleased to meet you! (Russian) Oh damn, I can’t!! (German) I’ve heard that this city is very beautiful! Oaaaaa!!! (Armenian) Hello!! Marry me please!!! Hi!! Hello, how are you? Good thank you. How are you? I’m good, thank you! You’re from UK? Yes, can you teach us some Japanese? Of course! How do we say hello? (Japanese) Hello. (Japanese) Oh, yeah! Hello! And how do you say thank you? (Japanese) Thank you. Ohhh I didn’t know that! Were you born in other countries? Yeah! I’m Brazilian. (Portuguese) Ah, you’re Brazilian? Yeah! (Portuguese) Ah, that’s nice! I swear I’ve seen you on TikTok. Am I wrong? Ahaha you’re not wrong! I knew it!!! What’s your TikTok? He’s a guy who speaks different languages. (Portuguese) Languages. I’ll follow you. (Portuguese) Thank you so much! Ah, thank you!! (Portuguese) How did you learn Portuguese? (Portuguese) I’ve learned by myself, internet. You’re awesome! Where are you guys from? He just speaks Hindi. (Hindi) Ah, I speak Hindi. (Hindi) Ah, your Hindi is good! (Hindi) Thanks, I’m learning Hindi. Damn! Can we be on your TikTok? Please! Is it okay? Yeees!!! Hello! Hi! How are you? I’m great! How are you? I’m pretty good! You have a cute chair! Oh thank you! You’re so cute! You’re beautiful, I love your face! Ahhh thank you so much! You, too! You’re so cute! Hello Kitty! Oh, Hello Kitty! Yes! I’m a huge fan! Oh wow cool!! Where are you from? I’m from Colombia! Ahhh Colombia!! I’m practicing my English because my English is very very bad! No! It’s super good!! Ohh thank you!! Okay! I can teach you Spanish! Ah Spanish, yes! (Spanish) Hi! (*pretending not to know Spanish) (Spanish) How are you? (Spanish) How.... are you? Very good!! Thank you! How can I say thank you? (Spanish) Thank you. (Spanish) Ah, thank you... You have a very good pronunciation! (*she is an amazing teacher) (Spanish) Ah, thank you sooooo much! Oh!!! ahaha Do you know Spanish!? (Spanish) And yeah! Your English is like native speakers! So good! Oh my gosh!!! (Spanish) Seriously! What do you know more about Spanish? (Spanish) Well, actually, I used to live in Spain so... (Spanish) Well, actually, I used to live in Spain so... Ah!!! ahahahaha Hehehe (Spanish) Oh my gosh!! ahaha Your pronunciation was pretty good!! (Spanish) Thank you so much, my pronunciation is not that good. (Spanish) But I think I can understand and listen well. (Spanish) No, your pronunciation is super good! (Spanish) Thank you! Your pronunciations in English as well! (Spanish) Thank you, yeah I’m learning English. (Spanish) Then, how long have you been learning English? (Spanish) 5 months. (Spanish) Only 5 months!? (Spanish) For real!? Yes! (Spanish) You’re genius... Ohhhh!! (Spanish) That’s incredible!! Hi! Hi, how are you? I’m good, and you? I’m great, thank you! You have a nice room! Oh, really? Thank you! Anime!! Anime? Yeah! Oh, wow!! Cool!! You’re from Türkiye? Yeah, but I’m half Turkish, half Bulgarian. You know Bulgaria? Oh, Bulgaria, yes!! Oh!! You know!? (Bulgarian) Yeah, thank you!! (Bulgarian) Ah, thank you!! How do you know it!? Most people don’t know!! Hehehe Where are you from? You’re from Korea? No, I’m from Japan. (Japanese) Ah, hello!!! (Japanese) Hello!!! (Japanese) How are you doing!? (Japanese) Ah, I’m good!! ahaha (Japanese) Ahhh good to hear that!! Ohhh!?! I can speak a little bit of Japanese! Oh wow! How did you learn it? Because I watched too many anime!! Just from anime? Actually, I have Japanese friends. But we don’t talk too much. But I wanna try to learn Japanese. (Japanese) Your Japanese is really great!! (Japanese) Ah, thank you!! (Japanese) Thank you!! Hehehe How many languages do you know? Turkish, a bit of English, Korean, and Japanese. I see, ah! Bulgarian? I know it, but just so so so so so little! So so so so little! Okay! Can you teach me how to say thank you? In Turkish? In Turkish, yes. (Turkish) Thank you. (*that was me when I didn’t know Turkish) It’s hard!! (*pretending not to know Turkish) Ohhh yes! Now mix! (Turkish) Thank you. (Turkish) Thank... you... Ohhh you’re good!!! Ahhh thank you!! You can speak Turkish!! (Turkish) I wanna learn. Oh...!!! (Turkish) I wanna learn Turkish... (Japanese) What!?! ahahahaha How do you know Turkish!? (Turkish) Ahaha now I’m learning Turkish by myself. Whoaaaa!! Ahahahaha Wow that’s so amazing! Your accent is good!! (Turkish) Ahh thank you! So you have Turkish friends? (Turkish) Yeah, I have many friends. Hehehehe you came to Türkiye? (Turkish) Yeah I went to Türkiye 3 years ago. (Turkish) But when I went to Türkiye, I wasn’t speaking Turkish at all. (Turkish) But I’m learning now. (*speechless) Why you.... You’re like Turkish! (Turkish) Ahahaha no, no! You want me to speak Turkish or English? (Turkish) We can talk in Turkish! (Turkish) Learning Turkish is very difficult? (Turkish) Very difficult but at the same time, very beautiful! (Turkish) You can do it! You have a good accent! (Turkish) Ahhh thank you!! (Turkish) You’re welcome! (Turkish) I wanna go to Türkiye again! (Turkish) Ah! You wanna come to Istanbul? (Turkish) I wanna visit other cities. (Turkish) Ah, of course I loved Istanbul, but other cities as well. (Turkish) Yeah there are more beautiful places than Istanbul. (Turkish) Türkiye is a very huge country, so. (Turkish) Yeah! (Turkish) Other than that, Trabzon, Kayseri, Antalya, Ankara... (Turkish) Wow, you know!! (Turkish) I’m very curious, yeah. (Turkish) But why Türkiye? I mean, why you wanted to learn Turkish? (Turkish) I met lots of Turkish people and they’re so kind. (Turkish) So I wanna talk with them. (Turkish) Ohhh nice!! Hello! Hello! How are you? (Japanese) Hello! (Japanese) Hello! We’re good! How are you? I’m good! Thank you! Wait, how do you say hello in your language? (Hindi) Hello! (Hindi) Ah, hello! Yes! Your native language is Hindi? Yes! We’re from India. We speak Hindi. Yeah, but which part? West! Oh, west! You know Mumbai? Of course I know Mumbai! Yeah we live near Mumbai. Ohhh wow!! Have you ever been to India? (Hindi) Not yet, but I wanna visit. Ohhhhhhhhhh!!! Aaaaaaa!! ahahaha Wow, oh my gosh!! How do you speak Hindi? (Hindi) I’m learning by myself. Nice!! You should come to India! Yeah I’d love to!! (Hindi) I really like India! (Hindi) Ah, I like Japan a lot! (Hindi) Ahhh thank you! Japan is very beautiful. (Hindi) Thank you! India is also very beautiful! Where do you live? (Hindi) I live in Nagoya. Why is your Hindi so good!? Ahahaha Your Hindi is really really good, oh my gosh! Thank you so much, I’m working on it. You’d really like to explore India? Is that why you’re learning Hindi? Yeah! I can speak a bit of other Indian languages as well. Which one? Tamil. Bengali. And I only know 1 phrase in Punjabi. Punjabi!? Oh, she’s Punjabi! Oh really!? (*religious greeting in Punjabi) (*religious greeting in Punjabi) Say something in Bengali! (Bengali) You speak Bengali? Ahhh! Actually, I understand Bengali because my hometown is close to Bengal, Kolkata. So our language. My hometown is Odisha. It’s really close to Kolkata. West Bengal. Do you speak Chinese, Korean? I speak a bit of Chinese, Spanish. (Chinese) I also speak a bit of Chinese! What!?!?! ahahaha (Chinese) My Chinese is not good! (Chinese) Your Chinese is really good!!! (Chinese) Ohhh thank you! Wow!!! You do YouTube or something? Or are you a gamer? Oh yeah! Actually, I’m a YouTuber. I can guess from the chair! And actually I’m recording right now! Ohhhhh!!! ahahaha It’s my dream to visit India! Yes! Just listening to your Hindi... It’s next level... Ohhh thank you!!! ahaha Hello! Hello! Hello, how are you? I’m fine! Where are you from? I’m from China. What about you? I’m from Japan. Japan! I know Japanese. (Japanese) Hello! Yes yes!! Nice!! Have you been to Japan? Hmm...? (Chinese) Ah, have you been to Japan? (Chinese) No, but I wanna go. (Chinese) Welcome!! (Chinese) Ahaha you can speak Chinese?! (Chinese) Ahaha a little bit! (Chinese) Awesome! (Chinese) Ahh thank you! (Chinese) I think Japan is a very clean country. (Chinese) Yeah. And people are friendly. (Chinese) Ah thank you! Chinese people are also kind! Yes!! (Chinese) Yeah, where do you live? (Chinese) Guangxi, you know? (Chinese) Ah Guangxi, yeah I know! (Chinese) And where do you live? (Chinese) I live in Nagoya, you know? Sorry, I don’t know. I just know Tokyo. Ahhh okay! ahaha (Chinese) It’s far from Tokyo. Yes. (Chinese) But it’s a very big city. Your city is so big? Yeah, big! Okay!! hehe (Chinese) How long have you been living there? This year I’m 17 years old and I’ve been living here for 17 years! Ahh you were born there? Yeah I was born here. You look younger! So younger! hehe So younger, that’s a good thing! What about you? (Chinese) I’m 23 years old. Okay, good!! You’re so young, too! (Chinese) Ahaha thanks! How many languages do you speak? English, Chinese, a little bit of Japanese. Yeah. (Chinese) Also, Thailand! (Chinese) Thailand! Interesting! And... no more! hehe (Chinese) Ahh, but that’s awesome! (Chinese) Have you been to other countries? Yes! America. (Chinese) Ah, US? Yes, and no more! (Chinese) Ah okay! When did you go? When I was 14. (Chinese) Ah about 3 years ago? Yes! (Chinese) How long were you in the U.S? For 1 month because of the pandemic, I had to return. Ah, yeah 3 years ago. (Chinese) Did you like there? Yeah very much! (Chinese) We can talk in Chinese! (Chinese) Alright! (Chinese) Ahaha alright! Hehehe (Chinese) But I still speak a bit. (Chinese) Very good, you speak very well. (Chinese) Not at all! Hehehe (Chinese) Do you live alone? No, with my parents and my brother. (Chinese) You have a small brother? (Chinese) Yeah only small brother. Small brother, not big brother! Not big brother, okay! Yes!! hehe (Chinese) Where do you like the best in China? (Chinese) I mean, city. Hmmm.... (Chinese) I don’t really like because I haven’t been to many cities. (Chinese) Ahhh I got it. (Chinese) Have you been to Shanghai or? (Chinese) No, but I’ve been to Beijing. (Chinese) Beijing? (Chinese) Yeah! (Chinese) How was Beijing? So big!!! So big!! ahaha (Chinese) I wanna go to Beijing and Chongqing. (Chinese) Chongqing? Yeah! (Chinese) Their food is very spicy!! Ahhh yeah!! (Chinese) I really like spicy! Oh! But it’s very very very spicy! Ahhh very very spicy! (Chinese) Then, I think I can’t! ahaha (Chinese) Have you watched many movies? (Chinese) Japanese movies? (Chinese) Japanese movies. (Chinese) Japanese movies. I like to watch horror movies. Ah! Horror movies? Yes!! Ahh okay! Recent one or old one? Old one! Old one! You know Sadako? (most famous Japanese horror movie) Is the woman with long hair? Long hair, exactly!! Yeah I know!! Oh you know! Wow, amazing!! Yeah I know!! Hello! (Japanese) Hello! (Japanese) Hello! I saw you on TikTok yesterday!! Oh yesterday!!? Yes yes! I know you!! Thank you!! Ah.... Do you speak Russian? (Russian) Yeah of course! I speak Russian. (Russian) I’m so happy that I met you, damn! (Russian) I didn’t expect it!! (Russian) I’m also happy to hear that. Are you Russian? (Japanese) Are you Japanese? (Japanese) Yeah I am!! (*GASP) Ohhhhhh!!!!! Marry me please!!! (Japanese) I’m half Russian and half Armenian. Armenia, wow!! (Armenian) Hello!! Hehehe (Armenian) How are you? Do you speak Armenian? I just know some words. Ahh some words!! Yes!! Cool! You live in Krasnodar? No, I live in Uzbekistan now. Oh, Uzbekistan!! Yes, I’m not from Russia. Okay! You speak Uzbek as well? Yes! (Uzbek) What’s your name? (Uzbek) Ahaha my name is Darya. Darya? (Uzbek) I’m Darya. (Uzbek) Kazuma. Pleased to meet you! (Russian) Holy crap! (Russian) Damn! Holy crap!! (Russian) I’m shocked. Please! Damn, I’m really shocked now. (Russian) Thanks! I’m so glad, too! (Russian) I was always watching you and laughing, thinking: (Russian) "He's cool. He speaks so many languages, a polyglot. I also wanna do that”. (Russian) But you also know many languages. (Russian) I know Russian, Uzbek, English a little. (Russian) Armenian and Japanese just a bit. (Russian) Japanese, too!! Fantastic job!! (Russian) Thank you! You, too! (Russian) Thanks! How do you know Japanese? (Russian) I started it a week ago. (Russian) A week ago!! You’re doing really great!! (Russian) Thank you!! (Russian) You’re welcome!! (Russian) I’m still shocked, damn! I’m shocked!! (Russian) I, I, I... (Russian) I didn’t think I’d met you in this app. (Russian) You’ve been using this app for a long time? (Russian) This app. Basically 2 weeks probably. (Russian) I opened it in order to communicate with Japanese people and understand Japanese. (Russian) Ah, you met many Japanese people? (Russian) Yeah. And I met you, too! (Russian) Ahaha yeah sure, but... (Russian) I think this app is not popular here in Japan. (Russian) Yeah I think so. But here as well basically. (Russian) I see. Well, you’re doing really great in Japanese! (Russian) Thanks... Oh damn, I can’t!! Ahahahaha (Russian) I wanna go there(Uzbekistan) in the future. (Russian) Come! Eat plov. (Russian) Ah plov! Yes! (Russian) Have you ever eaten plov? You tried? (Russian) Yeah I’ve tried in Uzbek restaurant in Japan. (Russian) In Japan, there is Uzbek cuisine? (Russian) Yeah there are a few. (Russian) Holy crap!! (Russian) And I spoke a bit of Uzbek! (Uzbek) Very good! (Uzbek) Ahaha nice!! (Russian) I can say something in Japanese. (Japanese) I like Japan so much and often watch anime! Ohhhh!?!!? (Russian) You just started learning Japanese, but you already speak it so well! (Russian) Thanks! You know, Japanese and Uzbek, they have similar grammar. (Russian) It’s like 99%. The grammar is very similar. (Russian) If you know Uzbek, it’s easier for you to learn Japanese. (Russian) Yeah right. Turkish, Kazakh, Uzbek are similar. (Russian) Turkish language is also similar to Uzbek, yeah. (Russian) Yeah true. (Russian) Holy crap! (Russian) Yeah, I’m just freaking out that I’m talking with you! (Russian) Ahaha thank you so much!! Hello! Ahaha hello! Hello, how are you? I’m good, how are you? I’m good, thank you! Are you from Germany? Ah yeah, I live in Germany. Oh, but you’re not German? Yeah! Oh, where are you from? I’m half Polish, half Turkish. Half Polish and half Turkish, that’s so cool! And you live in Germany! Ahaha yeah!! Where do you live in Germany? (German) Cologne. (German) Cologne. Yeah! (German) I’ve heard that this city is very beautiful! Oaaaaa!!! Ahahahaha Where do you... (German) I’m learning German now so. Ohhhh!!! (German) You speak German as well? Where are you from? (German) Yeah! I’m from Japan! (German) So which city? (German) Ah, which city? Nagoya. (German) Ahhh yes! (German) Oh you know? (German) Yeah! (German) Ahaha wow!! How do you know it? (German) I was very interested in Japan. (German) So I’ve learned a little about it. (German) Japanese? (German) Well... About Japan! (German) Ah, about Japan! (German) I started to learn the alphabet, but it’s so difficult! (German) Ahhh yeah, true. (German) Yeah I definitely wanna go to Japan. (German) Absolutely, yeah. (German) But my mother disagrees. (German) Ahaha why!? (German) She doesn’t like to fly long distances. (German) Ahhh yeah! (German) She is afraid of flying, that’s why. (German) That’s true. (German) I used to live in Spain. (German) But it takes me so many hours to fly. Yeah! (German) Spain is so far away from here. (German) I was in Spain a few months ago. (German) Oh yeah? Vacation? Yes! (German) Which city? Barcelona. (German) Ahhh Barcelona! Me, too!(more or less) Hehehe (German) Awesome! (Spanish) You speak Spanish!? (Spanish) I do speak Spanish!! Hehehe (German) Did you grow up in Germany? Yeah! (German) How many languages do you speak? (German) Ahaha German, English, Polish, French. (German) French. (German) And now I’m learning Korean. (German) Ah! And Turkish? No. (German) But you know so many languages. (German) Hehe how many languages you know? (French) I speak French as well actually. (Spanish) I speak Spanish, too. (German) I speak German. (German) And... (Polish) I speak a bit of Polish! Ohhhhhh!!! Wow!!! ahaha (Polish) But Polish is difficult! Ahhh yeah! (German) Have you been to Germany? (German) Not yet, but this year I’d love to. (German) Ah, to where? (German) For the first time, I think Munich and Berlin. (German) Probably also Düsseldorf because Little Tokyo is very interesting. (German) I have to say, it’s okay but it’s a bit small. (German) It’s only 2 streets. (German) Ah, 2 streets! (German) But I tried Taiyaki! (German) Taiyaki!! Was it delicious? (German) Yeah!! (German) Glad to hear that! (German) In Düsseldorf, there are many Japanese people? (German) I’ve seen many Asian people there. (German) Do you have Japanese friends? No. (German) Nobody? (German) Nobody. (German) There isn’t opportunity to get to know them? (German) I know only one Japanese who is a good friend of my best friend. (German) But apart from that, there aren’t many Asians here because I live in a village. (German) So, your city is small? Yeah! I see! (German) Good luck with your study! (German) Hehe your study! (German) Yeah study!! (German) Ahaha thank you so much! (Polish) Thank you! (Polish) Thank you!! Oh, I forgot it, I knew thank you in Japanese... (Japanese) Thank... (Japanese) Thank you!!! Yeah!!! ahaha
Channel: Kazu Languages
Views: 976,705
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Omegle, OmeTV, Polyglot, Language
Id: brMR3ay4Ifs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 39sec (1239 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 16 2023
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