Greatest Reactions of Polyglot Speaking Their Native Languages on Omegle!

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This is Mega Compilation of Omegle's Best Reactions. Here is Part 2 of this series. I spoke 30 Languages in total this year. Hope you enjoy it! Hello! Hi! Hi! How are you? I’m good, how are you? I’m good, thank you! Where are you from? I’m from Germany. Oh you’re from Germany! Yes, where are you from? I’m from Japan! Ahhh! Are you Somali? How do you know that!? Because I’ve met some people from Somalia. Ahh in Japan? Ohh no, on OmeTV. Ohhh!! (Somali) Yeah how are you doing? (Somali) I’m fine. (Somali) I’m fine!! (Somali) I’m learning Somali. Ahhh ohhh!! (Somali) You speak Somali well. (Somali) Thank you!!! Hehehe You’re the first person who wants to learn that! Really? Yeah! I really like Somali language. (Somali) What’s your name? Rayaan! Rayaan! Yes. Woow nice name! (Somali) My name is Kazuma! Kazuma? Yes! (Somali) Ahh nice to meet you! (Somali) Nice to meet you, too. (Somali) Nice to meet you. Alright. You can speak better Somali than I do even though I’m Somali. Nooo, that’s not possible!! haha My Somali is like half Somali, half German. Ahhh I see. So you’re better at Somali than I am! (Somali) Thank you so much... But I would love to learn more!! (Somali) So nice to meet you and goodbye! (Somali) Goodbye! Have a nice day!! Hehehe bye! Hello! Hi! Hi! How are you? I’m fine! Nice! Are you from Tanzania? Yes! (Swahili) Ah, what’s up? You know Swahili language!? Ahahahaha Oh my gosh! (Swahili) I study Swahili! (Swahili) You study Swahili! (Swahili) Yeah! (Swahili) Well!! (Swahili) Ahh thank you so much! (Swahili) Your voice is very good! I really like it! (Swahili) Ahh thank you! (Swahili) What’s your name? (Swahili) My name is Abiel. Abiel? (Swahili) Yes! (Swahili) Okay, my name is Kazuma! Kazuma? (Swahili) Yes, pleased to meet you!! (Swahili) Thank you so much! You, too! (Swahili) Where are you from? Dar es Salaam! (Swahili) Ah, Dar es Salaam! Very good!! (Swahili) And you? (Swahili) I’m from Japan! (Swahili) Japan, ahh!! (Swahili) Nice!! (Swahili) Nice! haha (Swahili) Cool, we’re friends!! (Swahili) Thank you! You’re my friend! (Swahili) Thank you! Goodbye! (Swahili) Goodbye!! (Croatian) Hi! !?!? Hello? Hi! (Croatian) You speak Croatian? (Croatian) Croatian. (Croatian) Good! Nice! How do you know Croatian? Tell me!! (Croatian) I’m studying now. Really? (Croatian) Yeah! In Zagreb? (Croatian) No, in Japan. You study Croatian in Japan? (Croatian) In Japan. AHHHHH! (Croatian) I love Croatia, Croatian. (Croatian) Where do you live? (Croatian) Croatia. (Croatian) Which city? Zagreb. Zagreb? Yeah. (Croatian) Hmmm! Great! How’s it going in Japan? (Croatian) Perfect! (Croatian) Perfect! (Croatian) Yeah. (Croatian) How old are you? (Croatian) I’m 22 years old. It’s good! (Croatian) How old are you? (Croatian) 17 and 18. (Croatian) Ahh okay! Nice to meet you! Nice to meet you, too! Hi! Hi! Hi! How are you? Fine, and you? I’m good thank you! Are you from Spain? Yes! (Spanish) Where do you live in Spain? (Spanish) He speaks Spanish? Yes, very good. (Spanish) In the north. (Spanish) North! Bilbao, around there? (Spanish) Bilbao, yes! Near! (Spanish) Ah near! Holy crap! (slang) (Spanish) What!? What what what what!? (Spanish) What what what what!? (Spanish) What what what what!? (Spanish) You know Spanish? (Spanish) Yes!! (Spanish) Why? Where did you learn? (Spanish) Actually, I lived in Spain. (Spanish) Where? (Spanish) Tarragona! You know? (Spanish) Tarragona! Yes, Barcelona! (Spanish) Yeah close to Barcelona. (Spanish) And you know Catalan? (Spanish) A little bit! You know Catalan? (Spanish) No, Basque language. (Spanish) Ahhh I see! (Spanish) Oh wait. (Japanese) I’m studying Japanese. What the heck!! (Japanese) You’re studying Japanese!? (Japanese) Yes, I’m Leyre. Wow... (Japanese) Well... Nice to meet you. (Japanese) Nice to meet you!! (Spanish) You speak well!! Hehehe (Spanish) How did you learn? Thank you. You, too! (Spanish) Thank you so much! (Spanish) I spend one year learning. (Spanish) In Spain or in Japan? (Spanish) In Spain. I’ve never been to Japan. Ahhh okay! (Japanese) Awesome! (Japanese) Yeah awesome!! (Spanish) Ahaha how cute!! (Spanish) Your friends, too? (Spanish) Yeah my friends, too! Ahhhh!!! (Japanese) You're already dead. (*anime: Fist of the North Star) Ahahaha (Japanese) I love you! (Japanese) I love you! (Spanish) But you speak well! (slang) (Spanish) Ohhh he says “Tía”! Ahahahaha I can tell you have lived in Spain. What’s your name? Kazuma! Kazuma? Ay, Kazama, right!? How cute!! How cute! haha (typical Spanish expression) Hehehe (Japanese) Cute!! (Japanese) Cute!! Hello! Hello! How are you? I’m good, how are you? I’m good, too! Nice! You’re from UAE? I live in UAE, but I’m not from UAE. OH! Are you from India? Yeah! Nice! Which part? I’m from Kerala. Kerala? That’s somewhere in South India! AH! South India, you speak Tamil? I speak Tamil. I speak Malayalam. There’s a girl inside so. OH! She speaks Tamil? Yeah! She speaks it. And I speak Malayalam. And she’s from a different country. OH! Where are you from? I’m from Bangladesh! Bangladesh! (Bengali) Ah, how’s it going? Hehehehehe Wait, do you learn just 1 line or? Not 1 line, but still a beginner. Wait, so you’re learning it?! Yeah! OH! You can teach him!! (Bengali) I’m doing good! Wooow! Nice!! (Bengali) What’s your name? (Bengali) My name is Zui. Zui! (Bengali) What’s your name? (Bengali) I’m Kazuma! OH! (Bengali) Nice to meet you! What!? haha What did you say? (Bengali) Nice to meet you! OHHH! He said “nice to meet you”! Yeah! Wait, she speaks Tamil? Yeah! (Tamil) Ah, hello! (Tamil) Hello! Ahahaha (Tamil) How’s it going? Hehehehe Ahahaha I like Tamil. Ancient language. Yes! And Bengali is the sweetest language! What!? Swedish? Sweetest! Beautiful language! Beautiful nice language. Yes! Yes!! That’s why he’s learning it! Yes! That’s why I’m learning it! I thought you said Swedish! Oh not Swedish, sweetest! haha Hi! Hi! Hello! (Japanese) How are you? (Japanese) I’m good! (Japanese) What is your name? (Japanese) OH! I’m Kazuma! (Japanese) Kazuma, nice to meet you! (Japanese) I’m Simon! Simon-san! (Japanese) Yes, I’m from Morocco. (Japanese) Wooow your Japanese is awesome!! Yeah but I live in Osaka! (Japanese) AH! You live in Osaka? (Japanese) Yes! I’m from Morocco originally, but I was born in Netherlands. And I was living in France for 4 years. Ohhh okay!! I speak Arabic as my first language. Then, Spanish, French and Dutch. Then English, and I’m learning Japanese. That’s cool!! Wow!! You speak many languages! I try to! I speak Arabic and English fluently! Okay! For example, for French: (French) I’m Moroccan, I speak a little French. (French) Actually, I speak French, too! (French) AHHH! You speak French!? (French) Yeah I study French. (Japanese) OHHH! Awesome!! OH Dude! You’re so surprising me, man! (French) How many years have you been studying French? (French) 2 years more or less. (French) 2 years and you speak like that!? (French) That’s very good! Magnificent! (French) Thank you so much! That’s so nice! (French) I’ve been studying Japanese for 2 months. (French) 2 months?! 2 months, but still so difficult. But you speak so good! What is harder in French... (French) Difficult? More difficult? (French) Difficult, yes. Very difficult. (French) Yeah you speak French well! (French) Thank you... Actually... (Spanish) I speak Spanish, (French) too! (Spanish) Also. (Spanish) Ah you speak Spanish? How are you? (Spanish) Very good, you? haha (Spanish) I’m good!! OH dude! (Spanish) My house is your house. You have to hang out with me sometime! What the heck! Ahahahaha Are you gonna speak Arabic now? (Arabic) Actually, I speak Arabic. What the heck... Ahahahahaha (Arabic) Do you speak Arabic? (Arabic) Yeah! (Arabic) Darija? Do you speak Darija? (Moroccan Arabic) (Arabic) Do you speak Darija? What the heck! (Arabic) Yeah a little bit! Dude, my brain is gonna explode... Ahahahaha Do you have YouTube or something? (Arabic) Yeah exactly! Yeah.. OH! I think I’ve seen you before. Really!? You’re so talented. (Arabic) You speak Arabic fluently! (Arabic) Not fluent.. I’m still studying it... (Arabic) Yeah, but you’re good! (Arabic) Thank you so much! (Arabic) Actually, I’ve been to Morocco. (Arabic) You went to Morocco? (Arabic) What do you like in Morocco? (Arabic) The Sahara is very beautiful. Ahhh, the desert! True! (Arabic) Did you ride a camel? (Arabic) Yes!! haha Yeah the camel! haha (Arabic) I wish you all the best! (Arabic) Thank you so much! And don’t forget to subscribe & like the video! Thank you sooo much bro!! Yeah no problem! Hi! Hi! Where are you from? Japan! Where are you from? I’m from Sri Lanka! Sri Lanka! Yeah! Ahh cool! (Sinhala) How are you doing? (Sinhala) Ahhh good!! Ahaha yeah! (Sinhala) Great! (Sinhala) Great! (Sinhala) Great, hello! (Sinhala) Hello! (Sinhala) My name is Kazuma! Ohh you know Sinhala very well!!! (Sinhala) Ahh thank you!! Hehehe (Sinhala) What’s your name? (Sinhala) I’m Nicindy. Nicindy? (Sinhala) Your name? Nice name! Kazuma! Kazuma? Yes! Okay! (Sinhala) Nice to meet you! Ohhh thank you!! Is it correct? Yeah!! Ohh okay! haha Nice to meet you! Have a nice day! Ohh same to you! (Sinhala) Thank you!! Hehehe (Sinhala) Goodbye! (Sinhala) Goodbye! Hi! Hello! Hi! Where are you from? We’re from Kazakhstan! You know there? Kazakhstan! Yes! (Kazakh) How are you? OHHHHHH!!! We’re good!! (Kazakh) Nice! Woooow! This is cool!! (Kazakh) Thank you!! Are you Kazakh? No! ahaha You speak perfectly! Really? Thank you! (Kazakh) Thank you so much! Do you know Kazakh language? (Kazakh) Yeah! We know. (Kazakh) Ahhh good! (Kazakh) I love Kazakh! OHHHHH!!! Thank you! (Kazakh) What’s your name? (Kazakh) My name is Assal. Assal? (Kazakh) My name is Aidana. Aidana? Assal, Aidana? Ohhh nice name!! (Kazakh) Thank you! What’s your name? (Kazakh) My name is Kazuma. Kazuma? Yes! Exactly! (Kazakh) Nice to meet you! OHHHH!!! Hahahaha I remembered you guys are Shintoism? (Japanese religion) Shintoism!?? OHHHH!!! (Russian) How do you know!?! OHHH you know Russian! (Russian) Yeah of course I know! Oh my gosh!! (Russian) You’re very smart!! (Russian) Thank you! You’re also very smart! (Russian) Thank you! (Russian) You know 3 languages? (Russian) Well, actually I learn 8 languages. OHHH! Oh my gosh! (Russian) Yeah, but I’m trying. Amazing! (Russian) Thank you so much! You speak very good! (Russian) Thank you! Do you know other languages? Russian, Kazakh and Uzbek. We understand some Uzbek. Uzbek! Uzbek! And little bit of Turkish language. Turkish! (Turkish) Hi! How’s it going?? (Turkish) I’m good! (Turkish) I’m good! Nice! haha (Turkish) Do you speak Turkish? (Turkish) I speak just a little! You’re so good at languages! (Turkish) Thank you so much! (Uzbek) Thank you? Yes! It’s Uzbek! Yeah! Wow, that’s interesting! (Russian) I would like to go to Kazakhstan, too! (Russian) We want to go to Japan! (Russian) Welcome!! (Russian) Thank you! You also welcome to Kazakhstan! (Russian) Thank you! (Kazakh) Goodbye! (Kazakh) Goodbye! (Kazakh) Bye! Hi! (Japanese) Hello! (Japanese) Hello! (Japanese) Hello! haha Where are you from? We're from Nepal. Nepal! (Nepali) How are you? OHHHHHH! Hehehe Nice! Nice! (Nepali) We're good! What about you? (Nepali) I'm fine! (Nepali) Ohhh fine! (Nepali) Fine! (Nepali) I speak Nepali a little! OHHH how can you nice!? It was nice! (Nepali) Ahhh thank you! I just know the basics, but I have Nepali friends. Ahhh! (Nepali) Okay, nice to meet you! Your Nepali is fluent! Fluent!? No, no! hahaha But thank you for saying that! Hello! Pikachu! Hehehe yes! Hi! Hi! Pikachu! Do you like it? How are you? Yes! I’m good, thank you! AH! What about you? I’m fine! Nice! Halloween? Hehehe yes! Cute!! Hehehe thank you! Where are you from? I’m from Poland! Poland! Yes! (Polish) Ah, can you speak Polish? OHHHH!!!! This is so cute! Thank you! ahaha (*obviously flattered) (Polish) What’s your name? Emilia! Emilia! Yes! Cute name!! Thank you! Do you have Snapchat? Snapchat? Yes! Oh, I have Instagram, but not Snapchat. Do you have Instagram? Okay, yes! Alright! Can you type it? Okay! OHH! You!! Hi!!! Sorry!! No, it’s okay! hehe Okay, you have Instagram, right? Yes! Okay, what’s your name? (Polish) My name is Kazuma. OK! This is a beautiful name! (Polish) Aww thank you! (Japanese) Awww cute!! (Japanese) Cute!! (Polish) I’m learning Polish! Really!? (Polish) Yes! Wow, I’m studying in Japan. (maybe she meant Japanese language) Really!? Yes! Wow! That’s so nice! Yes! How to say in your language, “I love you.”? (Japanese) I love you. Okay, this is difficult! (*practicing Japanese) Perfect! (Japanese) I love you? Perfect! Yeah!! Okay! Thank you!! (Polish) I love you! Yes! Yeah! Hello! Hi! Where are you from? Are you Japanese? I'm from Japan! Yeah! Where are you from? We're from Myanmar! Myanmar! So do you live in Yangon or other cities? You know Myanmar? We live in other city called Taunggyi! Taunggyi! Have you ever been to Myanmar? No, but my friends have been there! AHHHH! Yeah, they pretty liked there! You can visit Myanmar, it's a beautiful country! Yeah beautiful country, for sure! (Burmese) What's your name? My Burmese name, it's. Mya Palae Han! Mya Palae Han! Yes! My name is... Nang Ingyinn Thant! Nang Ingyinn Thant! Yeah! Woooow cool name! What's your name? (Burmese) My name is Kazuma! AHHH! Yeah yeah! (Burmese) I speak a little! OHHHHHHH!!! Ohhh you're so good!! (Burmese) Thank you! Yeah yeah! Ahahaha This is really cute! Thank you! I'm studying right now! Hi! Hi! Where are you from? I'm from Japan! Where are you from? Oh Japan! Brazil! Brazil! So far away! ahaha Yeah! (Portuguese) Are you Brazilian? Ohhh! Do... Wait! Ahahahahaha Nice reaction! haha Have you ever learned it, or you just know a few words? (Portuguese) No, I'm studying now! I thought it was like a Brazilian descendant. (Portuguese) No, I'm 100% Japanese. haha (Portuguese) Japanese? (Portuguese) Right! (Japanese) Awesome! (Japanese) Awesome!! AH! (Portuguese) You speak Japanese!? (Japanese) No, a little bit! (Japanese) A little bit! AHHH! I just know because of anime! I was listening to Japanese music, so I've got an accent when I talk. Oh, you listen to Japanese songs? Yeah first Japanese song that I liked was... Let me see something. By the way, how old are you? (Portuguese) I'm 22 years old! (Portuguese) 22? I'm 18! (Portuguese) 18! Ahhh okay! It's amazing! You're the first Japanese I talk on here because Japanese don't talk much. (Portuguese) Ahh and there are not many Japanese people here. Yeah. (Portuguese) This application is not popular here. (Japanese) I know right. (Japanese) I know right! hahaha I love Japanese language the way they speak. (Japanese) Well... (Japanese) Well... Yeah! You sound so natural!! AHHH! That song is "Nandemonaiya". "Nandemonaiya"! Yeah!! Yeah! (Portuguese) I like a lot! Okay! (*clear throat) The sorrowful gust of wind that blew right between you and me. Where did it find the loneliness it carried on the breeze? Looking up at the sky after shedding a stream of tears. I could see for miles of blue, it’s never been so clear. Now, just a little more only just a little more. Let’s stay here a little longer now. Now, just a little more only just a little more. Let’s stick together just a little bit longer. Oh yes, we are time flyers. Scaling the walls of time, climber. Tired of playing hide and seek. with time and always coming just short. Crying even when you’re happy, smiling even when you’re feeling lonely. Woooooooow! That's cool!! (Japanese) Thank you so much! (Portuguese) Your pronunciation is perfect! Excellent! (Portuguese) Ahhh thank you so much! Hello! Hi! Hi, how are you? I’m good, how are you? I’m good, thank you. Are you from Pakistan? Yeah, I’m from Pakistan. (Urdu) Oh, do you live in Pakistan? (Urdu) Oh, do you live in Pakistan? OH!!!! OH!! Yes!! (Urdu) Cool!! Hehehe you’re from Korea? (Urdu) No, I’m from Japan. Oh! Really? (Urdu) Yeah, but I’m learning Urdu language. (Urdu) You’re learning Urdu? (Urdu) Yeah right now. Wow!! (Urdu) I’m learning Japanese! (Urdu) Huh!? Really!? Yeah, but I’m not good at it! Wow!! I really like Japan! Ohhh thank you! (Urdu) I really like Pakistan! (Urdu) Really!? (Urdu) Really! Of course! You’re welcome here! Ohh thank you! Hehehe I can show you around as well! (Urdu) Thank you! We’re friends! (Urdu) Yeah friends!! (Urdu) Yeah! Your Urdu is really nice! (Urdu) Thank you so much!! Hehehe (Urdu) Where do you live in Pakistan? (Urdu) In Karachi. (Urdu) Karachi! I know, very beautiful!! Oh really!? Yeah really! (*freezing) Hello! Do you speak English? Yes! Let’s go! Okay, finally!! Let’s go!! Hello, how are you? I’m good! How are you? I’m fine! Nice! Where are you from? I’m from France! And you? Oh, I’m from Japan! Nice! Your English is pretty good! Thank you! You, too! Ahhh thank you! How many languages do you know? French, English, a little German. Okay! Little Spanish! OHHH!! Some words in Korean. Okay! And that’s all. Ohhh so smart!! And you? (French) I speak French, too actually. (French) What!? Ahahaha (French) You didn’t say, but how!? Ahahaha (French) I’ve learned by myself and that’s it. (French) Pardon me? But.. (French) Wait, wait, wait, wait! haha (French) I mean.. (French) Since beginning, you talked in English but you suddenly can speak French! (French) At first, I thought you were not French. (French) From other country so.. (French) Cool.. I’m shocked.. Ahahaha (French) I’m very shocked. (French) Thank you! hehehe Okay... (French) But you, too! You speak many languages, it’s incredible! (French) Yeah I know, but wait, the thing is you come from Japan and you speak French! (French) Yeah, but.. (French) There is a big gap! (French) You’re so kind... Thank you! (French) It’s too good! Besides your pronunciation is so good. You speak so well! (French) Thank you so much... (French) You’re welcome! (French) And.. how old are you? (French) Guess my age. (French) Hmmm.. Maybe 18 years old? (French) 2 years less. (French) Ah 16 years old? Yes. (French) You’re very young, and you speak many languages it’s incredible, damn! (French) Thank you!! hehe (French) So you speak German and Spanish? (French) Okay, I’ve been learning German for 5 years. Okay! (French) I can’t speak German. (French) Oh yeah? Not at all? (French) Some phrases, but it’s not really good. (French) But I’ve been speaking Spanish for 3 or 4 months. (French) And I know some phrases. (French) Ah so German is too difficult for you? (French) Too difficult! (French) Ahh yeah right. (French) Can you speak some phrases in German maybe? (French) Right away? (German) Hello, I’m Emi. I live in France. That’s all. (German) Oh, but your pronunciation is very good!! (French) Oh no, wait. Ahahaha (French) Speak Polish! I'm done in the moment you speak Polish. (French) Polish. (Polish) What’s up? I’m learning Polish. (French) Nooo, it’s too much... (French) Russian! Russian! (French) Russian! (Russian) I speak Russian. Of course, why not? (French) Nooo, but what!? How!? (French) Let me search on the internet. (French) Alright! ahaha (French) What is the hardest language.. (French) Okay, let me see.. Arabic! (Arabic) Peace be upon you and god's mercy and blessings. I speak Arabic language. (French) Noo.. it’s... damn... Ahahaha Tagalog? (Tagalog) What’s your name? I’m Kazuma. (French) Ohhh good, that’s good... (French) You, too! (French) What? Me? (French) Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. (French) Me, I speak only 2 languages you see? (French) Nooo, you speak 5 languages maybe? (Spanish) You speak Spanish? (French) No!! But how do you... (French) How do you do to speak many languages like that!? (French) I like like to learn other languages. (French) Yeah I can tell! (French) It’s my hobby.. (French) Ah okay... But how... Wow... Ahahaha (French) How much I’m shocked.. I don’t find words.. Ohhh! haha (French) What I don’t have? Portuguese? No, you can speak Portuguese? (Portuguese) I speak Portuguese! Of course! (French) But.. damn, I don’t know anymore.. (French) In any case, bravo! (French) Thank you! You, too! Bravo! (French) How... (*GASP) He, hello! Hello? (Russian) Hi! (Russian) Hi! (Russian) How are you? (Russian) It’s okay! (Russian) Okay? (Russian) What’s your name? (Russian) I’m Kazuma. Kazuma? (Russian) Yes. You? Palina. Palina? Vitalina! Vetalina? Vi! Ta! Li! Na! Vitalina! (Russian) YEAH! (Russian) And me, Elvina. Elvina? (Russian) Yeah! Palina, Vitalina, Elvina? (Russian) Yeah! (Russian) Ahh cool! Beautiful name! (Russian) Thank you!!! (Russian) Where do you live? In Russia? (Russian) Yeah, where in Russia? Uray! Uray? (Russian) Yay! (Russian) Yay! hahaha (Russian) Like “Yay!” OHHH! (Russian) It’s already cold there? (Russian) Yeah, it already snowed! (Russian) Already snow!? Oh my gosh! (Russian) And there? Warm? (Russian) Yeah, it’s warm for now. (Russian) How many degrees? (Russian) 20. (Russian) Here 0 degree. (Russian) Oh my gosh... (Russian) At night, minus 4. (Russian) I can’t... hahaha (Russian) Here is snowman! (Russian) Wow!!! Hehehehe (Russian) Do you like skiing? (Russian) Yeah, but so so. Ahh okay! Is it possible to teach us some Japanese words? Of course!! Let’s do it! Yeah! What do you wanna know? I love you. (Japanese) I love you. (Japanese) I love you..? Ahh almost!! (Japanse) “Aishiteru”. (Japanese) I love you. Yeah! Amazing! Your pronunciation is very good! I feel like it’s worth coming to Japan! Yeah! Come on! How is situation now in Russia? Everything ok. It’s ok? Only Instagram doesn’t work without VPN. Through VPN, it works? Yes, without it, no. How did you learn Russian? I study by myself. Wow! But why? Why? I don’t know, I just. You like it? Yeah, I like it. Would you like to come to Russia someday? Yeah sure, now it’s impossible but. Is it possible now? We can’t take VISA. Ahh I see. Yeah! What kind of dish do you like? Ahhh I like Borscht. Borscht, for sure. Pelmeni? Pelmeni, yes! And pancakes. Ahh pancakes!! And sweets? Sweets? “Alenka”! haha AHH!! “Alenka”! Chocolate! Yeah! Yeah I know! I wanna try it, but we don’t have it in Japan. Are there some shops which bring Russian production? Well, actually it’s hard to... And expensive, right? Ah it’s not expensive, but it’s hard to find it. AH... Do you have girlfriend? hehe Sorry? Do you have girlfriend? Me? Nooo. Why? Why..? I don’t know. Just. haha Just? haha Yeah. What about you? Me neither. haha Our population is 45,000 people. AH! Small town? Yes. Bear walks around the city. Seriously? haha Yeah! AHH! I thought it was a stereotype. No, it’s true! Here it’s normal. Wooow!! hahaha Is it dangerous? If the bear is hungry, he can attack. Otherwise, he just goes by. Ahhh... I thought it was a joke or something! haha Noo, it’s true! haha Do you have pet? No, in my apartment, it’s not allowed to have pets unfortunately. Here it’s possible everywhere. Ahhh you can everywhere? Yes! They care for parrots, cats, dogs, small fish, guinea pig, rats. Ahhh! Can you have a bear? Ahahaha nooo! No, okay! It’s possible for whom who can fight, but not here! haha Ahahaha yeah! But there are someone who really has caged tigers, panthers in the yard. Ahhh but it’s very cool!! Hi! Hello! How’s your day? You’re from Japan? Yeah, I’m from Japan. Where are you from? Actually, I’m from Indonesia, but I live in Germany. I’m also Asian. Ohh cool! How long? I’m pretty new here, 6 months I guess. 6 months! For studying? For studying, and I have to work, too. I’m working and after that, I’m also studying. It’s like... (German) Internship. In hospital. I got it. By using English? I have to talk in German, too. Ohhh okay! (German) So can you speak German? (German) Yeah, I can speak German a little! (German) Cool! Okay! (German) Can you speak German, too!? Ahahahah yeah! (German) You can also!! (German) I’m learning German now! (German) Ohhh cool!! (German) Thank you! (German) How long did you learn German? (German) 3 months approximately. (German) 3 months!? You can speak German vey well! Perfect German! (German) Noooo! hahaha (German) How many languages do you speak? (German) 8 languages. (German) 8!? (German) English, German? (German) Yeah and Russian. (German) Your mother tongue? (German) Oh yeah Japanese. (German) Spanish, French, Portuguese, Arabic. (German) And..... (Indonesian) Also I can speak Indonesian language. What the heck!!!!! Oh my gosh!!!! Noooo, that’s great! What the heck!! No way!!!! No way!!! hahaha Your accent is perfect! (Indonesian) Ahh thank you! (Indonesian) Yeah I can... (Indonesian) Oh, I’m going crazy. (Indonesian) Crazy... I’ve met a smart guy, oh my gosh! (Indonesian) Thank you! You’re smart, too!! (Indonesian) So are you still in Japan now? (Indonesian) Yeah I always live in Japan. (Indonesian) Crazy... (Indonesian) Yeah.. Crazy. hahaha (Indonesian) I’m going insane! I met a smart guy. I’m so excited! Crazy! (German) Oh my gosh! (German) Oh my gosh! hahaha (Indonesian) You have YouTube? You’re making YouTube, right? (Indonesian) Yeah I have YouTube! (Indonesian) I want! Let me know! (Indonesian) I’m recording! ahaha (Indonesian) Ohh you’re recording me!? (Indonesian) Yeah right! No way!!! Hello guys!! (Indonesian) I’ve met a smart person, guys! (Indonesian) Ahh thank you!! haha (Indonesian) So much fun! (Indonesian) Yeah so much fun!! (Indonesian & German) Nice to meet you!! (German) Nice to meet you, too! Ahahaha (Korean) Nice to meet you!! (Korean) Ahh nice to meet you!! (German) Bye!! (German) Bye bye!! (Indonesian) Bye!! Hello! Hi! Hi! How are you? How are you? I’m good! I’m good, too! Nice! Where are you from? I’m from Algeria, and I live in Paris. Wow! Nice, Algeria! (Arabic) Algeria! Exactly, yeah! (Arabic) Do you speak Arabic? (Arabic) Yes! (Arabic) Wow! (Arabic) Which country are you from? (Arabic) I’m from Japan! AHHHH! (Arabic) Yes, but I study Arabic language! (Arabic) Hmmm! That’s good! (Arabic) How many languages do you speak? (Arabic) 7! 8 maybe? (Arabic) Arabic? (Arabic) Arabic, Spanish, English, French, Portuguese. (Arabic) Oh, Japanese of course! Indonesian and Russian! (Arabic) That’s good! Why do you learn all these languages? (Arabic) Because I would like to talk with people. (Arabic) And I like Arab culture and history. (Arabic) And I like Arab culture and history. I see. (Arabic) And you? How many languages do you know? (Arabic) Arabic, French, English, and little of Korean. (Arabic) Ohhhh wow. Hehehe (Arabic) That’s good! (French) Do you speak French? (French) Yeah exactly. I speak it. (French) That’s nice! So you live in Paris now? (French) Yes, for my studies. (French) Ahhh that’s why! (French) What do you study? (French) Medicine in order to become pediatrician. (French) Ahhh that’s so cool! You’re really intelligent, right? (French) Ah, thank you! You, too! (French) Thank you so much. That’s so kind! Do you like living there? Yes, I love. That’s very beautiful! Yeah wonderful. Where did you live in Algeria? Algiers, the capital. Ah, Algiers! Cool!! haha Do you know Algeria? Yeah actually, I’ve been to Morocco, so. And have you already come to Paris? Yes, that’s right. I’ve been to there 3 years ago. Okay! That was magnificent. Very nice, in Japan? Now? Yes. Yeah, now I live in Japan! How old are you? I’m 22 years old. Hmmm! Very good. And how old are you? I’m 18 years old. 18 years old! Then, university in Paris? Yes, it’s called “Université Paris-Cité”. I see. And it’s my first year. It’s a very popular univeristy, right? Yeah, since Paris is a little popular in medicine. That’s cool! You’re very intelligent!! Thank you! hehehe What is behind you? Paint, maybe? AH! Yeah, that one! Yes, paint! Paint! Yes! And you? It’s “Van Gogh”! Do you know him? Mine is not “Van Gogh”, I don’t know this. haha You design it? No, I bought it. Ahh okay! You like art? Yeah! Me, too! haha I’ve been to Musée du Louvre several times. Oh really? I’ve been to Musée du Louvre, too! It’s very very big, right? Yeah! It takes many days to explore this museum! haha I like to take pictures. Oh really? Yes! I will buy a camera one day! Would you like to be a photographer, too? I would like to, but I have to be a doctor. Ahhhh... But maybe as a side job! Yes! I would like to take photos for my side job! Yeah! That’s nice! You speak Korean fluently or not? Only a little! It’s not very very good. I wouldn’t go to study in Korea with what I know now. But I can talk with Koreans. I can understand and speak! Ahhh that’s cool! You like K-drama? Ahh, I love! Ahhhh I got it! haha Do you watch K-drama? Yeah from time to time, I watch it. For example, I’ve watched “Extraordinary Attorney Woo”. Yeah yeah! I don’t know how it’s called in French but. The girl who is small like that and short hair? Yes yes!! I’ve watched it, too! My favorite one is “Vincenzo” if you know it. “Vincenzo”? If you don’t know it, you need to watch it, it’s too good! Ohhh I got it! What is your name? Ah, my name is Marwa. Marwa? Yes. And you? (Arabic) My name is Kazuma. “Ismi” Kazuma? No, it’s Arabic! haha AHHH! haha Kazuma? (Arabic) Yes! Okay! (Arabic) Are you Muslim? Yes. (*Muslim greeting) (*Muslim greeting) (Arabic) And what is your... (Arabic) Religion? (Arabic) Yeah what is your religion? (Arabic) The religion is “Shinto”. (Arabic) It’s Japanese religion. Hmmmm! (Arabic) Yes! (Arabic) What is your hobby? (Arabic) Taking photos. (Arabic) Taking photos, yes. (Arabic) Reading books! (Arabic) Books! What kind of books? WOOOOOW!! (Arabic) Books here! (Arabic) Which genre? (Arabic) Love story, or... (Arabic) Imaginary story, I mean unreal story. Unreal story.... AH! Science Fiction! Exactly!! AHHHH I see!! What is your hobby? My hobby is to study languages! AHHH! haha Yes, certainly! That’s why 8 languages! Yes, I also like to watch movies. Do you always watch Korean movies? Yes. Always! Always! hehe Or English! Ahhh English! Yes, 4 languages. Do you speak English fluently? Yes! Woooow. From when we’re young, we study Arabic, French, and English every day. Wow... You’re very smart!! Ahahahaha Do you learn only Japanese at school or English, too? At school, everyone learned English. But actually, we don’t speak English very well. Hmmmmm! How did you learn languages like French, English? In Algeria, when we’re young, From first day of school, we enter the school for the first time. (5 years old) We learn letters in Arabic and French. Then, when we’re 8 years old, that’s it. Now we know French and Arabic. So we start to learn English. I see...! Then, you guys speak languages almost every day from when you’re little! Yes! So we learn French and English like mother tongue, like Arabic. Woooow that’s great!! From what age, you guys start to learn English? Ahhh English... When I was 9 years old. So we learned English for a long time. But.... it’s not good.... Ahahahaha Unfortunately hehe Unfortunately. haha Hehehe Do you speak Arabic in Paris, in France? Until now, I’m new to school. So I don’t have many friends at school. That’s why I don’t know if there are Arabic people. But there are people who have the veil. I think they are Arab, they speak Arabic and they are Muslim. But I haven’t talked with them because I’m not brave. Hmmmm! So I can’t talk with people I don’t know. I see. So far all my friends are French, they don’t speak Arabic. That’s why I speak only in French. Ahhh I see. Then, you didn’t forget Arabic language? We don’t speak this Arabic in Algeria. We have the dialect. Yeah Algerian dialect! So, Arabic language which we learn at school is this one. But we don’t speak it much in district or something like that. At school, we only read text. Then, we study new words and so on. But we don’t speak it at home. Now I have difficulties to speak Modern Standard Arabic. Because I don’t use it very much. AHHH! But you speak it fluently!! Ohhh thank you! hehe You can speak it fast! You, too! For other people, you’re really very good! You learn 8 languages and speak very well. Thank you sooo much! When did you learn Arabic or all these languages? For Arabic languages, I started last year. But all languages, maybe, 3 years ago. Yes! ahaha AHHHH! And did you learn Arabic by yourself or with teacher? By myself. Yes, at home! I see! Can you write in Arabic language? Of course I can! Quickly quickly! ahaha Ahahahaha Then, it’s very good! Arabic is a difficult language in the world. And also since you’re Japanese, there is an other character. So especially it’s difficult for you. I mean, pronunciation. Yeah! You’re very good at it! Ahhh thank you so much! haha Yeah for me, Arabic is the most difficult language. Yeah. The grammar... everything is difficult. Yeah! Even for people... Hahahahaha Even for Arab people, it’s difficult. But in my opinion, it’s a very beautiful language. Character, everything is very beautiful. Yeah! How can I say “How are you?” in your dialect? Algerian dialect. (Algerian Arabic) How are you? (Algerian Arabic) How are you? (*pronunciation lesson) Yes! Good! For a boy or man, “Ki rak”. But for a woman, “Ki raki”. Ahhh okay, so “Ki raki?”. Yes, exactly! Thank God, and you? (*audio was broken) Thank God! Exactly! hehehe Then, how can I say “Yes”? (Algerian Arabic) Yes. (Algerian Arabic) Yes. (*pronunciation lesson) Yes! hehe For you, is it very different (from Modern Standard Arabic)? Yeah very different. Arabic language, this dialect is sophisticated. We speak it only at school. Apart from that, friends and so on, we don’t speak this one. People who speak this one, they consider strange. Ahhh Modern Standard Arabic, right? Yes! Exactly! I can speak Egyptian dialect! Egyptian dialect? (Egyptian Arabic) How are you? I know it a little. AHHH! I understand words because my mom watch many Egyptian series. Ahhh series, yes! It’s very famous, right? Yes! haha What is your favorite series in Egypt? AHHH I don’t know... Ahhhh okay! haha My mom watches when I sit with her. And I watch a little and go. Ahhh only your mom! Yes, only my mom! hehe You watch them a lot? Not that much, I mean I prefer Egyptian songs! For example, “Umm Kulthum”. AHHH! Do you know her? Yes! (French) How do you speak many languages fluently? (French) It’s you who speaks many languages! No, actually, it’s not fluent. I can maintain the conversation. But I can’t speak like native speakers. But I think you can speak very very well. I insist! Thank you so much!! hehe You’ve learned French alone, with internet? Yes, internet. I’ve watched many series and movies. I use a book and application, etc. That’s very good! Thank you so much! And what is your favorite language? Maybe Arabic. Good answer! hehehe Good answer! hahaha It’s very difficult, but at the same time, it’s very beautiful and interesting. Yeahhh! (Arabic) I want to study Algerian dialect in the future if God wills. (Arabic) I will help you! Ahhh thank you so much! Hehehe (Arabic) Oh I have a question. Are Moroccan dialect and Algerian dialect similar or not? A little! For example, in order to say “Yes”, Algerians say “Ih”, but Moroccans say “Wakha”. (Moroccan Arabic) Yes. So there is a difference. But we Algerian can understand Moroccans. Despite the difference, Moroccans understand us, too. Really? Yes. I love Moroccan dialect because it’s funny. Algerians and Moroccans have points in common. (French) It is... (French) We shout when we speak. AHHHH! Algerians and Moroccans are not calm. When we speak, it’s like fighting. Ahhh I got it. If you speak with Algerians and Moroccans, you will notice points in common. You’re walking down the street, you hear screams, you think it’s fighting. And you turn around, you see guys hugging. Ahhh okay! haha It’s an expression of love! hehe Ahhhh that’s very interesting. (Arabic) Which dialect is similar to Algerian, or nothing? There is no resemblance. Among all Arabs, every one of them has own particular dialect and own expression. All of us have Modern Standard Arabic. And everyone has one dialect. So it’s different. Hmmmm I see. I would like to study all dialects in Arabic if God wills! Hehehehe That’s great. Soon you’ll speak all languages in the world! Yes, I hope... If God wills!
Channel: Kazu Languages
Views: 1,103,248
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Omegle, OmeTV, Polyglot, Language
Id: kvNFP9TkRcU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 13sec (3133 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 30 2022
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