The Deadly Costa Concordia Cruise Ship Disaster - Part 1 [4K] | Wonder

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[Music] on the night of the 13th of january 2012 the costa concordia cruise ship ran aground off the island of geno west of italy its carcass lay off the tuscan coast for a year a grim reminder of one of the most bizarre catastrophes in nautical history and of the incredible series of blunders that took 32 lives [Music] [Music] on the 13th of january 2012 a huge ship lay wrecked just meters from the shore of jillian by morning more than four thousand people from all over the world were marooned on this island that is normally home to just six hundred now for the first time the whole story can be told it was a very hard night the night that time stood still because daylight never seemed to come we islanders just kept looking at one another and saying is this really happening because it was something unthinkable absolutely unthinkable the mayor of salzburg in austria barely escaped on a lifeboat and saw the first bodies being brought to shore um after italy it was the middle of the night and until about 2 am people just stood around in the port or just sat down here there wherever they could there was no infrastructure nothing this is the point when i first saw the faces of the dead the bodies were taken from boats and laid onto the dock then covered by a sheet so it was already clear at that point that there were victims as dawn rose over jr boats swarmed around the massive wreck the ship's captain francesco scattino was taken away and later arrested the whole story of what really happened that night on the costa concordia would only fully emerge later the 570 million dollar costa crochet ship was one of the most luxurious cruise ships on the seas yvonne and roger pulse live in the black forest near freiburg germany they had never seen anything like the costa concordia enormo enormous you have the restaurants you have four bars and you have a wellness system three or four pools and you have a sauna and it's unbelievable the costa concordia was a city that never slept there were 11 cabin decks with 26 lifeboats on deck 4. decks 1 and up were for the 3 000 paying passengers while 1 000 crew and staff occupied the lower decks but i like the boat the in-house the ship as a whole is nothing like what you see in the brochure it made an impression on me you arrive in the entrance hall near the ship and you were standing in front of this enormous indescribable enormous metal thing ian frazier was one of the star entertainers on board i've had so much fun on ships they're a fantastic place to work a wonderful place to holiday and yes i would definitely go back on board [Music] [Applause] [Music] as the concordia pulled out of chivitavecchia port on the 13th of january the route should have taken her safely between the mainland and the small island of jillion but captain skedino had already ordered a change in the ship's course to do a close sail by of the rocky island it was the first of many deadly mistakes among the passengers was the swedish journalist jan mossander the first sex dog the first six days were fantastic not a cloud in the sky we docked in five different harbours during the journey we went ashore every morning for a walk mozando was a cruise veteran but it was the very first cruise for 23 year old milan litzler and her fiance michael blemon the vacation package was an ill-fated gift for the birthday that was to be her last ma they wanted to be together a bit because milan and mikhail had different jobs one worked during the night and the other during the day they spent the last day in rome and milan took a picture of herself in front of the trevi fountain throwing coins in for luck the ship's classical violinist was shandor feijer from hungary his family and friends are speaking out for the first time since he died i was deeply shocked i saw it on the television that's how i heard about it on the news even when the catastrophe was shown i was sure that nothing serious could have happened to shawnee especially because he'd been working on ships for 10 years [Music] i was playing with the bianco trio on board the costa concordia with chandorfeher he was our band leader on that night january 13th when everything started we were actually off stage for an hour so we went to our cabin sandofa was a violinist on board i'd worked with him on a previous contract he was unbelievable on the violin the things he was he was doing the technicality the joy of his playing [Music] uh ships for over 10 years in the beginning he liked it very much as any young man would but that feeling gradually faded after a few years his plan was to go to the united states to work as a violin teacher and also become a member of an orchestra as the concordia left port on the night of the 13th of january no one could guess what tragic destiny awaited them [Music] as the sun set over the island of gilead captain francesco scattino welcomed passengers aboard the costa concordia for their crews around the mediterranean at 51 he was an experienced captain that evening he dined with a koster employed mondavian dancer while his first officer took command before leaving port he had promised his headwaiter who was from jibio that he would perform a sail by salute of the island the costa concordia had done a similar salute of jinyou five months beforehand and all had gone smoothly the second officer charted the new course but the ship's charts didn't show the rocks in detail at 9 34 pm captain skatina went to the bridge to take command the dancer and the head waiter went with him the ship was on autopilot and the helmsman was on the lookout skettino ordered the helmsman to take manual control and set the costa concordia to a new course then scitino picked up the phone and called a retired captain from julio and asked if it was safe to sail by satisfied with the answer he proceeded at 9 39 pm he took command [Music] as the sequence of maneuvers that doomed the ship began the unsuspecting passengers enjoyed their last minutes of fun first we had a very very luxurious dinner everything was perfect and delicious and good then we went to our cabin and about 9 30 we went up to the theater for the show which was a magician my wife and i were sitting in the main theater the athena theater i think there was room for about 800 people and we were watching the evening's show which was a magic show with a magician called magic martin magic martin captain's katino increased speed but realizing he was too close to the coast ordered several turns to starboard at times the indonesian helmsman had difficulty understanding just four minutes after scitino had officially taken command the 290 meter long ship was just 450 meters from the rocks and headed for collision but a 15 knot northeasterly wind reduced the effect by half at 9 44 pm he ordered hard to starboard pointing the ship out to sea then he ordered port 10 hoping that by pushing her left it would take her around the rocks he added hard to port but incredibly the first officer ordered the opposite sketino corrected him immediately but it took 13 seconds for the rudders to adjust two seconds later the 51 000 ton ship smashed into the rocket [Music] uh the ship lent violently to the port side so much so that the kind of drink shot across the cabin i had to hold on to my computer that was sliding off my lap on the bed the computer was falling off and there was a very unusual noise that people still refer to as sort of a which vibrated the ship violently and then stopped and it was it was about 15 minutes into the show that we felt this crash and shattering at first we thought it was part of the show very soon after we heard an announcement over the loudspeaker saying not to worry it was just an electrical blackout i turned to my husband and jokingly said yeah that's what they said on the titanic too and he laughed at me it we felt a huge blow it was so powerful that it even lifted up the television i have been working on ships for more than 10 years but i have never felt anything like that we thought that the blow was pretty big and that there could have been some problems twenty seconds later all the lights went out in the cabin in just 20 seconds more than 2 000 tons of water had flooded the engine room up to the crew deck and blown out the electrics panel the rudders became stuck at 35 degrees to starboard the bilge pumps and self-writing systems failed the ship listed to the left it was a death blow to the costa concordia [Music] in genoa what the crisis manager told him is still unclear incredibly no one called a general emergency the concordia drifted past the port of jillio and out into the open sea as unbelievably orders came from the bridge for passengers to make their way through the labyrinth of the tilting ship to their cabin the sound technician the magician the is technician ran away and then the magician jumped down off the podium and ran away and never came back then we saw people coming into the theater with life jackets over their clowns yvonne and roger pulse went to their cabin on deck 6. we finally got to our cabin and that's when we realized that it was very serious it was dark a steward came over to us because the key card wasn't working and told us take your coat take your life jacket and then he said to my husband don't forget your medicine life jacket name and thought my money if they existed when we came out into the first lobby people were running passengers were coming out of the restaurants and there it was even more chaotic because plates and food went up to their cabin on deck 8 to get their life vests and personal things and stepped out onto their balcony to get their bearings i saw 150 meters maybe 200 meters away lights it was land it was the small port of jillion so i said to my wife if things get really difficult here then we'll have to swim i came and we managed to get out into the corridor again and down to the master station then in the crowd people were pushing from the back folks the coast guard grew alarmed after receiving calls from the families of crew reporting an emergency [Laughter] [Music] foreign unconvinced the coast guard scrambled the helicopter to see for themselves providence meanwhile would come to the rescue the very same northeasterly wind that had interfered with the concordia's steering now turned the ship and pushed it back towards the island i remember going out on deck and seeing that the land was relatively near and a flotilla of boats was nearby and again you just think nothing bad's gonna happen here we're we're near land okay we're leaning a bit but my thoughts were we have a show tomorrow night so we'll be back on board make sure you keep your voice warm and don't worry and be focused for the show tomorrow night there were still no evacuation orders from the bridge but by now passengers could see that the concordia was taking on water and leaning heavily to the right so they gathered on deck 4 where the lifeboats were many went to the wrong muster station we went to deck 4 because we knew that was where the lifeboats were it was while we were standing there that we noticed we had a letter b on our life jackets yet we were standing at master station and [Music] mikhail and milan made their way to muster station b and texted their parents in paris they sent an sms at 11 15 pm saying there was a problem on the ship and that they had their life jackets on and that they had to leave and embark on a lifeboat when we received the sms we were so tired we didn't see it straight away we only saw it in the morning at seven o'clock in the morning we were standing there when an italian lady asked for life jackets for her kids shandor went away and brought back as many jackets as he could carry in his arms then he had to put them on the kids because the parents were so terrified that they couldn't do it that is when the adventure began because we had no idea how big the ship really was we thought it wasn't even 10 meters wide but it was very broad and it wasn't levels we could barely stand up and we had nothing to hold on to on deck 4 yvonne and roger pulse could see that the lifeboats were formed and the staff were having trouble with them that was the earst moment that was the first moment when i really felt scared we could see they were having trouble with the lifeboat and that there was no room on the lifeboats and that was the first moment we looked at each other and said is this the end is this how our lives end slave and yes it was simply chaos there was no command no instruction the uniformed officers were not there but rather it was the people from the kitchen the restaurant the maids or the men who worked in room service they helped the passengers a little bit but they weren't really trained the team are making trying to reassure a french passenger she said i'm very scared what am i going to do what am i going to do and i said don't worry the only time you have to worry is when you hear the general emergency signal and as i said that the general emergency signal was sounded i said right now you need to put your life jacket on at 10 33 p.m nearly an hour after hitting the rocks captain scottino ordered the general emergency ten minutes later his first officer urged him to order abandoned ship but again he waited the dream vacation aboard the costa concordia had turned into a nightmare for the 4 000 people aboard [Applause] when singer ian frazier reached his master station shortly before 11 p.m the situation was degenerating we were leaning so far once you get past 20 degrees launching a life raft on the side that's away from the water becomes almost impossible and i remember a life raft being launched deployed and it stuck on the side of the ship but they kept lowering it and it just tilted to the vertical [Applause] full of people you could hear people screaming you could hear people falling inside it all the crew members on the ship watching this were screaming saying stop stop stop lowering the boat stop lowering the boat but they lowered it far too far and then finally with it stuck on the side and tilting to the vertical they finally stopped and it broke away from the side of the ship and swang and clanged back into the ship and i remember thinking this is terrible [Music] then they did start winching us down but the problem was that halfway down we got stuck the lifeboat got stuck because it didn't have free clearance but got stuck on the side of the vessel because of the list and then for the first time that's when i became really afraid but julio residents had no idea of the drama about to engulf them i opened my window and saw this lit up building right in front of me i called my husband and said come look at this spectacle look at this huge beautiful ship in front of us mario pellegrini is the island's deputy mayor he would save many lives that night i hurried here to the port which is 10 minutes away from where i live on the other side of the island and i was amazed to see this huge ship which was tilting 10 to 20 degrees there on the rocks meanwhile passengers like the young french couple milan and mikhail were unable to board lifeboats on the ship's port side they were forced to cross the ship but the other side was overcrowded and would soon slip down into the sea what we saw one must try to imagine it was unreal i had to hold on to my husband's coat then a member of the crew came over and said fast fast run to level three quickly quickly but it was difficult to go fast fast because the ship was tilting so much on that it's hip so and someone shouted come on guys you need to get off you need to get off now so the ship is now listing at 45 degrees the wall and the floor are at this angle so you're walking at the bottom of a v says orders of seven menses and crew there were six or seven members of the crew that had made a human chain so that we could get up the corridor and you grabbed a hold of each of their shirts to pull yourself up we arrived at level three and there was a door my husband went through it but a woman in front of me fell down and was injured there was a crew member who had come to help the woman and he said in english she's going down and i didn't know if he meant the woman or if he was referring to the ship she [Music] i do not know how i got from deck three into the lifeboat i don't know what i do know is that while i was on the deck i saw four hands reach out over me and pull me into the boat and they have a very quick there was a small group of us that considered jumping it was chaos people were packed there were so many small children and elderly we thought let's wait and let them in the boats first and see how the situation develops it was at that point that we decided that if the ship goes over to the side we can quickly jump off and swim away from it but fortunately a boat came and i said so this is our last chance to get off the boat dry and safely and that's what we did so we got to the starboard side the water's lapping a lifeboat is trying to get to us but the ship is leaning so far it can't get any closer to us and it sails away quite rightly it would have it would have been dangerous for it to come any closer so i'm not putting any blame on that as lifeboats began arriving in port island officials braced for the massive influx of people [Music] we open the nurseries because they contain large halls and so large rooms that can house a lot of people we open the churches we open at schools because they're heated and so they could in some way host all these people mario pellegrini volunteered to go on to the ship to liaise with the captain a lifeboat took him out to the concordia's rope ladder so he could climb on board then i realized that what i had gone aboard to do had become impossible there was chaos people were crying there were people laughing who didn't realize how bad the situation was at 12 18 am the ship began turning over thousands of tons of water swirled inside the ship as the submerged glass windows broke under pressure more water rushed in and as it moved through the ship pawned people down according to court documents this was the most fatal moment of the disaster [Music] and there's about 30 passengers 40 passengers and about a dozen crew by now at the back of deck four and what do we do that you're slipping you're sliding you're trying to hold on to something you can't stay upright i'm hanging onto a door as it ended up the concordia rested on the rocks and stayed there but we didn't know it could have been that the ship was going to suddenly just slide down in seconds gone there was a passenger standing at an open gateway the water lapping at his feet and he said what do i do and i remember people said go go jump now go. myself and kirsty stephen joe and passengers with our life jackets on we just jumped during this confusion sketino got into a lifeboat and left the costa concordia mario pellegrini had found the bridge but no offices he was headed down a corridor to help others when the ship began to turn over [Music] there were about 100 people in that corridor people were yelling there were screams crying it was like what you might expect from a film that's how it was in that moment and the sound stays with you there are people screaming and that crunching metallic sound i know it's a cliche to talk about the titanic but it's exactly the sound that you hear in that film is the sound that we heard things crashing inside the ship metal groaning twisting and the ship such a cliche dying mario and the others were stuck in the heavily tilting corridor when they found a ladder one of the officers had put down a hundred people were masked at the bottom of that stepladder the scene was quite violent there was no more chivalry the idea that elderly and children should go first had disappeared all night pellegrini worked together with the ship's doctor and the purser extracting passengers with ropes and ladders from dark watery corridors as we were trying to get them out slowly but surely we heard shouts these shouts came from shafts i call them shafts because they were the central corridors of the ship that went from right to left of the ship and when the ship capsized these became vertical shafts and i heard shouts coming from one of them i called a purser who said that he had nothing and then we found a small rope we opened the trapdoor and saw the people at the bottom of the corridor calling for help the water was rising and many were already in a state of panic swimming away looking back and looking at that with the funnel tearing on you and i remember thinking i'm going to swim to safety but the funnel's going to break off it was such an angle the funnel is just going to shear off and crash into the sea as the lives of many were being saved by the tenacity of the few genio residents and italian coast guard began coordinating a massive rescue and recovery operation [Music] okay [Music] at half past midnight on january the 13th italian coast guard infrared cameras recorded the costa concordia cruise ship partially capsized just off the coast of the island of julio water was rushing into the ship passengers were trapped both inside and on the ship's slippery exterior some had swum to shore [Music] made it to rocks and two elderly passengers with life jackets were swimming in the water and i said you're all right and i pulled them out of the water and we climbed up a fairly rocky slope there was no vegetation and we climbed up and stood on top of a rocky cliff top with about by now about 60 70 people on the outer hall of the ship i met the officer canessa who had laid all those rope ladders to get people down [Music] it was hard to walk on the outer hall especially because some people needed help such as the elderly and children [Music] i saw that the people had begun disembarking and they were coming towards the church with towels and stuff and they were there on the steps so we opened the church because we thought if these people had already come off the ship who knows how many others there were and we had to find a place for them residents opened up their private homes and helped passengers in their desperate search for loved ones to begin with i thought well no one understood how big the event really was i had two guest rooms so i thought i would put two people in the guest rooms in the end we had about 50 people here coast guard commander gregorio de falco finally reached captains katina foreign but captain sketino never returned to his ship back on gilio coping with 4 000 shipwrecked survivors was a herculean task i was hugely impressed by the inhabitants of the island it is a small island there are not that many people and in the port even fewer they were magnificent they threw blankets and towels from their windows because some passengers were drenched as they had jumped into the water when my first thought when i got on land was well i looked over at the ship and then i thought how can one find someone in this mass of people but he was standing about 20 to 30 meters away from me and i was glad to see him afterwards he also said he was glad to see me for me of the i was standing on the key and had already looked a few times around to see if i could catch a glimpse of a well-known face and then there was the moment that i saw her 20 or 30 meters away from me my wife with a mobile phone in her hand trying to call me point i found a german woman in a complete state of shock wet without socks without shoes and her feet were bluish from one o'clock on we started searching for her husband who had remained on the ship to help her handicap friend it was an endless search with this mantra who was her husband we're they were dressed exactly the same way they were when they got off the ship the people who were having dinner were dressed up in evening clothes and when they arrived in church there's one bathroom and there was a lot of women all dressed up in evening dress and lame and high heels [Music] as dawn rose ferries began taking passengers to the mainland where the civil defense had begun setting up tents for first aid and shelter [Music] and then when the people realized they were on an island there were scenes of panic because no one wanted to get back on board and we spent the night in a church and people were sleeping in the church in the local school and all sorts of buildings they could find and then the following morning a ferry left at eight o'clock and kind of the last thing you wanted to do was be back on the sea again but you realize you didn't have much choice so we all got together and went down to the ferry that was going to leave at 11. and we were all there hugging and kissing as you can imagine they kept blowing us kisses until they disappeared over the horizon we felt so relieved that this huge mass of people had finally left and this emergency was finally over but no the world came together the media investigators rescue workers and salvage teams all descended on jillion where shaken family members also waited desperately for news of their missing loved ones we've been waiting for news for two days and we were starting to be very anxious to know what was happening and on monday morning i saw the first reports on tv about the divers going into the costa concordia and i began to say we have to do something we have to go there because we have to find our children um we were escorted to julio island by the lady console we boarded the ferry and were actually heading to the island when she received a phone call about five newly found bodies one of them presumed to be shawnee the ferry turned around and we got off we had to go to a hospital in grossetto to identify him that was it no one had been sure whether it was him or not we had been hoping it was someone else and that's when i saw him what [Music] in the weeks that followed rescuers dramatically saved three more lives and recovered the bodies of more victims the families of the 32 dead pleaded for justice francesco schettino was arrested and a criminal investigation was launched to find out why the concordia sank and who was responsible removing the precarious vessel from the rocks of jillio however would take more than a year cost millions and prove to be one of the most risky and complex salvage operations in nautical history [Music] you
Channel: Wonder
Views: 633,690
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Keywords: Wonder, wonder channel, survivial videos, survival stories, i shouldn't be alive, wonder i shouldn't be alive, outdoor channel, extreme documentary, costa concordia, cruise ship, cruise ship in storm, cruise ship sinking, cruise ship tour, francesco schettino, ship sinking, cruise ship crash, costa concordia sinking, costa concordia documentary, costa concordia footage, costa concordia captain, costa concordia 2021
Id: 9aNe71OvThA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 29sec (2609 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 13 2022
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