This is the best sawmill on the market, and here's why

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hey buddy Thomas here and today we're going to go over why the timber King 2020 or Timber King 2000 mil is the best Mill in the market there's a lot of reasons why but I want to go over the reasons why I think it's the best and the reason I'm doing this is because I'm also going to come up with a video here pretty soon that's going to go over all the different types of Sawmills that are out there and what I consider the best Sawmill at each of those levels so there's gonna be like an entry level where it's like Sawmills below ten thousand dollars it's gonna be like a hobbyist level or say it's you know maybe up to fifteen thousand dollars then kind of an intermediate level with some simple or basic Hydraulics up to I don't know maybe 30 000 or or something like that and then you start getting into your fully hydraulic Sawmills such as this um and then there will be a level that's actually above this where it's like your fully hydraulic Sawmills but they're more of a a commercial theme to them but you know in my opinion this is the greatest Sawmill across all levels because it can do everything and we're going to talk about why also two other things I want you to check out if you're subscribed to the channel or if you've seen some videos where I have my buddy Mr Robert in there or Mr Neal in there please go check out their channels um they've both created channels here recently a few of my friends been doing this Mr Craig out there in Utah he created his YouTube channel the kilta Sawyer so very excited about seeing him out there and him with his two Sawmills he had a lt-40 lt50 but Mr Neal down there Mississippi he actually has a 1600 mil but we saw something pop on the Facebook group and I said Neil if you don't get this I'm going to see if I can go get it a long story short he went down to the southern central portion of Florida and picked up a Timber King in 2020 with a diesel just like this so he too will also be able to talk to the same kind of things I want to talk to um so yeah and also his 1600 mil will be for sale and then also Mr Robert and his son Howard they have created um it's like never a dull moment with Mr Robert Howard but they go over saw blades they go over Farm Life they go over stories and they go over lies and they go over all sorts of fun stuff like that and if you've seen any of my videos we're dealing with the sharpening stuff that's Mr Robert uh he I consider him like a second father he is a fantastic individual and I'm so happy to see him with his YouTube channel because there's a lot of knowledge there's a lot of in that individual but it's a lot of fun too it's a lot of fun so all right let's talk about this Sawmill so I put all my Hydraulics up and everything because these are very critical if you are looking for a the tank of Sawmills this is it it's got a four post design it will cut wide pretty much everything on this Sawmill is standard there's only a few extra options you can get in addition to what you see here and there's not many from the get-go you are getting everything you could possibly want and to start a business with right here so I've talked about this many times before there's no particular order but I'll I'll really highlight my things that I say are my favorite one of which are these vertical log stops you have four vertical log stops there are approximately 19.5 inches above the deck so they are more than enough support for any kind of log that you'll have out there and these suckers are thick these are solid Steel that's probably what an inch and a half by two that's like a bar of Steel there you've got a chain on there that goes through a couple different pulleys down there or sprock excuse me goes down this long shaft right here and it goes all the way back to a hydraulic motor that hydraulic motor is right there that allows you for vertical log stops up and down and the reason why that is extremely important is anyone who's ever had you know a 1600 or below on Timber king or if you've had a wood Miser lt14 below or if you've had a Cook's Mill like a Cook's mp32 they have the stops that are at a diagonal sorry I might get my I write a diagonal like this and you rotate them up to hold the log and you change the angle based on how far you're down how far down you're cutting and that's all fine and dandy if you're only going to cut like straight as can be telephone pole Pine logs but if you start dealing with like slabs I have over there the Crooked stuff the stuff that have knots the stuff that has you know anything that can catch on something that's going down in a four Direction because what it'll do is it'll go down and you'll hit like a knot and then you'll roll that log or you'll try to bring it up and then you'll turn along there's all sorts of things in my opinion if you're going to have a business you got to have a sawmill with vertical stops I I've run all different types of Sawmills and I will never buy another Sawmill again that does not have vertical stops unless I'm I'm looking for a small salt a small Sawmill because maybe I couldn't use a large one but other than that you got to have vertical stops if you're going to do a business that deals with this okay another thing the Turner this Turner right here is a beast I mean this thing I mean it's it's it's like tank treads this these are that's a huge chain right here you've got these steel blocks that are on that this will turn a log and you can see it says do not overload the deck it's got a 5000 pound limit down there um I have not on this Mill but on my 2000 mil that I had prior to this I have put logs on the mill that were in the neighborhood of 4 600 pounds this Turner has no problem turning it you've got this hydraulic motor down here tied up to this massive sprocket I mean look at that sprocket there it's a massive thing you got this huge chain you've got a tensioner system here this is also a great design it's not straight out and everything it allows for some Canton area in that chain now I can't push it down right now but there is some sag and as you can see we have this beefed up steel plate here in the bottom you want that sag in there because that allows you to grip that log hug that log and turn it if you had just a straight bar which I've seen on some Mills and everything it'll do it but it sometimes the log will do some funny stuff on you this right here allows you to hug it now with these Big Blocks on here so yes these will grab grab into your wood and turn it and you'll see there are some pieces of wood I'm looking right now if I see any well I don't see me right now but you can actually Mar up a log with this this thing's got so much power but you can put little you know teeth marks and grab marks in there when you're turning along but you know you just have to use some caution if you get into a situation like that if you don't want a log to have any marred up marks on it but you can also be gentle with this I use this often to if I say I have a Kent and I turned it over and that can isn't quite up against the log stops but I don't want to use my log dog yet you can actually grab with those blocks there and scoot your log over or maybe I'm just trying to just tweak the log a little bit move it just a little bit you can do this up and down and when you really get good with the hydraulics you can use the Turner in conjunction with other pieces and parts or the up and down motion and you can gently lay a log over or you can lay a log over hard but again there is some finesse that does come with this because it is a hydraulic system and yeah you also have this large Ram here on the bottom and if I have a super long log say I'm cutting something that's 20 foot long I might use my log dog there but I can also pin a log with this or say you have a log on there that is you know you're at the capabilities of The Sawmill 39 inch in diameter I have put logs like that on my other Sawmill you cannot grab it with your log dog however you can grab it and secure it with your log Turner so there are multiple functions you can do with that Turner it's a fantastic um you know Turner I again if you are going to run a business and if you're going to be doing this and trying to put out a lot of product and everything you definitely want some Hydraulics to assist you a log Turner is a is a must and there's a lot of different types out there there's mechanical Turners that you can do with a you know a geared turnover system I've seen Turners where people use uh some kind of chain system and they wrap it around and it pulls over with a winch I've seen the claw that they have on wood Miser and I've seen these in my opinion this is probably one of the best ones out there okay also we have these toe boards to get a forward and a half tub ordinary thing as you can see there's a hydraulic ram underneath to lift up and down and this is a new design on my 2000 it actually had a different design it would not lift up as high as this these lift up about four inches so as you see you're about four inches above the deck there and there are rollers on here so what that means there's a couple things you can do say you have a long log on here and you're towards the maximum either you need to move the log forward or aft you could use these toe boards to lift the log up and you can easily push along because these are these are on like roller bearings you could easily push the log forward or aft you may have a log that has a large Bell in it and that's one reason why a lot of people use toe boards and everything say you have a large Bell on on one side of the other you can use these to kind of balance out the log to make sure you're making the most efficient cuts and you're not wasting material if you have a large Bell on there your first cut might be really deep you might be skimming on this side and it it just throws everything off these allow you to make your cuts a little more efficiently and the other thing is also if you're like me I don't like to use a drag back system The Sawmill does have that but I don't really like to use one nor am I set up for one you can use this at the very end to completely lift your log up and then you can take everything off the forks easily and not have to hit anything so that's pretty nice there's also a few things I've used them just here and there say if you're turning a cant over and you have a lot of sawdust on the deck so say you know I had all this sawdust built up on a deck right here and just a little bit of sawdust build up like that can cause your camps to be a little bit out if I use one of these toe boards here to lift up I can easily get underneath it and hurt it or I won't hurt my hand everything that's pine sap on there fun fun but yeah it's it's a way to easily clear the bunks without running into the situation where you could risk hurting your hand or something like that so again I like them I use them a lot but not as much as some other folks it just depends on what I'm cutting because I cut a lot of slabs really on slab stuff I don't really use them too much but if I'm cutting dimensional Lumber most definitely we'll use them okay your log dog I do like this design a lot there are a few things that I'll tell people to watch out for on it but overall this is a great design it does not lift up that much this is all you got so you've probably got six inches above the deck which is okay because in many situations that's all you need there are a few times where I can't use this and I'll use my log Turner as stated but again just something to take consideration this does have a sharp edge on there and this does have a lot of hydraulic pressure and I'll show how it does that but that sharp edge right there it will definitely you can use that to press into a log and she'll hold it you do have a ram here now I've seen these in other Sawmills and everything and they just use the ram if you're just using the ram you've got some play that occurs in here well in order to take some of that play out they they did a pretty cool thing this right here looks to be the same type material that's say off a 1600 as one of their um log stops it just looks like that's about three quarters of an inch by two inches and it seems like the same material but they made this track that allows it to slide up and down but that gives it some support so you're not putting all that strain on your hydraulic ram that comes out here but you can see there is some movement in there not much but uh that's you know more than ample also another great thing is this is hydraulically up and down as well as in and out I use this oftentimes right here say you have a cant and your cant is slightly off where you don't have it exactly squared up you can use this you can use this to push into the log a little bit so it gives you control one side and you could pull it down or pull it up just a little bit just in order to straighten your cant up I use that technique a lot because with these log stops there is some play in those so you can see there is play in there down here below you have your um you know a bolt and nut combination and you can use that to straighten those up so they're 90 degrees always from the bunk however if you're running a lot of big oak logs say you're putting a lot of 30 inch plus oak logs over time those can get out of true I don't necessarily true them in all the time because I have my log Turner or my excuse me my log dog that log dog allows me to do a little bit of fine tuning and you know just tweak that can just enough to get it where she's nice and squared up it's just something that I've done over the years because you could just sit there and drive yourself crazy trying to keep a heavy piece of Machinery in very very tight tolerances or you can use the machinery with the Hydraulics and all the help that's there to make it uh pretty dang close we do specialize in rough cut Lumber there's always a finished work that goes into it afterwards but again there's a lot of tricks you can do and I'll talk about that some future videos okay the way that it goes in and out there's a chain system on the bottom down there that chain system on the bottom has a sprocket which is hooked up to this hydraulic motor right here and that sprocket will turn left or right based on the controls you give and everything so it just travels on this chain this chain here is pretty tight but here is a criticism let's see if I can get down there and show you okay so you've got this nut there or bolt you've got another one at the top up there you got the other ones on the other side over time since this piece right here is under a lot of stress you got stresses left and right you got stresses up and down it puts a lot of movement into that hydraulic motor that hydraulic motor in this whole assembly can move around a lot what you need to do is make sure you're checking those they do have they're short little bolts they can probably be a quarter inch or so longer and you might want to put some Loctite on them if you ever have to take them off they have a washer they have a lock ring and of course you have the bolt that goes through I have seen those back out almost every single Timber King Sawmill that has upwards of 300 hours on it odds are if you've never checked those they're probably loose or you may even be missing one my buddy Jacqueline went to go look at his one day he had three out of the four but that's just something to look into I think he said he increased the bolt size just slightly just a little critique and everything but nothing major also when this goes in and out you've got these I call them Teflon I don't know what they call these but I'm going to say they're these little Teflon pieces whatever you want to call it these are pretty stout sun does not like these if you get if you leave your middle out in the sun all the time first off that's rough on the equipment if you're doing that eventually you should you know you have a sawmill you should hopefully build your own building but if you are going to leave it outside make sure you're putting automatic transmission fluid on everything that's how I keep these chains and stuff from rusting but uh just note that these I call them Teflon pieces like I said they can start to get really white get really brittle and start to fall apart on you over time also I like to try to keep this clean you know you can't always do that when you're running but you can see over time it'll start to wear in here because they just kind of slide across here and I add a little bit of tough or ATF to that automatic transmission fluid as well okay let's go ahead and talk about these right here the loading arms something I don't really use but not everybody has a tractor that can handle every single log or not everybody like say they're on the road cutting and everything having these loading arms allows you to load logs you might have someone you go to their job site and everything they don't have tractor and you don't have enough vehicles or time to bring your tractor but you still want to cut their jobs if you have a you know all your Logs set up out here in front of this thing if you have a good cant hook you just continue to roll those up there and uh make like a little you know assembly line system if you will roll them on there and use this to load of log on there they work great um I have tested them out and on my dad's Sawmill we have maxed them out what I mean by max amount is based on their orientation and they can be moved as you can see there's another you know piece lifting point right here but anyways um we got to a situation where we put a 25 foot log on his Sawmill and it was lifting up on this side because there's too much towards the front of the Sawmill and it was uh you know we had to use the tractors what I'm trying to say but again if there are extensions and stuff you can get and they do allow you to move the arms around okay another little critique since I'm now talking about that the toe boards so right now you see the toe boards if you are cutting eight foot logs essentially it's three foot between the bunks so eight foot is just past the toe board on this side and just past the toe board on that side but if you're cutting and also eight foot allows you to get three points of context on those uh log stops and everyone's like why there are three there nothing there and just a gap down there that's because a lot of people are mostly cutting in the 8 to 10 foot range maybe some little bit longer stuff and everything but really you don't need that long one down there unless you're cutting 18 20 foot long and really based on where your clamping system is you only need to get contact on these two so three foot long is about the shortest log you can cut and you need to make sure you use this one to pin it but if you're cutting a log that is a you know shorter than three bunks or whatever you won't really be able to use this in order to use a log Turner you need to have contact on three of those points there so that's why the orientation is the way it is and that's why there's a gap there because you could put one there but it's really not going to do anything for you in fact it might actually based on if you're cutting some 12 foot Logs with a bell it could cause some more issues for you also stainless steel bunks or caps in the bunk excuse me the fact that these come with capsular bunks is a plus I would never buy a sawmill knowing what I know now and everything without stainless steel bunks and anyone who's ever dealt with Woods that are high in tannic acid black walnut Oak stuff like that if you touch metal that is uh say like bare steel and everything you will almost instantly get blue lines and such on your wood there's a reaction that happens between the tannic acid of the wood and the metal and just a short period of time so if even if I was to lay some boards up against this railing right here where there's some exposed metal it would uh leave me a nice black or purple spot there that's also a good indication that you have metal in your wood if you ever see a log that has a blue or black spot on it make sure you check it over quite well because there's most likely metal in it but again stainless steel caps on your bunks they're great and the way they they do this here they don't have to cover the whole bunk they just cover where the wood's going to be and it allows them to be replaceable so if you ever got to a situation where you somehow managed to bend one of these up or maybe you bust that rivet out or something like that you can go ahead and order new of these it's a pretty standard size and just pop it on there okay um what have we not talked about out here on the on the the actual frame itself is a high quality frame I like the Box uh tubing if you will like the thickness of the metal and everything it's pretty amazing that they use I think this is a probably like a two by six box tubing right there that's pretty thick as you can see then they got like a quarter inch plate on top of that and I got the rail on top of there and you have these chains here and everything the actual mechanism for driving the Sawmill back and forth or anything there's a hydraulic motor does that the only thing on on any four post head like this or any head that has you know the two rail systems and there's two chains if you ever get the timing off those two chains and I'll show you on the back and everything meaning if you have one say you've got uh sprockets on the back and everything if one sprocket is one chain link in front of the other or one chain link behind you'll definitely notice that because you'll get some weird wobble shimmy of your Saw Head left to right that's about the only draw that I know of when you have a system that's like this on the wood Miser you don't have that because I say on a wooden Miser on a wood Miser lt70 and Below you don't see that on their cantilever heads because they only drive on one side and this this side here is of course not making any contact with the rail or anything but there's some differences there a four post head I'm very much a big fan of okay now let's go over here to the actual Saw Head itself I've got this thing down so just to show you a few things on it first things first when you are at its lowest so I've got the saw blade one inch above the deck and as you can see even though I'm one inch above the deck I've got clearance over my bunk stop there I still have I don't know it's at least a quarter inch or more of clearance there they do give you these guide rollers on here I like them that they're greasable and everything I know some people who do not run greaseable ones I know some people who run greaseable ones over time I don't care what kind you're running because we're dealing with wood that has you know High antanic acids and we're dealing with heat and we're dealing with spinning and high speeds because your blades traveling about 55 miles an hour as it goes through there you will have to change out bearings but I don't think it gets any easier than this I mean I think they're all about the same truth but you're able to grease them easily also if you take this nut off right here you can slide that whole bearing assembly off pop out the bearings that are in there go to your auto parts store get new ones yeah wham bam you're done it's awesome but yeah I like that design also um very easy to adjust you've got a lot of different adjustment areas these bolts and everything to help you get your alignments or anything very easy to do [Music] one thing on Timber King anyone who runs a Timber King you know you have this yellow tray right here this yellow tray is kind of for safety but one thing I'll say the only way you can take a blade off is if you move your movable guide roller all the way in move it all the way in because it allows you to get past this Notch section right here so you see how it's notched out right there and that allows you to slide the blade on and off again that is a safety they have the owners of safety I also know some folks who maybe say cut that yellow thing back a little bit so you can change out a blade I don't know like anywhere but again that's a safety feature and that's just something that's on there also most all of your lt70s and below and stuff like that most all of your Sawmills on wood Miser Timber King trying to think Cooks might even run a different one but anyways pretty standard size I believe these are uh you know I said pretty standard size I don't remember the exact size these are 18 or 19 inch diameter or whatever they are I run a there's a b-56 belt currently on here because there's belts that are actually on the wheel now Cooks of course uses a full steel wheel that they put a crown into the actual wheel itself they machine the surface but wood Miser and Tamara King and there's a couple others they run a belt system so I've got a b-56 belt on there right now that's pretty tight whenever these belts wear out and you can see there's there's plenty of Life on these belts because you see a little Gap there on top anyways plenty of Life on that but when that belt wears out I'll switch it out to a B-57 you can totally run a b-56 or B-57 either way it's real easy uh to remove so say you had a bad bearing or something like that my buddy Neal's had that before you'll definitely know because there'll be some play and stuff in your wheel and you'll probably see some black residue dust in this area here if you've got black residue dust odds are you're bearing inside there's failing you also have some reduced performance of The Sawmill and you'll have extra noise and of course after this thing's not turning and it's almost off you put your hand on there you'll feel some heat but again really accessible easy to work on these sawmills are made to be easily worked on and easily find parts for because if you had to change out the bearing for this it's a simple Automotive bearing that you can get at any of your auto parts store so again I like that there's no you know super proprietary parts and stuff like that when it comes to doing the mechanical maintenance on The Sawmill all right we're going to show you something here that we go to the back see that right there you actually have two hydraulic pumps that are connected to one shaft now those run off of there's a pulley I can't get my phone to focus but behind the Shroud right here off the engine there's a pulley that goes to the hydraulic motor right here and of course off the Shroud uh there's the belt to the actual Drive pulley over there but what this is saying you've got one shaft that's that pumps up Hydraulics for two different hydraulic uh blocks back app so you got two two pumps there and those two pumps go to two independent valve body sections here so you've got you know on on this side right here of course your highest one this is your cutting head forward and aft or anything and then also on your 100 or you know completely opposite side would be you're cutting head up and down those are your two most common functions that you're going to use and that makes sense the the layout that they do on this is really easy now I don't once you start using this Sawmill and everything or any Sawmill it's got Hydraulics you really won't have to look at these the only ones I have to look at is if I'm loading a log because I never use a log load or everything I have to figure out okay which one do I grab but everything else on here and the toe boards I'll say I don't use the toe boards like I said as often but you can be working the outside of the controls so this lever and this lever and then when you're turning your logs you're going to be using these two levers right here and they make sense so Saw Head forward and back everything that is on one set of hydraulics my log stops I don't want to be operating my log stops while I'm moving the head forward in half so those are on a separate or they're on the same bank so that it kind of limits you you can do them both but it will it'll split the power between the two so in actuality yeah you'll only do one operation at a time per valve block but the way they do this is awesome because again log Turner I can use I can lift up the Turner on this side and I can turn on this side and I use those two in conjunction same thing with the cutting head once the Cut's done I'm usually still um you know I lift the head up so I'll lift up this long this lever right here and then as I'm lifting up I'll bring this back and whenever I get back to whenever I want to start back into the log if I'm not using my Advanced set works I'll go ahead and bring this down as well so I like how they set up the Hydraulics they've got these gauges on here really there's not a whole lot you can tell you can tell if you're over pressurized if you're pushing too hard and stuff like that or if your Hydraulics are cold but there's not a whole lot also with your valves here and everything you also have kind of like this needle valve right here this allows you to and you fully open this valve right here and then you control this right here so I'll be using this one with one hand this one with one hand as I go through my cuts I like the ability of doing that because otherwise if I was just using this to control my speed through it would be kind of jerking if I ever let off so if I ever let off or say I coughed or something like that it would make the Saw Head jerk and you don't really want that so this allows you a little finer control and everything and make sure your cut speed is consistent because consistent cut speed is um you know what you need to have good looking Lumber then you've got of course your your clutch here it's electric clutch or anything standard clutch you can get at a lot of different places again if you ever have clutch issues you can buy them from Timber King but I think you could also cross-reference them it's similar to the clutch that you'd have say on a lawnmower such like that like a zero turn guide roller in and out so this guide roller in and out I like this electric function right here so that's the about the only electric motor that is on here and the cool thing is and we'll go up there and show you in a second the way that is set up is really nice and of course on a diesel model I've got my throttle right here the throttle and the gas one which I'm not a big fan of I believe is up on the actual sawmill if I'm not mistaken or any no it's down here but starting it uh on the gas model separately but the diesel one is nice because you have your little start system right here we'll go ahead and crank her up let's see start system I mean now this is the older School design I think the newer ones has a uh a little more fancy design if you will but really this this is the other big thing other than log stops you want to have a sawmill that has some kind of advanced set works Timber King's basic set works or simple set works I am not a big fan of but they're Advanced set Works they got this right and boy I don't know I've run a couple others out there this is a good system now I've done a whole lot of videos on this I'm not going to show you how to do everything on here but I'll just show you a quick few things so right now I am measuring from the bottom up what I mean by that is all my cuts are going to be referenced off the bottom but say if I want to I don't care about my bottom cut and I want to measure from the bottom down then I go to this second button right here this is like a preset two we're not it's not any improved set too excuse me it says alt mode right there so I'm in alt mode that measures that changes the reference from what I'm uh cutting and I'll put a description to a video down below that goes over all the ins and outs of that that's a pretty nice thing also I can go through all my different presets there's five presets so with those presets in there if it's something I'm cutting repeatedly out of the log if I'm trying to get some you know weird size I don't know why I have so many sizes in here but anyways if I'm trying to get a couple different presets in there or a couple different cuts on the log I can use my presets go to that quickly really easy to set this thing up and get it into calibration easy to set home so right now she's at one inch and it's showing one inch but if I set home it pretty much sets my home position there and if I bring the saw head up I'll just show you just a few little options so we want an inch and a quarter I set return I do auto saw down it'll get me onto the inch and a quarter you know essentially measurement system now I'm there at eight and three sixteenths if I go down again do auto saw down it'll go down the inch and a quarter plus the thickness of my blade so it does all that calculation for you it's a great system and as you can see there's drag back set stuff you can set return you can do all your adjustments manual this is a manual right here so you can press these buttons right here if you want to do things manually and if I'm ever bumping a log out or bump the Saw Head I'll just use the manual buttons there I know this is a long video but I really want to make sure people understand how awesome the Sawmill is again with the the guide roller in and out on earlier models they did not have a square tube like this they actually used some round bar there and there was some movement on there didn't really care for that but I do like the square tube design also again your blade tensioner so as you can see it's it's a very simple spring system with a little hydraulic gauge up there that tells you everything your saw head up and down there's a ram that is in this tube right here and that Ram is hooked up to these chains of course right here and these chains are hooked up to the left and right side of the Sawmill um if you ever get into a situation where these are not quite lifting they're same everything you go to the top of the Sawmill and you can kind of see that little silver head up there allows you to adjust it there's a lot of different adjustment points on here really easy to get to also throughout the Sawmill they do take the user in mind for most things for when it comes to maintenance not all things but for most things but you have the ability to you know grease all your fittings you get zerk fittings all throughout the Sawmill and everything and again I like to spray everything with automatic transmission fluid the hydraulic sump if you will sorry my dog's barking Andy come over here girl come here um I like how they have the hydraulic filter on there and everything and it gives you a little indicator it tells you if you've got uh you know issues or you're restricting due to debris and stuff in there also a neat little ad is they have hey temperature gauge on there as well as they have a drain Port right here which is not going to drain on anything and there's a fill Port up on top there so very easy great design for that now let's talk about a design that is not that great and it's really not that big of a deal but it is kind of a pain to butt so you see that right there well if you look right here if you're ever to change the oil on this Sawmill it gets everywhere and it gets all over that plate and everything it's absolute pain in the butt but again I'm going to add in a little extension onto there so no harm no foul and again the diesel engine is probably the best upgrade you can do um yes there is the gas model and it's got a ton of power in fact it has more horsepower in this this has been detuned if you will I say detune I'll talk about that here in a second this has got a 24.8 or 24.9 um diesel engine on here now this diesel engine is actually an older 32 horse diesel engine and there's some things you could do to it I'm just saying you could you could bring it back up to 32 horsepower but you know to tell you the truth at 24 horsepower let me pause real quick and make that dog stop okay maybe she'll stop now hound dog she don't get her way she barks at it okay so the diesel engine again this is a they've detuned it down to 24. 8 or 0.9 horsepower whatever I'm not really that worried about it this is a v1505 and if you know anything about a Kubota diesel engine it's a four-cylinder diesel engine the the notion the numenclature v in Japan actually means four so not using the Roman numerals and everything but V means four 1505 that denotes the number of cubic centimeters so it's a 1500 CC and a d means it's a naturally aspirated diesel engine now if that had a t at the end of course it'd be Turbo and the Turbo would be pumping out a little more but it runs a different set of injectors and stuff like that you do have a fuel filter that's on the diesel itself as well as you have the inline filter and I did try to put some other different filter system on there and that did not work out for me but that's for another video um but yeah very easy to work on this diesel engine and it's a diesel engine that's been around for a long time uh yes this is an expensive diesel engine upgrade uh it used to be about eight thousand dollars for this upgrade now I think they're closer to ten thousand dollars this is an industrial Kubota diesel that comes from Japan and there are issues with uh all the uh you know delays to the supply chains and stuff like that it has taken a while to get these engines but these are great engines they are time tested and they are very well proven and they're all mechanical so that's why I'm going to say yes even though we do own a Timber King 2220 this is still the better engine in my opinion now my dad Sawmill and my Sawmill down in Tennessee that's a 2220 it has a essentially a 50 horse diesel on there it's got just buku amounts of power but it has things on there as well that I'm not really that big of a fan of it's got a lot of EGR type stuff it's got a diesel particulate filter it's got an ECU it's got a crazy complex computer system that can track all maintenance and everything on The Sawmill and that's all fine and dandy if you are looking for all that extra power and stuff like that but to tell you truth this Sawmill right here I can cut everything that my dad saw milk and cut maybe a little bit slower but I cut everything he can cut um with this you know half the power that he has um and I'm a lot more fuel efficient I'll say that too so that's why I'm saying even at the larger models this is still my favorite um the one thing that I wish that I did have although I say I wish I had it but I don't ever use it uh would be a tandem Axel my buddy Mr Gary did get the tandem axle upgrade you can you can add that to the Sawmill as an upgrade um but you don't really need to The Sawmill itself weighs 5500 pounds ish and I believe it's a 7 000 pound axle on there so you have plenty of room and an axle but if you're gonna be on the road a lot if you're gonna be covering a lot of ground everything I've always just put up that mindset I like it extra you know set of tires there because if you have a blowout in this current situation that could be bad imagine having a blowout in The Sawmill you have all these hydraulic lines and everything that are pretty low that would make me a little bit nervous but again not a not a you know a killer a brain or a game changer or anything like that um it is just what it is the axles as you see they do have brakes and everything on them so that's a huge plus and this thing does come out fully loaded to tow it has a great Towing mechanism um if you see this hole right here will match up to this bolt right here now it's I don't have the Sawmill line for that so the saw head would be right here and it's a great system it actually secures it down holds it in place or anything you don't have to worry about the saw head rolling around that's a huge plus it's the best you know one of the best systems I've seen for holding a saw head in place while Towing so big Plus on that another note always turn this off when you're done it'll drain the battery down because it allows you to turn this on and off uh with even with the Sawmills off again a feature that I don't use what they do have is a drag back system it works great I just I just don't care to use it personal preference okay let's talk about some of the ads you can get um so we've already talked about the tandem axle tantamaxel is an upgrade you could get another thing that you could get would be a debarker the D Barker people often wonder what the heck is this thing up here for well that's for your debarker I have seen a Timber King D Barker I've spoken to many people who have it and most people probably take that debarker off not all most I am just not a big fan of debarkers because we already sharpen and set our own blades so I'm not too concerned about that it just again personal preference another thing that you could do is you could get a oh come around this side you could get a hitch that is a breakaway hitch so as of right now I don't have Breakaway hitch everything my hitch is outside of my building I don't really care about it um get you a little brake controller box and everything else uh it's a two and it's large it's a two and a quarter inch ball whatever it's the next size up from two two inch ball um there is a hitch again that that detaches somewhere over here it slides in and out and everything so if you want to make sure this is going to fit into a building because the Sawmill is quite large you might want to ask about hey can I get the removable tongue or what do they call that thing um my buddy Gary has that he likes it I really don't care I just keep a heavy duty lock on there and it's yeah not not a big concern for me another thing is you can get an extension to The Sawmill so you have these points right here on both sides there's a 12 foot extension that Timber King sells if you are going to get the 12 foot extension I want to say the price is it's like 3500 or whatever the price is because it's a frame it's a 12 foot extension but here's the thing that makes it where it's not the easiest to take down because this is a fully hydraulic Mill there's no electrics and everything you have to extend your hydraulic lines so there will be now they do pretty good job on their their connection points or anything there will be I believe it's a set of quick disconnects I can go on to the Sawmill but you'll actually have to add on to your energy chain and to your hydraulic lines to allow it to do that extra 12 feet also if you're doing that you might get into a situation where you need to move your loading arms around as we've previously discussed but again I had to get this video out to show you why this Sawmill is the best before I go into saying here's my rankings of all the Sawmills I just want you to know there's so many things on The Sawmill the vertical log stops is the number one thing that every Sawmill that's going to do this as a business should have I'm not saying you have to have it's just something I think you should have because it it'll just save you time you also need a reliable and Powerful Turner and you definitely want to have a log dog that can move in and out up and down hydraulically and you really want to have your set works one thing about the set works again this is the only solenoid control valve that's on the Sawmill there are other Sawmill companies out there that use a lot of soleno control valves I'm not a big fan of it this is the only one because for that up and down to work for the auto saw and up and down you have to have this on here so it can stop it on there and I will say it is so accurate the the accuracy of this Sawmill uh with the uh Advanced networks is amazing I am not disappointed I am very happy with the way the set works works in The Sawmill all right I'm also going to put a link to my Timber King 2000 video which I think I put out about two years ago and they're saying the same things ish um but yeah you just get so much at the model level it is and it's all standard again if you look at the stats and everything this is the 2020 it'll do if it can handle a 39 inch diameter log 21 foot your max with a cut meaning between the guide rollers if you put that guide roller all the way back and everything is 38 inches and if you bring the saw head all the way up from the bunk to the blade you have 36 inches so you can do a 36 inch cut as your highest cut you can do on a log but you still have 16 inches above that 36 inches so you can put some crazy weird oblong logs in here because you have that all that room in there and you have again 38 inches wide to work with I you know I'm just blown away at this Sawmill and what it has done for me I've run many Sawmills we've owned eight Sawmills and even though we have the ones above this and I run the ones I've run a 25 20 as well I love this 2020 or 2000. again that is the best you're not going to change my mind but I just want to put it out there so if someone else is looking for you know here's why I'm saying it's the best and again I'm not sponsored by anybody I just love to do this but we are going to be doing some more Sawmill shows this year and it'll give you the opportunity to come out and take a look at this so since we're on that topic and if you stay this long into the video um contemplating right now is 2023 June 10th 2023 so if you're looking at this video and it's well past that date I'm sorry uh but again we're looking at June 10th 2023 in Tennessee uh we're gonna do a small get together it won't be a full-blown show but it'll be an all-day event where you know we have people come out there and have a good time more to follow but again I appreciate you all watching this channel I know it's a long video but I just I gotta tell you this is the best I've run these Timber King 2000 or 2020 now for almost four years and I'm just blown away at how good it is all right folks hope you enjoy this we'll see you around thanks
Channel: TC Sawmills
Views: 31,863
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sawmill, bandsaw, best, market, leader, timberking, 2000, 2020, woodmizer, cooks, baker, how to, diy, learn
Id: oRyTwSDyJXc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 2sec (2762 seconds)
Published: Thu May 18 2023
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