This is the Best Restaurant in Las Vegas and Most Expensive

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[Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign out probably the best restaurant at least I'm hoping so in Las Vegas Joel Roberson winner of most Michelin stars in the world before he passed away um this is going to be a big one this is going to be a big one tasty menu coming up that's right let's go [Music] thank you all right back in the room time um I can tell you we decided not to record in the dining room unlike most of our videos if you haven't seen those before a lot of times we're doing it up front as we're doing first bites and right away it felt different um I was a little nervous because the restaurant was very quiet and small it's very intimate I shouldn't say like small in a bad way but it's very intimate yeah well I mean the ceilings are like triple of any any restaurant you typically are in but it's like 13 tables basically in the main dining room um and it just didn't it didn't seem like it would be appropriate for us to be able to do that and I think Rachel put it best when she said I don't think it would do the food Justice to do the way we do where we do a first bite initial reaction and then we do it afterwards and say what the rest of it was yeah in reality I could tell in two minutes of sitting down that this meal deserved our undivided attention we did get a bottle of wine at dinner uh we ended up doing a Riesling which is what we like we did talk about if we were going to do it again we'd probably just get a bottle of Chardonnay or something like that something a little bit less sweet uh that is not going to be crazy off-putting but we weren't going to do the 200 wine period because 200 per person 200 per person but we already did do the big old menu we did which they give you a copy of thank goodness because you'll never remember it yes not many places will give you a copy of their menu but this one did and needed to holy God all right before we get into that oh that's a good place to start okay yeah I was gonna go through pictures before we get into that uh the bread cart oh my God it's it's such a beautiful thing I forgot to take more pictures of it afterwards but I did record some of it should be over it right now but we uh weren't really sure what to do so the guy brought us nine different breads in our initial Bread Basket yeah he says have you been here before we said no he's like oh and he goes through each of the breadth and then he says do you assortment sure when did that say yes to them that you don't end your bread like it's not just you don't get like one thing they keep coming back right and giving you more bread yeah so by the end of the night I think we both had a minimum of 10 to 12 different types of bread and this is the gluttonous this is like sure this meal uh to go with the bread there also is probably the most perfect butter you could ever ask for import it from France somewhere in beautiful region yeah and they also provide you some olive oil that was Chef roboshon's favorite olive oil when he was alive I mean there's just every single little mini touch that makes this the olive oil was very good for me I'm a butter guy he is I mean it's better if you if you ever looked at me you don't question that one um but yeah give me the butter I thought that was the best uh favorite pieces of bread I thought was the bacon which are those kind of little Diamond beautiful perfect pieces and the cheddar the smokiness in that dime or in those bacon bread was just it just set it apart it was so good and all the textures are different yeah crazy um the cheddar though was my personal favorite I would say I think the cheddar was my personal favorite as well with the croissant being my second base sure the croissant I remember like you just it's a one bite croissant and as it's just like collapsing in your mouth you can feel the different flavors coming apart like it was nuts it was nuts and the and the cheddar bread I thought it was like such a super strong cheddar beautiful yeah amazing and back to the bacon one there's a couple notes on it the smokiness it just envelops the perfectly crisp bread and I'm with Josh there were nine different types of bread at least that we tried with nine different textures and flavors and that was just the start right where we go next oh and also the room is immaculate it is immaculate freaking amazing should hopefully show you yeah and it really does take you away and you can be in any city in the world yeah that's what our waiter said was like you could really be anywhere in the world um as long as you don't look out that door which we couldn't see it because we're in the corner um but as long as you don't see the casino floor you have no idea yeah no idea you are literally moved all right let's start this was yeah I think it was 10 courses look caviar Imperial osetra caviar served atop of Lobster in a crustacean Chalet dotted with cauliflower puree it was as fancy as it sounds yeah and it comes out and it just is delicate and perfect and you know that they took time doing it and it looks like jello right it looks like jello and and they call it a Chile so yeah you're like oh my God this is gonna be kind of weird and gross but like Rachel really put it best that it ate like a cold soup because while you peel away like like a Jello the moment it hits your mouth oh it's not it's it truly is like a chilled soup yeah it was like delicious and then the shaved I think it was shaved Lobster is the way that they described it it's like the most thin perfect bite it's crazy that it's crazy when caviar gets to be like the biggest um texture piece but our first two dishes to caviar was the big textured element yeah um I thought this was amazing it was a stunner I was shocked by how good it was to start off the meal yes I agree it it truly started and you're like oh man if that can transform if that can transform to this what's next right if you're enjoying this video and you want to see more Las Vegas restaurant reviews make sure to hit that subscribe button we have over 120 restaurant reviews in Las Vegas alone all right then second course was I don't speak French sorry about that uh Scottish thankfully there are English subtitles to this menu Scottish salmon confit coated with ocetra caviar and citrus Coulee man they had a grapefruit Cooley on this that paired so nicely with the salmon which they were the most intense flavors in tiny little bits very tiny little spots yeah but for me and if you've been watching the channel I pretty much never order salmon I'm not a huge fan of it this might have been my favorite dish of the night um yeah it was shocking the salmon I remember because I I didn't fully hear that it was a comfy so I actually it looks raw yeah and we actually talked about it multiple times while we're eating yeah and we talked to the um to the waiter afterwards and we're like how is that prepared because it doesn't make sense it melted in my mouth and I was like a raw piece of salmon should not be that soft that tender that just melts away and they said they talked about how it is cooked at such a low temperature um and it has done sous vide he said suvi and confi style yeah um so it is like I don't know it's so delicate but I thought it was my favorite it is the standout dish for me yeah it's it was of many standout dishes I was like there was 10 standout dishes yeah no that was delicious yeah it appeared raw like looking at it you would have guessed it to be a Sashimi type bite right I I was like cheese is a big old chunk of yeah raw salmon this is weird um but no it was perfect of course three you want to trade this one uh sure first I will also say that everything is served literally on a silver platter yes they bring everything out on a silver platter they take the dirty dishes back on a silver platter if I haven't already mentioned it this was like the only Michelin three-star Restaurant in Las Vegas back when Michelin kite was here yeah and holy crap it stands up um I I have done a couple three-star Michelin restaurants in New York City I feel like this was right there with all that's awesome you know it was amazing those guys were spot on with everything and no matter who was around when we're asking questions they all knew all the answers the next one is La Palm de Tere it's shaped Truffles and potatoes with olive oil topped with Carpaccio of Foie Gua and shaved avocado one of the bites or two of the bites were the I already pronounce it and then the other had avocado on it and I will tell you what you needed it to to cut to cut in there but that potato I don't I don't know if you got a raw potato and it was just that good I don't know if it was like I can't imagine a potato that was like but it had still some that crisp to it is why I'm saying like well it was cooked right wasn't it I don't know it was a cold dish it was like a chilled Dish as well so it was very interesting on how that presentation hit but I got hints of chive in that yeah so then the potato is it's soft it's thin it's cold but it's tender so obviously it has to be cooked in some way we don't know how yeah um such an odd pairing of ingredients that pair so well like you look at it I don't understand it and I said to the waiter do I just eat like one at a time of these three piles and he said yeah if you can and I thought that I don't know how a potato can melt in your mouth right that was the piece to me especially when it's cold um it just didn't seem like it would but it worked so well yes um yeah very good also there was like a slight bread crisp on there and I was like man if Rye crisper like this all the time I'd eat them it's good all right let's we got more to go here we got seven more courses this is La truffle Noir uh crispy truffle tart with onion comfy and smoked bacon onion was the star of this year yeah it was really like it I I remember the moment after I took my first bite I was like this is an onion dish this isn't it it's all about the onion um sunny side up yeah which it was like perfectly done you could even see I I end up like flipping it over and there's just your perfect white yep and I don't know I I think that the bottom layer is like a crispy onion of some sort yeah but here it says crispy truffle tart maybe that there was truffle on top too it's hard to say whatever I don't know but I thought onions were the star which I don't eat a ton of onions no but it was the star it was delicious it was light worth it worth it all right next uh we had a trio of shellfish which less crustaceous I assume it's how you pronounce that sure um so we had a lobster main lobster uh shrimp Spear and then seared cuttlefish and they were all on top of a lobster bisque yeah yeah the saffron last lobster bisque is that what it was called I thought he said saffron but the menu says spicy bisque but it it was a lobster bisque because what we were told lobster bisque itself was very creamy rich beautiful beautiful goat went well with all of them yeah um the Cuttlefish was something I have not had much of before I don't know if I've ever had it before and you can see hopefully in the picture the ridges on it it has a in my mind it had a bite like similar to Al Dente pasta but then you could feel them but like it's in your mouth it's like but pasta that's like still paired together yeah it was the weirdest texture but it worked yeah it was an interesting bite um it wasn't my favorite bite I didn't not like it it was just weird it was just weird but the shrimp I thought what was crazy about that is so it's almost like just a bunch of ground up shrimp into like a shrimp ball but then you've got these thin shivers thin slivers of carrots still the Crispus carrots and they're so small and they they look like they're cooked yeah but they added just the right amount of texture to it yeah and then you had a two bite piece of lobster that was perfect it went perfectly with the soup yeah I can't what shocked me I think about that is you think it's all on top of lobster bisque so it's all going to end up having a similar flavor nope not at all very different in a best way yep this one was funky so it's Foie saying that word is hard foie gras Royale with a chicken consomme Chowan Mushi basically he told us it's like a Foie flan yeah when I will tell you know that because it had the most aromatic smell to it and it smelled to me like the perfect chicken noodle soup homemade chicken noodle soup homemade chicken noodle or chicken broth yeah it smelled so good and it also had some leeks on there as well and then black pepper and I went to put my yeah we thought it was gonna be like a I just thought it was going to be a I honestly told Josh I think this is gonna be the palette cleanser between some courses and I put my spoon in and I was like wait what this is not it and it truly was a flawn yeah I think it's so good I first thought like if you've ever um had like silken tofu like the most silk tofu it just cut like that yeah um it was freaking amazing the leaks provided this texture the scallions and the pepper in there just all married well together and I know Josh said his earlier was the salmon this was the dish for me that was mind blowing like I can't I still can't get over it I cannot believe how good that was so it was awesome that was the one we just had I just want to say it one more time because I don't get to the rest of the time all right lay black cod caramelized black cod and Malabar pepper sauce with Honey Nut and black garlic delicious yes um so it was like a miso black cod is what they had told us uh the Miso it was it was strong but not overpowering every everything on this plate was strong but not overpowering like you could still sense everything different there was a sweet potato that if that's what baby food is like they should be eating babies that should be we should be eating baby food what amazes me and you can see that these dishes aren't large scale dishes but there was your entire meal on a dish I remember you saying that it was weird it had this um the black cod it had the potato puree yeah that piece on it and then it had this sauce this black peppercorn sauce I I'm so one crazy thing on this too was like what I think it was the only thing I didn't eat there was this little top of a mushroom which she got two of but it was sitting on top of like one of those tiny uh Pearl onion like a pearl onion and we just cut the onion in half and ate it and it was not a pearl onion that just came it was kind of grilled I would say it was cooked in some manner yeah and it popped in your mouth it had the most flavor ever yeah so like I ended by eating like my cod with the onion heck actually I I mixed it all up it was like old school microwave dinner style where you throw it all in the mashed potatoes oh yeah because at this point we got mashed potatoes potatoes as well oh no that's the next course oh okay okay surprise I think mixed up all right so next course La canette say connect uh spit roasted duck with a cup yeah how do you say that one yep a c-a-c-i-a -isha Acacia honey maybe um coriander and braised Endive and the braised Endive was with that orange glaze well and so and there was mashed potatoes oh yeah which um roboshon is known holy crap did you notice I didn't even notice they put my name on this menu and there's two of them all right well that's cool anyway uh yeah so world famous for like the day we ate there yeah world famous for like the greatest mashed potatoes in the world because they're made out of pure butter I swear oh I mean probably they smell like pure butter they don't they taste like potatoes mixed with pure butter 80 better um yeah they were delicious and there was also uh I can't remember what he called it but it was like a Kebab it was like a meatball which was smoked yeah and they presented to us um it was good it didn't really I didn't need it I didn't either I didn't I I enjoyed it but I did not need it with that course so it was kind of interesting I don't know if there was something else going on and they're like got a couple of Kebabs go give them to those kids they're eating everything and I'm gonna tell you about the duck it had this crispy skin on it that tasted like um a candied pepper so it had the Crunch and a little bit of spice and the black pepper yeah and that paired with the Endive with the orange sauce yeah the energy was super sweet yeah it was so good the entire course on that one again it all just fits so well together and and it felt like Perfection honestly like even though I'm not saying that that was my favorite dish it was it felt great um and it was after that course where I said to Rachel you know when we were at lately or The Next Door restaurant I was like I was shocked at calling that my favorite meal ever without having beef I'm just so used to having beef as like one of my favorite um favorite best meals and stuff uh but no beef here no beef needed duck did great yeah I think the other very exciting part about all of it was I thought you would probably need a palette cleanser between each one because each course was so powerful in its flavors but by the time you were done with that course and they brought you the next one you were ready for it it was it was a great timing great transitions yeah I thought it was awesome all right all right that's speaking of pellet cleanser that was the end of our Savory dishes yes now into the sweets and boy howdy yeah lay hibiscus oh this was good uh green apple sorbet lemoncello granita with hibiscus syrup so the limoncello granita is at the bottom it's like a shaved ice lemoncello flavor on top of it you actually between the Green Apple sorbet and the limoncello um were these three tiny strands of green apple and they were the coldest thing in my life I've never tasted something so cold holy cow we were saying like that must be what it is when they what do they freeze the liquid nitrogen yeah or something it has to be something like that because it was like you bite into it it's like brain freeze instantly almost yeah um but I love the green apple sorbet I thought that that was very good it was very tart and then you got this hibiscus syrup that comes in and adds some sweetness to it yeah it really was the palate cleanser because it I mean there were the first bite I took and I was like between it was so cold and how tart it was I was like oh my here we go there was also this cute little meringue stick yeah it looked kind of like a candy cigarette it was so tasty in there it was good yeah and it actually it was super tender and it just melts but like in your sorbet it didn't melt so it would like provide that texture of the little tiny bit of crunch you but I don't know it did mind-blowing I don't know how it works it doesn't make sense no but it just worked and then we had the dessert was called Le Chocolat and it was a cherry mousse with chocolate cream and Chantilly like a black forest it looks like a little perfect little mushroom yes on chocolate rice um cereal is that what it was yeah I mean it's any like Rice Krispies or anything though and then these cherries covered in ground pistachios but the little mushroom thing was like the best truffle ever with this mousse in it like you're you're thinking like a Lindor truffle that's one of those it's it's like that but with third to a tenth of the shell yeah and the inside is that much creamier yeah yeah it was freaking amazing um I'm not a giant chocolate person but I couldn't care less when I was eating that thing we loved that yes and it it's not overly sweet um you would think listening to these the description and stuff that it would be but I did not think that it was overly sweet it it was a fantastic dessert yes and then if you think that bread cart is amazing yes yes sweet there is a dessert cart that they push around past your table all night long and you're tempting you why don't I get any of that stuff yet well we ended up eating about 15 different what are they called no I think we're closer to 17 because of the I mean that's like two more yeah I mean but we had that creme brulee thing in the there'll be pictures to tell us who's true yeah yeah but so there there are two dishes that they actually have to go make in the back in the kitchen which is a creme brulee and a panna cotta both of them are great but there's all these tiny little perfect desserts chocolates um I don't know what you call them all our waiter says okay or the dessert guy one of the waiters says which ones do you want and I'm like yeah I'll try this one you should try this one you should try this one yeah he kind of seemed like he didn't want to do all of them um but then we ended up with most of them almost every single one of them yes he's describing it I can't remember 20 items at a time no and then at the very end our waiters like do you want the dessert card to come back around what we didn't we didn't have it come back around guys no no it was crazy awesome loved it um and then as a parting gift it is a marble pound cake covered in chocolate topped the hazelnuts yes so it's breakfast so if I when we open this up I'll try to record a little bit of it to show what it looks like but it's a giant loaf we actually watched somebody else who came and ended up getting sent home with banana bread would have loved that if if we would have gotten banana bread we definitely would have asked for some butter from there like get go give me a slab of that butter yes um all right all in all this was by far the most expensive meal of my life and I don't regret it no and I would actually say it's the best meal of my life yeah this um we were going into it saying this thing better be because we knew how expensive it was this is definitely probably almost double the most expensive meal yeah because I think the most expensive one was last summer yeah um but I absolutely loved it I can't think of anything that I would have changed other than maybe I should have gone with Chardonnay instead of Riesling but we we really like reasoning yeah I know there's gonna be some wine haters out there and stuff but um I loved it I I thought it was an amazing experience I recommend somebody try to do it if you can do it I can understand if you can't and if you can't go to the next door restaurant yep um sit at the bar watch them cook and prepare your food it's it's amazing but if you can swing it yeah Dead next door yeah the other thing I want to say about this meal is don't plan anything else around it no don't brush yourself with having a show before or after just make this your evening of an experience it took us two and a half hours probably right about two and a half hours yeah and it didn't feel rushed they don't make you feel rushed and give it the time it deserves attention this yeah and the attention this meal deserves your undivided attention well we were taking notes the whole time we were taking our pictures and they were fine with all of that but to in totally enjoy these flavors it deserves your entire attention I agree it was good if you're enjoying our videos don't forget to hit that like And subscribe you can also follow us on social media Facebook Instagram and Twitter all our links are down below thank you
Channel: Josh and Rachael
Views: 40,072
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: josh and rachael's food and travel, joel robuchon, latelier joel robuchon, joel robuchon las vegas, michelin vegas, joel robuchon vegas, 3 michelin, latelier las vegas, tasting menu, joel robuchon restaurant las vegas, joel robuchon las vegas tasting menu, most expensive restaurant in las vegas, best restaurants in las vegas 2023, best las vegas restaurants, best las vegas restaurants 2023, las vegas tasting menu, las vegas 3 star michelin, best in Vegas, Best in Las Vegas
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 12sec (1812 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 29 2023
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