This Is Stopping You from Improving Your Life! | Sadhguru

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nothing has been done about it you think it will happen in consequence and you're setting impossible goals for your happiness it is not a rocket technology it is the most basic thing see it has nothing to do with the external activity that you're doing it's got something to do with the internal systems as to how they're functioning when you're given such a highly sophisticated machine if you do not conduct it properly it will cause many problems to you don't ever set peace as the highest goal if you do that you will only rest in peace people realize they're alive only when they are threatened with death till then there's something else they become so many other things essentially what should happen inside you're trying to cause from outside now we believed if all these things are organized we will sit here blissed out well that's not happened when you can control so many things around you efficiently on a daily basis why is it difficult to control your happiness sometimes you tend to get upset easily and have the habit of producing excuses for your unhappiness isn't it when will you take responsibility for your well-being listen to sakuru explain what is stopping you from improving yourself you're paying too much attention to everything around you not enough attention to this one but the quality of your life is essentially determined by how you carry this one Edition this moment what kind of clothes you're wearing what kind of card you parked outside what kind of home you live in does not determine the quality of your life this moment how joyful are you feeling within yourself determines the quality of your life isn't it so nothing has been done about it you think it'll happen in consequence and you're setting impossible goals for your happiness if I have to be happy my wife should be like this my husband should be like that my children should be like this the world should become some other way well these are impossible conditions you're setting for your happiness and peacefulness now that you have compromised yourself to peace why I'm saying compromise yourself to pieces because a lot of people have given up aspirations for being ecstatic or Blissful if I'm just peaceful it's enough even the so-called spiritual leaders are going about and saying peace is the highest goal in your life peace is not the highest goal in your life if you want to enjoy your lunch today you must be peaceful this one if you're not even peaceful there is nothing in your life that you can do in a worthwhile way to be peaceful essentially means this that you're not messing your mind to be peaceful means that your system is at ease you know how to conduct your mind you know how to conduct your emotions your body and your energies you are peaceful it is not a rocket technology it is the most basic thing you have a dog at home you give him his food he sits peacefully maybe not ecstatic but peacefully many times they're ecstatic also if your dog is able to sit peace oh he doesn't have to run my industry that's not the point he's got his own stuff going see it has nothing to do with the external activity that you're doing it's got something to do with the internal systems as to how they're functioning essentially it means either neither your body nor your mind or your Chemistry nor your emotions nor energy or taking instructions from you they're doing their own thing once your machine is not in your control being peaceful is impossible I'll tell you you get into your car and now you go there and you want to turn this way you do this to the steering it goes this way can you peacefully drive this car can you no anxiety is natural isn't it this is what has happened to your vehicle it's out of control you've never done anything to find out where the steering wheel is first of all this is not that simple as a car this is a super super computer now the problem is most people have not even bothered to find the keyboard they think if they do this somehow it'll work when you're given such a highly sophisticated machine if you do not conduct it properly it will cause many problems to you by accident it's working I want you to know this this is made this way if you hold your hands like this it'll breathe one way if you just turn it around the very way you breathe the breathing pattern itself changes in your lungs you can try it if you want when you have the time this way this way I am saying everything that you do fundamental changes are happening in this machine because it's such a sophisticated machine it's more than a touch screen if you just wish it it will happen when you have such a sensitive and sophisticated machine and you are operating like a blacksmith then being peaceful seems to be difficult peace is not the highest goal in your life it is the most fundamental requirement don't ever set peace as the highest goal if you do that you will only rest in peace you must see to be peaceful is the first thing in your life isn't it if you want to do anything sensibly in your life if you want to do conduct any situation in your life sensibly to be peaceful and happy is fundamental such a fundamental thing is rising to Heavens these days people think they are going to be peaceful somewhere else not here because you have never paid attention to this machine never paid attention to the internal mechanism of how a human being functions what is the basis of everything that's happening within you it takes a little bit of attention that's why our basic program is called as inner engineering we have engineered the whole world the way we want it much comfort and convenience has come but well-being is not come isn't it because well-being will not come well-being will come only when this is engineered the way you want it only then you will know well-being try to remain peaceful even at disturbing times you will notice the difference once you have experienced well-being what's next will be your question how can you reach the peak of your abilities in another talk satguru answers a similar question on reaching your Peak take a look can you give us two tips that you think that we could live throughout big as an example to others see when we use the word Peak naturally you want to go mountain climbing that means you want to do something others cannot do not necessary because the peak is not in what you're doing outside the peak is in the way you experience it isn't it somebody can do something very small with very profound experience somebody can be doing big things without any sensitivity to what's happening around them so essentially what you're looking for just look at this as yourself as a life right now you become so many social entities you may be lost in that but actually you're alive most people realize they're alive only when they are threatened with death till then there's something else they become so many other things no no no matter what work you're doing here you're just a piece of life isn't it it is a fortune that certain things happen through us which will impact many other lives wonderful but still this is a life only if this life functions in its best possible way everything else will happen best possible way means what your own accommodations you can't carry you know that so obviously the only thing that is left here is the profoundness of your experience isn't it how profound is your experience to make our life profound somebody says if you have education you can do this well everybody went to the university I didn't somebody said if you have money you can do it everybody ran after it somebody said if you can get married it'll happen everybody got married somebody said if you have children then it will happen everybody did that somebody said this is not it you must get power in the world so people ran after that essentially what should happen inside you're trying to cause from outside what should actually happen within you you're trying to cause it from outside yes it is possible sometimes it can be stimulated from outside but it has to happen within you all Human Experience comes from within you is that so your joy and misery pain and pleasure anything and anything Agony and ecstasy can only happen from within you the question is only your joy your peace your love your ecstasy is it on push start or is it on self-start I'm talking about upgrading Technologies there was a time in 1950s or 19 yeah 1950s if you bought a car you needed two people to help you in the morning because it's a push start if you got one in early 60s it's a crank start you need one person to help today all our cars are self-start right technological upgradation things which are most vital to you the profoundness of your experience the pleasantness of your experience here but right now it's all in push start if you have to be happy how many people we have to fix in this world if you if you have to be peaceful we have to fix the entire world so there is an endless amount of conditions for your experience to be in a certain way and in pursuit of human well-being we've turned the world upside down we've ripped the planet apart but still we are not a we are not the most joyful generation we are definitely the most comfortable generation ever never before another generation of people have enjoyed these kind of conveniences and Comforts as you and me are enjoying right now isn't it so never before but can we say with all these Comforts we are the most joyful generation no not true I am not saying we are more miserable but definitely we are not the most joyful are we peaceful no are we loving no so our experience of life is still like how the caveman's experience was same anxiety that guy was worried where's my food you are worried where is my next apartment endlessly you think it's different it's not different it's rudimentary isn't it hello the idea of organizing our survival process the way we have organized is we need not be concerned about it isn't it so hello you open the tab water comes don't think it's small it's a small thing just 100 years ago water means you had to go to the river with a pot on your head so today all this convenience that we did why because we don't have to concern ourselves with daily survival everything is organized now we believed if all these things are organized we will sit here please start well that's not happened it's not happened simply because we have not taken charge of this so peak of human life does not mean you climbed Mount Everest climbing Everest is not a simple physical challenge I'm not saying you should not slam all I am saying is the peak can only happen within you it will not happen outside of you so if the peak and the valley and the very bottom can only happen within you people can sit in a palace and be depressed like they're at the pit of their life isn't it so hello so similarly if that is possible you can sit on the street and be on the peak can I tell you a little story there was a sadhu Asado means a mendicant in India we have full-time spiritual people all right nowhere else in the world I think very few but here we have lot so this sadhu was settling down under the tree just outside a small town for the night in the evening another man came and he saw this sadhu and he said where is the diamond where is the diamond give me the diamond this other looked at him and asked what Diamond so the man said yesterday night God appeared in my dream and said under this tree there will be a sadhu and he has a big diamond if I ask him he will give it to me the sadhu said oh that diamond and he put his hand in the bag and pulled out a diamond the size of a man's cup this big and he gave it to him this guy took it hidden in his clothes and ran home as he was going home he was struggling whom to tell whom not to tell what will happen if anybody comes to know they will kill him and take this diamond he got really freaked by the time he got there he went there he looked at his wife oh my God she can't keep a secret you can't tell her so he went straight to the bed put it under the pillow and slept on it so his wife came and said what are you lying down for come have dinner he said no no I'm not hungry because he doesn't want to leave the diamond for a moment and these she thought he is not well and she left him but he couldn't sleep the entire night one thing is he was worried how to deal with this diamond another thing is with such a big rock under your pillow you cannot sleep he struggled the entire night what to do what to do what to do by morning four o'clock he was completely freaked out then he went to the sadhu he said yesterday I came and asked you for this diamond without even checking my identity you just gave away such a big diamond the most expensive thing on the planet you just gave it away if you have to give away a diamond like this you must have something within you which is far more precious than this what is that Santa said oh you'll come to your senses throw the damn stone and come and sit here we will see it's time to do that there are more things more precious than material wealth it's time to realize and transform yourself keep only what is needed and live life to the best of your abilities click on the video shown to see more from us what would you like to see in the next video share your thoughts in the comments section like share and subscribe to our Channel thank you for watching
Channel: Wisdom of Sages
Views: 478,188
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sadhguru, wisdom of sadhguru, sadhguru wisdom, wisdom of sadhguru channel, daily wisdom, sadhguru daily wisdom, motivational video, motivational video sadhguru, sadhguru latest, sadguru speeches in english, sadguru speeches, sadguru, satguru, guru, wisdom, wisdom of sadguru, spirituality, work on yourself, sadhguru work on yourself, work on yourself sadhguru, sadhguru work, work sadhguru, truth, peace, truth about peace, valuable thing, valuable, thing, the most valuable thing
Id: mdybtoge_mM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 6sec (966 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 15 2022
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