Exclusive Interview: Sadhguru sits down with Matt Doran

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sad Guru we have I believe a dilemma here born out of the Unholy constraints of Breakfast Television we have to condense I think about 15,000 years of yogic wisdom uh and get to the essence of life in about 5 minutes how do we do that we can it can be done in a moment if you if uh those who are willing to receive it smart enough it can be done in one moment oh dear that sounds like quite a challenge you're is not about uh something about astronomy or space it's about this one it's just a question of realization but unfortunately people take a lifetime because they think they have a lot of time but we don't have a lot of time one of your great teachings I guess if we could call it that is this idea of us being able to control our emotions I failed dismally preparing for this interview because I was quite nervous and stressed no I never should control your emotions I'm always always saying be exuberant be exuberant yeah that's right control our response to situations this is right now the problem in the world people are emotionally super constipated they can't laugh they can't cry they can't dance they can't sing lot of people have become like this unless you make them drink something that changes things markedly the closest I think I've probably come if you'd allow me um this trivial Indulgence to the meaning of life life is a generous slice of probably sticky date pudding am I on the wrong life path definitely if your pudding is sticky you you're not only in the Life Path even on the diet you're wrong so many people here in Australia will come to you to see you and they're hoping I think not too many just about 8,000 I think that's that's quite a lot and many more Millions around the world what they want to know they obviously understand that there's a certain magic being in your presence but more than that I think they want to understand who they are so when you say magic suppose you were here 500 years ago and I came flying you would think it's magic isn't it suppose you were here a thousand years ago and I had a light like this I turn it on you would think it's magic so we need to understand one man's engineering is another man's Magic so we are talking about inner engineering how to engineer yourself in such a way that you are not stuck within the foundational logic of our mind and allow this to become a magical process because life is a magical process in the middle of nowhere nobody knows neither the men of science nor the religious people know where this Cosmos begins where it ends in the middle of all this here we are sitting on a tiny little mud ball that to Down Under today and talking like this isn't this magic it is a certain magic absolutely you don't read ancient scripture sadguru you don't even read books where might I ask does this wisdom come from I have taken lot of care to remain uneducated and that's not easy believe me because from the day you born your parents teachers every other adult priests pandits everybody is trying to educate you about something when I say educate you about something about some damn thing that's not worked in their life when I say it's not worked in their life you can see this when they were children how they were five six years of age they were just bursting with Joy by the time they're 30 they become like this obviously it's not worked so things that don't work in their life they want to pass it on I think at least this much commitment every human being should take what didn't work in my life I will not pass it on to the next Generation what worked in my life you must pass it on what did not work in your life you pass it on because you think it's a great thing this is our biggest problem so in this process we have piled up things that by the time somebody becomes 125 they're getting depressed so where has our joy gone is it the pursuit of happiness that's causing the problem no no no see the thing is once you take on wrong identities and wrong attitudes the very body chemistry will change when was the last time you were stressed oh maybe my mother was stressed when I was being born you've been blissed out since then yes that's a that's a thing a lot of people would envy I imagine they shouldn't Envy I can give them a simple method with which they can become like that I can show you millions of people today you know people ask me sadguru what is your greatest achievement I said tears this is a tears what today there are millions of people across the world if they close their eyes in the morning tears of ecstasy will drip this is the greatest thing because once you're Blissful and ecstatic life process you conduct to the best of your ability that's all there is you say Sad Guru that every human deserves to pass through this life blissfully but not I say what do you think maybe you have some neighbor maybe you have some neighbor for whom you have other but rest of the people you want everybody to be Blissful because it's wonderful to live in a blissful world people around you people who work for you your family the people that you live with whatever do you want to live with live and work with Blissful people or miserable people Blissful people you must always always remember everybody else is expecting the same thing isn't may I ask sguru about your experience of time uh I understand you sat with your eyes closed for a period you thought it was perhaps 30 minutes and it turned out to be something in the order of 13 days see time is a very relative experience have you noticed on a particular day you're very joyful 24 hours just passed off like a moment another day you're little stressed or depressed or whatever unhappy you will see 24 hours feel like 10,000 years so time is a very relative experience so I keep reminding people see only miserable people can have a really long life if you're joyful it's like I I feel like I was born day before yesterday and it's see look at me how I become there are a lot more miserable people these days though it seems doesn't it a lot of Australians will be watching this and wanting to tap into your wisdom and thinking how do we access that boundless Joy when the square one of your life if you look at it as a child leave the infancy where you are completely helpless and in somebody else's hands the moment you stood up let's say even as a toddler you were bursting with joy for no reason that was square one if you grew up by the time you're 30 you should have been ecstatic but just the reverse happened why this is something we need to look at because you are constricting life with all kinds of identities starting with the body is it true you are not born like this right Matt you slowly gathered this body and whatever else you have in your mind this is a gathering of Impressions over a period of time and everything else that you have in your life is a gathering you gathered what you gather can be yours can never ever be you isn't it see this I can say this is is my clothing but if I say this is me you will think I have lost it or no perhaps anything that you gather can be yours but cannot become you so the very body that you carry is just the soil that you walk upon will you get it now or will you only get it from the magots one day if you get it now you will burst into joyful ways of living if you get it then it's a bit late you know yeah it's fascinating so it begs the question what is me you're asking me why are you asking me I just thought I'd throw it in there since I was sitting up one of the greatest spiritual minds of our time you do one thing go on the street and ask please tell me who am I you know they'll take you straight to that place don't do that quite urgently too so the important thing is this that if you realize I do not know this is the greatest thing I do not know is the greatest possibility only if you realize I do not know the Longing To Know will come the seeking will come and the possibility arises right now whatever you do not know you make up something and believe it I'm this I'm that now you ask the right question What Am I who am I so that means you don't know please dwell on that question don't jump into conclusions there's power in the I don't know yes tremendous power almost everything that human beings have exploded has come from I do not know isn't it you break the mold if I might when it comes to gurus how many other gurus do you know who ride du Cates and fly helicopters I WR various other brands not just a oh sorry and extremely stylish too if I might oh you think so yeah do other gurus come to here for fashion advice uh See by just by advice some some somebody cannot become stylish you need to pay attention touche never get in an entangled argument with a guru you'll come off second best I've just leared that the hard way do you think we've given up on Joy instead looking for happiness uh people have brought down much more because these days even so-called spiritual leaders are going about spreading that peace of mind is the ultimate goal of Life say I'm asking you a simple question if you want to enjoy your lunch today even if you're not bursting in ecstasy at least you must be peaceful if you want to enjoy the work that you're doing even if you not dripping Joy at least you must be peaceful if you want to enjoy the company of people people around you even if you're not overflowing with love at least you must be peaceful tell me is peace a fundamental requirement or the final thing you achieve at the end of your life such people will only rest in peace peace is a basic requirement just very quickly um about your event soak in Ecstasy of Enlightenment Australians will come in their thousands can you tell me about the next few days say yeah people misunderstand that I'm teaching so many things I'm not from the day this happened to me that I burst forth into an ecstatic State Within Myself the only thing that I've been trying to do is rub it on people who come close to me so in many ways that's the whole thing in various forms this is just one more effort as time is getting over with life time is getting late so I'm openly addressing that word otherwise I never Ed that word in public but now openly addressing it hoping to rub it off let's see it certainly rubs off because some people even just to come into your presence side Guru is enough to trigger them to burst into tears that's uh one thing whichever part of the world I go if I just get off in the airport walk in it doesn't matter where not a single day passes in my life without witnessing tears of joy love and ecstasy I think this is the greatest blessing I read once that you said that there is nothing that you don't enjoy doing see because I don't enjoy anything let me put it this way I'm just joyful whether I do this or that I do it joyfully if something I see is unnecessary I won't do it your book Karm a Yogi's guide to crafting your destiny destiny can be crafted yes very much that's why you're a human being a human being means you can craft craft your destiny when we say Destiny the question is not about where we go see if it was 100 200 years ago coming to Australia must have been a whatever not anymore this a few hours flight we here all right so Destiny is not about a geographic distance that you travel or financial distance that you travel or social distances that you travel Destiny is about determining the nature of your experience whether you lived a joyful exatic fulfilling life or you live a life of strife within yourself This Is the destiny because the quality of your life is determined by how you're experiencing it right now not how expensive you is your clothing or the car that you drive or the house that you live how wonderful is your experience of sitting here this is your destiny this is the quality of your life isn't it I'm certainly a lot more joyful than when I first sat down that's for sure so it does rub off so I'm rubbing it off on you you were rubbing it you were rubbing it off
Channel: Sunrise
Views: 54,486
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Keywords: Sunrise, morning show, breaking news, seven, entertainment, current affairs, australia, channel 7, SADHGURU, sadhguru latest, sadhguru meditation, sadhguru hindi, sadhguru interview
Id: xJmwGoAQ8cA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 17sec (857 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 21 2024
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