see everybody as yourself - sadhguru

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some sorta stardom would again raha sir [Music] thank you no Sadhguru Hadouken there are two questions if the first students answered I don't need a second ones answer there's a request can I please get a house from you so cool and why don't you try him why am i a second in that life I didn't name the person what is your second question the first is you want a hug a second is all you guys you don't go into a kiss then because that might be detrimental it's just the presence of Sadhguru for the first time in my life I just don't want to miss it I don't know when when I get the chance next so if I could just I know it's difficult one no no nothing difficult about it it is just that I've been working with people to make them understand people especially outside the country and now unfortunately it's caught up here where is my hug hug guru can I get my hand you are turning something beautiful he do something very ugly when you are in a certain state of inclusiveness if it became necessary you embrace somebody it's a very beautiful act now it's a commodity where is my hug it's something that you give and take it's not a transaction this is what religion has done everybody hugs three times or four times or whatever number of times this is not what it is all the the tenderness that a human being feels within himself or herself you destroying it and make it into some kind of act okay I will hug you I will hug every one of you what about it sweat exchange so this is something we need to do and people also in India this happens they grabbed my hand and said guru bless me and they place it on their own head blessing will not come like this blessing will come when you become receptive when you're in a certain way if it's blessed something wonderful can happen out of it something tremendous can happen out of it you grab my hand word is the blessing and if you grab my hand or foot or you hug me forcefully this is called molestation all right God is happy so we had yes sir yeah hello now viscosity I know hug is not possible but I know you cook very good dosa is that possible certainly not here oh I know now my question is that when we cook if we have to get joy joy of cooking then that joy is something which is internal and I cook for my my joy but when you're cooking for others then you want to give them joy and at times there there's a conflict who should win this is for him no no no sir I have different things on my menu see let us not make everything this is the most fundamental thing of words being spiritual our spiritual process means just this you essentially spiritual process means this that you live here like only you exist nobody else but you because you see everybody as yourself and there is no issue people ask me so - very well you go whether it's ten thousand people or hundred thousand people how do you speak well I am talking to them like I if a guy if I had the habit I don't have if I have the habit of talking in front of my mirror how I would speak to myself that's how I am speaking there is no you what I am doing is not some kind of oratory or discourse and she's talking like I would talk to myself because I don't see anybody but myself so spiritual process means just this that in some way you became all inclusive in your experience you became all inclusive so one thing that is disappeared from your life is comparison and competition comparison starts and then it transforms itself into competition and then it goes into ugly things so even for something as alive and beautiful as joy Joy's joy is the most important aspect of your life you know that this joy means your experience of you being your existence is fantastic Eurex your experience of your existence has become beautiful that's why you joyful now I'm not joyful because I make I make the best doses not you okay not because I make the best those us nor will I be super joyful because I eat whatever the best things that you cook before I come into your restaurant I'll be very joyful if you make something good I believe joyfully if you make something good very joyfully I will push it aside but with your good cooking or bad cooking you can't steal my joy nor can you give my joy I want you also on everybody in the world to become like this that somebody else cannot determine what happens within you because yes ma'am you are you are calling fundamental sense of slavery that you get into with beautiful names this is dangerous so anyway people are saying wonderful things about your cooking they have not said anything about you but they have said wonderful things about you cooking I would like to need one day I don't know if I can afford it but yes ma'am we get a mic for you man namaste sir guru ji my name is Devi Capital and I'd like to ask your question because you're a mystic and even otherwise please don't see I don't care because many people out here I'm sure don't my question is what do you think of reincarnation do you believe in it and if so can you elaborate on the subject and let us know what you were in your last birth thank you now you already put strictures on me as to what I should not say for me last three lifetimes have been same work around the same place and a few people handful of people same people to such an extent that sometimes by mistake I end up calling them by all names but you should not believe all this nonsense now because the moment you believe it you will look at this person and little if they are friendly with you oh maybe in my last life my past life it is very good you don't remember a thing about anything because in your present life you are not able to handle the emotional tangles and psychological involvements with people if you remember ten lifetimes you will break your mind it takes an extraordinary sense of dispassion to download many lifetimes of memory and still not respond or react to those things and simply see it for what it is in your present state if such things happen it'll be a disaster but anyway you should not believe these things because you should not believe anything or anybody you should not disbelieve them either now in such a large crowd I have a huge reputation of being very logically correct and now you're making me say such stupid things I am staking my reputation you must understand that I wouldn't make that mistake cuz I don't gain anything by talking about this because you insisted that I should not just dismiss it but essentially what you are asking is let me translate this question for you essentially what you're asking is when you say is there a past life or is there a future life what you are asking is beyond this body is there something more this all you're asking after my death or before my birth was there something else this is the question or you are asking what is the nature of my existence well that's my full-time business to bring you to that experience as to what is the nature of your existence you must come you should not ask just a casual question here in Mumbai and disappear now you made me say illogical things in front of all these people now we must invest some time to know what is the nature of your existence otherwise it's entertainment question [Applause] I don't know you have a color you like odds he's working hard but after him I'm afraid of hard working yeah yes yes yes hard working in blue no no will get your mic we have just two questions after this gentleman yeah I'm good I've gotta get there right there namaskaram Sadhguru did somebody give her a mic to that lady who is up there with kinda after this boys yeah promise of kuru Satguru my name is Asher and Nigam and I have been to the ashram many times and I have read many of your books you must quickly come to the question the question is guru I am stuck here and I want you to please guide me tell me in a child's language what is the answer and what is the solution I don't want to give importance to my own thoughts and emotion tell me how please make me understand I don't know when will I get this mic again although I am always in your presence but I I want the answer Satoru I don't want any Oh get out of this hall start walking South if it's a genuine question if it's a question which truly matters you must seek I have gone to the ends of the world if I found somebody who could answer the billion questions I have if really it matters to you the question you must seek if you think going south is the answer if you don't think so you shouldn't bother with me if you think so you shouldn't waste a moment of your life because I want everybody to at least be straight and some basic integrity to your life you ask big questions and you live it and go on sit in the madness show I am NOT saying you should not go to the matter I'm sorry and thing wrong things wrong examples that's right no heads take it so I want you to understand people somebody came and asked me recently said guru or your devotee of Shiva I said you fool did you ever see me sitting somewhere and doing shiva puja did you see me my entire bloody life I have invested in you all right there is nothing else I do except constantly seeing how to raise people to the next step and you are asking me I am a devoted to somebody I am bloody devoted to you and you're not seeing it so when you ask this question I take the question seriously I believe you're genuine but then you go on get drunk today evening I am NOT against any of those things maddening or drink or this or that all I am saying is you must have some integrity to your life when you ask a big question you must make the investment isn't it of time and energy you must invest life because to bloody answer this I have invested my entire life yes Sadhguru you had pointed out there was yes to the later right at the back I have a question one moment sir we just go into the lady and then we'll get wet where was that she she doesn't have the microphone he is or not okay you're on them all right go ahead Adam Sadhguru G my question is what can be the greatest change one can bring to our life to make it more blissful in this birth you got to change you have you got to change this for a change with nothing else you think by doing something else this will become blissful norm this one has to change to become blissful yes the lady has she got the mic yes just reaching you ma'am Namaskar to one and all so my question is I get very attached easily and now I feel I'm very attached to my responsibilities so how do I break this bondage and if I really want to do something for myself not for anybody just to feel the joy that I've been listening to you if I want to really really feel that joy how do I break the bondage of responsibilities and move ahead and how do I overcome my attachments I want you to understand that responsibility is never a bondage responsibility means you chose to respond to something wholeheartedly so it is never a bondage and how is it opposing your joy I don't understand because to what extent you have the ability to respond only to that extent you know life if you lose your ability to respond you become dead in fact somebody's dead means they've lost all ability to respond that's all it is so don't ever think your responsibility is stopping you from being joyful if you had no responsibilities many of you would be freaked to madness you are fortunate you got something to dabble with nothing to do I'll keep you in a room nothing to do I'll feed you well you will go crazy you must be glad there are distractions for your madness so you must understand this if if your experience of life is such that if you sit here you start enjoying your existence not your thought not your emotion not your action your existence if you start enjoying you have a certain joy and blissfulness about your very resistance then all this Jorgen doesn't work if that one thing has not happened to you you are in a desperate condition you have to do a million things to know a little bit of pleasantness but tell me sincerely genuinely in a 24 hour segment how many moments of actual joy do you know most people can count on their fingers many people have nothing to count they will say oh the day I got married I was so happy the day I got my job I was so happy it happened is history because it is externally instigated otherwise by yourself you will become a wreck please change this then all this Jordans and philosophies are irrelevant to you because you know the joy of your existence thank you we have one last question yes sir haha I'm just going from this gentleman I'll come to you yeah maybe to go yes I'll leave that to Sadhguru after this how many more I'd like to answer but yes just to see you live peacefully blessed I didn't come with the question but now I have a question Sadhguru gee you just made a mention that word does not know anything about you and that remains effect even then and is somebody from the word who comes in little contact with you get so much benefited so when would you reveal or my question is what does it take to become a Arjuna for the yogi of highest order of our times our Krishna the you to reveal sorry five that question is still in reddit this is this is difficult to articulate without sounding all wrong because see everybody is working or everybody is trying to live their life with different frames that they have created for themselves you can call this mindsets you can call this framework you can call this family you can call this society you can call this ethics morals ideologies whatever these are all frameworks you created but you understand a frame means you are putting a self-imposed limitation upon yourself I can understand he being a director producer he is thinking of frames because he's thinking of capturing something for doing something else I am asking your simple question do you want to capture this life or do you want to experience this life hello you want to experience this life you are here to experience this life and know the reason everything else is secondary when I say life when I use the word life most of you will think oh my work my family my home my car my dog that's not life these are all accessories to life you added all these accessories believing that with these accessories your life will get enhanced but your money your wealth your family your relationships these are all just accessories isn't it the real thing is here never experienced so to first make somebody um you know there are many wonderful people around me this is the biggest wealth I have I have some truly absolutely fabulous people around me all the time they won't let me pass through a single day without tears of joy love ecstasy without witnessing this a single day won't pass for me no matter which part of the world I mean I don't think this better were wealth in the world in the physical world in the human societies than that that constantly you are surrounded by people who were shedding tears of love and ecstasy having said that their experience might have become beautiful by being in a certain presence by realizing a few things but still they still have frameworks because very few individuals have the sense of a total sense of abandon to be here without framework as long as you're with the framework we can add one drop here one drop there one more drop means it'll break so in my life if by the time I fall dead if I can share maybe one or two percentage this of what I have known I think I am very fortunate because I am still looking and not given up on it there can always be one or two individuals who will come up we have been working on them preparing them so that somebody can exist here without any sense of frames without any sense of what will be lost there are many people around me who you know in every action that they do they are not saying it were believed in every action that they do they show that they're willing to die for me I keep reminding them in a thousand ways dying for me is not the answer that you are willing to allow this life to happen in full flow this is where the answer is because only if you are a full fledge life can I share what's happening within me otherwise I'm talking about extending your frames giving you a different frame which is more difficult to manipulate but totally undoing the frames will need this that you are a full-fledged life when I say a full fledge life right now you have invested too much in your thought too much in your emotion you look up to something you look down on something you like something you dislike something in this state it cannot be done I am working on people a lots of them and I am also scanning the world because there could be anybody somewhere because that will be a blessing not to me but to the world if if there can be human beings not one if there can be a thousand human beings on this planet or if they can be 10,000 human beings or a million human beings who purchase life nobu just life because this is the only thing that you are aspiring for you may think you want money you may think you want pleasure you may think you want something no you are only wanting to having a larger slice of life somehow isn't it that's all the rest's because that is all there is you think money will get that education will get that love will get the pleasure will get that but essentially you want a larger slice of life so if you want in slices we cut it and serve it because we have to keep you going otherwise you'll run away but I want to see you a day when I can throw life at you just like that without making slices out of it that would be a great day make it happen because I want to change I want to change the perception of what is Street if you say Street if you use the word Street people will think booze people will think drugs people will think prostitution all the ugly things if we do the right things in the next 20 25 years we can change this that Street means beauty trees me Street means love Street means meditativeness streets means spiritual process Street means the highest things we can do this if we are willing we have the tools we have the means why I am saying this is never before many great beings have come but nobody had the means that we have today a krishna came a gentle being when he spoke only one man heard yes and another man overheard when the yogi Shiva came only seven people heard today we have the ability we can sit here and speak to every human being on the planet never before this was possible now we have such an ability to communicate if we do not communicate the right things we are committing a crime against humanity so when we have this kind of power to communicate whatever is the highest dimension of life should become Street I my essential work is this to bring down spirituality from mountaintops to Street some TARDIS odd would again
Channel: OnePath
Views: 363,143
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Keywords: see everybody as yourself - sadhguru, sadhguru about hugging, sadhguru jaggi vasudev latest videos 2016, sadhguru anxiety, sadhguru competition, sadhguru ego, sadhguru best speech, sadhguru interview, sadhguru yoga, sadhguru best, sadhguru meditation, sadhguru conversation, sadhguru consciousness, sadhguru devotion, sadhguru 2017, sadhguru2017, onepath, one path
Id: 4HSYySsc1ug
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 58sec (1738 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 03 2018
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