This is Insane Android Performance! - High-End Emulation, CPU/GPU Turbo & Console Mode

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how's it going everyone Taki here processor  releases are always my favorite times of the   year and this one is a big one today we're  going to take a look at the most powerful   Android gaming Hardware that currently exists the  device on screen features the new Snapdragon 8 gen   3 processor and it is a beast both in CPU and GPU  performance as with the last generation this will   probably be the best total package that you'll  see built around this chip and that comes down   to a great screen a dash of software magic and  built-in active cooling that will allow you to   chew through any game or emulator that currently  exists on this platform but before we can look at   any of that we need to get this thing set up  through the magic of editing I now have this   thing fully set up and we can now talk about  the specs the red magic 9 Pro comes with the   Snapdragon 8 gen3 processor this is an 8 core chip  in A52 configuration with a prime core clocked it   up to 3.3 GHz and our GPU is an adreno 750 clocked  at a whopping 93 MHz this model comes with 16 GB   of LP ddr5x Ram 512 GB of ufs 4.0 storage and a  120 HZ 6.8 in AMOLED display all of this runs on   a 6,500 Milah dual cell battery with the ability  to fully recharge in a little over half an hour I   want to quickly talk about the design evolution in  the red Magic series obviously I don't have all of   the models that they've released but these are the  best models from the last few Generations these   earlier models came with a rounded glass back  they also had a lot of random things written all   over them like the processor name some specs and  some other stuff that doesn't really do anything   you'll see that they've progressively toned down  on some of that stuff as they've gone forward   starting with the red Magic 8 they went with  this boxy shape making this more like a normal   phone on the red magic 9 they went with almost a  completely flat back with no camera bumps the only   bump that they do have is for the LED camera flash  flipping these around you'll see that the screen   to body ratio has improved the red magic 9 and  the red Magic 8 seem to have the same screen and   the same overall size so there's not really an  improvement there but the red Magic 8 was a big   step up from the six and the Seven all of this was  possible because they moved the camera under the   display on this current version it is hidden very  well and I only ever see it if I'm trying to find   it but I would still be okay with just removing  it all together let's do a quick overview of the   software and the new features of the rm9 this time  around we are rocking the red magic 9 which is an   Android 14 system with some customizations and  custom apps on top if we head over into the ram   menu you'll see that we can customize the amount  of extended Ram that this system has this extra   Ram sits in the ufs storage but I am just going  to disable that completely because 16 GB should   be more than enough for everything that I want  to do if we need more RAM for switch emulation   or anything like that I will come back in here if  we head over into the theme customization we can   look at the new settings that they have for the  RGB strip on the back right now I have this set   to the light blue color with the always on effect  applied this is how it looks I'll also point out   that the RGB lights will strobe in this footage  but they don't do that in real life this is just   caused by the frequency of the lights and how  it affects the camera on top of RGB control of   the back we also have control over the fan lights  and this is a cool addition to this phone there   are a lot of options for this but I opted for  just matching the colors between both elements   with the light blue always on option applied the  launcher software is almost entirely the same as   it was the last time I looked at an RM phone they  still have their waifu mode on this so if that's   something you're into they've got you covered  their marketing material states that they've added   some new features to this but I never use it so I  wouldn't be able to notice the last big thing that   we have in this current build is the new addition  to the plug-in menu we now have super easy access   to the diao mode we could access this on older  builds with a workaround but this is awesome to   see that it is now super super easy to access this  the red magic 99 pro has a couple of features that   make it stand out as a gaming platform even if  you just don't even want to use this as a phone   at all I want to go over some of my favorites the  first is the desktop gaming experience and this is   primarily how I use and test these phones right  now I have this setup to mirror my phone screen   on an HDMI panel and this is something that you  can do on any phone that this competes with but   this phone has another thing up its sleeve if you  enter into the gaming mode with a connected screen   you can send a desktop screen to your external  screen and this is not common especially among   gaming phones so as you can see here we can use  a mouse to select apps that we want to launch I   am going to start genin impact if this game had  controller support on Android we would now be   able to play it with a 16x9 video signal but  this game sucks on Android so we have to map   screen controls thankfully this is an easy fix  with this platform all we need to do is just map   the controls that we want to use on our keyboard  and mouse and we're good to go keyboard and and   mouse mapping works much better than controller  support on this platform and it opens up a lot   more doors for Android games that have a ton of  onscreen elements that you need to press we also   have the ability to map any USB or Bluetooth  connected controller with the same UI and it   works well but it could use some improvements the  only thing that doesn't work that well right now   is the right analog stick mapping for games that  have a 3D camera you don't have the ability to   change the sensitivity on this and it is set  rather Low by default this should be an easy   fix for them and I have to assume that this is  on their radar the next good thing about this   platform is it has robust CPU and GPU control with  a set of profiles that you can switch between when   you are in a game these are great because you'll  usually find that some demanding games will not be   able to use all of the power that you have in your  mobile chip this could be due to a lot of things   but our power profiles allow us to ignore all of  that and give the game as much power as we have   I have two games to Showcase what this does our  first is Minecraft Java Edition I'm going to set   this to six chunks just so we can see the benefit  a bit better I'm standing on a pillar of dirt just   so we have a bigger view of the surrounding area  and I'm currently using the balance profile let's   go up to the rise profile which was our older  Max profile that we had available like this   our CPU is at 2.7 GHz and our GPU is at 231 MHz  typically your GPU clock will be lagging behind   in situations like this the CPU is usually fine  no matter which profile you use as I mentioned we   now have easy access to that Diablo mode and  that will lock out our CPU and GPU clocks to   the max frequency possible once we do that we can  see that our FPS goes up significantly this kind   of improvement is similar to what you'll see  in other situations it's not always like a 2X   Improvement but it is a meaningful one especially  in situations where you would be outgunned by   older Snapdragon chips running on rooted phones  now it's time to take a look at some benchmarks   of the red magic 9 versus the redmagic 8S Pro I  wanted to start with 3D mark because they have a   test that uses Ray tracing and this chip supports  raate tracing just like the last generation but   this software build seems to be blocking 3D mark  from being able to download any of the additional   tests that it needs I've seen this on some xiaomi  phones but I've never seen it on one from this   company anyway on what would be the Snapdragon  8 plus Gen 2 we get a score of 5660 if the rm9   wasn't having issues right now it would score  around 9,000 for this test which is a huge jump   in GPU performance for this generation next up we  have geekbench I started with geekbench 5 for this   and our CPU scores show a decent Improvement  in single core and multi-core performance   unfortunately the GPU tests crash on this new  phone so I don't have that data but I was able   to run all of the geekbench 6 tests between both  phones and this is what I got as to be expected   from the estimated 3D Mark jump we have a sizable  performance bump and CPU and GPU performance with   this new Snapdragon processor that's enough on  the hardware and software improvements with this   chip and this device let's now jump into some  performance showcases and I'm going to start   with Android games I picked a collection of games  that have native controller support as well as   others that need to use built-in mapping software  I also grabbed a few USB type-c controllers for   this with different features you can find links  to all of the hardware showcased in this video   down below for each of the titles in this section  I went into the graphics options and try to Max   them out as much as possible for some games  this device is locked out of those higher-end   options because I think they're exclusive  to certain phones but this is what we get to wrap up this video we will showcase  some emulation performance when it comes   to Android our Hardware has outpaced some of  the emulation development at this point and   there are not not a lot of opportunities for  us to push the hardware to the limits switch   emulation is currently the peak of what's  possible in this platform and I would expect   that this chip would be powerful enough to  play the entire library of games when the   software is more flushed out as it stands  right now there are some driver issues for   switch emulation on this chip that will improve  in the future but PlayStation 2 and 3DS are great. that's going to wrap up things on this big  Showcase of the red magic 9 Pro and the Snapdragon   hn3 I'm impressed with the performance of this  new Snapdragon chip this is a decent bump in   performance over the 8 Gen 2 and I hope that we'll  see more games and emulators that can utilize the   additional power that we have don't forget to  like And subscribe if you enjoyed this video it   really helps out and I'll catch you here next time  with another one happy gaming everyone Taki out
Channel: Taki Udon
Views: 94,162
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: taki, taki udon, Android emulation, switch emulation, ps2 on android, switch emulation on android, snapdragon handheld, android gaming handheld, best android phone 2023, nubia red magic, snapdragon 8gen 3 PS2 emulation, Red Magic 8 Pro, red magic 9 pro review, red magic 9 pro emulation, snapdragon 8 gen 3 phone, snapdragon 8 gen 3 performance
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 21sec (861 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 18 2023
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