THIS is How You Know Ancient Egyptians had a Lost Ancient Technology…

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Remember when they said Ancient Egyptian stones were so precise, that a Razorblade, or even a hair couldn't fit between them? Well, THIS is what they meant by that.

Did the the Egyptians have a lost ancient technology? The details outlined in this video show just how mysterious the ancient Egyptians actually are.

👍︎︎ 23 👤︎︎ u/BrightInsight 📅︎︎ Nov 02 2021 🗫︎ replies

hundreds of thousands of hieroglyphics found throughout the land of ancient Egypt, not one single one of them shows anything about how the Egyptians cut or carved stone or constructed the pyramids. Literally zero whatsoever and that's a verifiable fact by the way.

What is this based on? I can think of a range of depictions (and texts) of working stone from Egypt - there isn't a huge amount, but it's certainly non-zero.

One example of a series of images of stonecarving comes from the tomb of Rekhmire at Thebes (TT100). These are part of a broader program showing various craft industries.

Here is a drawing of one of the panels. It depicts statuary being carved - two of them large enough to require scaffolding. The tools used look for the most part like known types of stone chisels and pounders. A construction ramp is also shown here - of which some are known archaeological in context with pyramids.

Another image from the same tomb shows blocks of stone being worked with hammers and chisels. Drawing here.

The images from this tomb are explicit depictions of stoneworking.

We have a papyrus from the Old Kingdom that documents transport of stone from Tura to Giza, and mentions the great pyramid by name. Here (PDF) is a translation and analysis.

There is debate as to the exact context of the work done here, but the same type of limestone was used at Giza, including for casing the great pyramid. While it's plausible that this documents work done on the pyramid, either way it speaks to the specifics of quarrying and transporting large volumes of stone to construction sites.

👍︎︎ 17 👤︎︎ u/jojojoy 📅︎︎ Nov 03 2021 🗫︎ replies

we can clearly see that [sawing] is so unbelievably so slow that it couldn't possibly be a feasible explanation for how the Egyptians cut and carved the millions of stones that make up the pyramids; because keep in mind that the great pyramid of Giza is made of some 2.3 million stone blocks and was said to be constructed over approximately 20 years. That means that they would have had to cut carve move in place at least one stone block every few minutes to achieve that timeline

Who is arguing for sawing here though?

Obviously the casing blocks and others meant to be seen in the pyramids were worked to fairly precise tolerances - but the core masonry was fairly rough. The difference between them is visible on the Bent Pyramid, where the casing is well preserved. For work like this, laborious sawing really isn't needed.

A recent experimental archaeology project was done to reproduce one of the core blocks (again, different from the more carefully dressed casting). Here is an article (in French) discussing that experiment. L’extraction des blocs en calcaire à l’Ancien Empire. Une expérimentation au ouadi el-Jarf (PDF).

This work would be done in 4 days (of 6 hours) by 4 reach a daily rate of 340 blocks, it would take 4788 men. If we increase the period of the construction site of the pyramid to 27 years, which is quite conceivable, the daily production required would go down to 250 blocks, which would require in theoretically 3521 workers.

Based on the time needed to cut the block in the experiment, the total workforce can be estimated. Obviously dressing masonry like the casing would take longer - the experimental rates for reproducing a block of the core masonry is plausible. The numbers here are reasonable.

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/jojojoy 📅︎︎ Nov 03 2021 🗫︎ replies

I love your videos! You were gone for a while, I'm glad you are posting again :)

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/PewPewGG 📅︎︎ Nov 03 2021 🗫︎ replies

I never noticed you on Reddit, your videos are great.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/skyst 📅︎︎ Nov 03 2021 🗫︎ replies

Heya Jimmy, I wondered about these seams, especially those ones you mentioned in Peru. They look almost melted, like they were soft at one point. One day I was looking at a pane of glass in my 85 year old house, how the glass distorted over time with the pull of gravity. I idly considered the possibility that rock can behave similar to glass, that under pressure and over hundreds or thousands of years, could it compress, almost like glass does. I know it’s a bit of a leap. Maybe theses stones are far far older than is commonly accepted.

Edit: I did some searching and apparently glass does not flow over time… it’s a common misconception and it has to do with how glass panes were cut out of a large uneven piece back in those days.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/greenstreetdesign 📅︎︎ Nov 02 2021 🗫︎ replies

Ok we get it. There's no way all of this was done the way the official narrative claims. You're getting close but just shy of saying the word conspiracy. Obviously you're not the first person to figure this out. I suspect everything you claim in your video has been understood for centuries by many but has been covered up. Big question for me is why? Why hide the fact that special building technology and techniques didn't exist?

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/WWWTT2_0 📅︎︎ Nov 03 2021 🗫︎ replies

i love this man back at it again with ANOTHER BANGER !!!!

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/mrpressydent 📅︎︎ Nov 03 2021 🗫︎ replies

What about using sound vibration, stone against stone to sand them smoothly together

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/MillerLights 📅︎︎ Nov 03 2021 🗫︎ replies
do you remember back in school when they said that the stone blocks cut by the ancient Egyptians were so precise that you couldn't fit a razor blade or even a human hair in between them well this is what they meant look at that the Precision cut of these massive and extremely hard Granite blocks is so unbelievably exact that it's difficult to even differentiate the two stones together the high definition camera itself despite all its megapixels struggles to pick up this line it's something that can only be truly appreciated when viewed in person with the naked eye and if you think this is impressive wait until you see the photos from other parts of ancient Egypt that I'm going to show you later in this video but what you're seeing here are the enormous polygonal stone blocks that make up the valley Temple which is located in front of the Great Sphinx in Giza Egypt this is one of those sites that most people are unaware of as the Great Sphinx and the pyramids get all the attention but it is without a doubt one of the most spectacular sites found from ancient Egypt many of these Rose Granite blocks are well over 30 tons apiece however the immense difficulty to construct a temple made out of polygonal shaped Granite pieced together as if a tight-fitted puzzle is next level difficulty made to last Millennia and survive even the strongest of earthquakes and when I said that these stones are massive you have to compare them to people to truly appreciate their size and that's me there I'm 5 foot 10 or 178 centimeters even with this photo you can't truly appreciate it as this was shot with an ultra wide camera lens which distorts the true size and the bulk of these blocks particularly their widths it does not do it justice for what your eyes witness here in person and and by the way this this particular block is closer to 50 tons in weight and brought from more than 500 miles away which the experts theorize must have been carried by boat down the Nile River however the bizarre reality is that even the largest known ancient Egyptian boat ever found couldn't possibly sustain even a fraction of the weight of these Stones make no mistake the mystery is real hence why there is a surging interest by millions of people from around the world into our lost ancient past but that aside and going back to the unbelievable Precision that makes up these Stones notice that from a distance you can't possibly appreciate just how tightly cut and formed together they are you see many of these blocks are cut with rounded edges thus creating a seam or groove of sorts between the blocks but when you get up close you can see that in the middle of these seams is they cut so perfect that they are completely flushed together as if they were laser cut in fact they almost look fused together and you'll find awesome examples all throughout this magnificent structure take this example here from a bit of a distance you wouldn't realize just how exact the cut is again due to the breath of the seams virtually all the blocks that make up this astounding Stone complex are like this it's simply fascinating from a distance you wouldn't think much of the methods you used to cut these stones but it's not until you get up close that you can appreciate the level of accuracy it truly is next level but you should know that this is not some one-off fluke example as there are countless others found throughout the land of ancient Egypt even the ground itself has been lined with such unbelievably precise stone blocks that without careful inspection you might not notice at all and like I just said Stone cuts that are so fine that it's difficult for even cameras to pick up on just compare this line cut to a hotel room key which is of course the size of a credit card the exactness of these two blocks that are pieced together makes the width of that card look thick in comparison because again notice how you can hardly see that line from even just a few feet above it and you'll be curious to know that this example here is only a few steps away from the Great Pyramid of Giza in fact it's right next to it you see something that most people are not aware of is that the entire ground surrounding the pyramids are covered in flooring stones and there are thousands of them many of which are polygonal in shape cut and pieced together perfectly again as if a puzzle you see it becomes even more interesting when you realize that these stones have been there for at least four thousand five hundred years beneath the blaring sun and elements of erosion including wind rain weather and of course millions of humans that have walked on stumbled and further deteriorated these blocks in the thousands of years since and examples of polygonal flooring Stones can be found at various temples throughout Egypt even in the most unlikely places such as the roof of the Temple of hattor in dandera hundreds of polygonal Stones which although weathered and eroded upon a closer inspection you can see just how precise these Stone cuts are but getting back to the even more impressive stuff wait until you see this the so-called bent Pyramid of Egypt is a place that very very few people have seen with their own eyes as it's been closed to the public and even archaeologists for several decades even the most notable researchers have been denied access to enter inside this pyramid that is until it finally opened in the summer of 2019 and I had the great timing and privilege to me among the very first tourists to enter this utterly bizarre structure in December of 2020 and I filmed the entire thing and if you're interested in seeing the incredibly bizarre interior structure and layout of this pyramid you'll want to check out my video tour of it after this video but when you enter inside and Traverse the tunnels of cut Limestone that makes up the structure you see Precision Cuts the likes of which are nothing short of astounding look at that like I mentioned earlier many of these cuts are so exact that it's difficult for the camera to differentiate the blocks together even notice this example of three stone blocks joined ignore the damage and imperfect exterior portions of the stone block which naturally catch your eye and focus on the line cuts themselves whoever built this clearly chose to make the fin leading of the blocks to a level of perfection while focusing Less on the exterior portion of blocks that make up the pyramid tunnels and you'll notice that this is the case from floor to ceiling throughout this pyramid and these blocks are by no means small yet cut so perfectly that they align so tightly that not even a razor or human hair could fit in between them I'd even venture to say that they're probably water tight as well and do not be fooled by their soft chalk-like appearance you could push your fingernail into this Stone as hard as you possibly could and it won't even scratch it as the saying goes they are as hard as a rock and examples like this where we see the intersection of three stone blocks connecting at such a fine degree of accuracy provides us with a wonderful perspective that illustrates just how remarkable the capabilities were for the people that made this but that's the thing and this is where things start to get really weird so before I show you more astonishing photos there's something you need to know and most people are completely surprised at what I'm going to share next because it shows just how truly mysterious the ancient Egyptians are you see these bronze chisels here and just so you know bronze is a combination of copper and Tin but you see these other various bronze tools here as well including small handheld saws and here are a few more examples of various Egyptian tooling all of which are on display in the Cairo Museum in Egypt I took these photos myself all of these tools you're seeing are literally the only examples of the types of known tools utilized by the ancient Egyptians that have ever been found just to clarify these are not the only number of chisels or saws ever found but they are the only types of tooling ever found to exist from the ancient Egyptians that's right and here's something else you need to know is that out of the hundreds of thousands of hieroglyphics found throughout the land of ancient Egypt not one single one of them shows anything about how the Egyptians cut or carve stone or constructed the pyramids literally zero whatsoever and that's a verifiable fact by the way it's just that most people are completely surprised when they hear that for the first time you see what happened is we were sewn animations like these as children in school not realizing that this is nothing more than some theorized drawing created only recently for school textbooks a bunch of primitive dudes wearing nothing but loin cloths using soft bronze chisels to shape the stones that make up the pyramids of Egypt but here is the reality of what happened when people actually tested these primitive alleged methods in modern times after days of work their copper chisels and stone Pounders are barely making a dent [Music] Brown is wearing down tools at an extraordinary rate the copper chiseled the ancient Egyptians would have used last only a few dozen strikes that was a notable egyptologist testing Stone Hammers and bronze chisels on limestone in an attempt to recreate the Sphinx's nose and you heard what they said after a few days of work and they barely made a dent and the chisels themselves after just a few dozen strikes were worn out and useless so clearly not a feasible explanation and what you didn't see is that later in this documentary they completely gave up and resorted to using power saws to finish the task but that was bronze chisels on Limestone wait until you see what happened when he tried it on granite when Roger tries chiseled made from bronze the results are disappointing as you can see we're just we're leaving a lot of metal and very little stone is flaking up yeah so no obviously bronze chisels were not the methods of tools utilized by the Egyptians or anyone to Cotton carve Stone of any kind which is why it is so bizarre to see that this is still a primary explanation that is taught today they even have it posted as descriptions within museums and the reason for this is because the people writing ancient history books in modern times have concluded that these must be the types of tools that were used since they are the only types of tools that have ever been found so Case Closed mystery solved but they proclaimed that without ever having tested these primitive alleged methods themselves and bronze chisels aside the more commonly accepted explanation for cutting the granite and Limestone blocks involves copper saws but again these are the only examples of saws ever found from the ancient Egyptians and not only that the only depictions of the Egyptians using saws of any kind are these right here which clearly shows them using small saws to cut wood for constructing Furniture so watch what happens with that same egyptologist Mark laner used a copper saw to demonstrate how it could have been used to cut Granite blocks all right we have a big block of granite here so how's this copper going to cut this Granite even with teeth the copper alone is too soft we're going to put sand inside the groove and we're going to put this saw on top of the sand and then let the sand do the cutting so Dennis will we see any progress in our lifetime yes um if you came back in an hour's time you would see about a four millimeter cup down into the film you're kidding in an hour you'll be four millimeters down well I've been doing a lot of experiments and I can guarantee that this will cook through the stone that's about four millimeters an hour [Applause] sorry went wonderful once we switched over to using uh water with the sand as you can see here we achieved this in just a few days four millimeters an hour and just a few inches over a few days are you kidding me so besides the fact that no saw of this size was ever found nor was there any saw of this size ever found to be depicted by the Egyptians but we can clearly see that this method is so unbelievably so or slow that it could possibly be a feasible explanation for how the Egyptians cut and carved the millions of stones that make up the pyramids because keep in mind that the Great Pyramid of Giza is made of some 2.3 million stone blocks and was said to be constructed over approximately 20 years that means that they would have had to cut carve move in place at least one stone block every few minutes to achieve that timeline and this does not include the many millions of more stone blocks that make up more than a hundred other known pyramids found throughout Egypt many people are not aware of just how many Egyptian Pyramids there are and all of which were said to be done within a very specific timeline for their respective Pharaoh at least according to the alleged story that we've been taught in Modern Times And I wonder just how many millions of blocks would make up that 118 pyramids because of course they're all of differing sizes and dimensions and this does not include the many millions of stone blocks that make up the dozens of various temples found throughout Egypt this is just a few examples all of which were made from countless stacked blocks nor does it include the countless flooring stones that surround these temples and the Pyramids of Giza itself nor does it include the hundreds of various structures including mustabas all of which are made of stone blocks nor does it include the countless stones that make up the many columns found at dozens of sites throughout Egypt nor does it include the many gigantic Stone obelisks giant Stone boxes as well as the countless Stone sarcophagi found all over the place far more they could possibly be shared in this video and nor does it include the thousands of incredible stone statues that have been found throughout the land of ancient Egypt and it sure doesn't include all of the other random incredibly shaped Granite stones that were once part of structures that are long since gone impeccably curved Granite that couldn't possibly be done with the known tooling found in Egypt is at least as far as what you've just seen and you don't have to be a stone Mason archaeologist or even a freaking rocking scientist to comprehend that these tools here copper Saws and chisels did not create the cuts of this level of precision and this certainly does not even address the size of these stones and the time it would take to do it which is of course a major factor that must be considered but there's even more proof that these blocks were not cut with two guys holding on to some handheld saw this Granite sarcophagus is one of many that are on display and the Cairo Museum in Egypt however what makes this particular Stone box so unique is that it's listed as being discarded by the Egyptians as on the other side you see that they made a mistake in the cut and it went off center but this in itself is evidence that the Egyptians were not using some unbelievably slow primitive handheld saw because if that was the case they would have noticed and corrected their mistake almost immediately the fact that it continued off center for nearly another three feet strongly indicates that they were using a method that was Far quicker and Superior the evidence is right in front of us like I always say look and think for yourself there are far too many details that weren't shown to us when we learned about the Egyptians as kids but when you revisit this amazing topic as an adult with more life experience and the ability to use discernment you can see just how real the mystery is yet despite all the details I shared in this video many will still adamantly defend these debunked narratives but you have to keep in mind that many of these people that propose these alleged methods have never actually been to Egypt themselves and nor have they physically tried to cut a stone block with these primitive methods either and those who have attempted it have given up they've never finished one single block they do it for a little bit and realize like oh wow this is extremely difficult and just stop right there I mean isn't that interesting because between all the stone cut blocks that make up the hundreds of pyramids temples various stone structures flooring Stones columns obelisks statues Stone boxes and sarcophagi and every anything else I wouldn't be surprised if the Egyptians cut at least 50 million stone blocks maybe even closer to 100 million perhaps I mean who knows yet you will not find one single example in modern times of a fully cut stone block that was done with these primitive methods isn't that interesting you have the Egyptians with tens of millions of stone blocks maybe even 100 million I'm just throwing out a number here but tens of millions No Doubt and yet we haven't done one in modern times it's clear that the ancient Egyptians had some sort of lost technology and by technology we shouldn't just think computers and lasers and anything else in our mind technology itself can be something quite simple I mean even a saddle on a horse is considered a technology we have to think out the box outside the box and it doesn't have to involve aliens because that's usually what people say when they argue against these these methods say oh so let me guess you think it was aliens right it's like what's that about like I'm not suggesting aliens and very few people that are discussing these methods have said aliens it's just that you need to look at this with open eyes and see that the mystery is here when you see this stuff as an adult you can see just how real the mystery is but I'm going to wrap it up here my next video will be out very very soon and if you want to see more amazing vote uh pictures of these Stones go to my Instagram I'll leave a link down in the description and I'll leave it a link for my Tick Tock I created an account I haven't put a video up yet but I have to now Branch out in order to bring more people to this Channel and I I didn't want to get on Tick Tock but now I realize that that platform is just too big and it's not going away so if you're interested go down there because I'm going to be making a whole bunch of videos in a short period of time to launch that thing but anyways I'll leave it at that my name is Jimmy my channel is called bright insight take care everybody
Channel: Bright Insight
Views: 2,254,697
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 0Oe1--ss51Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 52sec (1132 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 02 2021
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