Frozen Civilizations Found Under The Ice In Antarctica

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did you know that the coldest temperature ever recorded on Earth was -128.6 degrees Fahrenheit and it was recorded in Antarctica but what if I told you that beneath this hostile frigid expands there might be traces of ancient civilizations sounds outlandish doesn't it but stick with me because this icy mystery is a rabbit hole that goes deep into our past today we're going to delve into a world that is often overlooked in our discourse about ancient civilizations the Frozen continent of Antarctica now Antarctica might be the last place you would think of when it comes to ancient civilizations after all it's the coldest windiest and driest continent a harsh landscape covered in ice up to a mile thick it's seemingly inhospitable an icy Wilderness that is the definition of desolation and yet what if I told you that this freezing Wasteland may have once been a bustling Hub of ancient activity Through the Ages Antarctica has been subject to a variety of hypotheses and theories it has always been a source of mystery partly due to its inaccessibility and the harsh conditions that make exploration a formidable challenge some theories suggest that this continent Now hidden beneath miles of ice was once home to ancient civilizations that we can hardly imagine these theories often hinge on controversial interpretations of satellite imagery ancient apps and unique structures spotted under the ice suggesting human or perhaps even non-human Activity one of the most famous pieces of evidence is the Puri race map a pre-modern world map compiled in 1513 by the ottoman Admiral and cartographer Perry Race part of this map shows the northern part of Antarctica ice free which has led to speculations about ancient Maritime civilizations with Advanced geographical knowledge critics however argue that the map is a compilation of multiple sources some of which may have been flawed satellite imagery of Antarctica has also led to Intrigue and speculation in 2006 Google Earth users spotted a formation in Antarctica that looked uncannily like a face leading to suggestions of A Lost Civilization scientists however think that this is a natural phenomenon known as paridolia where the Mind perceives a familiar pattern where none actually exists the most provocative theories suggest that ancient alien civilizations could have once made their home on the icy continent pointing towards supposed pyramid-like structures visible beneath the ice though these claims are yet to find any substantial scientific backing so what is the truth is it possible that an ancient civilization could have once existed in this inhospitable landscape or are these theories the products of overactive imaginations and misinterpreted data it's time for us to embark on a journey of exploration and Discovery into the icy depths of Antarctica we're all familiar with the mysteries of the ancient world but Antarctica's Mysteries are well colder and much more unusual there are theories that take our understanding of ancient civilizations and flip it on its head painting a picture of a past that is both startling and thought-provoking let's delve into some of these unconventional theories each with its unique blend of mystery speculation and a dash of audaciousness the first and perhaps the most known is the hypothesis that Antarctica is the lost continent of Atlantis proponents of this theory suggest that around 12 000 years ago the entire continent was shifted from a temperate zone to the South Pole due to Earth's crust displacement a controversial idea put forward by Charles hapgood in the 1950s this cataclysmic event they suggest froze the sophisticated Atlantean civil in a matter of days preserving it beneath the ice but what about those pyramid-like structures I mentioned earlier some theorize that these are remnants of this ancient civilization these structures visible via satellite they're an uncanny resemblance to the pyramids of Egypt and Central America however most scientists argue that these pyramid-like formations are likely the result of natural erosion and wind patterns unique to Antarctica and then there's the theory of an ancient extraterrestrial Outpost in Antarctica it's been suggested that some of the unusual formations and anomalies found on the continent may be the remains of alien technology or structures proponents of this idea often cite supposed UFO sightings and unexplained phenomena in the region but again these claims have not found widespread Acceptance in the scientific community and let's not forget the speculation surrounding ancient maps like the Pirie race and orontius Phineas Maps which seem to depict the Antarctic Coastline free of ice suggesting that the cartographers had knowledge of the continent long before it was officially discovered Skeptics however argue that these maps are based on guesswork and mistaken interpretations of other land masses the Pirie race map has long been a subject of Fascination among historians cartographers and conspiracy theorists alike drawn in 1513 by ottoman Admiral and cartographer piri rice this map illustrates parts of Europe Africa and the Americas with surprising accuracy for the time but the Intrigue doesn't stop there the southernmost portion of the map seems to depict the northern Coastline of Antarctica a land mass not officially discovered until 1820 but how is that possible some proponents of unconventional theories suggest that the map is evidence of an advanced ancient civilization that a detailed geographical knowledge long before modern science they argue that the Perry race map along with other similar cartographic anomalies proves that ancient Mariners must have charted the Antarctic Coast when it was free of ice a situation that hasn't existed for over 34 000 years according to current scientific understanding the details of the Peri race map are remarkable it is said to include mountain ranges that were not discovered until the Advent of modern seismic surveys and even features a detailed depiction of the Andean range in South America which is surprisingly accurate for a 16th century map however Skeptics caution against reading too much into these observations they argue that the maps supposed depiction of Antarctica could be based on a misunderstanding of the South American Coastline as for the extraordinary detail they suggest that this could be the result of synthesis from a variety of sources some of which may have contained errors or Embellishments despite the debate one fact remains the pity race map is an extraordinary piece of historical cartography it offers a glimpse into the knowledge and skill of early 16th century Navigators and the seafaring cultures that produced them and although the debate around the Peri race map and its implications for our understanding of ancient civilizations will likely continue it undeniably continues to add a layer of mystery to that is Antarctica as we continue to dig deeper into our past we are left pondering what else is waiting to be discovered as you might expect the scientific community's perspective on the possibility of ancient civilizations in Antarctica is rooted in a careful analysis of available evidence and our current understanding of geology climate history and human development firstly Antarctica is and has been for millions of years the coldest driest and windiest continent with temperatures that can drop below minus 80 degrees Celsius surviving in such conditions would be a Monumental challenge for any civilization ancient or modern thus the idea of a long-lost society thriving in this Frozen landscape seems unlikely in terms of geology and climate history our current understanding tells us that Antarctica has been covered in ice for about 34 million years this was confirmed by Ice cores drilled deep into the Antarctic ice sheet which provide a record of past climates this leads us to question if Antarctica has been an icy Wasteland for millions of years How could an ancient civilization have existed there furthermore the timeline of human evolution and migration also complicates the idea of an ancient Antarctic civilization modern humans are believed to have emerged around 300 000 years ago and our ancestors began to migrate Out of Africa about 70 000 years ago but even if they could have reached Antarctica the extreme conditions would have made survival virtually impossible that said the scientific Community is not dismissive of all unconventional ideas the Peri race map for instance does raise interesting questions about the knowledge of ancient seafarers however rather than attributing this to A Lost Civilization most scientists would likely view it as a testament to the skill and knowledge of the historical societies that we already know about let's delve into the realm of the deepest human-made whole and consider the climatic history of Antarctica the title for the deepest humans have drilled into the earth goes to the cola super deep borehole located in Russia this ambitious drilling project reached a staggering depth of about 7.5 miles or 12 kilometers before it was stopped in the early 1990s even this depth however is still less than 0.2 percent of the Earth's total radius as for Antarctica deep ice cores have been drilled but these extend only a few kilometers down providing a record of hundreds of thousands of years of Earth's climate history this brings us to the climatic past of Antarctica according to geologists Antarctica has not always been the Frozen land we know today the continent was once part of the supercontinent gondwana which existed in the southern hemisphere millions of years ago fossil records indicate that gondwana was home to a variety of plant and animal life suggesting a much warmer climate around 180 million years ago gondwana started to break up heart Antarctica slowly moved to its present location over the South Pole and by about 34 million years ago the continent was rapidly cooling this cooling Trend culminated in the formation of a permanent ice sheet however while there were fluctuations in the extent of the ice cover due to global climate Cycles Antarctica has been largely icy for millions of years there are indeed hypotheses suggesting that parts of Antarctica could have been ice-free and warmer During certain periods due to factors like geothermal heat and changes in Earth's orbit however these periods likely occurred millions of years ago well before humans existed thus while Antarctica may have once been a warmer hospitable place this would have been in a geological era far removed from the Advent of human civilization despite this the question of Antarctica's past and its Secrets continue to Captivate scientists and explorers keeping the icy continent firmly in the realm of intriguing exploration have you ever wondered what secrets are buried beneath the Sands of Time picture this ancient Egypt a civilization that left behind architectural wonders like the Sphinx and the pyramids but what if everything we've been taught about these iconic structures is just a fraction of their true story consider the possibility that the pyramids and the Sphinx could be older than the Egyptians themselves that the Sphinx might once have been Anubis the jackal-headed God and that the pyramids might contain mathematical Marvels and alignments with celestial bodies intricacies that could suggest a technology or knowledge Way Beyond the human capability of that era perhaps pointing towards alien gods let's look at the Great Sphinx a symbol of ancient Egypt that continues to perplex Scholars today the Sphinx is like a silent Sentinel sitting on the Giza Plateau it's weathered face gazing Eastward towards the Rising Sun but if you examine the Sphinx closely there are clues in its geology that suggest its story may be more complex than we initially thought one geologist Dr Robert Shock first brought attention to this in the 90s when he proposed a controversial theory about the Sphinx's age he noticed that the erosion patterns on the Sphinx appeared to have been caused by water not just a bit of rain but thousands of years of heavy rainfall the kind that hasn't occurred in the Giza region for about 10 000 years since the end of the last ice age now traditional egyptology places the construction of the Sphinx in the reign of pharaoh cafe around 2500 BCE when the area was already an arid desert so where did this water come from shock proposed that the Sphinx may be far older than traditionally believed dating back to a time when Egypt was a lush tropical landscape with heavy monsoons and flash floods of course the implications of this are profound shaking the Bedrock of our historical understanding if the Sphinx was weathered by water and this weathering occurred before Egypt became a desert it would mean that the monument was already ancient by the time the first pharaoh took the throne it also begs the question who built it the civilization capable of such Monumental architecture would predate any we know of could there be an unknown Advanced civilization lost to the sands of time waiting to be discovered isn't that what makes history so exciting the fact that we don't have all the answers yet let's now delve into an even more controversial Theory surrounding the Sphinx now we've all been brought up knowing it as the Sphinx but what if it wasn't always a lion-bodied human-headed creature that we see today what if it was something different this Theory brings us to Robert Temple a British author and researcher he proposed a highly debated theory that the Great Sphinx was originally not a sphinx at all but was instead a massive statue of the Jackal god Anubis Yes you heard it right Anubis the god of embalming and the dead known for guiding souls in the afterlife but why Anubis Temple noted that the current human head of the Sphinx is proportionally much smaller than its body which could indicate that the head was recarved from a larger original in this case a jackal head would fit the larger body better in proportion besides Anubis is typically portrayed as a recumbent canine or a muscular man with a jackal's head not so far from the Sphinx's current layout moreover there's the location of the Sphinx to consider it sits in front of the kafra's pyramid as if it's guarding the entrance to the afterlife a job usually assigned to Anubis in ancient Egyptian mythology could it be that the Sphinx which literally means Living Image was the living image of Anubis instead of the human-headed lion we see today as you might imagine this hypothesis has been met with skepticism from mainstream egyptologists there are many factors to consider including the established symbolism of lion-bodied creatures in the ancient world and the absence of any ancient texts referring to the Sphinx as Anubis our curiosity is only just getting started theories like these challenge the status quo and keep us asking questions after all isn't it a bit weird they're all inspiring Great Pyramids of Giza are not only remarkable because of their massive scale but also due to their mathematical precision and Alignment you know the kind of precision that is surprisingly difficult to achieve even today with all our modern technology and tools this leads us to ask how could an ancient civilization accomplish such a feat let's start with the Great Pyramid of Giza also known as the Pyramid of Khufu it's the largest of the three pyramids originally standing at an astonishing 481 feet not to mention it was the tallest man-made structure in the world for over 3 800 years until the completion of Lincoln cathedral in England in the 14th century but it's not just about the size the base of the Great Pyramid is a near perfect square with each side measuring about 756 feet the level of precision is such that the difference in lengths between the four sides is less than two inches each side of the pyramid is carefully aligned to one of the cardinal directions North South East and West again with an astoundingly minimal error this already seems remarkable right but hold on to your seats because it's about to get a lot more intriguing the Pyramid of Khufu along with the other two Pyramids of Giza are positioned in a way that mirrors the alignment of the three stars in the belt of the constellation Orion in ancient Egyptian mythology Orion was associated with the god Osiris the god of the afterlife this Cosmic correlation suggests a deep understanding of astronomy that goes beyond mere chance the mathematical sophistication and astronomical alignment present in these pyramids point to a highly Advanced civilization but again the question remains how is this accomplished mainstream history tells us that this was all done by sheer human Ingenuity and labor using simple tools and methods others however speculate about intervention from a higher intelligence perhaps even extraterrestrial the theories are as vast and intriguing as the pyramids themselves isn't it all just amazing or maybe it's just a bit weird there's a saying that goes any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from Magic if we were to time travel thousands of years back and show a smartphone to the ancient Egyptians they would likely see it as a Divine or magical artifact with this perspective some researchers suggest that the pyramids and indeed much of the awe-inspiring accomplishments of ancient Egypt may have been influenced or even directly facilitated by extraterrestrial entities whom the Ancients may have perceived as Gods there is a theory known as the ancient astronaut theory that proposes the interaction of extraterrestrial beings with ancient humans supporters of this theory suggest that much of the technology knowledge and spiritual understanding of our ancient civilizations was handed down from these Celestial visitors the idea has gained popularity due to authors like Eric Von deniken and shows like Ancient Aliens on the History Channel let's take a closer look at this theory in the context of ancient Egypt proponents point out that the construction of the pyramids especially given the remarkable mathematical precision and astronomical alignments could not have been possible with the tools and knowledge known to exist during the reign of pharaoh Khufu therefore they argue the pyramids might be the result of technology or knowledge provided by an advanced non-human civilization further fueling this Theory are the Egyptian texts and artwork that seem to depict what could be interpreted as advanced technology or Celestial beings one example is the hieroglyphs in the temple of setiwan and abidos that bear an uncanny resemblance to Modern aircrafts also many ancient Egyptian deities were associated with celestial bodies and were believed to possess incredible Powers could it be that these gods were extraterrestrials perceived as Divine due to their advanced technology and knowledge were they the ones who instructed or aided the Egyptians in constructing the pyramids the Great Pyramid of Giza is not just a testament to the engineering prowess of the ancient Egyptians it's also an architectural mystery that seems to embed a deep connection to the cosmos let's delve into the Intriguing details of how the structures on the Giza Plateau reflect an intimate understanding of the heavens an understanding that seems surprisingly Advanced for a civilization from more than four thousand years ago it's well known that the layout of the three primary pyramids mirrors the positioning of the stars in Orion's Belt this correlation was brought to the Forefront by Robert boval and Adrian Gilbert in their Orion correlation Theory the three stars of Orion's belt on attack alilam and mintaka align almost perfectly with the apexes of the three Pyramids of Giza moreover the orientation of the pyramids to the north is so precise that it deviates from True North by just 3-60th of a degree could the builders have had an advanced astronomical knowledge or perhaps assistance from a more advanced civilization going deeper the Great Pyramid itself has elements of celestial alignment its narrow shafts stubbed air shafts or Spirit Stones seem to be aimed at specific Stars the southern shaft of the king's chamber points to Orion while the northern shaft points to the circumpolar Stars similarly in the Queen's chamber one shaft points to sirius the brightest star in the sky and another points to the Ursa Minor constellation the it's fascinating to think that these structures built thousands of years ago could act as star pointers adding another layer of intrigue the Sphinx also shows signs of astronomical alignments the Sphinx faces due east and some theorists proposed that it was designed to observe the equinoxes and solstices the theory of the Sphinx representing the constellation of Leo during the age of Leo approximately 10 500 BCE as proposed by Robert boval and Graham Hancock challenges mainstream chronology and makes us question our understanding of the Sphinx and its Origins while Skeptics argue these alignments could be coincidental it's hard to dismiss the accuracy and precision involved could it be a random occurrence or is it evidence of an ancient civilization that had deep astronomical knowledge or perhaps even a sign of extraterrestrial intervention as we continue to explore and decipher the secrets of ancient Egypt the questions just keep piling up and as always thanks for watching as we delve into the past we discover that our history is full of mysteries and questions that even today's technology struggles to answer from water erosion on the Sphinx to the possibility of Anubis taking its place from the Marvel of mathematical Precision in pyramids to the Curious Celestial alignments were left pondering if human hands alone were capable of these Feats or if there were other extraterrestrial forces at play whether you're a skeptic or a Believer one thing is for sure the more we explore the more fascinating our world becomes what if I told you that beneath the shimmering waves of the Indian Ocean the lies a submerged City that just might be a legendary Kingdom mentioned in an ancient Epic yes we're going on a deep dive into the story of dwaka a city described in the Mahabharata one of the major Sanskrit epics of ancient India this isn't just an exploration of myth and Legend but also a journey through the fascinating Realms of underwater archeology and radiocarbon dating so let's Plunge Into the Depths and discover the captivating Saga of dwarka dwarka is more than just a name it's a word that translates to the Gateway To Heaven according to Hindu mythology this Majestic city was established by none other than Lord Krishna a deity worshiped as the eighth Avatar of Lord Vishnu now who is Krishna you might ask Krishna a central figure in Hinduism is widely revered for his wisdom his strategic prowess his Supernatural Feats and his role as a charioteer advisor and friend to Prince Arjuna in the Epic Mahabharata in this ancient text Krishna flees to the western coast of India after a catastrophic War here he establishes the city of dwarka a city so opulent and Grand that it's often described as a city made of gold but as stories go This Magnificent city meets a tragic end after krishna's death a series of calamities strike submerged by the sea in a matter of days the city disappears taking all its architectural Grandeur and wealth along with it the tale of dwarka is fascinating in its own right but here's where it gets even more interesting this myth aligns with a geological phenomenon known as sea level rise which could result in the submergence of coastal settlements so this begs the question is dwarka just a symbolic tale or could it be an actual historical event dressed in myth and Legend the archeology unit of the National Institute of oceanography is making headlines the team is embarking on an underwater archaeological expedition to see What Lies Beneath the Sia dwarka on the western coast of India led by archaeologists Sr Rao and ascow the team discovers something that shakes up the world of archeology structural remains and artifacts suggesting the existence of an ancient city the Expedition reveals well-planned stone structures Pottery shards semi-precious stones and inscriptions some of which date back to the Harappan civilization around 2000 BCE the discoveries don't stop there subsequent underwater Explorations reveal an extensive network of stone structures extending over half a mile which appears to have been built on the bank of an ancient river the gomati the stone structures Ceramics and inscriptions lend credibility to the existence of a bustling urban center in Antiquity it's an intriguing find right but there's a twist the artifacts and structures found underwater not only suggest the existence of an ancient city but also hint at a city that may have been submerged by rising sea levels aligning strikingly with the legend of dwarka could it be that the legend of dwarka was not merely a legend but a page out of our own historical past preserved in mythology so we have established that there's something under the sea a dwarka but what exactly did the Explorers find well the discoveries at dwarka were nothing short of astonishing firstly Pottery shards were found in abundance these pieces of ancient Ceramics were from a variety of different eras some of them dating back to the late Harappan period the variety in Pottery style suggests that dwarka was inhabited over an extensive period of time housing several generations of people then there were the semi-precious stones the SE materials often used for making jewelry speak volumes about the economic prosperity of the city the presence of such materials suggests that dwarka was a Trade Center exchanging goods with different parts of the ancient world next there were the inscriptions the most important of these was a seal that bore the image of a three-headed animal the symbolism behind this creature remains a mystery but the very fact that the inhabitants of dwarka had a complex system of symbols suggests a sophisticated society and then of course there were the architectural remains stone structures of various shapes and sizes were found giving archaeologists a glimpse into the layout of the city among these structures a series of circular Fortnight constructions believed to be part of the city's defense system were particularly remarkable taken together these discoveries form a remarkable Narrative of an ancient city that was in its time a hub of civilization and commerce and this narrative much to our astonishment aligns remarkably well with the mythical city of dwarka described in the Mahabharata in a world where we want hard facts the science of radiocarbon dating can act as our time machine providing an objective lens through which to view the past and it was this scientific tool that was used to try and pinpoint the age of the submerged city of dwarka radiocarbon dating works by estimating the age of organic materials which include ancient artifacts and biological specimens it's based on the principle that all living things contain carbon some of which is radioactive c14 when a creature or plant dies it stops absorbing this radioactive carbon but the c14 it already can continues to decay by measuring the remaining quantity of c14 scientists can estimate how long ago the organism died or in our case when the artifacts were last used or made applying this technique pieces of wood from dwarka were sent to Laboratories where they were analyzed for radiocarbon Content the results the wood samples were found to date back to around 7 500 years ago vastly predating the expected timeline of Mahabharata according to most historians this significant Revelation opened up a Pandora's box of questions could the submerged City really be the mythical dwarka if so does it mean that our timeline of the Mahabharata is off or does it suggest that the city was inhabited long before Krishna supposedly ruled there and the Epic merely borrowed the location's Rich history the radiocarbon dating results were a fascinating Discovery adding a new layer of complexity to the mystery of dwaka it reminds us that the lines between history archeology and mythology can blur leaving us to ponder on the intersection of fact and fiction how does radiocarbon dating work let's step back from the dwarka and elaborate a little more on this interesting way to measure age alright so imagine you're watching a video on YouTube when the video starts it's fully loaded right now let's say you pause the video and go grab a snack when you come back you notice that the video is unloaded a bit it's been buffering and you can't play it right away that's a bit like how radiocarbon dating works but instead of a video we're talking about a kind of stuff called carbon 14 you see everything that was once alive like a tree a dinosaur or a woolly mammoth absorb the type of carbon called carbon 14 when they were living once they die they stopped taking in new carbon 14. but here's the cool part carbon 14 is a little bit like a slowly buffering YouTube video over time it changes or decays into another kind stuff called nitrogen 14. scientists call the time it takes for half of the carbon 14 to change into nitrogen 14 it's Half-Life kind of like if half your video had to buffer before you could watch it for carbon 14 this Half-Life is about 5730 years now let's say we find a really old piece of wood and we want to know when the tree it came from stopped living we can't ask the tree obviously but we can use a special tool to measure how much carbon 14 is still in the wood compared to how much carbon 12 a type of carbon that doesn't change over time is in it if there's a lot of carbon 14 left the tree probably hasn't been dead very long but if there's only a little carbon 14 left that means the tree has been dead for a very long time and that's pretty much how radiocarbon dating works scientists use this method to tell how old things are that used to be alive from ancient wooden tools to prehistoric animal bones it's like a time machine that helps us uncover the secrets of the past the discussion surrounding the ancient city of dwaka isn't without its Skeptics these are the people who question the conclusions that have been drawn from the archaeological evidence and their doubts are an important part of the scientific process one of the main areas of skepticism revolves around the age of the underwater city critics point out that while certain samples tested using radiocarbon dating suggest an older date this doesn't necessarily confirm that the city itself is of the same age in other words older organic material could have been incorporated into a younger settlement sticks also point to the complexity and size of the structures that have been found underwater argue that these structures are far more sophisticated than what is typically associated with other sites from the same period some even suggest that the underwater ruins could be the remnants of a much more recent settlement potentially even dating to Medieval Times then there's the question of the city's connection to the ancient epic the Mahabharata Skeptics argue that just because a city is found where the mythical dwarka is said to have been doesn't mean it's the same city after all there could have been multiple settlements in the area over the thousands of years of human history finally Skeptics argue that more research needs to be done the underwater site is extensive and only a small portion has been thoroughly investigated until more of the city is explored and more artifacts are found and tested Skeptics caution against drawing firm conclusions about the site's age and cultural significance but where does that leave us a submerged City radiocarbon dates that point to immense Antiquity and a saga that may or may not be The Echoes of a distant past the quest for understanding dwarka is a testament to the human spirit's insatiable curiosity Bridging the Gap between myth and science so the next time you gaze at the vast expanse of the ocean remember that beneath its surface May lie stories waiting to be discovered but as always the journey towards knowledge is as fascinating as the destination itself ever heard of a civilization that planned their cities with intricate Precision used standardized weights and wrote in a script that remains undeciphered to this day welcome to the mystical world of the harappans who flourished in the Indus Valley around 5000 years ago this ancient Society one of the cradles of human civilization was so Advanced for its time that it continues to baffle modern historians and archaeologists today we dive into the remarkable story of this civilization exploring their Urban architecture mysterious script sudden disappearance and even dare I say possible extraterrestrial connections sprouting around 3300 BCE during what we now know as the Bronze Age the Indus Valley Civilization also known as the Harappan civilization was an oasis of advancement in an era when most of humanity was still dependent on hunting and Gathering located in what is now modern day Pakistan and Northwest India it was a civilization that would change the course of human history the remarkable thing about the Indus Valley Civilization is its expanse its spanned from The Majestic foothills of the Himalayas all the way down to the warm Waters of the Arabian Sea covering more than a million square kilometers was not a small collection of towns or cities but a civilization composed of over a thousand individual settlements some of these settlements were as far away as Afghanistan showcasing the reach and influence of this ancient Society the two largest cities Mohenjo-daro and harappa were the main hubs of the civilization these cities have offered the most significant evidence about the culture lifestyle and technological prowess of the harappans the range of artifacts from terracotta toys to a wealth of intricate seals found at these sites provides an insight into the complexity and diversity of this civilization moreover the civilization was flourishing at a time when Egypt was still nurturing its first dynasties and the Sumerians were laying the foundation of Mesopotamia their Rapids not only coincided with these civilizations but were engaging in long-distance trade as indicated by Mesopotamian artifacts found in Harappan cities and vice versa this ancient network of trade is a testament to the harappan's enterprising spirit and their role in the early development of international Commerce so the Indus Valley Civilization with its vast expanse and technologically advanced cities truly stands out in our human past as a beacon of the early Urban Revolution that laid the foundations for modern civilization few ancient civilizations can compete with the harappans when it comes to urban planning and architecture their cities were laid out with remarkable Precision akin to a modern City's grid system main streets ran north to south intersected at right angles by smaller East-West streets the meticulous planning also extended to each residential block where homes were arranged in a grid facing the streets with entrances to the side for privacy now consider this these cities were established around 2500 BCE a time when most of the world civilizations were only just beginning to transition from nomadic to settled life the harappans not only mastered urban planning but they also managed to implement it on a large scale throughout their civilization a testament to their exceptional organizational skills the architecture of the Harappan civilization was equally astounding they built their houses typically one or two stories from uniform oven-baked bricks a significant advancement from the sun-dried bricks used by contemporaneous civilizations these houses were equipped with Advanced features for the time such as indoor bathrooms and sophisticated Drainage Systems the presence of wells and bathrooms in almost every house and the intricate network of covered drains indicate a deep understanding of hygiene and Public Health in the midst of these residential blocks were larger public buildings and granaries showcasing the communal aspect of the parapan life the great bath of Mohenjo-daro is a prominent example this large watertight swimming pool-like structure hints at ritualistic or communal activities possibly even an early form of public sanitation the harappan's urban planning and architecture represent a culmination of societal cooperation engineering prowess and a deep understanding of urban living's needs it was this extraordinary blend of Science and society that set the stage for the world's first urban civilization the harappans Left Behind numerous inscriptions etched primarily on seals amulets and pottery these artifacts contain symbols forming a yet undeciphered script despite concerted efforts by linguists and historians the Harappan script remains one of the last untranslated scripts of the ancient world containing about 400 distinct characters many scholars believe this writing system is logo syllabic a blend of phonetic and symbolic elements like ancient Sumerian or Chinese scripts the inability to crack the Harappan script isn't due to trying but rather to a shortage of bilingual inscriptions a tool that was pivotal in decoding ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics the absence of a Harappan Rosetta Stone has thus far kept the civilization's literature if any and many aspects of their culture tantalizingly Out Of Reach however the harappans did leave behind a system that we understand their weights and measures they used a binary decimal system for weights with ratios of 1 2 5 10 20 50 100 200 and 500 they used cubicle weight measures made of chert limestone stir tight and a few of black Basalt and red jasper ranging from 0.856 G to 8735 g evidencing a remarkable consistency and uniformity across a fast region measurements of lengths and masses reveal an amazing accuracy they were capable of measuring angles constructing geometric shapes and aligning their architectural structures with cardinal directions the meticulous Precision of their measurements and the widespread use of standardized weights suggest a regulated economic and administrative system while the Harappan script remains a puzzle their weight system provides a fascinating insight into their society's structure and values it underlines a highly developed sense of fairness and possibly an early form of Taxation once again underscoring the Harappan civilizations remarkable complexity and sophistication as with many great civilizations the decline and disappearance of the Indus Valley Civilization presents a mystery that baffled Scholars for centuries around 1900 BCE signs of gradual decline begin to emerge the once meticulously planned cities show signs of dilapidation and less rigorous urban planning standardized weights and measures the Hallmarks of Harappan Society were used less frequently suggesting a breakdown in the system of centralized control several theories have been proposed for this decline ranging from climatic changes to societal upheavals some scholars believe a major shift in Monsoon patterns could have led to prolonged droughts making agriculture the backbone of the Harappan economy untenable geological evidence suggests that devastating earthquakes and floods may have played a significant role too as tectonic movements altered River courses particularly that of the river Saraswati which vanished around the same time other theories proposed the invasion of foreign entities such as the Aryan people as the root cause of the Harappan downfall however this theory has become less popular in recent years due to a lack of solid archaeological evidence supporting the existence of a large-scale conflict or mass migration the gradual disappearance of the Harappan culture does not mean that it was completely erased elements of their practices and Customs are believed to have been integrated into the cultures that succeeded them particularly in areas such as craft making and agrarian practices in a way the legacy of the Harappan civilization lived on molding with the fabric of the subsequent cultures of the Indian subcontinent despite the Mysteries that shroud the decline and disappearance of this ancient civilization the Indus Valley civilization's footprint in history is undeniable they showcased remarkable progress in urban planning technology and societal organization setting a strong Foundation that undoubtedly influenced the civilizations that followed them their legacy is a testament to human Innovation and resilience providing a fascinating glimpse into our shared past the Allure of the unknown often entices us to search for links between disparate civilizations and sometimes even to conjecture connections with extraterrestrial entities the Indus Valley Civilization shrouded in mystery due to its undeciphered script and abrupt disappearance provides ample ground for such speculations one intriguing line of inquiry emerges from the numerous Indus Valley seals that depict what appear to be flying objects these subject to various interpretations with some suggesting a link to the ancient alien Theory proponents argue that these depictions May indicate that the harappans had contact with extraterrestrial beings however mainstream Academia generally dismisses these theories due to a lack of concrete evidence and the likelihood of alternative more plausible interpretations in terms of inter-civilizational connections there's intriguing evidence of contact between the harappans and contemporary Mesopotamian civilizations archaeological findings have Unearthed Harappan seals and jewelry in ancient Mesopotamian sites indicating trade relations additionally references to a distant country known as malaha in Mesopotamian texts are believed by many scholars to refer to the Indus Valley Civilization some researchers also suggest possible cultural and technological influences between the harappans and the ancient Egyptians another civilization renowned for its Advanced engineering feats however while such connections are plausible given the maritime capabilities of these societies concrete evidence supporting this Theory remains limited unraveling these potential connections is a captivating yet complex Pursuit while these theories particularly those involving Ancient Aliens often Venture into the realm of speculation they underscore our fascination with the vast and complex web of ancient civilizations as our understanding of the past continues to evolve who knows what startling connections and Revelations await us as we take a step back and contemplate the Indus Valley Civilization it's not just their tangible achievements that Mesmerize us it's the aura of mystery surrounding their undeciphered script the mystery of their abrupt disappearance and the tantalizing possibility of connections with other ancient societies and perhaps even extraterrestrial entities but the true Testament to their legacy is how they Inspire us to constantly question explore and strive to understand our shared human past so next time you look at an urban Grid or a piece of writing take a moment to appreciate the Journey of human civilization picture yourself in the Sands of ancient Egypt standing in the shadows of all inspiring structures that challenge the very limits of human Ingenuity pyramids colossal tombs built by hands Millennia ago each one an embodiment of extraordinary architectural genius unique in its own way the sheer magnitude of these structures coupled with their mystifying Precision hints at an expertise far beyond what we'd expect from the ancient world but what if there's more to these structures what if we've been looking at them all wrong what if they're not just architectural Feats but rather signposts left behind by extraterrestrial visitors intriguing isn't it the Black Pyramid located in the Royal necropolis of Dasha built by Pharaoh a manimhat III it's named for the dark weathered casing stones that once covered it giving it a brooding mysterious look despite its dilapidated State the Black Pyramid still emanates an undeniable Aura of ancient grandeur the Black Pyramid was the first to be built with mudbrick core and encased in a beautiful layer of black Basalt a departure from the usual Limestone and granite adding another layer of intrigue to this historical puzzle today what remains is a glimpse of the Grandeur it once held the blackened edifice standing like a solemn Testament to the Ingenuity of its creators why did amanam Hut choose to use this combination of building materials could it have been influenced by a need for a sturdier design given the structural failures of previous pyramids or did the black stones have a specific symbolic or practical purpose beyond our current understanding the use of different materials has led some to speculate about possible alien influence the specific choice of black Basalt a volcanic rock known for its identity and resistance to erosion Sparks curiosity could it be that an advanced extraterrestrial civilization advised the use of this material to ensure the pyramid's longevity we may never truly know in the end but the Black Pyramid much like its Brethren keeps its secrets well and it's these qualities that continue to Captivate and puzzle all who seek to understand the profound history of these Ancient Wonders inside the Royal necropolis of Dasha here we encounter a distinctive and peculiar Monument known as the bent pyramid but what gives this pyramid its unique bent appearance constructed during the reign of pharaoh sneferu father of Khufu the bent pyramid represents a transitional phase in pyramid construction techniques initially it was designed with a steep 54 degree inclination similar to the earlier step pyramids however about halfway up The Architects suddenly changed the angle to a much less steep 43 degrees giving it a unique bent shape why the sudden change some theories suggest structural problems appeared during construction Leading The Architects to adjust the angle to prevent a catastrophic collapse but other theories are more mysterious some propose that astronomical or cylindrical changes led to this alteration or perhaps even extraterrestrial involvement or guidance on the interior the bent pyramid holds another surprise unlike most pyramids it has two entrances one on the Northern face and another on the western each leading to a different set of Chambers was this intentional in design for ritualistic purposes or is there a more practical explanation much like its bigger brother in Giza the bent pyramid is a Marvel of ancient architecture that continues to perplex and Astound us it stands as a clear indication of the trial and error process the ancient Egyptians employed in their quest to perfect the pyramidal form but the mystery of its bent shape still stirs the imagination could there be a lost alien blueprint or ancient technological knowledge that we are yet to uncover next on our journey through Egypt's awe-inspiring pyramids we come to the Red Pyramid another one of pharaoh sneferu's architectural wonders located in darshur but why red well it gets its name from the reddish Limestone used in its construction especially visible at Sunset often overlooked due to the Grandeur of the Great Pyramid The Red Pyramid is actually one of Egypt's true architectural Marvels after learning valuable lessons from the bent pyramid Egyptian Engineers built the red pyramid with a more manageable 43 degree slope from base to tip giving it a more classical pointed pyramid shape inside it features a series of corridors and anti-chambers leading to a pair of burial Chambers showing clear advancements in internal pyramid design from previous generations the complexity of the internal design Sparks questions about the mathematical and Engineering capabilities of the ancient Egyptians it's not unreasonable to think that they may have had some help whether from an advanced ancient Society or even extraterrestrial life perhaps one of the most intriguing aspects of The Red Pyramid is the acoustic properties of its Chambers visitors have reported experiencing a deep pulsating resonance in certain areas scientists have attributed this to the structure's shape and materials some theorists Point towards a more otherworldly explanation suggesting the pyramid was designed for an acoustic purpose beyond our current understanding stepping further back in time let's visit Sakara home to the Pyramid of Jose this architectural Masterpiece is not just another pyramid it's actually recognized as the very first colossal Stone building and the earliest colossal Stone Pyramid in Egypt constructed for Pharaoh Jose by his architect imitep it's a step pyramid quite literally a departure from the classic shape we're accustomed to this six-tier four-sided structure ascends in six distinct steps much like a staircase to the heavens but why would the Egyptians make a step pyramid instead of the smooth sided ones we're familiar with some suggest this was a transitional design an evolutionary step between the flat-roofed tombs of earlier pharaohs and the smooth-sided pyramids that followed others point to religious or cosmological reasons seeing the steps as a grand staircase for Joseph's Carr or Life Force to ascend to the sky and join the gods the pyramid's impressive Subterranean network of tunnels and Chambers over five kilometers long adds to the Intrigue its complexity far outstrips anything attempted before was this vast maze-like under structure a deterrent to grave robbers a pathway for Joseph's k or something more mysterious some proponents of the ancient astronaut theory suggest that these labyrinthine corridors are too complex to be solely the work of human hands suggesting extraterrestrial involvement in their design our second last stop on this Grand Tour is the Pyramid of Maiden a structure standing in the Egyptian desert with a story that's as fascinating as its unusual appearance unlike other pyramids we've looked at the Pyramid of maida M is characterized by its strange tower-like structure looking less like a pyramid and more like a colossal multi-layered wedding break the maiden pyramid is believed to have been initially built as a step pyramid for the Pharaoh snaferu what's interesting is that it appears to have been architecturally modified mid-construction with the steps filled in to create a true pyramid form but something went wrong dramatically wrong outer layers of the pyramid have collapsed leaving just the inner core standing what caused this did The Architects overestimate the stability of their design or was there an external Factor at play these questions linger in the wind that sweeps across the medium pyramid and researchers are still seeking answers and even more tantalizing question is whether extraterrestrial beings could have influenced the construction of this pyramid alien theorists point to the maiden pyramid's complex design the sheer scale of the project and the sudden shift in architectural plan as indicators of potential alien involvement could this pyramid's unique design be an ancient echo of advanced knowledge imparted by extraterrestrial visitors until we discover conclusive evidence the Pyramid of midam will continue to both baffle and Captivate those who Ponder its Origins if we go on a historical Journey Back In Time Around 4 500 years ago to be precise we encounter one of the most magnificent constructions of the ancient world the Great Pyramid of Giza and it's not just great in name it's massive originally standing at 481 feet 146.6 meters making it the tallest man-made structure for over 3 800 years isn't that something constructed during the reign of pharaoh Khufu it's estimated that around 2.3 million stone blocks each weighing between 2.5 and 15 Tons were used in its construction the Precision and accuracy with which this colossal Monument was built to truly mind-boggling its sides are aligned almost perfectly with the cardinal points and its base is horizontal and flat to within just 21 Amir or fascinatingly the pyramid's design incorporates complex mathematical and astronomical knowledge such as the concept of Pi and the solar year how an ancient civilization achieved this feat is still a topic of heated debate among archaeologists and historians did the Egyptians possess advanced technology loss to time or as some propose were they aided by extraterrestrial beings the Great Pyramid isn't just an architectural Marvel but also an acoustic one it appears to focus electromagnetic energy in its Chambers and beneath its base leading to Wild speculations about its purpose from a grand tomb to an ancient power plant or a cosmic Beacon the theories are as numerous as they are intriguing have you ever looked up at the stars and wondered how our ancestors interpreted these celestial bodies what if I told you there was a civilization that not only gazed at the cosmos but wrote sophisticated texts that connected life nature and the universe in one profound framework this was The Vedic civilization a culture that emerged around the same time when the pyramids were being built in Egypt but halfway across the world in the Indian subcontinent their fascinating contributions to astronomy philosophy and Mathematics are still evident in modern society yet their beliefs and laws seem to intertwine with other ancient civilizations even hinting at Advanced Technologies and extraterrestrial connections so let's embark on a journey into the past to a time when The Vedas were being composed and uncover the Intriguing World Of The Vedic civilization The Vedic civilization is named after The Vedas which are the oldest scriptures in Hindu literature but these are not just religious texts they are in many ways a window into the culture science and philosophy of a society that thrived between 1500 and 500 BC a significant component of ancient Indian Society The Vedic civilization spanned across the northern and Northwestern parts of India covering the modern day states of Punjab haryana uttar Pradesh Bihar and parts of Rajasthan The Vedic civilization's chronology itself is intriguing its beginning coincides with the end of the Indus Valley Civilization leading some to suggest that The Vedic people might have been the successors of the induce Valley people others suggest that they were entirely distinct entities with The Vedic civilization being pastoral and nomadic compared to the urban settled life of the Indus Valley Civilization however it's clear that both civilizations were remarkably Advanced for their time the civilization gets its name from the four Vaders rigveda yajurveda samaveda and athavaveda these texts are a collection of hymns rituals and chants used in religious rights and ceremonies the texts are written in Sanskrit and they provide valuable insights into the societal structure economic practices and philosophical beliefs of The Vedic people but they also contain some intriguing elements that have sparked debates among Scholars and enthusiasts alike references to Advanced astronomical knowledge mentions of flying machines or vimanas and sophisticated metallurgical practices raise questions about how much The Vedic civilization knew and understood some argue that these elements Point towards ancient technology possibly even interaction with extraterrestrial intelligence While others interpret them as metaphors or religious symbolism the debate continues making The Vedic civilization an endless source of intrigue and Fascination The Vedic civilization has left an indelible mark on the world and its influence continues to shape our modern lives in ways that we may not even recognize we owe a great deal of our understanding of early philosophy astronomy mathematics and Health Sciences to this ancient civilization take for instance the concept of zero today we take it for granted but it was during The Vedic period that mathematicians began grappling with this revolutionary concept changing the core course of mathematics forever Vedic astronomy was equally Advanced the texts detail a deep understanding of celestial mechanics The Vedas describe how the Earth revolves around the Sun a fact that was only widely accepted much later in human history they also mention the Manas which many interpreters references to Flying machines causing speculations about possible advanced technology or even ancient Aviation the health science is also saw significant advancements during The Vedic period the rigveda and atarva Veda mentioned numerous plants and herbs used for medicinal purposes marking the early beginnings of ayurveda one of the world's oldest holistic healing systems yoga a practice that is now globally recognized for promoting physical and mental well-being also finds its roots in The Vedic civilization in terms of societal contributions The Vedic civilization also pioneered the caste system an intricate social structure that has shaped Indian Society for centuries while controversial in its implications it provides unique insights into the cultural and social organization of the time of course the spiritual philosophy of The Vedas has had a profound influence forming the foundation for Hinduism and inspiring later philosophies like Buddhism and Jainism the teachings emphasize the pursuit of knowledge the harmony of the individual and the cosmos and the principles of Dharma righteousness the wealth Karma desire and Moksha Liberation desire however some elements of The Vedas have sparked Lively debates references to Advanced Technologies and knowledge that seems beyond the scope of a civilization from that era have led some to theorize about extraterrestrial involvement or connections with other ancient civilizations when we start to dig into the intricacies of The Vedic civilization we uncover striking resemblances to other ancient cultures suggesting possible connections or shared influences one of the most intriguing of these is the connection to ancient Egypt both civilizations flourished around the same time and shared surprisingly similar practices for instance the concept of Mart in Egyptian civilization closely mirrors The Vedic principle of atai both denoting Cosmic order and moral law furthermore both civilizations demonstrated Advanced knowledge of astronomy for instance the Egyptian pyramids and Vedic structures both show a high level of astronomical alignment was this merely a coincidence or was there a shared underlying knowledge that spanned these civilizations the connection to ancient Sumer is also noteworthy the rig Vader one of the oldest texts of The Vedic civilization mentions reverse Saraswati which is believed to be the present-day Gaga River interestingly Sumerian texts also refer to a river similar to the Saraswati indicating possible interactions between these civilizations another fascinating connection is seen in the similarities between the ancient Harappan symbols and the later brahmi script used in The Vedic civilization could it be that knowledge was passed from one to the other perhaps one of the most intriguing theories however involves extraterrestrial influences some theories suggest that the knowledge and advancements of The Vedic civilization were influenced by alien civilizations citing references to vimanas or flying machines in the ancient texts as evidence while these connections are intriguing it's important to approach them with a critical eye The Vedic civilization much like a supernova may have had a relatively short life span compared to the cosmic scale of human history but its impact continues to resonate even today from the creation of Sanskrit considered one of the oldest languages in the world and the mother of all Indo-European languages to the foundational texts of Hindu philosophy The Vedas the civilization has left behind a cultural and intellectual Legacy that is profound and enduring beyond the language and religion The Vedic civilization's contributions to science particularly mathematics and astronomy were remarkable they conceptualized the idea of zero and developed a decimal system of counting revolutionizing mathematical operations in the realm of astronomy they charted the movements of celestial bodies with striking accuracy underlining a sophisticated understanding of the cosmos these advancements are not only intriguing for their time but continue to shape modern scientific thought and practices The Vedic civilizations influence extended to social structures as well the system of varnas a social hierarchy that would later evolve into the caste system can trace its Origins back to the civilization while this has been a controversial Legacy it underscores the deep-seated influence of The Vedic civilization on the societal fabric of the Indian subcontinent there are also fascinating yet controversial theories about The Vedic civilization's connection to ancient technology and even extraterrestrial life references to viminas or flying machines in ancient texts have sparked speculation about Advanced possibly alien technology while these theories often skirt the realm of fringe science they certainly add to the Intrigue surrounding this civilization as we delve deeper into the lore of The Vedic civilization we find intriguing parallels and points of convergence with other ancient civilizations one such connection arises with the Sumerians one of the earliest civilizations in the world that sprouted in the Fertile Crescent of Mesopotamia like The Vedic civilization the Sumerians had a Pantheon of gods and they too were advanced in astronomical observations Sumerian texts also speak of flying gods and chariots which mirror The Vedic Tales of vimanas is it a coincidence that two distinct civilizations separated by geography came up with similar Tales or does it Point towards a shared interaction with advanced technology possibly extraterrestrial adding to the mystery are the theories postulating a connection between ancient civilizations and extraterrestrial beings ancient alien theorists proposed that gods in both The Vedic and Sumerian Pantheon were in fact Advanced extraterrestrial beings who were mistaken as deities they cite references to Advanced Technology like the vimanas in Vedic texts and the detailed astronomical knowledge that far surpassed what would have been possible with the technology of the time furthermore striking similarities in architectural designs symbolism and religious rituals found across ancient civilizations have led to speculations of a shared ancient culture or a mother civilization some theories even suggest that this civilization could be the mythical city of Atlantis which spread its knowledge across the world before it was lost to time we've journeyed through Millennia across continents and even ventured into the cosmos as we've explored the mysteries of The Vedic civilization we've seen their incredible contributions pondered their connections to other ancient civilizations and even dared to question the possibility of ancient alien interactions whether or not these theories are true they give us a deeper appreciation for the breadth of human history and the fascinating tapestry of cultures that have shaped our world so the next time you gaze up at the night sky Remember The Vedas the Sumerians and wonder what could the Ancients see that we've forgotten and as always thanks for watching [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: LifesBiggestQuestions
Views: 2,128,297
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Keywords: antarctica, ancient, history, ancient history, ancient civilzations, pre history, under the ice, antarctica civilization, civilization in antarctica, early civilizations, antarctica theories, ancient civilization documentary, piri reis map, piri reis, piri reis map explained, lifes biggest questions, lbq, ancient maps, ancient ufos, ancient aliens, the piri reis map, hidden history, world history, piri reis university, mini documentary, ancient mysteries, extra terrestrials
Id: dUUM7oTh5tc
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Length: 66min 0sec (3960 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 11 2023
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