This is how you can FIX YOUR PASSING

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all right guys welcome back to the channel today guys I'm going to be showing you why your passing sucks or maybe it doesn't but I'm going showing you the easiest way to fix it and what's the number one problem when you're doing your passing so guys what is everyone doing wrong you might be thinking to yourself those passes look pretty normal and well they were and that's kind of issue when you're passing if the ball comes off the ground even a little bit that could throw off your trajectory of the ball by a whole lot and I'm not even talking about a couple centimeters I'm talking about meters or more now is this really a huge issue well kind of if you're looking to become the best player that you can be you want to make sure that you're cutting this out of your game immediately cuz when the ball isn't on the ground at all times when you're passing it you're missing out on how it's reacting with the ground and how it's curving cuz in the air it's going to curve less than it will on the ground so how do we minimize this well first stuff you don't want to aim at the bottom of the ball cuz if you do that's setting yourself up for failure as you can see it went up aim somewhere in the center or even slightly on top and that little difference in Balance could be the difference between a successful pass and a counter attacks from the enemy team so now that you know what not to do I'm going to show you the grass cutter which is why I made this entire video yeah that was like 2 minutes of filler but that's okay so first things first is that you're going to need a ball so now guys all you want to do is make make sure that your foot ahead of the ball make sure you're taking at least one to two steps of a run up and now you want to lock your ankle just like that want to make sure that you're striking the ball across the face of the ball with from your toe all the way to your laces and in then it should look something like this back
Channel: Coach Gabriel Casimiro
Views: 1,717
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: riEozbWpYz0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 3sec (123 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 09 2024
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