This Is How To Outwork Everyone Else - Alex Hormozi

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slaves worked all the hours they were awake for their entire lives in American history in Egyptian history in the rest of the world that had slaves which is most of the world at some given point I think like if they can do it so can I now you're like well did they have a happy existence well they didn't get to pick the work they did but it means that you can work that's if you have the cat behind you you can work every hour of the day I'm like well if you get to have the cheese and you get to eat the cheese the whole way you're going then I mean there's the famous quote uh you know the person who the person who loves walking walks further than the person who loves the destination right and so like I think it's the same thing but the everyone so many people want to project their idea of of what they think your life should be like onto you and it's just completely irrelevant it just doesn't matter like if all I did if I if I weren't married right because people were like okay well he is married and like I am in shape but I also just like working out but if I didn't have either of those things and all I did was work all day more people would talk about the work-life balance thing for me than they currently do and who cares I just like I just I fundamentally am like you are gonna die and you're not gonna matter and I'm gonna die and I'm not gonna matter so why do I care about what you're gonna say when you're not even gonna show up to my funeral who gives a [ __ ] what is it that you're taking an enjoyment from then the one step deeper than this there is something that you're optimizing for I love I love the reward what reward the micro rewards I get every day like of operating a business of all things business related yep so I love writing the book about business I love talking to my editor about what we're changing oh that's a really way better way to say it right or I like tweeting about the thoughts that we have I love doing discussions like this because I talk about my favorite topic which is business for the most part um like and I actually am pretty averse to punishment I've learned that about me like I do not like it and when I say punish me in the formal sense like things you don't like right and so like I avoid them like to play I don't do them and so I just do as many of the things I can that reward me as frequently as possible but from the outside to a lot of people that looks like punishment right yes interesting how can someone uh cut through societal expectations the ways they've dealt with past trauma expectations from parents all of the things that aren't their thing yeah how can somebody because what you've done again axiomatically a priori this is the thing I want to optimize for how do people find the thing that they want to optimize for I don't have a thing Alex that's [ __ ] great for you with your business it just happens to be something else that's at the intersection of making a [ __ ] ton of money yeah how do I find it I was lucky with that yes that that just happened to be the intersection because if I love knitting and I didn't like business yeah that's a whole step because like you can turn knitting into a business but like if I only like knitting then there's a way to make a living for that but to to get to the person who's like uh how do I find my thing um I'm a big fan of being directionally correct rather than absolutely correct and so I think what happens is most people are trying to find the perfect answer when they have no perspective from which to make a judgment they're trying to find the perfect thing to do and they haven't done anything so how would you have perspective to make a judgment like if you try a lot of things in the beginning which you have to know what your inputs outputs are decrease your action threshold enough with either a cheese or a cat whatever you need most people have more cats than they have cheese in the beginning so use the cat to start running towards something and the thing is is the rat it's so simple it's like there's cheese here but what you really just need to know is that there's cheese out there and there's a cat behind me for sure and so if I just go anywhere away from the cat I have a higher likelihood of getting closer to the cheese not that I will find it but I will get closer to it and I think it's and I've lived my life through a series of Rapid iterations not trying to pick the right thing because I just like even when I was starting my first business I was between frozen yogurt test prep and a gym those are the three businesses that I was choosing to make complete sense yeah right a lot of things that I like right you know and so so I'm choosing between those things and like why were those the things I was like well I was pretty good at taking tests in college so I get that I like frozen yogurt and I mean it sounds simple but like I was like everybody likes something right and I actually didn't know that I was gonna like business that's the crazy thing because also hey when you and I were younger Instagram wasn't there YouTube like none of this [ __ ] existed and Entrepreneurship wasn't cool yet and so I just hated my job a lot and I hated where I lived a lot and so I was like well I will just not be here so cat don't know what city I'm gonna go to but just not this city I went across the furthest place from Baltimore which is California and then I was like okay well what do I hate doing well let me not do that which is you know sitting on meetings all day and doing whatever you know doing grunt work for [ __ ] that I felt like was meaningless and instead I was like I'll do Fitness because I like Fitness and I was like at the very least I'll do something I enjoy which I liked Fitness at the time and if you're like well I don't like doing anything it's like well then that's impossible because your brain is wired to be rewarded for things and so you are doing things that reward you that's why you do them like everything we do is because we've been rewarded for doing things like that in the past and we project the same activities and we predict that doing things like we did in the past that reward us reward us again in the future that's where our Behavior comes from and so it's like okay well what is your rewarded to do in the past where's the cat go the opposite way yeah so the the reverse role model is something similar but you're you're almost taking this into a lifestyle perspective so the reverse role model is if you live in a town or you grow up somewhere and there's no one around you like the sort of person that you want to be like but there are tons of people like the person you don't want to be like you can say there's a way marker I don't want his relationship with gambling I don't want the way that Hema handles his finances I don't want the way that him and his wife communicate with each other it's like okay there we go Warren Buffett uh Mungus says uh like an amazing amount of success has been achieved by not trying to be smart but avoiding being stupid uh so there's your way markers there but what you're saying is that this is almost like a a abstracted lifestyle version of this these are all of the things that I hate to do what's the opposite of that yeah and the uh challenge of I don't know precisely what the exact thing is therefore I can't move toward it is one of mine which is perfectionism is procrastination masquerading as quality control I was gonna say it's a it's a fallacy it's a it's a decision-making fallacy it's the same it's this is why investor frames can be so useful like if you're looking for the perfect investment you won't find one there's always downsides every every investment has risk right and so using that frame you're like well there's all these paths which one do I choose it's like well you have to the one thing that's guaranteed is if you keep the money it will go down in value because it'll inflate right so not investing is the only way guaranteed to not get a return on your investment is that a the fact that inflation exists do you think that's a useful motivating force for business people you know you could imagine a different form of world economics where you know like embedded growth obligations weren't there and like whatever you know inflation didn't happen do you think that that sort of motivates people to actually be like oh [ __ ] like I need to I need to do something with this money I can't just sit sit and leave it in the bank I think we're motivate investors yes more yeah yeah but I mean the the business people would just like probably keep more coins in there in their vault and just keep transacting is that Scrooge McDuck yeah they'd be less likely to they'd be less likely to deploy Capital faster because if you feel like there's a cost of capital that's higher for keeping it like letting it sit there then you have a higher urgency to do something with it if you have less urgency then you only do it when you know it's gonna crash what's happening people if you enjoyed that then press here for the full unedited episode and don't forget to subscribe peace [Music]
Channel: Chris Williamson
Views: 224,198
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: modern wisdom, podcast, chris williamson, Chris Williamson modern wisdom, modern wisdom podcast, chriswillx, Chris Williamson Modern Wisdom Podcast
Id: FsjYbbHcSYc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 54sec (474 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 30 2023
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