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mosey nation a lot of people ask how do you guys get so much stuff done how does how do the companies move forward with such speed um and for those who don't know my name is alex hormozy we own acquisition.com our portfolio does about 85 million a year i give you all this stuff because i just want you to not be broke and a lot of people are and so i want you to be one of them all right and so this video is a video that was i released in a group a very long time ago and it's one of the top ranked videos in that group out of 300 plus videos and it was how we tactically execute on speed so speedys king is one of the core tenants of our companies actually turning that concept of speed into something that everyone can execute on is one of the key things that moves you forward towards your goals faster all right and it's not what a lot of people think it's not about being impatient it's not a lot not about trying to to get a hundred things done but it's about knowing how to get the things done that matter a and then b how do we get these short tasks done in a way that actually moves teams forward rather than individuals all right so i think you'll enjoy the video it was ranked one of the top ones and i'll see you on the other side mosey nation love you good morning everyone hope you guys are having a fantastic friday um today i wanted to uh talk about something that um has been it's been on my doctor for a while but today felt like the right day i'm calling this [ __ ] end of week what i mean by that is one of the things that i've seen across the board when we're talking to entrepreneurs and you know the the gym owner community that we have is that the one trait i see over and over again that is clear to the people who are are winners right the top one percent i'm not talking top ten percent but the top one percent is the speed with which they execute after making a decision one of the definitions that like we talk about the community is that differentiate power as i understand it is the gap between thoughts becoming reality and so if you thought about an omnipotent being right something someone who has unlimited power as they think that thing would be right and so if you were to believe in a creator of some sort then you might think as that creator thought the universe became right and so if you think that as like the ultimate scale of power then the closer we can get to that the more powerful we become the more potent we are as entrepreneurs and so i see this so many times that it's it's not even it's not even uh oh like this is associated with success like this is what creates success because the gap between where you decide something is a good idea and when it actually occurs is the loop with which you can improve your business and so it's a lot like i can't remember what the saying was but it's not like how old the car is but how many miles are on it what i mean by that is like we're young right but there's been a lot of a lot of iterations that have happened from you know when the business first started when i started my first gym until now and i think the key to that is the speed of the oota loop and that's that's just like a military term like observe orient decide act and it's just the loop with which that you can basically see what's going on make a decision act on it and then do that whole loop again right because the faster you can pivot and iterate the more responsive you are as an entrepreneur the faster you can take advantage of opportunities the faster you can find out what failures are then move on i want to talk about this within the context of running a team and employees and then also within yourself and so from running your team right one of the things that you know once once you're moving out of you doing things all the time there's how do i get other people to do things and so that's why i called this like [ __ ] end of week right is that i one of the things one of my biggest pet peeves is like yeah i can get to that by end of week i'm like why don't you just get it to me in an hour because that's how long it takes and then all of a sudden it's like oh it's like well i have a meeting right then it's like is it more important than this no okay well then do it like if you think about how you can run an organization like that if you can get things done end of day right rather than end of week you were literally speeding up the organization 7x think about that and so when you're thinking about deadlines and you're thinking about expectations you as the owner can set the x you set the cadence if people say hey can we do this and then you're like cool let's start right now you set the tone for how the organization's going to move how quickly it's going to orient how quickly thoughts become reality and ultimately how powerful your organization will become because of the speed right and speed isn't doing things fast it's basically just not being distracted by other [ __ ] that doesn't matter it's being able to prioritize and most people a lot of the times aren't doing something that's high priority right a lot of times they're just doing nothing if you can speed up that loop and force and and put apply pressure to your team to not do things by end of week or even end of day it's like it's 10 a.m can you get this done by noon uh okay and then you can have that loop happen three times within a day rather than it taking three weeks right because you set that cadence from the beginning and then things get done faster so i've been reading some really interesting books lately and i referred them out to um a handful of entrepreneur friends that i have that are all doing five five to 15 million kind of in that range and what was amazing to me is that every single one of them read the book immediately sent me back their notes and what they were going to do with it and like and basically were asking feedback on on the angle that they were going to take with it what's fascinating to me is that if you look at if you look at lower level entrepreneurs they and i'm not saying in a negative way i'm just saying in terms of just objective revenue like just they haven't achieved this much the delay between being able to gain information and act is so much longer and that's why they how where they want to be it's kind of the same degree of people who are like who pay for our program and haven't gone through the poor yet i'm like what do you do right like what priority like what what education do you have that is not relevant to your business like you're reading a motivational blog right now when you have to translate that motivation into a thought that you're then going to quote test and then you have to see how that test works and then maybe it improves something rather than just following the playbook that has already been tested and has already like the the tree has been shook right and so if you look at like joey for example who by by all definitions his gym is the is the number one gym within gym launch right he had already finished everything in legacy by week eight his first eight weeks he'd already implemented every single system and legacy and so it's not like it's not like he has more hours in the day right it's not like his business is different it's just that his level of efficacy in execution was so high because it'd allow himself to get distracted by things and the moment he has something he needs to execute it's creates this itch inside of him that he cannot he can't move forward without executing this so that the relief comes and if you can start to foster that type of behavior in yourself in those attitudes about execution you will grow faster and you will become more powerful as an entrepreneur right if you think about your competition who would you fear right the competitor who sees what you're doing can immediately execute implement and improve on it at a faster loop than you can even understand what's going on right and that's where speed of first to market and things like that don't matter as much because if an ex if a competitor can execute an out ooda loop right can can speed that loop up faster they can iterate and improve on it faster than you can and then you have no chance to catch up and so if you're looking at your business look at it from a context of speed of how long does it take us to improve things how long from understanding that our churn is high to executing the five horsemen how long did that take we knew what the problem was how long did it take for us to do and if you can if you can if you can get real with yourself about how many actual hours it will take to do something and then you look at your week and you think okay what am i doing today that is more important than this and where can i put these two hours and start with the moment that you make the decision and then all of a sudden you'll be getting things done that day that afternoon rather than end of week end of month we purposely delay these things because we just procrastinate for no reason when the the problem will not go away right and so that is why within gym launch speed is king is one of the core tenants of the business because you have to and the tone has to start with you as the entrepreneur like you have to apply that pressure you have to say [ __ ] end of week why like what are you doing today that's more important than this right what are you doing in the next two hours that's more important than this tell me right and a lot of times you'll get the answer like well i guess i can do it now it's like yeah then let's do it now let's get it done right and that small change can 7x right if you even going from end of week to end of day can 7x how quickly your business grows because the solutions that you need to implement to solve the problems and break through the bottlenecks happen today not in a week not in a month and then the reaction to the next thing that breaks the next bottleneck in the business happens not in a week not in a month but in a day and then that's how quickly you can pivot from where you are to where you want to go because it's not one big thing it's a million small turns that will get you there anyways i hope i hope anyone you know somebody found value in this if you have an employee or you're managing your team and you want to implement new things start with today right start with end of day not end of week start with end of the next two hours and then work backwards from there and then apply pressure and and push back on excuses for why something else why something can't be done ask for why why do you think this thing that you're going to do is more important than this and i want a real answer right and if they can't give you a real answer then it means that i need to help you prioritize and that's fine but this is now going to be your priority because this is what drives revenue this is what drives retention this is what's going to drive the business look at your schedule identify the bottlenecks you have and then start doing them now not in tomorrow not in a week not in a month because there's no point it's just the speed with which you can close the gap between your thoughts and your decisions and the reality that you create in front of you will dictate how powerful you are as an entrepreneur and even as a human being so anyways have an amazing day have a fantastic friday for my gym lords i will see you guys on the call later today otherwise keep being awesome tag like comment all that jazz um lots of love all right all right
Channel: Alex Hormozi
Views: 388,900
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Alex Hormozi, Alex Hormozi Business Tips, Alex Hormozi Gym Launch Secrets, Hormozi, Business guides, Business tips, Skillsets, Skill Stacking, The Game Podcast, mozination, alex hormozi business tips, business guides, alex hormozi gym launch secrets, take action
Id: oW6JkqL6sdM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 0sec (600 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 17 2021
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