$100M Productivity Hacks With Alex Hormozi

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you have a productivity hack an easy productivity hack instead of spending time getting in the mood to work just start working confront the work people think they need perfect conditions to start when in reality starting is the perfect condition I'm married to that I love that because if you think like I you know I obviously am somebody who always wants to optimize how much work I do per unit of time and so I I was you know there was definitely times earlier in my life I was really romanticized by these like very extensive morning routines and supplement rituals and like all this stuff of mental masturbation around the work that need to be done but when I looked at two hours later and nothing had actually gotten done the moment you begin working is when your output per unit of time goes up and so that makes beginning the single greatest hack that you can have for everything else that you do in work because things when you start working you start getting in the mood to work right like everything else is procrastinating around the work that you think you should do but like I have noticed for me at least I have these I have some big mental tasks you know what I mean like big content piece or big thing that you need like you know it's going to take real mental effort it takes me like five minutes of actually being in it to then get a little bit of a lay of the land to then get into it but I used to take hours to delay to start the first five minutes and so my time compression of when I thought I should start doing something and when I started doing it over time it's just compressed to the point where it's like the moment I think that I need to start doing it sometimes I just start it because then what happens I get this open loop and so rather than complete work at like because a lot of people were like I want to complete it at this really nice clean Point stop halfway through the sentence because it'll drive you mad that's the zygonic effect in full work do you know this story psygonic oh wow this is way more than I did that's why you shut up that's but you're leveraging here so um the zygonic effect was a study originally done on servers in restaurants and they realized you've ever been at a restaurant and a server comes up and stands with their hands behind the back and go what would you like tonight sir and you say I'll have the lobster roll and a glass of red wine and a blah blah and you're like this motherfucker's not he hasn't got a pen or a pad of paper he's crazy and then they go off and what they realized was servers in restaurants were unbelievably good at being able to recall exactly what a table's order was while that table's order was still open so uh guys in table 16 uh they want to swap the PS out for a little bit of extra rice and they're doing this thing as soon as the table was closed they couldn't remember anything so this is an open loop closed loop system and it's built into the brain the brain abhors an open loop it's the same reason why Netflix Cliffhangers at the end of every episode guarantee that you'll watch the next one because you can't bear the fact there's even novels in the dark romance genre that make guarantees that there won't be Cliffhangers they make they put it on the front or the back of the book and they say no Cliffhanger is guaranteed which is people have so much distaste for it that it's a selling point that you get the closure at the end of it and finishing halfway through a sentence reduces the activation energy required to begin that sentence the next day and it keeps it in your mind too overnight so I think yeah whether you've stumbled on it or whether you knew about it you've managed to leverage a pretty powerful piece of psychology there sick going back to the work thing uh another one from you that I absolutely adore it just takes work shitloads and shitloads of work every time I try and dress it up or cut a corner I get brutally reminded the work just needs doing the work doesn't care who you are it just cares that it gets done I'm actually going to reverse quote David Goggins on this one but uh I love this quote that he has which he says there's no shortcuts for you David or there's no shortcuts for you Goggins I heard him say that and I just love that as a refrain which is that a lot of people look for a shortcut but the idea that you say like they're not for you you don't get to use them you are immune to shortcuts I just love it because then it just further shortcuts the path to the work that needs to get done and I wrote that tweet on my I don't know 11th run of this presentation that I'm doing because that's a recent one yeah and so I was it was like 11 o'clock at night and so right now I'm working triple shifts which is not common for me I usually do two not three um so for me in normal work day is like I wake up I start working at you know six or seven and then I go until about six ish so it's like 10 to 12 really concentrated of hours work and that I can do six and a half days a week I usually take Saturday afternoons off um and it's really just because at that point I can't work anymore in My Brain Stew and then I I get my one half day and then I'm good to go and I'm rearing to kick on you know to work on Sundays my triple shift is I get I go to dinner and I come back at 7 30 and then I work from 7 30 until 11 30 or 1 or whatever right and when I'm putting in triple shifts is when I know I'm like really gassing it um and that's that's when I'm like repeatedly doing 16 17 a day of actual productive work and I I hear the same thoughts that everyone does which is like it's not going to matter like it's fine you've like it's good enough like I hate that like it it makes me sick to even say that right because the thing that I like David Goggins right he's got like there's no shortcuts for you I would say the one that I have two that are like my internal ones one that is probably the most common is I will do what is required and this work needs doing and there's just no way around it and it's just it's just looking at the face of the work and it's like smiling back at me like no one else is going to do it um and like I love that one like when we're recording content in the early days we're doing like 100 shorts every time we did it and it was direct to camera and it was the only time I could fit it in with all the portfolio stuff that we're doing and so I was it was always like I will do what's required and that's been a really helpful refrain for me when I'm confronted with especially when you know what needs to get done and the second one is but I'll know and so like even if it does go well and even if everyone else says it's great but I'll know and it'll then rob me of all of the joy of all of those moments in that experience because I'll know that I could have done better and the thing is it's like to to quote myself from earlier like I've never regretted working harder ever not once and some people like on your deathbed you're like no because I lived every moment of my day doing what I wanted to do and I remember I had a boss when I um my first boss after college she said this thing I had had a particularly good weekend and she said I'm pretty sure happiness is stringing as many of those days in a row as you possibly can and although I hated the job that piece of advice has actually been probably what I has been my blueprint for how to live which is like my birthday looks the same as my Tuesdays which looks the same as my Sundays you know what the original name pool for this podcast was this is the only time in history I've done branding my entire adult life and with club nights all you're doing is coming up with Brands Paradiso oh it's it's tropical there'll be a flamingo skint oh it's a cheap night it's for people to get fingered in the corner like it's we all I did was branding right I was The Branding guy I'm pretty good at copywriting all I did was Brandy the one time I've had divine inspiration three in the morning wake up with the name was Modern wisdom the one time out of every business every night every brand I've ever come up with that was the one time but on the list of the others mind mind and matter was one of them but the other one was a quote from Tim Ferriss which was called crushing a Tuesday and he said that what you should aim for in life is for your average Tuesday not the spectacular one-time private jet with the friends to go for the whatever whatever not the UFC power slap launch party staring at the back of Dan bilzerian's dirty mullet like not that you want your average Tuesday to look the way that you want most of your life to do and when I think about the days that I look back on at the end of my day and think like today was a good day invariably it's the same few things it's I worked very hard on something that I felt was worth doing I worked out and I spent time with people that I enjoy being around if I do those three things I had a good day and so that's been my you know Alex's simple blueprint for doing things and I think the point that you were making earlier I think it's worth hitting on again which is just that like most people's definition of work is a negative one which is why they abhor it which is also why they misunderstand so many people who quote I'll say quote here are successful or ahead of them or whatever is that both people one person says the word work and the other person hears the word pain and so the first step to like becoming more successful is understanding the language that the people who are successful are using they're actually defining the word differently and so whatever that thing is that you actually enjoy doing where you lose track of time when you're in it even if it's challenging but usually it is challenging right like it's not easy because then it's boring right which is also why the uncertainty thing is so key right to not knowing if it's gonna if it's gonna work or not you are going to work though either way um is that the people who are quote addicted to work make it easy to be addicted to work because they do things worth doing and I think a lot of it is coming down to making sure that you take the few precious seconds that we have to do the few things that are worth doing for the rest of your life we'll get back to talking to Alex in one minute but first I need to tell you about the number one e-commerce platform Shopify when I was a nightclub promoter in the UK I started an online apparel brand with no experience no coding ability no marketing background no inventory management and after a ton of research I decided on Shopify Shopify is the Commerce platform revolutionizing millions of businesses worldwide you've probably already heard of it in fact a lot of your favorite Brands still use Shopify including gymshark one of the biggest sports apparel brands on the planet Shopify is the only tool you need to start run and grow your online business without the struggle what I loved about Shopify was that as we added in new lines and different verticals it grew with the business it required zero experience every single time there was a problem I was able to sort it myself that's how simple it is there is a one dollar per month trial period that you can sign up for right now with the link in the description or by going to shopify.com Modern wisdom or lowercase that's shopify.com modern wisdom to take your business to the next level today oh hey thanks for tuning in if you enjoyed that clip then press here for the full three hour podcast with Alex go on press it foreign
Channel: Chris Williamson
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Keywords: modern wisdom, podcast, chris williamson, Chris Williamson modern wisdom, modern wisdom podcast, chriswillx, Chris Williamson Modern Wisdom Podcast, Alex Hormozi, Productivity System, Empowerment, Personal Growth, Hormozi's Efficiency Techniques, Empowering Insights, Effective Productivity Strategies, Alex Hormozi's Productivity Insights, Hormozi on Time Optimization, Empowering Techniques, Hormozi's Approach to Productivity, Hormozi's Productivity Tips, Hormozi's Advice
Id: TuwrtoA96S0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 15sec (675 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 23 2023
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