This is how to generate consistent characters with Chat GPT!

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in this video we're going to go over how you get consistent characters using a new GPT from the Chad GPT store and if you're new to the channel my name is Ben Silverman and my main goal is to try and help make Ai and emerging Technologies more accessible and uh understandable for creatives and creative people in order to help give them superpowers to do what they really love doing the most now let's Jump Right In this is going to be a quick one but I'm really excited about it and being able to give this to you because uh I'm trying to sip through all of these gpts and it is taking some time but when you find a good one you want to share it so first off I'm going to hop into the GPT store and right here this is the main GPT section on chat GPT and there you just hit explore gpts like we did yesterday once you're in the store you're going to click right here at the top where you want to search public gpts and you're going to type character and then the first thing that pops up being used 5,000 Plus times is consistent character GPT I'm going to click on that and it's just going to take you right to it consistent character GPT your creative partner in consistent character design and here all it says is click here to start creating a character one second here we go uh it walks you right through it great let's start creating your character designs first should the character be male or female I'm going to have him be male the name I am going to call him Max I have a prompt already written here so I'm going to just take that prompt and then add it right here and what I am going to say I want him to be early 20s American rustic brown hair preppy he wears a pair of pressed blue jeans a button-down plaid shirt tucked in with a black simple belt he has thin black rimmed glasses and his hair is a bit rustled he is likable and sweet now it's asking me what style or theme would you like for the image you can choose from photography Pixar Animation 2D okay I'm just going to say Pixar Animation style what should I vary in each image for example expression uh action Etc I'm going to vary the expression that he has and his action that he's doing okay so the first picture I'm going to have him uh excited all right let's see what it does boom he's excited all right the next one I'm going to have him deep in thought working all right that's not too bad I'm going to have him uh on a jog it's not too bad the shirt's a little bit different the jeans and the belt are about the same his hair is pretty similar he parting in a different direction let's see what this next one does getting ready to throw a party no idea let's see I think they're pretty good here what I'm going to do is I am going to download these and use this for a Next Step I'm going to bring into canva in a second just to show you a better use case for this as well besides just animation so there's a couple ways you could do this so uh that looks like a guy who could throw a party who knows um I think it's more about the background uh but so now next what I'm going to do is I'm going to take these over into canva you could do a number of things with them so the first thing I'm just going to go back into my uh thumbnails that I've created so I'm going to clear out this one and I am going to bring in my pictures and if you have not used canva yet then I think you are going to be in for a treat so here I am I'm going to bring in those pictures right here and um now so the cool thing about canva is once you bring your photos in you can go up to edit photo and then I could literally just remove the backgrounds and now I could use these as my thumbnail images right so that quick if you don't know Photoshop and you don't have to go through all of the different pieces that you need to know layers and whatnot all you have to do is go into canva and literally hit remove background that is literally all I just did and it does it completely for you see now if I want I can send that layer send it to back now I've got all my little characters so the GPT store if I wanted to do something like that and I have my here I might do this something like this make him a little bit bigger running in on the side this guy he's holding on to something so I'll just have him hold on to this on the side make him maybe right there um bring this guy maybe I'm going to make it look like he's a little bit further in the back maybe behind him bam now I have my little guy that's great so all I did was hit remove background and now I could use this for any type of thumbnail that I want to make now if you want to get even crazier I am going to go into Pika now Pika is an animation tool and it takes photos that you've made with say mid Journey or just any photos and it literally will give you animation uh that quickly so I'm just going to to see what this does if I bring in this and I'm not even going to give it a prompt I actually find that most times when I don't give it a prompt it actually gives me better animations when I tell it to uh when I tell it to do specific things I think it overe exaggerates the things that I I've been telling it to do so um that's that's kind of what I mean but look because look for instance here's an old project that I was working on right and this old one that I just did I said I want her to Blink and her hairs her hair to move in the breeze and then I did it the exact same picture again and I did not give it any prompt and it was so much more subtle it was so much more subtle and that's what I love even more and like this one I didn't give a prompt it just made her hair just move ever so slightly and this her dress just moved ever so slightly it's pretty cool now I'm just excited to see what it does with with my little Pixar man uh as I showed you in a previous video uh you can make him talk by going to a program called did and and basically just putting in a script and recording a script and then he can talk uh I haven't actually done this I'm doing this live for the first time to see if it's something that would actually work but uh I'm just trying to give you more use cases for okay I've generated consistent characters great now what can I use them for yes you could use them for profile picture but let's see this one that's kind of cool so he moves his eyebrows and he moves his mouth a little bit and again that's I'm I'm just this is all this is all testing and there's so many different ways right now you're starting to see people use motion control and I could take this motion control maybe turn him into literally a 3D mesh and then use motion control to control some sort of Animation go into did make him talk there are so many different ways you can do things still super early stages but you get the idea it's super exciting and I just wanted to get this to you right away
Channel: Ben Silverman
Views: 6,989
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to generate consistent characters, how to ganerate consistent characters, how to generate consistant characters, how to generate consistent characters with midjourney ai, how to generate consistant characters in midjourney, GPT, GPT STORE, GPT store, Chat GPT Store, Open AI, New GPTS, Best GPTS, Best animation GPT, how to generate consistent characters with ai, chatgpt store, gpt store explained, best new gpts, best animation ai generator
Id: b1u-AjW3-pE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 1sec (481 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 12 2024
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