This Is How The Warden Was Going To Look!?

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hello i'm mpx toycat and today we have a first for an unreleased minecraft feature because we got to see what the warden looked like in its pre-development phases that's right the warden has been an official development for about 18 months now but long before that they were planning exactly how this thing could come to the game and so over this weekend they have revealed not only concept art of how the warden was meant to be when it was called the stalker but also some screenshots and even some gameplay of these now removed features today i wanted to share all of that with you to give you a picture of how the warden was going to look in its early development versions because my god is it fascinating first of all by the way you can subscribe if you want to see more minecraft news but let me just quickly show you the stalker concept art that's right the warden was initially going to be called the stalker and this is what it was going to look like this just looks like it's some concept art and it looks like a relatively interesting mob to me the idea of having those ears that visually show when you've scared the warden is an extra bit of fear to add to it but i think the most terrifying thing about it is that they clarified that the idea was the middle of this mob the big orange glow you can see in all three versions with or without face which is by the way a terrifying thing to say about minecraft mob but that little orange blur you see in the middle was also going to be an item that existed around the deep dark as confirmed by king b dogs in this tweet and he said that you were going to be able to find this on totems it was going to be a useful item that you wanted and so sometimes uh because the rest of the mob was so dark you would try to reach it and accidentally alert the stalker instead which is a beautiful way to do something it reminds me of the monster in super mario 64 that pretends to be a coin something pretending to be something really good but then actually being your worst nightmare is a really good way to add a bit of horror to minecraft and by the way it's not just a screenshot we saw of the stalker prototype we also actually have a prototype video of how these were going to look and allow me to show you that now because look at how the stalker was meant to be obviously he's flying around in creative so the the horror of this thing following you and the noise of it all happening is kind of lost on us right here but you can see just how ridiculous these guys looked when they were walking around but then all of a sudden it turns horror because they can bend their bodies in the weirdest most uncomfortable way to look a little bit like a spider crust of something that can eat you from the inside i do not like looking at these things in so many levels and uh yeah they're one of minecraft's tallest mobs even taller than the enderman uh has been clarified and just looking at this right here i do not like this in the slightest this is just a reminder that the previous iterations of a lot of mobs um were a lot worse than their current ones but i think the warden might take the cake for that and by the way it's not just the warden we're gonna talk more about his previous designs uh but it's not just the warden who looked super weird before but also the very concept of skulk and the whole idea behind the deep dark was going to look different as well the deep dark went through at least five different iterations that have been fully concept darted out and planned uh before they arrived at the current vibe where it's this kind of blue uh sort of thing and let me show you what some of those look like because this is the original deep dark skulk uh according to the uh video from mojang the secrets of how we're making the warden and uh in in this video they show that the catalyst almost was a rotten crumbling rust block and the way that it spread is it spread the rust everywhere i feel like this must have been the earliest design because 1.17 uh was the update where they're adding copper and these sorts of new mechanics uh you know the first time we ever had rust in minecraft so it made sense that there was a whole area where rust spread and it started to ruin things that way however rust isn't that scary and i guess to really drive home that this is one of the most terrifying mobs for minecraft uh they also tried a few other things that went a little bit more traditional horror take for example this the catalyst being a mesh of cracked bones and the whole biome being covered in these kind of weird bones and fangs coming out from the ground uh this is something that's very halloween spooky horror sort of vibe and uh i i think this would be a good fit for minecraft but i also don't think it fits what you know uh kingby dogs has stated he's gone for many times which is this idea of a true scary mob that you're not meant to kill that you're meant to be scared of and so the next idea was going a bit more eldritchian where there's this uh very dark block that floats up smoke from it and kind of vanishes nothingness he says that it says here the texture feels like some exposed opening where you see the veins or the text uh tile material that holds everything together but beyond that there's a pure dark evil void and you can see from the way the black and the red is textured in the way this is all kind of coming together that this is much more of a uh i don't know like aldrich and heart it's much more about this darkness uh that is kind of fun by itself uh but i think this next one does a better job of communicating the same thing because this was just pure pitch black the idea was what's the scariest thing in minecraft darkness and just like how the you know the stalker relied on darkness to work uh maybe the same thing could have worked over here the idea was to have some flies in the vfx to have a rotten feeling and just have a very unpleasant area that you went through specifically for um you know the items that were found within and that everything else would be not so great to get there and i think this is a fun idea also the idea was instead of it being a corruption it was going to be a disease that makes holes in regular blocks until they're hollow which sounds like the the game would effectively mine blocks rather than uh you know kind of like corrupting them which sounds really great by itself i have to also mention by the way there is a fifth one there are so many different concepts they went with for uh the deep dark and these are just the ones that made it to the concept art stage by the way this is clearly a big part of the cave update that they had planned because as you can see this one has some tri-phobia in there which is the fear of holes to put things simply um there's something about uh clusters of holes that make certain people's brains go uh a very unpleasant i i know this uh recently it happened with the mac pro i think you know i'm talking about harrison like that it has loads of circles on it and people get horrified by this it's apparently a small thing that some people have a fear of it's not an official diagnosis or anything but some people just don't like it and those people would not like this which is a different way of doing horror right it's a very particular group of people that would be hurt by this just like how cave spiders really activate my arachnophobia i cannot deal with spiders and some people cannot deal with small holes and so this would be perfect for them honestly i think the biggest flaw of this design is what kingby dogs post on twitter this image right here of how it would look and as you can see even though the holes kind of almost work for the the main sculpt blocks themselves i feel like for the catalyst and for the shrieker and for every other block in there i feel like they don't really look like uh what they're meant to this almost looks like the scab dimension um those look like you know like it's a human body we're seeing super up close those are pores you're looking into and these are like weird organs that we're seeing minor parts of which might be fun in its own way but i don't think it necessarily fits in the same way that the current scope does i think that he also showed this version right here another version of the skulk that is nothing like the five we've seen so far and this one does a really good job of feeling like a corruption almost like the terraria corruption is the closest thing i can call it sue and then they also he also shows us with a version of the stalker from before that would have fit this skulk and yeah this form of a uh you know deep dark biome would have also done something pretty interesting these blocks look a little bit like gravel to my eye they look like a metallic gravel that has a little bit of darkness to it so it combines a lot of different things together i think it looks like metallic vines when it's the skulk veins so that might be something that really works underground can't be sure right there um but i think the uh it's the kind of uh the way the stalker looks where he would blend in pretty well probably but i think it kind of ruins the vibe when he's outside of that biome and i think the two things only work in that one place together and i think you would have got a block set you know a set of blocks that really do not do much much good of a job outside of the bottom they're in whereas i feel like the skulk set of blocks is very particular but is going to work for some people maybe i'm wrong about that maybe you think i've got that entirely in reverse i think i've proven before many times on this channel my idea of creativity and other people's idea of creativity is different and uh you know i mentioned before like oh yeah i think it's weird when people use trapdoors they look like trapdoors and people say no that's being creative when it's a trapdoor that looks like a trapdoor that we're pretending is something else and i think that's actually true so you know maybe in the same way when you look at the uh you know the the warden and the stalker and the previous uh you know iterations right here you say this is actually really good speaking of things you might say are really good you notice there how they tailored the stalk up the warden 2 uh the deep dark they actually tried this so many different ways and i want to show you this uh first of all here is the current warden but they tried it with ears as you can see kind of looks funny but then they also have a whole ton of different warden designs and i wanted to share some of those of you because just look at the sheer number of these that exist most of these are just in the image but for instance the triophobia one the the whole based fair one is one of the most terrifying things to look at look at this thing whether it's day or night i just do not like him the way his mouth is set up is very unpleasant in my opinion speaking of things that are unpleasant i'd like to also show you these ones in the bottom right right here you can see how they look so much like the wither they were clearly going for like a wither style boss of some form and then the bottom right is like what if it was terrifying like the never and then there's one that looks like the lush cave even which again really shows that when this was in development all of those features also were too and it was gonna kind of tie in together um but if we look at the top left over here you can see that all of these types of the warden were scary too a lot of them were going to float in some form it seems which i think could have really added some more to that horror as well but i think it's current form uh you know i think looking at all these previous versions is a great way to show that its current form actually does a good job by being this huge lumbering machine you do feel like you have some chance of avoiding it when you see him and the fact that he spawns in the way he does means that you know that your biggest fear is not looking at him and seeing oh god look at those holes look at that mouth what is this thing i'm looking at it again and i shouldn't have done so i look into his mouth and i just see the void and i know that's what i meant to do but i just i i cannot deal with this version i don't have triaphobia i'm not scared of small holes i'm scared of this guy but you can see when you look at the current warden after looking at all of these different designs that the current design really does a good job in balancing those things together maybe i'm wrong about that maybe a lot of you would agree that actually no the warden should have been a russ-based monster but i love that they're finally showing us some of these kind of lost to the things that otherwise wouldn't have been uncovered you know shedding some light on them i think the real reason that that is so good is because a lot of people question why minecraft updates take so long and i do feel this sometimes sometimes it feels like it takes a full week to add a single minecraft feature to the game and we'll you like but but what happened with the rest of that those six days i i totally feel that on some level but for big features like the warden which have now taken close to two years the reason it takes so long is not because they know exactly what to do and they're doing it it's because they have to design what they're going to do they have to create something that they know will be fun when they add it and then they have to work out that fun thing i think that uh there's two ways you can do game development right there's the hacky way where you make something that works and then you make it fun slowly by changing it and then there's the version which mojang is trying to do which takes a lot more resources but they design something they know would be a good balance for the game they make sure they design it great on paper and then they have the hard task of trying to make this very very specific concept but in minecraft in both java and c plus i think that's the reason why they they find it so much harder to for instance port code from java to bedrock you have to redesign something designed in one language make it work in another while also dealing with all the spaghetti code i think that's so much harder than just making something new from scratch which is why we see so many fun minecraft ideas just be a kind of incidental accidental additional thing and uh so yeah i feel as though it's really cool to see stuff like this with the warden but also i think it's a fun reminder that like having all these concept arts all these different things it's really fun and stuff um but i would love to see what happens if you're just like yeah how about every minecraft developer just make something in a week and then you keep the best ideas you know rather than designing something by committee from scratch you build to the top but either way i'm really happy to see what they've made here i think that's also a valid way of doing things and obviously uh we're going to maybe see one of minecraft's most terrifying mobs as a result so you can't really ever complain on any level and also i really love seeing all of these development images again really great to see the inside of mojang and i hope we see this more in the future but for now i hope you all enjoyed this little bit of a bonus video if you did don't forget to like favorite subscribe good news by the way in case you're curious if you're curious about my trip that got cancelled because i tested positive on the travel test i did uh non-stop uh you know rapid tests all week and they showed negative but you can't travel on on a rapid test at least not to where i'm going which is canada by the way so i had to go do a really weird type of test that wasn't a pcr and uh so i did that and i was negative i am free to travel and as you're watching this video i am in canada or i'm detained somewhere so even one of those sounds exciting to me but i hope you all enjoyed this video i hope that you're enjoying this as much as i'm enjoying canadia because i'll see you all in the next one goodbye [Music] you
Channel: ibxtoycat
Views: 125,188
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Id: khoVIcSXQ08
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Length: 13min 3sec (783 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 24 2022
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