THIS is How I Get PERFECTLY Smoked Baby Back Ribs

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[Music] [Music] thank you one of my most requested recipes in my house are my smoked ribs and hands down the most efficient and delicious way of cooking them is known as the three two one method don't worry I'll break that down for you shortly for now let's get everything prepped up sound good let's smoke I'm going to start off loading up my Hopper with a combination of apple and Alderwood you could also use things like Cherry pecan Oak Hickory or Mesquite you be the judge then I'm going to turn my smoker up to 225 degrees Fahrenheit yep I'm an old man these days I like to push buttons on my smoker and walk away but if you're doubting I know how to smoke be sure to check out this video where I smoke 60 racks of ribs over an open pit so now let's bring out those ribs I'm going to be using baby bags for this recipe so what you're looking for when purchasing them from the store is that they should be pink and red in color and have excellent coverage of meat over those bones there should be no bones being exposed also there should be no big chunks of fat anywhere and in a addition each rack should weigh in between one and a half and two pounds each remember these are baby bags that means the rib is closer to the back while spare ribs are closer to the belly side now I'm going to remove the membrane on the back side of these although I don't think you need to do it because guess what after six hours of cooking you're not even going to know it's there anyways but let's do it anyways and Dr Chef Parisi just happens to be in the house I'm gonna flip the rack over see that shiny part there that's the membrane I'm just going to push up in the center of the rack there and then using a butter knife I'm gently going to go under the membrane while pulling up completely exposing it then just rip it off in both directions if you can't get a good grip using a paper towel works perfectly at this stage I'm going to use something known as a binder what this does is it helps the seasonings and the spices adhere to the pork while it smokes for long times out on that smoker now most people use mustard that's good I think it'll totally work but what I'm going to do is take it to the next level and use pork lard remember fat equals flavor it's going to make these ribs that much more delicious you rub it on just like you would mustard or any other binder I'm going to be using in between one and one and a half tablespoons of pork lard per side of baby back ribs evenly and generously completely cover all surface area so that the seasoning can stick making sure every bite is delicious and for the seasoning this is my own favorite blend I'm gonna be using three quarter teaspoon per side of coarse salt and remember this season High to cover all that surface area of seasoning then a half teaspoon of ground black pepper per side followed up with three quarter teaspoon per side of garlic granules you can also use garlic powder then three quarter teaspoon of onion granules again you can also use onion powder and then last but not least three quarter teaspoon of smoked paprika per side and if there's one thing I enjoy doing it's smoking food now I don't get to do it as often as I'd like but when I do it's always so much fun and honestly that's what it's all about cooking doesn't need to be some horrible chore make it fun I love this spice blend but if there's another spice blend that you love try it there's a sausage you love try it if you just want to use salt and pepper so be it it's all about having a good time while doing this just finishing up seasoning up these ribs then I'm heading outside to my smoker now what I'm going to do is Place some ribs on a top rack and some on the bottom they're gonna smoke evenly so I'm not really worried about any inconsistencies now we're going to close the door and let them smoke for three hours this is the first part of the three two one smoked baby back ribs don't go too far because with about 15 minutes left in that three hour smoking period I'm gonna come back and make a barbecue sauce now you've seen me do this eight billion times I'll do it again for you I'm adding two cups of barbecue sauce to a medium sized pot any of your favorite barbecue sauces will do I've got a great homemade recipe if you want to check that out then I'm adding in a half cup of apple cider vinegar a half cup of apple juice a half cup of water then one stick of unsalted butter now I'm going back over to my cooktop and over low heat I'm just whisking this together until the butter is incorporated and melted be sure to give it a try it's a game changer now let's go give those ribs a look oh my gosh so good we got that nice little bark on there the color looks excellent and at this stage these should be about 165 degrees Fahrenheit internally what we're going to do is bring them inside for the next step alrighty what we're going to do at this stage is get them Sauced up wrapped up back out on the smoker for two more hours now when it comes to wrapping them there are some options the first one being foil I used to use foil all the time I started having issues with that the problem is that beautiful bark you work so hard to create it becomes like rubbery and soft and foil because it's airtight in there I've really switched to Peach paper or butcher's paper the last few years it's still permeable so some of the smoke can get through that paper and still help keep that beautiful crust on our ribs that's exactly what I'm going to do here I'll show you how easy it is you can actually get a roll of peach paper or butcher's paper from a local hardware store or online for pretty dang cheap I'm going to cut off a piece of peach paper that's roughly 36 inches in length I know that seems big but you're going to need it then I'm going to lay down the smoked ribs in the middle of the peach paper about six inches from the bottom now what I want to do is generously base them with the barbecue sauce maybe about a quarter cup of it on each side of these smoked rack of ribs and now to wrap it up I was always taught to take pride in your rap no matter what it is starting from the bottom fold up over the ribs there should be about an inch of the ribs exposed still then fold right to left crease down the side of the paper then fold left to right crease down that left side and then what you want to do at this stage is just roll it up tight forward until you have a nice little well rib packaged this is perfect repeat the process with the other ribs then we're going right back outside to that smoker laying it in the same positions and there they'll smoke for two hours the second part of our three two one procedure this portion of the cooking procedure will help accelerate the cook time and ensure our ribs are juicy and tender and one of the things that I do absolutely love about barbecue is that it's meant to be shared that's why when you go to barbecue restaurants there's always picnic benches so you're sitting around people it's a communal thing it always has been so even during this smoking process for several hours call someone reconnect with them have them come over and hang out it's supposed to be that way good food takes time I promise you in the end they're going to be happy and you are going to love the final results all right two more hours while it's wrapped up smoking we'll come back and finish up with one more hour the smells have even creeped into my house and oh my gosh yes these look perfect it's okay if the paper is a little bit saturated like this it will not rip you're in good shape and if you're checking temperatures they should be about 200 to 205 degrees Fahrenheit internally at this stage we're going to remove the ribs and bring them back inside because what we want to do is unwrap them for this last part of the three two one procedure and whoa do these look excellent putting them back out on the smoker in those exact same positions but one last thing I'm going to do is just base the top with a little bit more barbecue sauce maybe just two to three tablespoons no worry about doing the underneath side then we're smoking them for one more hour to complete our three two one procedure this last part will help to reinforce that coveted crust on the outside then when they're done let's have a look yes this is what Perfection looks like perfectly smoked ribs they got the cup color I'm looking for they're the texture I'm looking for and they got that nice little rib Flex when you hold it in the center these are exactly what I wanted can't wait to try them and I'm sure it's clicking now three two one three hours unwrapped and smoked wrapped for two hours smoked unwrapped for one final hour totaling six hours it's foolproof it really is that easy and once you start enjoying the entire life cycle of the cooking process I'm talking about grocery shopping to cleaning up it will be a whole new light for you and you will start to enjoy it and in the end what's better than seeing friends and family smile after they take that first bite there's nothing good food always makes the best memories let me show you how I plate this up I'm going to cover these ribs in a little bit of foil and let them rest for about 10 to 15 minutes then at this stage I'm gonna come back and generously base them again with that nice hot barbecue sauce the flavor combination with the sauce and the spice rub marries together so well and then for ease of eating I just like to slice them into one bone increments and of course from here it's all smiles and some of my Fondest Memories Are from eating around the dinner table with my family that's the good stuff that I remember and honestly I sure hope to do more of this with mine these ribs are so good I really hope they become a new family and friend favorite and if you like these oh my gosh my Korean short ribs the marinade and the flavors of those are Next Level I've got a great recipe video you have to check that out let's make sure we got a gentle tug here
Channel: Chef Billy Parisi
Views: 62,187
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bbq ribs, smoked ribs, ribs, pork ribs, baby back ribs, bbq, pit boss 3 2 1 ribs, 321 ribs, how to smoke ribs, how to cook ribs, spare ribs, baby back ribs recipe, 3-2-1 ribs, 3 2 1 ribs pit boss, ribs recipe, how to grill ribs, bbq ribs recipe, pellet smoker, pork ribs recipe, traeger, chef billy parisi, chef billy, billy parisi
Id: OekCa-hP1QU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 49sec (589 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 01 2023
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