Backyard Baby Back Ribs

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- Hey, everybody, I'm Chef Tom with, and today we're smokin' backyard baby back ribs (splashing) (dripping) Today, I want to show you guys when I'm at home, chillin' with the family and we've got buddies comin' over, how we would cook up our ribs in the back yard. This is really simple. We're gonna keep it easy. We're gonna make sure that we have plenty of time to drink some beers while we're doin' this, and in the end what you're gonna get are crowd-pleasing ribs with perfect smoke, perfect flavor, and perfect bite. Here we have our baby back ribs. These came in a three-pack. What you're lookin' for when you buy a pack of these is a nice, meaty rib, but sometimes you get a nice, meaty one and sometimes you get one with a bone stickin' out, so we'll just take that right off. As far as the trimming goes on these, you're really just cleaning up anything outta place, like this piece that's hangin' off, that's just gonna burn away. Otherwise, we're not gonna do too much other than take the layer of skin or parchment hair off the back. The easiest way to get this off of here is just try and find a corner where you can get in between the layers and then come in here with a paper towel and peel that right off. If you're lucky, it comes off all in one piece. if not, you're gonna do it twice. That's all there is to that. Beyond the parchment and taking off any bone fragments, we're just cleanin' up this extra stuff. This doesn't need to look perfect. Do I want it to look great when it's done? Sure, but it's not as important as the flavor, especially we're not doin' a competition here. We're feedin' our friends and family. Keep it simple, fairly little trimming. Let's get to the seasoning. We're gonna get a little bit of a slather down, maybe a little bit more than what we do just as a binder, and we're using our Big Rick's Jalapeno Honey Mustard. We're spreadin' this out in a nice thin layer, and then we're gonna hit it with our rub. This is one of my personal favorite rib rubs, the R Butts R Smokin' Ozark Heat, obviously great on pork butts as well, but a fantastic rib rub. Great color. Salty, it's sweet, and it's got great paprika color and flavor to it. You'll notice I'm starting on the back side of the ribs. That's 'cause I'm going to cook these bone-side down. Once I get these flipped and seasoned up, they're gonna be ready to go on the grill. Before I flip these over to do the other side, I'm gonna let this set up a little bit so we don't lose our rub when we flip 'em. You can see how the rub appears to be wet on the surface now, so we know it's attached to the meat. We can go ahead and flip these over. Same story on the meat side. Doin' a layer of mustard and then R Butts Ozark Heat. Got a little extra here, that's all right. We'll share with the other racks. You can see how much this has darkened, which tell us that it's really attached to the meat, and these are ready to go onto the pit. Today we're cookin' on a Yoder Smokers YS640 Pellet Grill. It's set to 250 degrees. We're running some cherry and pecan pellets. I'm gonna pop these onto the second shelf here. Plenty of room around 'em for the smoke to totally envelop these. We're gonna be a beautiful color, beautiful flavor. Let's let these work. I mean, we're not gonna look at 'em for three hours. We're at three hours into this cook, and there's nothin' much to do at this point, but I did tell you guys we'd peek at three hours, so I want you to see where we're at, if nothing else, just for a reference point. We can see we're getting some really nice color on this. It's still a pretty mahogany red, not a lot of browning yet, so we're just gonna let this keep rolling to develop that bark. All right guys, it's been five hours total now. The bark looks beautiful on these things, and the collagen and the connective tissue is really startin' to break down. We're waitin' on a couple more to finish, but I've got one rack that's all the way done, so you wanna come on in here and I'll show you how we can tell it's done. Now one way to test for doneness with these is you pick 'em up in the center and the ends stay on the grate and the top starts to break over. So that's completely done, that's broken down. That's ready to eat. We're gonna take this one off and throw it in the Cambro to keep it warm. But if we get down to this one right next to it, pick it up in the center, it all comes up, right? It's still floppin' a little bit. We need this to break down all the way and we need these bones to turn freely from the meat, and we're just not there yet. Same thing with this last one. We're gonna close this up, let these work for just a little bit longer. If you are pulling racks off at different times, what you wanna do is wrap them up in foil, wrap a towel around them and throw 'em in a cooler and just shut the lid. It'll hold the heat for a good hour or two. Now we're gonna go ahead and slice into this one so we can see how we did. I couldn't be happier with how the exterior turned out. It's nice and crusty, but you can see super juicy and tender inside. The easiest way to slice these is by lookin' at the bones, so you can go right in between the bones here. You can really actually see what you're doin' from the bone side. You can see how tender that is, and if I squeeze it at all, the juice starts to come out. Let's have a bite. Mmm. Smoky, spicy. Just a touch of sweetness. Nice and salty. You can see it's not actually falling off the bone, but if you want it to come off the bone, it's comin' off the bone. That's perfectly cooked, especially for eatin' at home. I told you guys this was gonna be simple, right? I mean, there's really nothin' to it. This is what we call dry-style rib. It's never wrapped, we don't sauce it, but I know when people come over, they wanna little bit of sauce with their ribs, and that's fine. I'm prefer to eat 'em dry or with a little dipping sauce, so let's go ahead and whip somethin' up. All right, we're gonna start with some FireBug Grillin' Sauce. I'm gonna go for about a quarter cup. This is one of my favorite barbecue sauces right now, and the blackberries and raspberries that are in there, that's a big reason why. So we want about, we'll say two parts of the FireBug to one part of that Big Rick's Jalapeno Honey Mustard, the same stuff we slathered with earlier, and we'll also do one part mayonnaise, and I'm just gonna give this a good mix. So a little bit of sweet, a little bit of tang, and a little bit of creaminess. That's pretty dang good if you're lookin' for somethin' a little bit out of the ordinary. Thanks so much for watchin'. Be sure to check out for all the products featured in today's video. If you enjoyed the video, please hit that Subscribe button. If you have any questions or comments, or there's anything you'd like to see me cook, let me know in the comment section down below. And hey, let's be good to one another. For more recipes, tips, and techniques, head over to the All Things Barbecue, where barbecue legends are made.
Channel: allthingsbbq
Views: 619,703
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Keywords: baby back ribs, baby back, ribs, smoked ribs, backyard ribs, bbq, pork ribs, barbecue, cooking, food, recipe, pork, bbq ribs, how to, baby back ribs recipe, smoking, recipes, meat, smoker, bbq ribs recipe, baby back rib recipe, how to grill ribs, barbecue ribs, smoke, pork ribs recipe, how to cook baby back ribs, rib, how to cook, ribs recipe, yoder smokers, ys640, pellet grill, all things bbq,, chef tom, the sauce, best ribs recipe
Id: jlx32wWA68U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 37sec (457 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 13 2018
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