This is how I beat Elden Ring as the Bandit

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hey what's going on everybody today we will be continuing our path to beating Elden ring with every single starting in class today we're going to be using the Bandit and it was definitely an experience uh probably the most average class that I've ever experienced but without further Ado let's get into the video Let's beat elen ring as the Bandit all right ladies and gentlemen if you've been keeping along with the series I greatly appreciate it if you haven't that's also cool not a big deal um essentially we're beating elen ring with every single starting class and now it's the Bandit I have zero expectations um I don't even like I mean there's a dagger and a paring Shield I don't have any opinions on this I don't know if it's going to be good or not but regardless we're going to be un ring because that's that's what we do around here couple things before we get started off a hopefully the quality looks a little bit better we are now recording in 1440p well we were but we were rescaling the output cuz I was worried about my new pc um but now I'm not really worried about my new pc um it's it's kind of being a tank it's doing its thing um so we should be completely good as far as that goes uh so hopefully you enjoy the new quality so our current plan is I think we did we did Mainline bosses plus the um what's it called the Moose last time so are we we're medium load okay that's fine oh we have a bow okay that's cool I didn't know we had a bow so we're going to do Mainline bosses we're going to do moose and then we're going to add another remembrance boss I'm not sure which one we're going to add yet um so that's going to be fine and so that's kind of what we're going to do as far as our limb grave SL early game setup I think what we're probably going to do is we're going to grab the fever cookbook which that's just a sleeping cookbook we're going to grab the charge attack Talisman which we probably aren't going to use we're probably going to grab the charge attack tier the Wonder physic obviously torrent then we might set up kid a little bit uh we'll do kns Cow Cheese probably I'm guessing you can probably put bloody slash on this so we might actually be able to put uh we might actually be able to get a Grail too that would be nice oh that's a good idea okay so kind of change of plans we're going to go to Fort height I think we are going to do decus this time just because we're going to be at both areas so I think it just makes sense um and we'll get bloody slash to at least see if we can put it on this I don't know if we can but we're going to we're going to try I don't know actually probably the successive attack Talisman so that's the wing sword Insignia and then we'll have ritual sword Talisman so that's two usually I'm running out of Talisman slots but this time not so much I mean we could grab the green turtle Talisman that's probably a good Talisman to have at this point y'all I mean you might not have seen it cuz you might not have watched it but I have a video uploaded of me defeating Elden ring as Gideon that was the worst playthrough I've ever done it was awful and and there's a few reasons for that part of it is cuz I need to get better at the game which there's always room for improvement you're never going to be perfect at the game um that's like half the fun about this game is there's always room to get better but the other problem was we spent or I spent hours just trying to get runes because I made this rule that before we could kill any Mainline boss we had to be able to genuinely not without boost and stuff wield all of his spells all of his stuff well after hours of collecting runes I realized that it wasn't really possible unless if I did Rune farming which I wasn't going to do that that I don't I don't run Farm um on top of that which I mean maybe I'm just bad with this stuff like I'm not going to pretend to be good at the game I just try and get better at the game every single time I play it cuz I highly doubt anything on this class is going to scale very well it might scale better because of the ashes of war and stuff but it's it's not going to scale very well which I'm fine with oh this bleeds I didn't know this bled how did I not know that wow okay I did not know this thing bled so that's a dub we'll get this in case I want to fight BBK okay so we do need to figure out how we're going to use the bow oh finally good Lord that took way too long honestly the runes weren't even worth it it was just blood hun Stu H yeah it's worth it cuz you can get away with some pretty pretty cheeky stuff um I guess let's go with let's get a good amount of big first then we'll start pumping endurance yeah let's go to run table home put on Bloody slash uh as of War great KN bloody slash yes sir so that gets us up to 57 so that's normal oh we didn't get the foul foot we do want the foul foot okay let's uh let's go get the foul foot right quick every day of the week baby and time for me just to sit here and smack gril for a minute nice well over 100,000 all right let's see let's go to 20 here and then yeah okay so we're going to so we're level 40 that's a definitely a good start all right um marget time or do we want to go to learia like going to learia makes too much sense dude I really don't like going to Laria like this cuz it just feels like a waste of movement at the same time there's not really many other options not even sure if we'll have enough runes to get plus six on the dagger and I guess unless if we want to fight fortox which I don't know why anybody would want to fight fortox I don't guess we actually have to go to carry a Manor so we don't have to go to EEG or anything are a good amount of good Stones here so we'll probably try and get most if not all we'll say most I'm I'm not going to put the pressure on myself to try and get all the stones cuz if I do that I will probably die so we got one right here ah come on give me it there one back here oh no did I I felt like there was another like two there did I miss some this one think we'll probably get our first dance break with this cuz I think strike damage um gets her quicker and then we'll probably smack the crap out over with the knife or maybe not maybe we'll just do this I don't know we shall find out nice nice well we will have beaten a boss Shield only I mean the damage definitely isn't good like let's get that clear but don't better the knife there we go okay man whatever works man whatever works oh we actually did get plus six plus eight wow okay I didn't know we had that many um all right let's that's uh probably marget and grik I guess at plus eight nice I mean plus eight on this actually isn't terrible like we're getting yellow damage nice I don't think we've gotten a bleed yet there we go you know I kind of like this dagger I'm going to be honest oh I missed ah I was too late on that okay we uh we lit up a little bit at the end which wasn't a great look obviously but dude I don't mind this at all man dude I'm starting to like daggers we did the rubia play through I didn't think I was going to like it I ended up liking it um I'm starting to kind kind of like daggers man I'm be honest I kind of like daggers they're kind of tight uh we're going to go ahead and try and get all of our weapons uh plus six okay so we need 24 and also get us another two crackpots so we'll do this okay so we can't let big guy hit us if he hits us these guys go crazy nice see now they're still happy all right godric time pretty much nothing's changing probably going to put up the shield just because I don't think we're going to need it dude I think it's quicker not two-handing nice I mean this was definitely a gross fight but dude I think I'm right I think it's quicker just to do single-handed dude it is so much faster okay cool um do we want to go kill rala think I want to get this golden seed and then get the decus um set up so far our only death lie to that CID Knights C solid man so solid oh and we can go ahead and get the ritual sword Talisman so this is this is a good call good call might be a stretch but this is a call so this probably actually will be a fight cuz we don't do a ton of damage ow okay so that was ugly we never actually had to learn our moves head though so I mean it's not like it's not like I'm super surprised that it took a little bit of effort all right so so we need a few more and then we'll just use the rest rank up Okay cool so we got uh and dude we can go get plus 12 we probably will go get plus 12 before we're done but I'm not getting plus 12 before we know that's just like it's a waste of time dude I like this dagger man I really do I'm starting to like the daggers dude I'm starting to think the daggers are underrated just as a class but dude I don't know dude I really like this dagger I really do all right big red puppy let's see what goes on here ow no bleed okay well that was anticlimactic guess we go with Dax dude I don't even know if there's even a point in ranking any like things if you will I don't I don't know if there's even a point I really don't thank you now I need to get the wetstone knife uh probably just slashing the crap out of her I don't think that there's any other plan here we're going to stick to charge R2 this time just to see if there's a damage difference no her not the [Music] children it's actually further from a two cycle than this R ones bye come on down re so pitiful send your child children to do the hard work for you disgust me nice dang it nice idiot bro the puppies dude that was absurd come here you should not be having puppies fight on your behalf leave me alone I [Music] swear where did she just [Music] teleports that's pitiful man that really is pitiful going to grab this grace and take a break baby I don't know if it's worth doing like upgrading why not okay so so let's go get the um successive attack Talisman we might do millison quest line not the full tank we're we're not going to micholas Al Tree like I'm just there's a 0.0% chance of me doing that but I'll send her to Windmill Village and then after we talk to her at Windmill Village I'm pretty sure if we kill her there then we get her pris it's probably the worst weapon we fought her with there we go I'm going to continue to level decks man bro come on there we go okay that took a really long time um now let's go to kid I think I'm comfortable fighting Ron with what we have now I think dude I really kind of want to whip out the bow uh we'll probably get a foul foot for redon too I don't know if it's 20% % or I don't I don't actually know what the percentage is but it's a good bit more so um so now we're prepared for that we can't quite get it done yet so we'll probably kill redon before we kill uh O'Neal at some point I will be attempting to um I don't know is there anything I need for this anything more oh well I was going to try arrows but there so yeah we have the charge tech tiles one on I don't know I mean the charge attacks are pretty fast just depends on do we want to focus on bleed buildup or something else oh crap I should have changed the atunement for this shouldn't have gotten hit there just this might be like the longest phase one that I've ever done before got another bleed now not going to get a hit lless but I be able to get a deathless actually surprised I didn't get another bleed there I didn't need to roll as early as I did but there we go first try though I mean oh we were going to get a foul foot weren't we well not anymore dude I I like fighting Ron I'm I'm happy with that kill I think now is the time I mean if we can no death with a dagger I think Now's the Time to start looking at trying to hit with it but so i' I'd be lying if I said I was like super pleased with the kill like ideally the perfect kill is you don't get hit um but with a weapon that does as little damage as it does it's definitely a really long fight and a hard fight not to get hit but I'll take it it was a win it was a win we don't we don't complain about winds around here there's always areas to improve for sure but we don't complain about wins so we're going to go to Altus and we're going to go grab I'm going to grab the other Bell bearing and we're probably going to use all of these runes just to rank up our weapons um I'd also like to try and get a slew of arrows so we can actually like use the bow and then we'll also get our next Talisman pouch which will be used on the wings sword Insignia um and then I guess we'll probably go to Elmer go ahead and go to Elmer just so we make um Millis Quest sign a little quicker I don't know how how many like additional bosses I want to fight I obviously we're doing Main Line we are beating the game but I don't I don't know what other bosses I really want to fight right card's out of the question because we won't be able to heal quick enough um even with uh melania's great rune so that's out of the question cuz we can't take anything off um we can only use uh stuff that was on this class and we can't take anything off of it so that's kind of off the table next what do we want to do next we said we wanted to go to Elmer so I guess Elmer and then go to ment and then kill the whatever talk to him yeah we'll do that that sounds like a a plan uh while I'm trying to think of a better Plan F prosis nice okay get the red hot wet blade before I [Music] forget all right that was a little late dude O'Neal might actually be a pain actually this is a perfect time to try out arrows hold on where can you buy poison and uh rot arrows I'm go to this Merchant over here and see what he sells there's one that sells fire arrows and there's one that sells poison arrows apparently uh so you sell arrows and flaming bolts and then we'll go find the other Merchant I think he's just along this path too grab this oh there he is he has fire arrows all right let's see what we can do here oh that sucks okay let's quit with all this crap man we we can just kill him with rot and on our horse where you go challenging part is just not getting hit yourself honestly nice oh we're really on the clock okay nice yeah okay that was a little sketchier than I wanted it to be all right cool uh now we can go we'll just walk or we're not walking but you know what I mean there we go okay now we just go help her it'll send her down there why why are you being like this okay now we give it to ment after we give it to Millis she'll I think she cuts off her arm like she does something crazy right or is her arm already gone is it gone I think it's gone okay so now we need to go back here and go back to him and H you there and then after we talk to her we she'll go to um then she will go to Altus we'll give her the thingy and then she'll go to Windmill Village and that's that's where you can kill her and get millison prosis okay uh now do we go down there okay now let's try Altus okay cool uh so now she should be at one mil Village we still haven't put a cult Attunement on this we'll do it when we sleep at this Grace up here nice and then let's go to ases of War here we go put on step do c gold and it increases our damage too let's do that then we'll go ahead and we're going to go ahead and go get um the sacred tier and then we'll drop down get the other one is there anything else I think we're doing pretty solid um that's okay where's this other church it's oh it's a sanguine Noble this time I don't that's so weird why is the sangu noble this time okay go ahead and craft these have to get some more train somewhere so we should just be able to freaking toast him I am kind of worried about melson though that might be a tough sell I don't know about melson actually she might be tough especially with a dagger that doesn't do much damage it's good and I like it but it's going to be a long fight come on he didn't stand oh okay I was about to say say oh no that's not what I meant to do okay well ow I had I did not think at all that it would oh no that was lucky nice okay so you can do it from the side and be fine okay Gods caner definitely one of the best uh twin blades in the game if not the best all right um where is she there she [Music] is okay she at least doesn't have [Music] anymore dude oh man that's tough but we got melison frost which is what we wanted so okay now we can now we can finally go kill DTS and go to Gold free I'm rolling dude what is going on here he's never done this many like left-handed attacks with me before oh I didn't know he had another followup did I really not know that that's something I should know I don't know if you can Dodge that straight up but I was not about to find out okay I was expecting something to proc there nice our only bleed proc came at the perfect time I don't think these are any runes but let save them okay cool so the only pickup here are the Sanctified wet blade and then we go kill goldf free and morgot so should be pretty straightforward all right we'll have Mel talk to us and then she just disappears freaking ghost um we'll probably get to 35 and stop I think I think that's going to be our cap so the Sanctified wet blade we get because of um you can't on Gold free you can't uh do status effects and his two like things that he's weakest to I think he's weaker to Magic but not like weak but he is like his lowest resistance is to lightning so we'll just do that comfortable with that do that all the time here we go come on and it is west Capital ramp part now yeah see like you we're it's increasing our damage by two but it's not really a whole lot and we didn't even do what we wanted to doing all right Gold free I don't know if that counts a hit I knew not to hit there but I did it anyways nice okay we use this opportunity to heal probably didn't need to dodge there either but I did a little far nice okay a gold free dead is a gold free dead right um I guess we'll go ahead and put this Talisman on I mean what else could we put on is there anything else useful Green Turtle Talisman that'll actually be really good so here we're going to be using probably a good amount of blood hound step blood down step is really good on morgot I got a good few hits there dude that is ridiculous you just got done with the other move at least we got another Frost but like dog there's a bleed I dodged that bro I can't see anything dude my camera was all over the place dude I think morgot might be my worst Mainline fight I mean that was not a good fight morat's definitely my wor well he's my worst Main Line probably my second worst remembrance only to Millenia Millenia is probably everybody's worst though I guess R card without serpent Hunter would also be my worst but I he's not really designed to be killed with anything other than serpent Hunter um we're not going to share them with her okay um upgrade this to 18 we'll probably have SC scaling with um with deck cuz it's already at it's at B but that's with the um Frost if you do like just a regular one it's at I think it's at a and we could go ahead and spin the runes because we're probably going to go kill some trees for a few minutes I don't think we're going to go to the consecrated snowfield so we'll skip this for now this would be a pain in the butt to come back for that so maybe we'll go ahead and grab this Grace it doesn't take a minute that would be a pain in the bud to come back and get okay all right final viig locked in but you know what we might not have enough money to strengthen everything that might have been a mistake okay cool um so that worked out okay so let's go kill a couple her tree avatars right quick so we did get the grand theu this one so we'll go kill this one you know we might want to rank up endurance enough to where we're light rolling all the time yeah so that's that's our next goal is rank up enough endurance to where we're light rolling 86 damage wow okay that's pretty bad he we finish it off with the arrow at least we killed it with the arrow right there we go okay those were important now let's go kid we have two we have the fort farro one we have another one I think dude this dagger is really bad on these guys what is it not like showing the fire thing there we go really really good Lord man which one does this give us it's it's opaline tier yeah okay um now we do want to go get the fire tier and then I guess we also want to want to get the fire tier and we also want to um go get the green turtle so go ahead and do those and then I'll probably call it a day for for the bit really why am I that's lame not you get us the fire tier I think I think that's the one yep all right I know what place through we're playing I'm going be honest I don't remember at all what we left out on uh we should probably look what have we done I guess we got to mountain tops yeah what makes sense Green Turtle let's do green turtle and part of the reason I'm going here anyway is to get sacred blade come here nice okay um if I remember correctly we also got some good physic tiers all right let's get some organization going on in here that one and then this one I like my Talisman to look a certain way okay um I guess fire giant so I guess magic and stance break I mean not going to get boost stamina recovery that's like green turtle Talisman on steroids or we can just do damage negation I don't get hit a ton on fire Giants so maybe we just do this I'm not going to use the bow it's going to be useless it it's just going going to be useless so I'm I'm not using it thought I was a little bit slow on that yeah see this is going to be the problem with fire Giants we're actually going to have to oh dude I like the tap War twos ow really nice okay I don't even know what to be doing on him okay well that did nothing mean I guess we're just going to be living for status effects I mean so far this is going okay I guess this is probably the lamest fire giant fight I've ever done but I mean we're just trying to win we're not trying to be fancy I don't guess we should be close ish to a bleed right we've been smacking the living crap out of him kind surprised we haven't already gotten one and that's was that Frost or was that blood I couldn't tell I mean that was a boring fire giant fight but it's kind of it's mostly what I expected pretty much I guess guess we can go get the St Trina ARA arrows from that one um what's it called uh that one Merchant next to Fort height I guess it's probably the best move on the board all right let's burn the tree again I mean I don't guess there's a reason not to level up decks God skin Duo shouldn't be too bad I don't think that they'll be bad the only concern with God skin Duo is stamina and getting enough damage out them to uh one cycle him in uh the Sleep pots but I don't know we'll see we'll see what happens is there anything we wanted to get before we went oh yeah oh we can go get the grace first all right how many sleep arrows do we think it takes to sleep a god skin anything cuz I think they have the same sleep resistance I guess it would just be about um let's go get the arrows while I'm thinking about it so we can craft one and we have two and I think we can get up to [Music] eight buy something all right so that is some let's go to colie get the rest the cracked pots I call okay what are we looking like six and then 10 train or St train Ara I think that seems like enough all right strength yeah let's go with the Trina arrows first oh only four that's not too bad nice okay that's fun uh let's do this I mean technically we could sleep him again and be done or we can just do that okay uh not too bad why did he decide to do that you know I didn't know that you could just like stand in the middle of that' be fine hello nice ow let's not do this neither of them fell wait the wrong one fell asleep how did that happen oh they both fell fell asleep he was just a little late to the party nice okay pretty easy Gods can uh do a fight definitely could be cleaner but let say we take our wins man definitely could be cleaner but we we take wins around here that's what we care about we care about winning and producing that's fine let's see what we can do uh nice why am I doing the bow next I don't know answer to that okay um so now we're actually out of money some alicats will be interesting not expecting a whole lot of uh successive attack business going on so that ought to be kind of interesting there's our one of our sombers or one of our smithing Stones all right let's um uh let's go get this one just so we have it oh we did get this so why not how do you expect people to use bows if you're doing 60 damage like I have yet to see a reason as to why I should ever use a bow nice okay okay didn't expect that nice okay nice oh that worked that didn't go particularly well but okay well let's take care of some bidness nice you know I didn't get a bleed last time oh well forgot that the bleed build up on this is virtually nonexistent it it's there just not very much it was good enough nice I don't know what S effect we got off there but doesn't really matter okay I knew that was coming and I tried to deal with it but it got stuck why is he roaring so much come on right on the edge like he didn't actually damage me with the attack maybe I don't die I don't know I mean that was awful that was really bad I'm I'm not happy about that one at all once again we take wins around here but doesn't mean it was a good win but it was a win okay well at least now we can uh finish upgrading our weapons I don't know about Gideon man he's really weak to status effects but oh no okay so we're done with that what do we do about Gideon can you sleep Gideon I don't know if anybody that's tried it or okay let let's rephrase that I haven't seen anybody try it I'm also not heavily ingrained in the Elden ring community so I don't know gide in might actually be a problem I don't know what to do about Gideon can he's not going to hit us with anything that's perable I don't guess I Comm your spirit but a the throne Queen Mar hases for us oh okay well take that all right Gideon get shredded dog screw Gideon bro I kind of that that shredded through him actually like really heavily thank you GL we got Gideon first try that's first all right let's go kill Godfree and then we shall go kill moose and then I'm assuming we already killed rala right let's let's see do we already kill rala yeah we did um let's first things first let's kill polu and then we'll figure out the rest after that was dumb strap that too but I'm not getting in a good position I probably was in position that time and just didn't do it nice okay dude I I don't know how to Dodge that oh I didn't know he did that didn't take a genius to figure that out but okay good we got him done all right so we got a pretty big day today uh today at the time of recording this which I'm not sure when this will get out but yeah the time we're recording this is November 4th we got a bunch of really big stuff happening we have um yesterday uh the original fortnite map uh released um so if you're a fortnite person that's pretty dope um we got college football you know as as expected it is a Saturday in November um so that's going to be you know an exciting day since he plays Yukon um not not incredibly worried about it I think the point spread's like 35 I think we'll be all right with that um but also the biggest thing is the final part of Attack on Titan comes out today and I am so excited I wish that they came out with the dubs at the same time but regardless it's just going to be incredible um so first off we going to go kill moose I think that's logical um then after we kill moose we can continue down this path and go to uh deeper depths and like Lake of rot and all that stuff or we could pivot and go fight placetx or go fight Moog I we're not even remotely prepared to fight Moog as far as like getting the um everything set up so I so and I I don't want to go kill Nile NY Nile is one of my least favorite bosses especially for these type of runs where you can't just absolutely melt his minions and his minions actually become like a factor kind of sucks nice okay there we go not sure that that was worth it but I forgot he had blood hound step that's annoying come here imagine having problems with mimic here I got frostbit twice let's go set up moose we'll kill moose then after moose dude I I really don't know I want to I kill at least one more remembrance but if we're going to go like the lake of rot route then it makes sense to kill aelle I mean technically fortox but I don't want I don't want to go get the curse mark of death and all of that we could go try and kill ptox try to get better at that fight anyways so that's rude all right all right moose the problem is being able to hit him we're close to making sure he can't even heal dang it come here he died he just didn't want to die okay there's another remembrance okay which ones do we have left all right we have we have aelle fortox Moog Millenia and placetx I guess we try and do Estelle and ptox not really worried about being able to kill a St I don't think there's another way to get to the lake of rot than going through gargoyles well you can go through how else can you get to anel guess there's a well so I guess we could do that but I am I really going to die to put bro look how far it went out I dodged oh my gosh dude okay we go five posx dude I I hate B guard with I suck all right uh plusy all right what's our plan forx slice the crap out of him right there much else to say so I think he should be um weak to either slash or Pierce hopefully slash we'll find out we'll see how hard it is I don't he's not a terribly hard boss he's just you have to be patient you can't really just melt him I mean there are things you can melt him with but not with this let's see what our damage is like oh boy it's up on the other side of his tail I'm not really sure okay that's what he was doing underst really when are you supposed to dodge that better like seriously such a trash boss man nice am come on dude there we go goodbye po set sax okay well got that one done I don't know what my least favorite bosses in this game I'd have to go look at all the bosses and then like decide but gargo Duos is up there man cuz I I just I don't think it's a good Duo fight which I mean I don't know what makes a good Duo fight I'm not going to pretend like I know but what I can tell you it's not is having this poison crap whatever and then having them like aggo really weird like you can't separate them at all I dodged I didn't dodge that one so all right now see this is when they start to piss me off like now the weak one is chilling in the back nice now I got to run because they're just doing poison dude this is a terrible game mechanic no all right last one come here that's a weird attack but okay let me hit the stupid thing oh my gosh oh man Gars down do you want to go ahead and do aelle or do you want to fight the main boss and then go kill aelle got 15 minutes until until Tennessee football comes on I don't know if we're going to be able to get all the way to um stelle in time we're going to grab this grace and then we're going to go fight RAB Beast I have no idea what to expect here I don't expect ragon to be bad I mean Elden Beast isn't hard it just might take a while oh here we go oh it's bad okay dude that damage is really bad well I guess we'll pick this up later oh man that sucks I kind of wanted just uh be done kind of wanted to be able to get it done this uh play through but I guess not so we're going to go kill Estelle then we're going to kill ragon and Elden Beast then uh we'll be done for this uh this play through I have definitely a good amount of mixed feelings about this class if you can't abuse of status effects it's it's not great I have a hard time saying this is the worst class that I've uh used so far but I think it is um Vagabond vagabon was just good honestly uh you had status effects and pretty powerful weapons uh the hero class was was it was fine um much of the same and then this class it's just you just don't have the power you you do get speed but it just hasn't been the uh best thing you don't get mini staggers if any it does leave a little to be desired that's okay not every class is going to be our favorites and actually I'm pretty certain there's going to be a few classes that we're going to absolutely hate here in the next little bit so let see what happens all right adding a St that means the next logical one to add would probably be forto ax so fortox will be added next he does also bleed I'm not sure why he bleeds but he does so guess we're closing the Gap come here all right try to dodge that that was scary wait did we get a frost or a bleed or something thought I saw a good amount of damage pop off him that was a great teleport buddy ow all right is such a terrible fight like by terrible I mean he's just he's not really hard I I just don't understand the point of him like it's not I don't know that sounds really bad like there's no reason to learn his move set because you can kind of just destroy him with no anything all right let's go to so let's see flart does that what is cold do see cold does significantly less damage and that's going to matter for Elden Beast Elden Beast also is in water I don't know let's try this see how it goes wonder if you can Parry ragon time to find out what am I doing nice I'm not going to get there oh I did nice yeah so I like the frost fight better than the fire we crap we forgot to try and parium let see what this looks like yeah it's pretty bad I mean we'll be fine but like this this damage is pretty not good I don't know if you have to roll there I don't think so but I did that hit does not register even though that I got got the like notification I mean yeah the damage on this is uh pretty atrocious and one more there we go all right not too bad well okay all right let's do a last rank up and look at our stats kind of give some final thoughts all right so we had we are Level 107 which is really high why are we so high uh 40 viig 11 mine 26 and endurance 69 decks nice and 14 Arcane it's pretty good uh the great knife I actually really liked uh the damage is low but on bosses that you can get a bunch of status effects on it's not a big deal um buckler we unfortunately didn't use and the short bow is terrible I'm sure that there will be somebody who says that this thing is good and they'll show me and then I'll be like oh that's really good but no dude this thing was trash so far I would rank this probably what are we on third fourth I mean it's in last place so far it's in last place I mean there's nothing wrong with it it's fine it's but it but it's just fine there's no like exceptional qualities about it it's just fine so anyways hope you guys enjoyed the video catch you in the next one peace and blessings
Channel: NGGaming
Views: 65,662
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: rsWMINm-36s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 40sec (3700 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 13 2023
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