This is going to be rough.... SORRY PICKS MY APRIL TBR | APRIL 2021

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hello welcome or welcome back to my channel if you're new here my name is mary and today's video is going to be my sorry pics my april tbr [Music] one more time if you've been around this channel before then you already know but if you're new here every month on this channel i play the game sorry to pick prompts to decide what i'm going to be reading for the upcoming month so this round of sorry uh the first part i draw will be the number of draws that i will make throughout the game if i ever get a sorry then i add a book on my tbr and every prompt that i land on i have to find a book to fill that prompt to read for the upcoming month so without further ado let's figure out how many books i'm going to be reading in april okay so we're starting with blue on old history because that's where we landed last month and we're drawing 11 books this round okay first prompt move backwards four contemporary so since i pulled the card 11 i'm going to be reading 11 books this month the first prompt that i landed on was the prompt to read a contemporary and for this i'm going to be reading boomer one by daniel torde um this is a contemporary and it follows this man who i believe is in his early 30s and his fiancee has just broken up with him so he's moved back home to his parents house and he um is living with his parents and he starts i believe writing a blog or posting somewhere on the internet i think jokes and memes about boomers and like the okay boomer thing um and then somehow he gains national attention and i think the plot goes from there i'm not entirely sure what this is about but i have heard pretty good things about this book and i like the color scheme it's very like pink lemonade if you will um so i'm very very excited to be picking this book up finally i feel like i've talked about wanting to read this for like over a year now move forward too sci-fi the next prompt that i landed on was to read a sci-fi and for that i picked the book of m by peng shepherd and this from what i understand it's kind of like a post-apocalyptic um tale where i think people get this disease and if you live through the disease you lose your memories but you gain magic is what it sounds like so i am not entirely sure but i believe it is post-apocalyptic and it has something to do with memory loss and getting special abilities um i haven't really heard very much i've heard of this book but i haven't heard very many things about it so i don't know much more than that but i am very excited to be reading this in april as well move forward 11 owned tbr the third prompt that i landed on was to read a book for my own tbr and for this i'm going to be reading a book that is on my kindle um i recently did a video where i talked about every book that i own physically that i have not read and every book on my kindle that i have not read that i plan on reading um so if you want to watch that i will link that somewhere so you can but the nightingale is a historical fiction i believe it's by kristin hannah and i've only heard wonderful things my mom and my sister both read and really enjoyed it and i believe it is set during world war ii um and i think it has a little bit of a romance storyline so i'm very excited to pick that up i've heard such incredible things about kristin hannah's writing and it was actually recommended to me to read four wins um when i did my subscribers pick my tbr and had you guys recommend books to me um someone recommended that book but i don't think it was out at that time um but i would like to read the nightingale so i can decide if kristen hannah has the sort of writing style that i i like um i do enjoy historical fiction from time to time so i am very very excited to pick this one up as well move forward 10 or backwards one so backwards one would be short stories and forward ten brings us all the way home so let's do that just so we don't have to draw a bunch of cards later and we'll start again on yellow so i'm starting on yellow now and i have drawn three so i have eight more to go move forward one a book that's 500 plus pages the fourth prompt i landed on was to read a book that is more than 500 pages and for this one i'm kind of cheating um because i've already started this book so i have decided to read middle march by george eliot for this i'm doing a buddy read or a group read i suppose there's a whole discord with kira foster and um a bunch of other people i'll link her announcement video somewhere but we started it in march um i'm way behind i think i'm like two whole i'm like 60 pages or 60 chapters behind at this point i'm pretty sure um but hopefully i can catch up and finish it by the time everyone else is finishing it in april it's a classic but it's like it's a long form just about a commentary on society and sort of it follows a group of or several groups of different characters as they just sort of go through their lives so it's just it's following these different groups as they go through sort of young adulthood i suppose um it's interesting so far i'm not really sure i feel like i'm plotting through it but i'm not really sure if i'm like loving it if that makes sense but if you've read that or if you were part of the group read for that please let me know i'd be curious to hear your thoughts as well move forward five a book featuring animals the next prompt that i landed on it was to read a book featuring animals and for this i'm going to be reading dreams of gods and monsters by laini taylor which my library didn't have a physical copy of so i'm going to have to read it as an ebook but they did have night of cake and puppets which is like a novella for between the second and third book in the daughter smokovone series so i'm also planning on reading this but i'll probably finish this in march rather than in april i still have some time in some space in my my schedule i think um knock on wood i guess but um dreams of gods and monsters i'm not gonna say too much about it because it's the third book in a series so i can't say too much about it but it is about um this character crew who is a human girl but she was raised by chimera in this in-between place between earth which is the human world and arrests which is the world that the chimera and the angels are from and in the first book we meet akiva who is an angel and we find out that there's this long war between the angels and the chimera and um you just sort of go from there and learn more about the characters so there is a pretty heavy romance subplot in this book so if you're not really into that then maybe skip but it's also it's a lot less about the couple and more about like their individual lives um and how they like are pining for each other but maybe it won't work out maybe it will you know you know how that goes um but i am really enjoying those and i'm buddy reading those with my friend kelly over at velvet library so i'll link her channel down below so you can check her out as well sorry so add another book move forward eight a memoir then i drew a sorry so i'm going to be adding another book to this tbr so instead of 11 it will be 12 books and the prompt that i landed on was to read a memoir and the memoir that i chose is the awkward thoughts of w kamau bell and i am not familiar with w kamovel as an actor maybe or director but i do know he's comedian and he has his own show called the united shades of america um and it's the sort of subplot is tales of a six foot four african-american heterosexual cisgender left-leaning asthmatic black and proud blurred mama's boy dad and stand-up comedian um i'm just interested i love memoirs if you've been on the channel for a while then you know that i don't always have to know a lot about the person that the memoir is about to really enjoy the memoir um although i do tend to prefer memoirs about people who like escaped cults or like um like the girl who escaped north korea i loved her memoir i loved them and more educated i loved the glass castle um so i'm curious to see how i'll feel about this because i've been feeling this is gonna be a lot more social commentary um and just about his experiences as a black man which is also something that i'm interested in and something that i am unfamiliar with as a white woman so i'm very excited to be picking this one up as well and this has also been on my list of to read for quite some time since it first came out i believe um it got a lot of hype so very excited to be reading this another sorry so add another book oh this is gonna be a long month okay move backwards four classic then i pulled another sorry so i will be reading 13 books instead of 12 in april and i am starting to sweat a little bit so hopefully i can get through all of these books the next prompt that i landed on was to read a classic which is perfect because i am reading all of jane austen's works in 2021 with my friend amanda over at her pacific northwest washington life i'll link her instagram down below she's taking a hiatus from youtube for the year um but she is very um active over on her bookstore so i we're reading pride and prejudice in april i will link the video where i announced buddy reading all of these books um and of course we're open to other people joining us we will do a live show for this after we finish reading it we haven't decided the dates when we're going to read this yet um but it'll be sometime in april and then the live show will probably be at the end of april or potentially the beginning of may just depending on where this falls throughout the month move backwards one or four words 10. i'm going to do a book featuring witches just because i have something in mind for that the next prompt i landed on was to read a book about witches and for this i chose the heart forger by rinchi rinchipeko which is the second book in the bonewitch trilogy and this follows i can't remember her name now that's embarrassing tia who is a bone witch which means that she is a necromancer so people she brings death dead things back to life i guess with her magic and in her society bone witches are kind of revered but also feared um and so in the first book we follow two timelines one is the future timeline where tia is seemingly disgraced and raising all of these deva back from um the dead and sort of trying to take control of them and then the other one is flashbacks of her finding out she's a bone witch and her initial training as a bone witch um i didn't love the first book in this series so that's kind of why i've been putting off reading the second one i think i read the first one back in january um but i have heard really good things about the series people love the series the librarian who helped me find this book loves this series um so i'm hoping i really really enjoy it and i'm hoping that reading it physically rather than listening to the audiobook will help me keep better control of what's going on and i'm planning on reading a synopsis of the first book before going into this one just so that my mind is fully refreshed because i do really want to love this story and get the hype of it i've seen a ton of people that i really respect give this book and this whole series five stars so i am very excited to be reading this one move forward seven a queer book the ninth one that i landed on was to read a queer book and i chose vanishing twins by leah dietrich dietrich t church i don't know how this pronounced but this is about a woman who is married to a man and she sort of over her marriage um starts to develop questions about her own sexuality so she and her husband decide to do an open relationship and this is actually a non-fiction um so i believe it has elements of memoir in it which again i love a good memoir um but as well as touching on psychology science pop culture art architecture greek mythology dance and language to create a lucid suspenseful portrait of a woman testing the limits and fluidities of love so i'm very interested to see how this goes um just because stuff like this intrigues me so i'm happy to get to this book and i actually didn't know very much about what it was about before getting it from the library pretty much i picked this up at the library and uh was looking at it but it's been on my tbr for a while just because i'd heard of it so um i'll let you know how this goes if you've read this let me know what you think of it down below move forward to nonfiction the next prompt that i landed on was to read a non-fiction and again i'm kind of cheating for this one because i've technically already started this book as well but i'm gonna be reading point made by ross guberman which is another book that i own on my kindle um so i'm about like 20 pages in i'm not very far but this is book about legal writing um i'm in law school if you didn't know so um i was recommended to me to read by my upper level writing professor and it's basically teaching you how to effectively write memos briefs and motions and i have to put on my tbr or i won't actually force myself to read it so that's why it's going on here move forward eight short story collection the eleventh prompt that i landed on was to read a collection of short stories and for this i'm gonna be reading wake siren avid re-sung by nina mclaughlin this is a retelling of sorts of different greek myths um i believe it's everything in ovid's metamorphosis which i had to read for college so it'll be interesting to see um how i feel it's somewhere over here i think anyways it doesn't really matter but um i'll be interested to see how i feel about all of these stories i've become really interested in mythology pretty recently i i was interested in assault i was interested in mythology when i was a lot younger um like in middle school when i was reading the percy jackson books for the first time but um it's not something that really stuck with me and it's not something that i ever really pursued um but now that i reread percy jackson last month i guess i'm on a little bit of a mythology kick and i found this at goodwill a few months ago so i am very excited to get to this one i think it's like some of it is swimming pros some of it is told in first some of it is told through like a series of texts or email chains maybe um and it sounds really interesting so i'm hoping that i enjoy this and i think the cover is like really beautiful move backwards for a retelling the twelfth prompt that i landed on was to read a retelling and for this i decided to go with the wrath and the dawn by renee aliye which is a retelling of 1001 arabian nights um i have this as an audiobook from my library so i'm really excited to get to this one and i'm hoping i really enjoy it my boyfriend's mom really loves it and she actually recommended it to me so it's part of a dual duology so hopefully if i enjoy it i can find the second one and listen to it really quick as well and move forward three sci-fi the 13th and final prompt on this tbr is to read another science fiction and for this i chose i don't know if this is technically sci-fi or fantasy but it says sci-fi on goodreads so i'm going with that um and it's the fifth season by n.k jemisin this is a bit chunky and i'm very intimidated by this book i don't really know anything about what it's about except for it's about the earth um and in this world there are four seasons but every once in a while there's this fifth season which is like a catastrophic event and i believe the people in this world are trying to use magic to prevent that from happening um i don't know if this is supposed to be a discourse on climate change and i understand that as i just described that it sounds a lot more like fantasy than sci-fi but we're going with it okay and that is it those are the 13 books that i have on my tbr for the month of april um as always there might be things that i slip in here and there um for whatever reason because i hate myself i guess but hopefully i can get to all of those books this coming month please let me know in the comments down below if you've read any of these books and what you thought about them also let me know what you are planning on reading for april if you enjoyed this video make sure to give it a thumbs up it really helps me out and if you would like to you can go ahead and subscribe to my channel i post two bookish and lifestyle videos every single week and i would love to have you around for those so um without further ado i will see you in my next video you bye more time
Channel: Mary Jo Headrick
Views: 1,032
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: baI60jDOrHc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 10sec (970 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 28 2021
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