APRIL TBR | Not so lucky this month!

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[Music] hi team i hope you're all well today we are going to be doing april's tbr with a book opoli and i'm really excited so in the month of april i'm going to be doing things a little bit differently bookoply is still going to be the exact same we're still going to do the same d die roll which will determine how many rolls that we do on the board and i'm still going to be rolling as usual and using the board as usual the things that i'm doing differently is that in april i am planning on reading 30 books in 30 days now this does not mean that i have to read a book a day but i do plan on reading 30 books in 30 days which essentially equates to a book a day um however i am a little bit nervous about this um i am excited but also a little bit nervous i cannot wait to do it i do have lots and lots of books planned that are very small graphic novels middle grades just short books in general that i am able to fit onto my tbr so i am looking forward to that and um yeah i won't be telling you my entire tbr because the idea is that i'm just gonna try and take it like play it by aim and just see how i feel at the time and i do have a stack of books that i'm interested in picking up but i will play it by a see how i feel see what i can get through hopefully i'm able to do 30 books in 30 days fingers crossed and there are a couple of readathons happening in the month of april that i'm really looking forward to as well so on the 3rd of april we have got raidathon which is a 24-hour readathon hosted by jade over at jdyreeds i'll leave a link to jay's channel down below so you can go and check her out but also to her twitter because that's where she keeps her updates for readathon for everything so i'm really looking forward to that one and then we also have the read fat positive readathon which is being hosted by ali from reverie of ali again i'll leave a link to ali's channel down below and twitter so you can go and check her out and this is being hosted from the 7th to the 14th and i'm really excited about this one as well um and then finally there is also julie's 24 hour readathon at the end of the month which i think is the 24th if i'm wrong i'll put the date here but i think it's the 24th of april so again another 24 hour readathon which should help me get through a good chunk of books but in general and that is my plan so um i haven't we still have like a week and a little bit left of march i forgot one month we're in we still have a week and a little bit left of march when i'm filming this however i just wanted to get this done and dusted so that i'm ahead with my videos because i've got quite a bit of course but left to do and several books i still need to read as well for the month of march so i am going to tell you now that i will be failing my tbr in the month of march which is ridiculous because i only had four books on it um but obviously i was over achieving because i haven't been able to pick all of those books up i will be reading saints blood this week so that will be done and i managed to get to actual age eve brown as well so and those will be done however for gifted i had the hero of ages which i'm just not going to have time to pick up at all because of how chunky this book book is just not going to have the time and i can't allow it to run into april because i will not have the time to finish it off so unfortunately i'm not gonna get to this however i am able to swap this out so this was for gifted and i am able to swap this out with a book that's been gifted to me by a publisher and i'm either gonna go for accidentally engaged or malice malice is downstairs so i am going to be reading one of those two books this week hopefully um so i can swap this out which is fine but again i'm still going to take the punishment of an extra role just because it's the right thing to do and the other book i'm not going to be able to get to is war cross by marie lu unfortunately i'm really bummed about this however i was doing this with a couple of other books as well it was for a specific um reading vlog and i don't want to read this and then i have to wait to like me before i can read the other books that are involved in the reading vlog so i'm not gonna have chance to get to this one unfortunately which is a shame but i will re i will pick it up at some point um so again this one was for a sci-fi and this can be swapped out with skyward volume 2 which i read for becca's book upload on just this weekend gun so i can swap both of the books out which is fine but i'm going to take the extra roll anyway because i mean it's not like it hurts is it my plan is to read 30 books anyway so without further ado because this has been a very long introduction let's get into the roles and then i will tell you my tbr for the read fat positive readathon as well um because i do have a general tbr set for that um and i don't we'll see whether or not i can fit the books on here so without further ado let's get into it let's see what the d d die is picking for us this month okay the d and d roll is 12. i knew that last month was too good to be true here we go okay so obviously last month the day die was really good to me and this month it's not been however doesn't really matter does it because i have to have i have to fit 30 books on my tbr anyway so the fact that 12 came up on the d d die normally would bug me however there's not much i can do about it this month let's just hope that the actual prompts are good to me so let's get on with the first roll okay last month we finished on romance so that's where we're going to start and roll number one is a double naturally one two three four and a middle grade and naturally the first row was a double because why wouldn't it be so we're up to 13 um rolls already so the first one was for a middle grade and for this i am going to pick middle grade monthly's book pick and that is the witches boy by kelly barnhill i got this one on the basis that i think was i gifted yeah i was gifted this one and then jade highly recommended by the same author the girl who drank the moon so i was gonna do these um in one reading vlog and read them both but we'll see how that goes whether or not i am able to do that but we are following ned who lives with his mother sister witch who is the village keeper of an ancient store of magic it is unruly magic that only she can tame until the day the bandit king comes to steal the magic and and it bolts out of its pot and into the wide world beyond thrown into a wild adventure ned must venture into the attractive forest that borders his village where he meets ain i think that's how you pronounce that the bandit king's daughter can she help him find his voice and a way to speak to the magic a word after all is a kind of magic words call the world into being that is power indeed and ned is not yet a powerful boy it sounds really good and this just looks adorable doesn't it like i am here for this so i'm really looking forward to this one this is middle grade monthly's uh pick for the month of april so i'm really really hyped for this one i will leave middle grade monthly twitter down below so you can go check it out but it's a book club basically hosted by jade and gav so yeah i'm looking forward to this one and i'm glad i've been able to get it on the tbr especially pretty early as well so roll number two is eight that was a struggle seven eight disability rep so rule number two brought us disability rep and for this one i'm gonna be picking up when stars are scattered by victoria jameson and omar mohammed i'm not fully sure where the disability rep is in this however i am aware that there is some disability rep in it i did a google and um this came up as an option for me so i picked this up off of the recommendation of gav actually he he mentioned it last year in believathon and i was like oh that sounds interesting so i picked it up it's a graphic novel a middle-grade graphic novel and it's a true story of two young boys in their time in the kenyan refugee camp in da dab so i'm really looking forward to this one it sounds really good and yeah not sure where the disability rep is in here but apparently it's in here so i'm looking forward to this one so for roll number three is three one two three kindle unlimited so for rule number three we came up with kindle unlimited and for this one i'm gonna go for malcolm by lane hart and d.b west and i'm looking forward to this one i'll show a picture of the cover here this is an emcee romance type book i just read my first one for the first time last week and i really really enjoyed it so i want to try another one and this one is following dirty aces mc malcolm he's known for being called and calculating and um it's also following a girl as well who makes an enemy out of malcolm and the emcee when she was sent to steal everything from them that she could so i'm really interested in seeing how this one goes it sounds really good and i'm looking forward to it love me a good kindle unlimited romance as well roll number four is another double naturally ten one two three four five six seven eight nine ten a dystopia rule number four brought us a dystopian for this one i'm gonna go for the dawn chorus by samantha shannon i'll show a picture of it here this is a book two 3.5 3.5 in the bone season series and it is a novella and i'm really really looking forward to it this series follows paige mahoney who is a clairvoyant in a world where clairvoyancy is illegal and um yeah she's just gotten herself into quite a bit of trouble throughout this series and i really really love it i love it a lot more than i thought i was gonna do so i'm really excited to read the dawn chorus so that at some point i can pick up the mask falling which is the next in the series so yeah glad i've been able to fit this one on rule number five is nine one two three four five six seven eight nine community shelf most anticipated roll number five was a community shelf card and for this one we got most anticipated so as it turns out i haven't done a most anticipated list yet the irony um so for this one i've just picked up a book that i'm really really excited about reading and i am really hyped for chasing daisy by page tune this is not a short book but it is a romance so i'm hoping that it will go by fast and i also can get the audio for it as well so i'm really looking forward to that but this is following daisy rogers and she's in love um her famous ex is neither out of sight nor mind he is a um formula one of racing driver and he was her childhood sweetheart william trusty's called however daisy actually works as part of the hospitality girls of the grand prix and she ends up obviously going around the world with him um and obviously everybody else and i'm just really looking forward to this one because i love me some f1 and i was asking for f1 recommendations and this one came up quite a bit so i am really looking forward to this one highly anticipating it i think it's going to be great time and i cannot wait to pick it up so really looking forward to this one a lot row number six is seven one two three four five six seven a romance roll number six brought as a romance and for this one i'm going to go for the princess trap by talia hibbett i have been loving talia hibbert's writing style so much when i've been reading the bronze series so i really want to read some more from her and this one is following cherry who is 38 flirted and done with men um however she ends up meeting prince ruben of held more i think that says um who is reckless dominant and famously filthy and i think this is just gonna be a really really smutty adult romance and i am living for this i cannot wait and i know that uh maddie has highly recommended this one to me she reckons that i'm gonna love it and it's not that long either so really looking forward to this one can't wait to pick it up very excited indeed roll number seven is four one two three four a big book obviously roll number seven brought us a big book naturally it was gonna do um so for this one i am actually gonna put ashley's patreon buddy read for the months of march and april i think it is on here and that is from blood and ash by jennifer l armentrout this is a reread for me i read this last year and i really really loved it but i'm really wanting to um read this and then kingdom of flesh and fire in may and then crown of gilded bones i think it's called i can't remember what it's called the third one in june if at all possible um because i really want to sort of catch up with these books even though it turns out this is going to be like a six book series now apparently so i really want to pick this one up again and give it a reread and it is a chunky book so this is following poppy who essentially is like a maiden um and she's never to be touched never to be looked upon never to be spoken to never to experience pleasure however poppy likes to live a little bit recklessly and doesn't always do as she's told and uh one day she ends up meeting a guy called hawk and things just kind of go from there i really really love this one the first time i read it it was just this entire sexual tension right the way through the book and i am here for that so i'm really looking forward to picking this one up and then i can continue the series going into may as well so yeah not too mad about the fact that big book has come up on here but really looking forward to giving this one a reread hopefully it'll be quick as well because i've read it before roll number eight oh is 10 one two three four five six seven eight nine ten another kindle unlimited roll number eight brought us another kindle unlimited book and for this one i am going for one week by tai love i think that's how you pronounce their name and i'm really looking forward to this one i've had it on my kindle for ages so i really want to pick it up but we're following nia winston who's a young high school principal and she is hoping to get justin ray who's the hottest r b singer to donate to her non-profit and when sparks fly between them she thinks it's just her that the sparks have flown for but as it turns out um justin asks her to spend a week with her they have like a week of romance and love and blah blah blah but then something happens that a secret that she's holding threatens to ruin justin's career and she ends up leaving him two years later justin comes back and wants answers and she has to figure out what she wants out of life so i'm really looking forward to this when it sounds really good and i cannot wait to pick this one up rule number nine we got nine one two three four five seven eight nine which is a chance card oh dear oh robin hood nice okay that could have been so much worse roll number nine brought us a chance card and for this one we ended up with a robin hood which looks a little bit like this and it's very short and i'm really looking forward to it i think that this is like a modern day robin hood retelling essentially um on the back it says when corrupt cops throw a corridor in jail for a crime he didn't commit his son escapes into the vast and dangerous sherwood forest most people reckon snakes or bandits will get the kid within a week but he's got hacking skills learned from his dad some archery tricks picked up on youtube and his name is robin hood so it is definitely like a modern day robin hood retelling essentially and i'm really looking forward to it i bloody love robin hood so i can't wait to pick this one up and i'm really glad that it's short as well because that will really help me out with my 30 bucks in 30 days roll number 10 is boar one two three four contemporary roll number 10 brought us a contemporary for this one i'm going to be picking up julia takes a breath by gabby riviera and i believe that this one is queer following juliette whose head is spinning while she figures out how to tell her puerto rican family that she is gay and i'm really looking forward to this one i can't wait to find out what happens in it i've heard of really great things i am living for this cover so i am very excited indeed roll number eleven is eight one two three four five six seven eight adult fantasy little lord number eleven brought us an adult fantasy which is never easy when you're trying to fit small books on your tbr but then i was reminded by jade that i could put a graphic novel on here so we're gonna go for the old guard volume two this is definitely an adult fantasy and i'm really looking forward to it this this follows a group of people who are immortal and essentially over the years over the decades have done um different missions saving different people all over the world etc etc and i have read the first one i really really enjoyed it i've also watched the movie so i don't know if this is going to carry on with the movie or whether this is the next installment maybe there's going to be another movie from this one i can't fully remember but i'm really looking forward to continuing on with this one and continuing on with the series i think this is the last in the series as well which is cool so i'm looking forward to picking this one up rule number 12 is five one two three four five another romance rule number 12 brought us another romance and for this one i'm gonna go for teach me by olivia dade i have heard great things about this one also this cover is gorgeous and it's not that long i'm really looking forward to it following two teachers i think their lesson plans didn't include love but that's about to change when martin krauss arrives at rose owens high school she's determined to remain chilly with her new colleague unfriendly maybe understandable yes since a loathsome administrator gave rose's beloved world history classes to martin knowing it would hurt her but keeping her distance from a man as warm and as kind as martin will prove challenging even for a stubborn guarded ice queen especially when she begins to see him for what he truly is a man who's never been taught his own value martin could use a good teacher and luckily rose is the best rose has her own lessons about trust about vulnerability about her past to learn and over the course of a single school year the two of them will find just how hot it can get when an ice cream melts this sounds so good i'm really looking forward to this one but yeah i'm excited roll number 13 is a double two one two another middle grade rule number 13 brought us our third doubles so now we're up to 15 rolls in total as long as we don't get another double and this time we got a middle grade and for this one i'm gonna go for amelia fang and the memory thief by laura ellen anderson this is the third in the amelia frank series i love this series it's so short and it's got the most cutest illustrations and i just love it so i'm really excited to continue on with this series amelia fang is a young girl who lives with her vampiric family and she has um some really cool friends and stuff she's got a little pumpkin called uh squashy and she's it's just really cool she goes on some really cool adventures and i just really enjoy this series it's really great and how pretty are these books um so i'm really excited to continue on with this series and um hopefully finish this one as well rule number 14. oh it's another double one two three four five six seven eight a ya fantasy roll number 14 brought us yet another double um so we're up to 16 rolls now also i have to add the extra roll on at the end because of failing the previous tbr so i am up to 17 rolls as long as we don't get another double um and for this one we ended up with a ya fantasy so i'm gonna go for ignite me by tahereh mafi which is the next in the shot of me series which is where i'm up to this is a little bit chunky but i do find these books so easy to get through and they're so fast-paced and they're sort of thing that i can sit down and literally read in like one take so i really enjoy this series a lot it's probably a little bit younger for me now but i still really enjoy the storyline and the plot so i'm excited about continuing on with this one this is following juliette who has always been treated a little bit differently because she has some powers and we also follow warner who is the son of the leader of the people that kind of tried to control the people the bad guys essentially and then adam who is one of the rebels along with julia and i'm really looking forward to continuing on with this and finding out what happens with these characters and just seeing where this goes roll number 15 is seven two three four five six seven a horror or thriller roll number 15 brought us a horror or a thriller and i am picking up killjoy by holly jackson i'm taking full advantage now of the small box this came out on world book day and it is just a short novella that is attached to the good girls guide to murder series which i really really love in which we follow a young girl called pippa who is basically investigating a murder in the first book and it's really really interesting it's the murder of someone from her school and it's really interesting really really fascinating just love the way it's really like it's done it's just so good um so yeah looking forward to continuing on with this i don't know at what point this will jump in uh but i'm looking forward to it and it's only short like i say it shouldn't take me too long to get through and i'm really excited to pick this one up all 16 is eight one two three four five six seven eight a sci-fi roll number 16 gave us a sci-fi so for this one i'm going to put my patreon pick up for uh march and april which is the humans by matt haig i'm really looking forward to this one because i know that jade had a really good time reading this one she did a lot of what the but i'm really looking forward to picking it up nonetheless and this one is following an alien essentially that finds himself in a human body and he has to learn everything from new this human body has a family like the person that lives in this human body has a family so the alien has to learn about the family and stuff and his only like close companion is a dog so i'm really looking forward to this one and finding out what happens in this i think this is going to ask a lot of profound questions and have me questioning everything about life in general but i'm really looking forward to it's not that long so i'm excited to read this one and get it done and also discuss with my patrons as well and what should be the final rule roll number 17 is 11 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 gifted and then finally we had a book that is gifted and for this one i'm going to go for a book that has been gifted by a publisher so this was sent to me by little brown and this is sweethand by n g peltier and i really excited about this one this is following um lifelong rivals charisse and kieran who are back in trinidad at the same time while kieran may have the most swoon-worthy smile also the most annoying man charisse has ever met unfortunately avoiding him is impossible with kieran's close friend getting ready to marry sherice's sister it's just been made the best man to her maid of honor kieran doesn't know what to make of charisse she might now be a successful pastry chef but to him she's always been a stuck-up brat who seeks attention even as he secretly harboured a crush on her now it seems he can't escape her but despite their antagonism towards each other things turn heated after one rainy night and the peripherals to figure out if they can survive the countdown to the wedding day without this turning into a recipe for disaster i'm so excited and just look at that cover like how beautiful is that illustrator cover so i'm really looking forward to this one and thank you to little brown for sending me a copy of this one i cannot wait to get stuck in so that is my tbr overall for copoly is a rather large tbr however it doesn't look too indeed intimidating this is that this is what it looks like for 17 bucks plus two kindle unlimited books it's not that bad you know and i am having to read 30 books in the month of april anyway so i might as well take full advantage of the book upload and see how far i can get with it so on that basis i will now tell you about my read fat positive tbr i am winging this and we're going to see how many of these i can get through but to start off with i managed to get three of them on my booklet tbr so they are the princess track by talia hibbert juliet takes a breath by gabby riviera and teach me by olivia dade on top of that i also have faith taken flight by julie murphy which i believe has some positive fat rep in it following faith who's a regular teen um who has two best friends matt and shares and she follows she volunteers at the local animal shelter um however one day it turns out that she can fly i'm not sure what else is gonna happen but i'm really looking forward to it i've really enjoyed um dumpling by julie murphy before so i'm looking forward to reading this one and then i also have on my list a couple of books that i've got on kindle so one of them is uh their troublesome crush which uh looks like this and i think it's a graphic novel so i'm looking forward to picking that one up and i've also got garden temptation as well which i think is another talia hibbert book so i have a few options for that readathon but obviously three of them i 100 will be reading because they're on my book opera tbr so yeah i am really looking forward to the month of april i'm a little bit nervous about the 30 books in 30 days but i'm also very excited i think it's gonna be a really cool challenge and i'm going to have to make sure i like properly organize myself make sure i get some decent books on my tbr and things like that so yeah i am hyped we will see how i do but yeah if you got to the end of this video please leave me a dice in the comments i would really appreciate it if you don't want to say anything else that's fine and i shall see you in the next one bye for now
Channel: Steph Loves
Views: 5,931
Rating: 4.9549718 out of 5
Keywords: bookopoly, Steph Loves, Steph's Bookopoly, Middlegrade Monthly, Books, Booktube, Reading, Booktuber, British Booktuber, 30 books in 30 Days, April TBR, April To Be Read
Id: fmPJ53LS0m0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 21sec (1641 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 27 2021
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