April TBR game - monthly to be read game - readingnymph - booktube

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hi guys welcome back to my youtube channel it's kirsten and it's time for my april tbr march ended up being a pretty decent month in terms of reading now as usual i am filming this early so if for whatever reason i don't finish the books on my tbr or at least haven't started them then i will take an extra read which i will do in my first weekly vlog for april though to be fair this year i've been doing a really good job of staying on track with my tbr reading so fingers crossed that will continue i have a few books left but they're nothing big they're all pretty short books so i'm pretty sure i can get that done in time but last month we did end up on five prompts which are continuing over but that does mean i have to choose my sixth prompt because the rules for this tbr game is very simple i roll a six colored sided dice each color represents another dice that sits on top of a prompt and i have to fulfill a book with that prompt i can't double up on these prompts and if i roll the same color twice i have to do a re-roll so let's get straight to it and choose the sixth prompt for this month let's go with a green okay so the sixth prompt is going to be under 500 pages with that out the way let's get straight to these rolls and roll number one purple foil on the cover okay so for roll number one we got foil on the cover and for this one i've decided to go with a book that i haven't read in years but i absolutely loved it while i was in college and it is on my list of books to reread this year and that is cashell's dart by jacqueline kerry i love this book now it is a chunker it has bible thin pages so it's over 900 pages long and it's battered i do need to get another copy of this book because i have wrecked it but before i get another copy i wanted to reread it and see if it still holds up there in my estimation because i loved this i read it so many times clearly as you can see from all the damage and it was five stars this is such an interesting book to me so this is a alternate history book and we're following our main character feardry and she is someone that has a scarlet moat in her eye and this signifies being chosen by one of the gods so this is set in france alternate history france and their religion is love as thou wilt and it's beautiful i love the religion i think it's really lovely the way they do it there is a lot to this story so at first glance it is more like a smart novel but there is so much that goes on in this there are so many politics the world building is phenomenal we have a war that's going on and theodory gets caught up in all of this i think it's such an intricate story so i really want to reread it and see if it holds up in my estimation i know that this is a chunky book and not the way i should be starting off my tbr for the month but it's one that i'm hoping i can just slowly read over the month it's not one i'm going to try and binge read it's one that i've read so many times i know what happens so i can very much give myself a set amount of pages to read each week and slowly make my way through this so that's gonna be my goal for april is to slowly read this book and let's just see if it holds up to that five star level from what was like nine years ago now so we'll see roll number two orange under 500 pages roll number two was a nice easy prompt of under 500 pages so since last month i have actually done another prompt which is under 250 pages so the under 500 pages is kind of between 500 to 250 pages and then i have another prompt for under 250 pages not that you really needed that explanation but still so for this one i have gone with the falcon by elizabeth may this is a book that i got simply because if you like i caught thorns and roses then you're gonna like this but this has got steampunk vibes and i'm like um yes that sounds so good so it's about a fae hunter and things go wrong i believe it's an enemies to lovers but honestly the bit that mainly got me intrigued is this steampunk i'm so intrigued i haven't read any books with steampunk influence so i definitely want to give it a try plus having fate in it just means that i'm more likely going to like this book fingers crossed i do that could be completely wrong and i could have this so wrong but that is my hope that it's going to be a fae steampunk book sounds good to me plus i love the cover so this one's been on my tbr for a couple months so i definitely want to get to it and hopefully i'll continue on with the series as well roll number three yellow a horror thriller or mystery so we're tentatively doing pretty well so far the next prompt is horror thriller or mystery now i'm actually going to be separating these out into separate prompts i think from now on because i have enough mystery books and enough thrillers plus i have a whole host of horror classics i definitely think i can start splitting this originally when i first started this tbr game i didn't have enough books for me to warrant split in this prompt but i have enough now that i definitely think that's an easy one to be able to accomplish but for the last time of that being all in one prompt i have gone with european travel for monstrous gentlewoman by theodora goss this is a book i'm so excited to read this is on my five star anticipated read book list thing that i did it's a recent video if you want to check it out but this is something i'm so excited to read so the first one is a strange case of the alchemist's daughter and we meet mary jekyll so she is the daughter of dr jekyll and she doesn't realize that mr hyde and dr jekyll are the same person so this is this series has so many horror classic influences it's amazing it's one of my favorite retellings ever it's so so good and we have so many influences so you have frankenstein you also have dr jekyll mr hyde you have sherlock holmes that makes an appearance you have the island of dr moreau that has an influence you have a character from dracula that's in there there are just so many characters and in that first book you have the jack the ripper murders going on and mary jekyll then finds these other women who are also daughters of these scientists from the horoclassic genre and they realize that they've all been experimented on so they decide to get together solve the jack the ripper murders and then they have this overarching mystery of what is the society of alchemists why have they been experimenting on girls so that continues on in the second book which i'm really excited now the second book is huge the first book is like half the size of this and the third book is half the size so i've got no idea what happens in this book but i'm super excited and did i need another massive book on my tbr probably not but it's one that i've just been so excited and ever since i filmed their five star predictions i was like okay that's it i have to read it because i was waiting to read it until i had filmed those predictions and now that it's filmed i can pick this up so this is me doing that i'm super excited it's set in victorian england obviously because it was at the time of the rapper murders and i just i'm so excited to get back to these characters the way it's written is amazing as well because it's as if the girls are right in the book as they go so you will get snippets of the characters saying but that didn't happen like that or do we really need to add that in and things like that which i really really enjoyed so i think it was excellent i'm excited can't wait to read this one roll number four purple again recent purchase my first reroll yellow again anything another re-roll purple that's a standalone and of course roll number four what do i do it's always roll number four i don't know why but it's always the role where i get at least one reroll in and this time i had two so fun times the first roll for roll number four was recent purchase and i had quite a few books i could choose from from this because i bought some books recently on world book day but i ended up going with moriarty the patriot and this is a manga and it is of moriarty from sherlock holmes we are following moriarty as a young boy before he became the criminal mastermind i'm excited to give this one a try i've decided to go with manga simply because have you seen the amount of big books i've got on my tbr already like i've already got two books that one that's coming in at 900 one that's almost 900 pages so i don't know how i'm gonna do it this month so i thought let me be nice to myself and have an easy read to give myself a bit of a break and it's a retelling or it's inspiration from a classic which i love books like that i think they're absolutely amazing and manga is a format that i'm definitely trying to read more of so having something where i'm already intrigued because i love sherlock holmes i love the whole stories and everything so having something that's inspired by that but following moriarty and the reason why he became who he became is just so intriguing to me so fingers crossed that this one is a good one as well and i've just realized i have two books on my tbr that have influence from classics but what can i say it's a favorite genre of mine and then for the first re-roll we had anything and you would think because i've already got two big books on this tbr i would choose something nice and easy and simple no of course not instead i chose wrath by john gwynne another chunker of a book why am i doing this to myself i don't know but i'm so excited to read this adjective i have already started it i started this a couple of weeks ago because i finished ruin and i was just like how could it end on that cliffhanger so i had to read the first only 20 pages of this to find out what happened to a particular character because i was devastated when i found out i could put the book down but i did promise myself that this could be the first book i read in april so that is what i'm doing i should have remembered that this was going to be on my tbr well i did remember it was going to be on my tbr but apparently i just want to punish myself and give myself massive books to read this month but fingers crossed we'll get through them all this is the final book in the faithful and fallen series by john quinn which i've spoken about so many times on this channel so i'm going to give a very very brief overview of what it's about which is basically there's this massive war happening and it's being heralded by gods so we have a god for good and a god for evil and we have champions of both and i love it the first book is very slow building up your world getting to know your characters because we have multiple character perspectives in this book but it's done really well and i don't think it's confusing so you have that that's the slow first build up book and then the second and third book are so fast paced and each book gets higher in the stakes and the tension that's being built up it's so so good i'm gonna rave about this series till the day i die i think it's absolutely amazing and if you like adult fantasy give these a try they are so so good and then the last roll for roll number four was a standalone and this time i have been nice to myself and i have gone with the island of dr moreau and other stories by h.d wells and is a tiny little classic book which i'm super excited for but this is something that i picked up because of reading strange case of the alchemist's daughter where they kept referencing this island and i had no idea what they were talking about and then i realized it was a classic book and i was like okay i have to read it so what i want to do is read this one before i read the european travel one so that i understand where all these references are coming from and is a short book which after those chunky books that i've decided to give myself i think i'm definitely going to need a short book and because it's and other stories the actual story that i want to read is only island of dr morrow so i know that this book in particular is going to be very short a very quick read which is definitely what i need and i am making it a goal of mine that for each retelling i have to read the classic that goes along with it because i really want to see the original story and how they've changed it and retold it so it's definitely something that i want to do so i have to read this before i read european travel thought monstrous gentlewoman and fingers crossed is going to be interesting i think at least it's going to have some creepy vibes especially judging by the cover on this one like that's creepy roll number five blue thrifted thankfully roll number five was just one roll thankfully honestly i'm dreading the tbr this month i've given myself so many chunky books i just i don't know why i did it but roll number five is thrifted and for this one i've actually gone with memoirs of a geisha by arthur golden and this is a book that i've been wanting to read for such a long time i watched the film ages ago while i was in college with one of my friends she loved the film she loved the book and she always recommended it but i never actually got around to reading the book and then i saw this in a charity shop for like two pound and i was like okay let me give this a try it's a really interesting story from what i remember the film which isn't actually a lot i'll be honest but we're following this young girl who becomes a geisha and geishas are people that kind of like brothels but in china i think it's china i'll have to double check that and it kind of goes from there there's a war that's going on and our main character does get tangled up in it like i said i've only watched the film and that was years ago so i really don't remember much by it so i could have this completely wrong but i really wanted to give this a try and i'm hoping that it's going to be a good read now when i was looking into it the text is tiny so this could be another one which is actually going to be a slightly longer one to get through so again kind of shot myself in the foot but this is one that i've been really excited to read i'm hoping it's going to be beautiful writing with a really lovely set in so it's a historical fiction book which is not a genre that i read a lot of but this is a book that like i said it's been on my mind for years so i just want to get it read and see whether i enjoy it or not if you have read this one do let me know whether you liked it because like i said it's one that i've been thinking about for a long time as i've said let's just move on roll number six we didn't quite catch that but that is a green which is contemporary and thankfully roll number six was only a single role and for this one it's contemporary so contemporary is not a genre i read a lot of but i do like to try and read it every so often just to break up all the fantasy books that i read and for this one i am going with anna k by jenny lee this was a book that was gifted to me by christina from christina campbell reads i'll put her channel below and i'm so excited for it this is such a gorgeous cover it's hot pink gold detailing absolutely love it and it's a retelling of anna karenna i have never read anna carrena but like i said after i've read this i'm now going to be getting that book because that's it i said it any retelling that i read i want to read the original classic to see where all the inspiration came from so this is a contemporary retelling of anna carrena and i guess i'm going to see what the story is about whether i like it or not i have no idea i have zero expectations of this book i literally had it on my wish list because of the cover i thought it was gorgeous and the fact that it's a retelling and generally i like retellings so fingers crossed i like a contemporary retelling and that's it i can't say much else if you've read anna karena do let me know i know christina has and she really likes that book which is why she got me this one so i'll definitely be adding anna corona to my tbr and we'll see if i like the retelling of it so that's it only eight books this month but so many of them are chunky books that i'm just a wee bit worried about whether i'm actually going to get all these read this month bearing in mind i haven't actually decided if i'm taking part in any readathons this month so if that changes then i will have a different video for that readathon and more books on my tbr so should i date partner readathon this month no will i let's face it if there's a good one that comes up i probably will but never mind do let me know if you're excited for any of these books have you read any of them do you want to read any of them what's going to be your anticipated read for april i will admit i did want to read crown of gilded bones by jennifer l armentrout which is the third book in her from blood and ash series which is being released in april but i haven't added it to this tbr because i don't know if i'm going to get it in april i might just wait until may or something like that but we'll see but if that ends up on my tbr that's another book that's going to be coming in at over 600 pages and i don't know if i need to do that to myself anyway i have rambled for far too long so i'm going to go if you have enjoyed this video don't forget to give it that thumbs up and subscribe my social media links will be linked below and of course i will catch you in the next one [Music]
Channel: Reading Nymph
Views: 523
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: April tbr game, monthly tbr game, to be read game, TBR, readingnymph, booktube, huge tbr
Id: -R5JOlY9FtU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 43sec (1063 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 28 2021
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