"This is God's Will for You" | Pastor Steve Gaines

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take your bibles and turn with me to first thessalonians chapter 5 if you're not already there and in just a moment we'll look at the word of god there verses 16 17 and 18. when don and i were in college the first year and a half i was there i went to union my junior year and so it was a year and a half right in the middle of my senior year before we started dating but before that donna had a young preacher guy and i won't call his name you'll understand why in just a minute but he came up to her this before donna and i really knew each other and he told donna he said the lord has told me that it is his will for us to get married him and donna and just like that said well when he tells me something i'll let you know all right and obviously it was not god who told him that sometimes we just don't know the will of god do we i'll talk to somebody back here i guess all right sometimes we just don't know the will of god do well i got the same answer there let me try it again sometimes no let me ask the question you'd say amen to anything right now sometimes we don't know the will of god do we yes no we don't sometimes i don't know what to do i pray and still sometimes i just i don't know sometimes what the will of god is and you need to be real careful when somebody else tells you the will of god for you they might have it right they might not you'd be real careful with that i will tell you that if you don't know jesus as your lord and savior i can guarantee you it is the will of god for you to be saved today you say where do you get that glad you asked first timothy chapter 2 verses 3 and 4. this is good and acceptable in the sight of our god and savior who desires all men all people is what he's talking about there to be saved by the way i hope that is in your theology i hope that you know that god loves everybody jesus died for everybody and anybody can be saved a who whosoever will salvation he desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth same thing in ii peter 3 verse 9 the lord is not slow about his promise as some count slowness or consider slowness but is patient toward you not wishing for any to perish but for all he says it positively he says it negatively not for it god doesn't want anybody to perish but he wants everyone to come to repentance now everybody doesn't come to repentance because god's will is not always done it is not the will of god for somebody to murder somebody it is not the will of god for somebody to have an abortion it is not the will of god for two people of the same sex to be married it is not the will of god for you and me to tell a lie it is not the will of god for us to be immoral it is not the will of god for us to do a lot of things that we do sometimes things happen that are not the will of god but when you get saved that's the will of god he wants you to be saved and once you become a christian god has a purpose and a will for your life and one of those things i don't know everything that he wants for you but i know that for every christian he wants us to mature in christ's likeness one of my favorite verses is second peter chapter 3 verse 18 but grow in grace i like that growing grace and in the knowledge of our lord and savior jesus christ to him be the glory he does peter can't even talk about jesus without breaking out in worship and doxology he says both now and forever to the day of eternity amen knowing god's will can be hard sometimes it's just difficult i mean who do you marry he said i'm going to marry the best looking one it's amazing what a few decades will do to somebody's looks can i have an amen in the house of god i looked in the mirror other day and i wanted to introduce myself to myself i didn't know who i was you know when you think about yourself you think back there when you were shaped like a light bulb and now you're kind of shaped like a pear you know and this kind of different y'all get that in a minute but uh so who should you marry not just looks well you better get somebody that's got a good heart for the lord and even then who do you marry god has to show you that any will what job do you take where do you live i'm telling you it's amazing to me i have talked to people and said well we're we're getting a raise so it must be the will of god i want to say this to you just because you're getting a raise to move somewhere else to move your family somewhere else that might not be the will of god that might be a test from god god doesn't just work by oh if there's more money and it must be god oh if they're pretty they must be the one god wants me to have i got news for you god doesn't see as man sees god looks on the heart of the matter not just on the peripheral on the outside where should you live that's a big deal guys oh i'll just live in the most economical what if there what if you buy a house and you got the wrong place and there's somebody next door that you don't want influence in your kids what if you go to a town and you don't want your kids in these schools because there are people there i'm just telling you you need to walk with god you need to stay close to god you need to stay close and clean to god so you can hear his voice but i want to assure you after having said all that that i do know the will of god for every christian in the world today because of three things that are said in three verses in 1st thessalonians chapter 5. paul was writing to one of his favorite churches you can read about this church in acts chapter 17. paul went there went to the synagogue preached people got saved started a church and as usual he got run out of town he went to berea from there he had been in philippi before that thessalonica and they don't call it thessalonica when you go over there i've been there twice they call it thessaloniki all right but forget all that we're in memphis it's thessalonica here and they're the thessalonians paul was writing to them and he wanted to write a long letter but paul would get in a hurry sometimes and what he did he had an outline it looks like that the holy spirit had given him to write about all these points and when he ran out of time with his letter in several letters that he wrote in these epistles he would just start hitting the points and that's what he's doing at the end of first thessalonians he has a lot more to say he probably had as much to say as all the 16 chapters of first corinthians but he only did five chapters to the thessalonians not that he loved them less but he just ran out of time and so he just starts popping little commandments all through there and we get three of them and he covers it up saying these three things these three commandments little simple commandments in the sense of just short verses there but they are powerful these are the will of god for you in christ jesus he he labels that he nails that on these three now all of them are the will of god but he nails it and says this is god's will look at it with me very quickly we're in the middle of just this machine gun shooting these commands at us and we come to verse 16. rejoice always say that out loud next verse you say that was it yeah if you want to make good memory verse this week there it is anybody can do that one all right pray without ceasing say that there's now you can memorize two right and then in everything give thanks say that now why does he say notice what he says notice the prepositional phrase he concludes with for this is god's will for you in christ jesus there's no question is it there's no question what's god's will for me i don't know everything but i know this i know that he wants you to rejoice always pray without ceasing and in everything to give thanks it is the will of god now you know what as a preacher i thank god for easy outlines amen you you don't have to go to seminary to get this outline all right here it is this is god's will for you number one it is god's will for you to rejoice again verse 16 rejoice always latter part of verse 18 for this is god's will for you in christ jesus the word for rejoice is cairo rejoice be glad same word that we find many times in the new testament it refers for instance to the wise men when they saw the star above bethlehem they rejoiced matthew 2 verse 10 when they saw the star they rejoiced exceedingly with great joy they were leaving herod's temple and they were going to bethlehem and they saw the star again and they rejoiced they exuded with gladness because they were being guided by the hand and the ways of almighty god leading them to his will don't you wish there was always a star right in front of the will of god that'd make it a little bit easier wouldn't it now on another note this word cairo is also used by jesus when he said these strange words in a beatitude jesus said blessed are you when men or people insult you and persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me now listen rejoice when people come against you because you're a christian don't blow up don't try to defend yourself just say i'll be right back go in the closet shut the door and say hallelujah they're talking about me because i love jesus i must be going in the right direction because i'm running to the devil amen if you never run into the devil you're walking with him amen you walk with jesus you please jesus he's going to send somebody your way that doesn't like what you're doing i'll guarantee it rejoice and be glad for your reward in heaven is great for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you he said brother steve i don't want any treasure in heaven i want it now i got news for you the stuff you have now it's not going to last it's going to rot it's going to rust it's going to have mold on it all this stuff down here it's nothing but when you start pleasing god you start laying up treasure in heaven even when you're persecuted that's treasure in heaven when you're persecuted for righteousness sake y'all just say praise the lord i am in good company i'm right there with those disciples in acts chapter 5 who had been beaten because they preached the gospel of jesus in jerusalem against the sanhedrin's will and the bible says when they left they were bleeding and they were bloody but they were rejoicing they said it says so they went on their way from the presence of the council that's the jewish sanhedrin where they had been beaten and they were rejoicing cairo that they had been considered worthy to suffer shame for his name would you rejoice if if if they came in here today and said okay all of y'all line up we're going to just beat the tar out of you and we're just going to whip you and make you bloody would you leave bellevue today and go to your car and say hallelujah i've been chosen to be persecuted for the sake of jesus christ do you know that there are people all over the world that are imprisoned right now because they're doing what i'm doing right this very second do you understand that we live in a world that persecutes christians more than ever before in anywhere else any other time in the world do you understand that it could come here i'm not trying to frighten you i'm just trying to say look man this world is no friend of jesus christ and this world is no friend of the followers of jesus christ and jesus said when you get to the point that you're like the old prophets when you're like jeremiah they got persecuted all the time when you're like ezekiel when you're like elijah and elisha and you're like these godly people in the old testament and the new when you're like peter that got thrown into prison when you're like james that got killed by the sword when you're like stephen that got stoned to death when you are like these people when you're like john that got arrested and put on the island of padmos will you rejoice will you rejoice that you've been counted worthy to suffer shame for my name that's strong stuff strong stuff and then the bible says this word is used in the famous probably the most one of the most famous parables jesus ever told the one of the prodigal son the prodigal son went off in the distant country and realized that the world was a lot meaner than his father's house and he came back to his father and the father was looking every day he'd go out and look and see if his boy was coming back and one day he saw him coming back and he ran and he embraced him he kissed him he hugged him he put his robe on him and he brought him back in the family and the other brother who had not left on gone off he had stayed with the father he got mad he's like a church member that gets mad because the the church makes a lot of noise about somebody getting saved that they don't particularly like and so this this guy is is saying to his father he said i've never done anything wrong i haven't committed immorality i've never left you i've never squandered your money he's done all of this and he gets saved or whatever and comes back here and you throw a party for him you never thrown a party for me you kill a lamb for if you never killed the lamb for me we're having all this big party and i've never had anything well bless your little heart and the father says son everything i have is yours you've always been with me is that not enough then notice what the father said we had to celebrate and cairo rejoice for this brothers of your brothers of yours was dead he's begun to live again he was lost he's been found can you imagine having a child to die and then them come back from the dead and live again wouldn't you rejoice can you imagine a child to be abducted or to be lost and all of a sudden they're found do you think you would say well i thought you'd show up no man you'd be saying praise god and so this father is saying when somebody gets saved when a prodigal returns the dead have come to life and the lost had been found and son i can't help it i just got to rejoice that's the word used here and you say where does that joy come from from the indwelling holy spirit joy comes from the fruit of the spirit it is part of the fruit of the spirit galatians 5 22-23 but the fruit of the spirit is love joy peace patience kindness goodness faithfulness gentleness self-control against such things there is no law spirit-filled christians have joy it's not happiness now let me just say this before i move on to the next point joy and happiness totally different because they come from two different places happiness think about the word what is the root word happen what happens in life determines whether or not you're happy or sad right if something good happens you're happy but if something bad happens you're not happy you're sad so everything to do with happiness that's worldly stuff nothing wrong with being happy i'm not saying it's simple to be happy but it's all based on what happens so so it's not determined by god so much it's determined by what's happening out here and so if good things are happening if all the things are going right for me if my job's going right family's going right marriage is going right kids are doing great and money's coming in i'm happy happy happy but if things start going south i get sad but joy's not like that joy doesn't come from happenings joy comes from knowing who jesus christ is and it never changes because he is immutable he never changes that's what immutable means and so jesus is the same yesterday today and forever so no matter what happens i may not be happy but praise god i can have the fruit of the spirit i can have joy i can have joy and still have a tear in my eye i can have joy even when i don't understand what's going on it is joy unspeakable full of glory it is supernatural and it is a precious part of the fruit of the holy ghost of god do you have that joy it doesn't matter what's happening doesn't matter what's going on outside i can still have joy regardless of who is in the white house regardless of what the economy is doing regardless of what is going on in any area regardless of what's happening in my family or vocationally or educationally or whatever i know that because of jesus there is a bloody cross where i can have my sins forgiven there is a empty tomb that promised me it promises me that i'll never die but when i die i won't die i'll go to heaven and there is an occupied throne and jesus christ is king of kings and lord of lords and i will have joy in jesus christ i'm trying to talk conversationally but i'm telling it's hard when you talk about rejoicing amen amen if i holler in who i'm not mad i just love to talk about things like joy well i know it's god's will for you and for me as christians to rejoice and by the way how many of you like to be around joyful people anybody out there i'm telling you what's right man some of these folks out here will just they'll pull the life out of you won't they how you doing well i'm doing best i can things are tough man i tell you what man get your mind off of yourself and get your mind on jesus and think about all the good things he's done for you and get some joy back in your heart and quit being such a down and outer all the time all right god bless you i just gave you a gift all right whether you want to receive it or not quit being down all the time focus on jesus not all these happenings focus on jesus and get your joy back get your joy back all right it's god's will for you to rejoice it's god's will for you to pray look at verse 17 pray without ceasing for this is god's will for you in christ jesus verse 18. it's god's will for every christian to pray prayer is verbal communion with god intimate communion with god and did you know that when you pray the whole trinity is involved hey look at me i'm going to give you a verse but look at me when you pray here's what you're doing it involves the whole trinity you're talking to the father and you come to him through the son jesus christ and you come to him the father through the son in the power of the holy spirit i'll show you the verse ephesians chapter 2 verse 18. for through him through jesus we both have our access in one spirit that is in the power of the spirit to the father so through jesus in the power of the holy spirit i'm going to talk with my heavenly father and that is god now you say well brother steve i don't know how to pray yes you do yes you do he said no i don't yes you do don't ever say that again jesus told you how in what we call the lord's prayer oh look don and i we hold hands every day and pray this prayer together we pray it out loud and it's wonderful to pray to our lord our father who art in heaven hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come thy will be done we prayed it this morning on earth as it is in heaven give us this day our daily bread forgive us our debts as we also forgive our debtors lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil for thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever we don't do it this fast but i'm doing it because of y'all all right lead us not in temptation but deliver us from evil thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever amen pray that every day and that's good but it's not just a prayer to be prayed it's a prayer to give you guidelines for prayer it shows you every every important aspect of prayer let me break it down for you very quickly write this down if you will it'll help you first of all it includes the very most important the first prayer and that is the prayers of praise prayers of praise if you go to matthew chapter 6 verse 9 jesus said pray then in this way our father who is in heaven hallowed be your name now what's this name thing what's that all about there are dozens and dozens and dozens of names ascribed in the old and the new testament to the same god and what they're like i like to look at them this way if you've ever taken a diamond you can put a diamond and shine a light on it and if you slowly turn it you'll see all kinds of different colors in that diamond you'll see all this different aspects of that diamonds there's just so many hundreds of them you'll just see it as you turn that diamond i remember i don't have any i don't have a diamond i know it for me but i remember buying donna's diamond ring and that jeweler put it in the light and just turned it like that slowly and i saw all these different colors and hues and all that it was just beautiful that's what the names of god are they manifest to you the character of god that's what the names of god do and so they're they're they're perfect for praying i mean they're they're just prayer made and when he says our father who are in heaven hallowed glorious blessed be your name you can take the names of god i'll just give you eight of them you won't have time to write them all you can come back and all of our sermons are free you don't have to pay for anything all right just look online first of all i pray these eight every day i pray others besides this but i praise god that he is jehovah rapha the lord our healer i've got about 45 50 people i pray for every day to be healed i'm praying for mac every day praise you god that you're jehovah rapha and i believe he heals with medicine miracle or both i praise you that you're jehovah jireh you're the lord my provider most of the time that means he's going to give you a job he's not going to just give you a handout he's going to give you a job lord i praise you that you provide for me for my family lord i praise you that you are jehovah neisti the lord who fights for me while i keep silent i praise you that you are jehovah rohi and i'll you are the lord my shepherd dear god i thank you the lord is my shepherd psalm 23 the lord is my shepherd i shall not want and i just pray that to god every day you make me to lie down in green pastures you leave me beside the still waters and i pray that text over in john chapter 10. i'm one of your sheep i hear your voice you know me i follow you you give eternal life to me i will never perish no one will snatch me out of your hand every day you can just pray the names of god and the verses that go with them jehovah shalom aren't you glad that the lord is your peace aren't you glad that you can have peace that passes all understanding when everybody else is all tight and all messed up and all worried you can have peace that passes all understanding aren't you glad that god is jehovah shema the lord who is with us he is present with us he never leaves us nor forsakes us aren't you glad that he's jehovah syd canoe he is our righteousness my righteousness is like filthy rags but jesus righteousness is perfect and when i come before him i praise him that he's jehovah sithanu the lord my righteousness and jehovah makadesh who sanctifies me who not only saves me but sets me apart from all the people to be his and makes me daily more like jesus oh i praise you lord hallowed be your name so that's one that's the way to start that's how you start your prayers and then a prayer of surrender next in the lord's prayer he says in matthew 6 10 your kingdom come lord your will be done on earth as it is in heaven if you haven't prayed that today even if you have let's pray it again i prayed it early this morning put it back on the screen let's all pray that right now that's a big prayer right now a prayer of surrender pray with me right now your kingdom come your will be done on earth as it is in heaven how many of you want to see the will of god done in your life amen then pray for it pray for it and say lord whatever you want whatever you want i was reading this little this morning in 1st samuel 3 when god was speaking to samuel he was a little boy he was there at shiloh at the tenth of meeting and he thought it was eli the high priest the lord was saying samuel he kept going back and finally eli said it's the lord next time he says that to you just say speak lord your servant is listening which means lord i'll do whatever you want me to do. and that's what happened and little samuel said speak lord your servant's listening and god called that little boy god if we would say save that little boy right there and he became a great man of god and by the way i am praying for god to raise up a national prophet like samuel in america i read this morning at the end of chapter three in first samuel it says that everybody from the north and dan to the south in beersheba knew that he was a prophet and everything that came out of his mouth did not fall to the ground literally that is it came to be don't you think we need a prophet like that in america today we sure do i'm praying for that i'm praying for god to raise up somebody just like samuel but he was a man who listened to god and he surrendered to god just like jesus father if there's any way this cup can pass for me not my will but thine be done prayers of surrender prayers of petition this is where you're asking god to meet your needs if you've got a need start praying about it sure you can work and everything else but don't manipulate just pray and then do what god says matthew 6 11 give us this day our daily bread you can ask for all kinds of things jesus later says in chapter 7 in in maybe it's chapter 8 and no it's chapter 7 in matthew he says ask and it shall be given unto you seek and you shall find knocking at you it shall be open to you god wants you to ask god wants you to seek and define prayer is a petition prayers of forgiveness ask god to forgive you and then ask him to help you forgive people who've wronged you that's what matthew 6 12 is all about forgive us our debts as we also have forgiven our debtors pray every day that god will forgive you for sins you commit it doesn't make you keep your salvation but it makes you stay closer to god in your fellowship with him and then pray for prayers of protection this is big for me i pray i pray for protection over this church i pray for protection over our ministries i pray for protection over my family i pray protection i've really praying this week because they're all coming in starting tomorrow there's going to be 10 adults and 15 grandbabies y'all pray i'm praying for protection and do not lead us into temptation but deliver us from evil deliver us from the evil one that's what it is a definite article is there every day i pray a verse out of psalm 91 two verses verses 10 11 lord i pray that no evil will befall us no plague will come near our dwelling give your angels charge concerning us to guard us in all of your ways don't you thank god for the angels of god the protection of god oh i want him to be a shield about me and mine and then i'm going to go out of the prayer closet the way i came in i'm going to keep praising him prayers of praise one more time i went in that way i'm going out that way matthew 13 says yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever that's praising god and then i'm going to end with one more prayer and boy don't ever forget this one and that is the prayer of agreement the prayer of agreement you know the devil is the great divider god is the great unifier he wants us to agree even in prayer jesus said well let me give you the the verse real quick it's just the last verse the last word in matthew 6 13 amen everybody say it out loud amen amen what does that mean so be it i agree amen if you're old enough to remember the late 60s right on there's a blast from the past all right jesus said in matthew 18 19 again i say to you if two of you agree on earth about anything the word is symphonized if you're in symphony with one another if you're together in your hearts that's what a symphony is it's all these instruments not playing their own thing but everybody playing their part so that it all sounds like one if you're in symphony if you agree with one another on earth anything you may ask it shall be done for you by my father who is in heaven and i want to stop and say something time out are you listening i'm not going to keep preaching if you're not are you listening i'm being as serious as i can be god is calling people to pray and to be watchmen on the wall for the united states of america everybody won't say yes but god is calling out a remnant god is calling out watchmen and i just want to read to you what i believe god is doing this is not on the screens but i if you if you want to go home and study some real scripture about prayer it's isaiah 62 verses 8 6 and 7. isaiah 62 6-7 on your walls o jerusalem i have appointed watchmen all day and all night they will never keep silent you who remind god that's what prayer is we're not that he thought he not that he doesn't know not that he has to be reminded but that's a a beautiful way of saying our prayers lord we're just reminding you what we're doing is we're praying your promises back to you you've promised us this we're reminding you of your promises you who remind god take no rest for yourself don't ever let up pray don't stop praying and give him no rest i love that don't give god any rest not that he ever would take it but don't you i mean just wear him out i mean just go to him be like jacob at pineal down at the jabock river and say god i'm latching on to you i will not let you go until you bless me i'm going to wear you out god not in the way of i'm not talking about spanking god i'm just saying don't let go just just stay in there give him no rest until he establishes and makes jerusalem a praise in the earth amen i believe god's got prayer warriors all over this world and all over this nation and i want to tell you prayer is where the action is and i want to be in on it i want to be an intercessor he that hath ears to hear let him hear it is god's will for you to pray now as usual like paul you remember paul and thessalonians had all these commands he just had to rattle him off at the end because he was out of time i'm out of time so i'll just give you the last one real quick all right you said yeah right it's god's will for you to rejoice it's god's will for you to pray and it is god's will for you to give thanks not just on thanksgiving but all the time verse 18. read it with me good and strong off the screen would you read it with me please in everything give thanks for this is god's will for you in christ jesus in every situation no matter what happens give him thanks how many of you are thankful for your salvation anybody out there how many of you i've asked you this before how many of you had more clothes to wear than you could have worn at one time anybody have them how many have you got more than one set of clothes anybody out there all right i opened i started saying how many of you glad you had clothes to wear today and i said please raise your hand amen praise god how many of you had more food to eat than you could have eaten at one time anybody out there is god good to us how many of you woke up in your right mind i'm being serious how many of you woke up in your right mind is that not a gift from god but the biggest thing how many of you have your name in the lamb's book of life let's thank him for that one right now amen amen don't rejoice that the demons tremble when you speak my name jesus said to his disciples but you rejoice that your names are written down in heaven it's in luke chapter 10. the night before he died jesus said let not your heart be troubled you believe in god believe also in me for in my father's house there are many mansions many dwelling places if it were not so i would have told you for i go to prepare a place for you and if i go to prepare a place for you i will come again and i will receive you unto myself and here's what is the most beautiful thing about heaven so that where i am there you may be also and you know the way where i'm going thomas said lord we don't know where you're going so how can we know the way i can hear jesus saying oh thank you for setting this up thank you thomas i am the way i am the truth i am the life no one comes to the father you're not going to heaven unless you come through me aren't you glad you've got jesus aren't you thankful for jesus christ let's give him praise right now amen don't don't don't tell me you don't have anything to be thankful for you're just not looking around enough i don't know about you i don't know everything god wants you to do i don't know everything god wants me to do sometimes i'll be honest with you i'm praying i'm doing the best i can with what i've got amen i i don't i don't i'm just going off the last thing god said i i don't know and sometimes i get it right sometimes i get it wrong hopefully more i get it right than wrong but i'll tell you this you can go to the bank on this one i know that it's god's will for you to rejoice i know it's god's will for you to pray and i know that it is god's will for you not to complain but to give thanks for this is the will of god in christ jesus and i want to tell you one more time if you don't know jesus christ i know it is the will of god for you to be saved put back up on the screen one more time first timothy two 3 and 4. let's all read it together here we go this is good and acceptable in the sight of god our savior who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth would you bow your heads with me please as we conclude our services we're about to have one more song of worship but before we do that would you if you don't know the lord jesus would you today just give him your life lay your life down on the altar and say lord i want to repent of my sins i want to turn to you i want jesus to be my lord and savior i want to have all my sins washed away oh lord jesus save me would you do that right now would you do that right now i'd like to lead you in a prayer that's how you you call upon the name of the lord to be saved and i'd like to lead you in that prayer where you call upon him would you do that pray something like this just say dear lord jesus thank you that you love me i'm a sinner i cannot save myself i believe you're the only savior lord with your help i repent i turn from my sin i turn to you i believe that you died on the cross and you paid the penalty for my sin i believe that you rose from the dead i believe that you're alive oh jesus i receive you right now i call on your name please save me right now lord jesus christ wash me in your blood fill me with your spirit write my name in the book of life and please help me to live for you the rest of my life and when i die take me to heaven in jesus name amen now all you christians let's bow our heads one more time i forgot i want you to pray with me i'm praying myself you just pray there where you are let's tell the lord that we want to do his will in these three areas all right just say something like this dear lord jesus help me to rejoice fill me with your spirit and let the love and the joy and the peace of the spirit flow through me help me to rejoice and let people when they're around me sense the joy of the lord that is my strength and lord help me to pray help me to pray prayers of praise help me to pray for forgiveness when i need that help me to pray prayers of surrender when i don't know what to do help me to pray prayers of protection help me to agree with you in prayer oh god teach me to pray and help me to pray because that's your will and the lord help me to give thanks help me lord not to always just ask for things but let me thank you for what you've given me let me count the blessings and thank you for them oh god this is your will for me help me to do your will in jesus name if that's your prayer say amen
Channel: Bellevue Baptist Church
Views: 1,103
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: 8_WxTSw4CBM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 43sec (2743 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 23 2020
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