"The Almighty" | Pastor Steve Gaines

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take your Bibles and turn with me please to Revelation chapter 11 and in just a minute we'll be in verse 15 and following Revelation chapter 11 verse 15 I believe that twenty twenty just might go down as the craziest year of all time I want to preface what I'm about to say I've been with you 15 years and I have tried my best to preach the Word of God and at times address issues that are hard to address and we are in the middle of a time where we don't need to speak by not speaking did your what I just said when you don't speak you speak and there are issues that are going on and I want you to hear me don't just hear soundbites hear the whole thing as I segue into my sermon if you think about it the last few months what have we experienced we have experienced presidential impeachment procedures we have also experienced a worldwide pandemic kovat 19 and now we are in the middle of racial riots because of the death of several African Americans before I say anything else let me say I believe the vast majority of our police officers in the United States and the vast majority of those who are protesting our good citizens I believe that I believe that some policemen have done very wrong I believe that some protesters like anta Phi have done very wrong but I cannot think of all police officers in a bad light because of some bad ones and I can't think of all protesters in a bad light because of some bad ones you know you understand that we have the right to protest in America if we do it in a civil way you understand that don't you and you understand that we deserve police officers that will abide by legal rules so I hope that you'll understand I am walking a tight line today but I'm gonna walk it and I'm going to speak because if I don't speak I'm still speaking I believe that what happened in the killings of I'll give you three examples African Americans was wrong I have the dates correctly February the 23rd Brunswick Georgia Ahmad Harbury was running through a neighborhood 25 year old black man and a white father and son armed themselves and took it upon themselves to be the judge in the jury and they shot him and killed him and that was wrong a month later not even quite a month later three weeks later March the 13th in Louisville Kentucky police shot an innocent black woman Brianna Taylor 26 year old emergency room technician shot her eight times and killed her she had nothing to do with any crime that's wrong and then of course George Floyd 46 year old black man a employee from a local deli called 9-1-1 and accused George Floyd of buying cigarettes with a counterfeit $20 bill 17 minutes after the first squad car arrived mr. Floyd was dead onlookers cried out for help as Derick Chauvin or however you pronounce his name the officer who pinned mr. Floyd to the ground with his knee on his neck and held him there for eight minutes and 46 seconds until he could not breathe and he died not saying I can't breathe he died crying out for his mother that's wrong and as a result many Americans who feel like they're not being heard have taken to the streets the vast majority just like the vast majority of our police officers are great people the vast majority of the protesters don't want any violence many of them are Christians and they see an injustice and they're upset and we can't label them and link them with troublemakers like anta Phi which have no business being anywhere except I won't even know there studies show empirical empirical the empirical factual data shows that blacks are more likely to be killed by policemen simply for one reason they're more likely to be stopped by policemen empirical data that's what I was trying to say again the vast majority of policemen do a great job but they are given a trust as a leader I wanna say this to you over the years I've been preaching for 40 years every time a preacher messes up all of us as preachers come under scrutiny every time a CEO messes up all the CEOs across America become targets for scrutiny every time a politician messes up all politicians come under heavy scrutiny and every time a police officer messes up all the police officers come under heavy scrutiny that's just the nature of leadership if you don't want to come under a more exacting scrutiny don't be a leader and police officers and pastors and politicians and CEOs and others are leaders when we give somebody a badge and a gun they are a leader and they have to walk at a different level than the normal citizen and if you don't believe that the brother of Jesus said so about teachers in the church James said in James 3 verse 1 let not many of you become teachers my brethren why James because you're knowing that as as such we will incur a stricter what judgment you guys are going to hold me to a higher state than you do any other member in the church because I'm the preacher in that right yes or no as exactly right it's exactly right and guess what any leader understands that you say that's not fair has nothing to do with anything it's just the way it is it is what it is and so we expect more out of our leaders so now there's this harsh divide as Christians what can we do you say I don't want to hear this that may be mean that you need to hear it as Anglos I believe one of the best things we can do is not to be reactive but to be proactive not to sit around and say I don't understand what the big deal is I know in my heart I'm not prejudiced I realize the vast majority of the people to whom I'm speaking you don't have prejudice in your heart you love everybody you believe that there's only one race the human race you believe Jesus died for everybody you believe that everybody is equal you I get that so you're reacting saying I don't need to hear this I understand that but I don't ask you are you being proactive to bring about a solution now there's a different question and I want to give you this is not in the sermon none of this is it's a sermon let me give you three things to do they all start with the letter L the most important thing you and I can do right now as Anglos to people of color is to love them amen are we supposed to love everybody now most of us um unless I heard wrongly we're we're in on that the next step is we need to listen to them not as many amens there we need to proactively seek out people of color and lovingly listened to them don't lecture them just listen to them a lot of african-american people right now just want somebody they don't feel like they're being heard and with the best things you can do is to call a neighbor I called a african-american pastor just the other day and I said look I just I'm sorry for what's going on I just want to listen he poured his heart out to me yeah when you're talking you're not learning anything it's when you listen and you have to be proactive you can't just sit back and say I'm not prejudiced this is not my problem how many of you know that this is a problem for all of us amen and for our children and we're not it's not gonna get solved if we sit around and do nothing so I'm asking you in your sphere of influence to find some people of color and proactively go in there and just lovingly say I love you tell me about what's going on in your heart and just listen just listen and when you love people and listen to them guess what and the end you learn love listen learn love listen learn love listen learn would you say with me now I think you got it love listen learn that's what you can do anybody can do that might take a little humility but you know what do you good to wash their feet by loving them listening to them and learning from them I'm sorry that that police officer suffocated George Floyd as a white man I say to all Americans that was wrong he was wrong he needs to be punished and I would say to people of color please forgive us for lecturing you more than we listen to you I don't have all the answers but I do know that Jesus Christ is the only one that can fix this he is the only one again I've believed for years there's only one race the human race we're all related to one another biologically we all come from a boat that survived survived the flood we all are some of us have more pigment than others that's what it is I believe that for years God made us all in His image one of the things he did was to give man authority to dominate the animals but when you dominate another person you treat them like an animal you are not to dominate another person dominate the animals but don't even mistreat them but never seek to dominate a human being don't treat people like animals don't do it so could we pray and then I'm gonna preach my sermon all right I want my clock time clock fixed none of that was sermon all right redo the time clock there you thank you very much all right father these are difficult days but you're a great big God and we only ask you to come and let your kingdom come let your will be done on earth as it is in heaven lord help us not to be arrogant help us not to be passive help us to be proactive to seek out others and to listen and thereby show them our love and thereby learned please be with our police officers protect them Lord protect them even the ones that have prejudice and their heart protect them from themselves your God but most of them law are good people please protect them and please protect those who are protesting that are not rioting please protect them and the ones that are rioting please Lord remove them just like we ask you to remove the police that are wrong you're the only one that knows hearts we don't but please be with our country and stop this division I ask you in Jesus name for your glory and if you agree with that same in now I want to look now at a text that should encourage you in evil times how many of you need some encouragement anybody you say man I feel like I need a bath after what you just said all right well here's a good Bible bath all right revelation 11 verse 15 I bought this new Bible and I can barely read it but I am determined the print is so small I'm determined I'm gonna read it alright so here it goes then the seventh angel sounded and there were loud voices in heaven saying the kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of his christ and he will reign forever and ever and the twenty-four elders who sit on their thrones before God fell on their faces and worshipped God saying we give you thanks O Lord God the Almighty there's the title for the sermon the Almighty who are and who were because you have taken your great power and have begun to reign and the nations were enraged and your wrath came and the time came for the dead to be judged and the time to reward your bond servants the prophets and the Saints and those who fear your name the small and the great and to destroy those who destroy the earth and the temple of God which is in heaven was opened and the Ark of the Covenant appeared in his temple and there were flashes of lightning and sounds and peals of thunder and an earthquake and a great hailstorm this is the word of the Lord I want to say this to you there is only one Almighty and that is God Almighty the devil is not almighty the President of the United States is not Almighty no King no Queen is all-mighty no demon is almighty no CEO is almighty God alone is almighty he is omnipotent there is nobody like our God nobody and look at me the almighty started creation and he will consummate creation and he will be crowning his son Jesus as Lord of all listen to me I know how it works out and that's the only thing that gives me sanity in this world amen because in the end God has already won but he manifests that victory at the very end with the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father let's talk about the Almighty first of all the Almighty will restore his kingdom on earth something has happened to the world something horrible has happened to the world that God created and saw that it was good and has been tainted by sin and now something has happened to this world evil has come and all of a sudden we see ourselves in a world that is so filled it's filled with pandemics it's filled with impeachments it's it's filled with injustice and all these things and we're saying how long O Lord will this go on until the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ look there in verse 15 the seventh angel sounded and there were loud voices in heaven saying the kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of his christ and he will reign forever and ever now this language is talking like the kingdom has already come and what it is is it's it's a it's a way of using a verb to state something that is out in the future but you're stating it as though it is already happened and that's the sense that it's as good as done it's as good as done God is going to reign with His Son Jesus Christ and the kingdom of this world this evil world system that lives in sin this wicked world is one day going to become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ and in that kingdom Jesus will reign forever and ever can I have an amen in the house of God do you realize that that's not an option that's what's going to happen that's the only thing that gives me hope really heaven is angelic says in verse 15 then the seventh angel sounded here we see the seventh angel blowing the seventh trumpet of the wrath of God angels permeate heaven angels are all over heaven and they obey God they perform his expressed will they do it immediately they do it gratefully they do it graciously they do it humbly and they do it completely I wish we can obey God the way Angels obey God the Bible says when God commands they obey Hebrews 1:14 therefore angels are only servants spirits sent to care for people who will inherit salvation I'll guarantee you if you're a Christian you have had angels around you whether you believe in them or not they believe in you they know how some of you drive amen I had one guy says I think that when then when we get over 70 they jump off Amen I don't know then the seventh angel sounded and there were loud voices in heaven heaven is loud it's not noisy but it's loud it's loud with numerous voices crying out in heavenly praise and what was the content of their praise they started with these words saying the kingdom of the world stop right there King James Version not against it but it airs here it says the kingdoms plural of the world but in the Greek it is kingdom singular and that's because God looks at this world not like us we look at this world as having kingdoms there's the United States there's China there's Russia there's Brazil there's Venezuela there's all these other places and within the United States there's 50 states and within every state there's all these counties and with all these counties all these cities so we're all we believe there's all kinds of leaders all kinds of nations and all that stuff and God says nope there's only one Kingdom it is evil and it is led by Satan and it is the evil world system that took over the moment Adam and Eve ate that forbidden fruit in the garden God had given Adam and Eve dominion he had given them authority over the whole world and they blew it and we've been blowing it ever since because every person in here whether you like it or not you and I have all eaten forbidden fruit as well we have all sinned and come short of the glory of God and we have become part of this evil world system you said well no wait a minute brother Steve the Bible says God created the heavens and the earth and he said it was good it was before sin all those verses are in verses chapter 1 and 2 of Genesis but in chapter 3 they ate that forbidden fruit and sin came in and the curse came in and all of a sudden instead of just plants you have weeds all of a sudden instead of just laughing you have tears all of a sudden you have heartache all of a sudden instead of life now you've got death and now Satan is sitting on a throne if you will he's not over God but he is over this world you say I still don't believe it jesus said called him the ruler of this world at least twice John 12:31 he said that Satan is the ruler of this world and he is going to be cast out he said in John 16 11 the ruler of this world has been judged so we know that the devil is going to be cast out when Jesus comes back we know that he's going to be judged at the end of the millennial reign of Christ and cast into hell but right now right now he's in charge of this world why do you think there's so much sin why do you think there is so much of a tendency in this world to pull away from God to pull away from the Spirit of God to pull away from the gospel of Jesus Christ it's because the devil and his demons are working constantly in an evil world system that hates the Lord Jesus Christ and hates his church why do we have divisions why do we have divisions among the races why do we have divisions wherever we have divisions why do because the devil has come to steal kill and destroy the devil is ruling in the sense that right now this is his authority time but Jesus is coming back and he's taking all that back Paul called him the god of this world in 2nd Corinthians 4:4 the god of this world talking about the devil has blinded the minds of the unbelieving so that they might not see the light of the gospel the glory of Christ who is the image of God have how can you say that's not true the why is it when I witness to somebody when I preach to people for years and they don't get it they hardened their hearts it's because the devil has blinded their eyes the god of this world has blinded their eyes and they will not repent Jesus was offered this evil world system in one of the temptations that the devil tempted him with while he was in the wilderness fasting for forty days you've read it you've read it multiple times no doubt Luke chapter four verses five and six and he Satan led Jesus up and show Jesus all the kingdoms of the what of the what say hell out of the world in a moment of time the devil said to him I will give you all this domain and its glory for it has been handed over to me and I give it to whomever I wish I've heard theologians say nah he's a liar John 8:44 said he's a liar and the father thereof he did those weren't his kingdoms to offer well let me say this to you that says more about Jesus then than it does the devil because Jesus believed he was making him a legitimate offer and if Jesus who knows everything if Jesus knew that it was a fake author offer that he would have never been concerned about it to begin with it was a legitimate offer he was not offering him the terra firma he was not offering him the globe world he was offering him this evil world system that is anti Jesus anti God and he said I know what you want Jesus you want to be a king all I'll tell you what just bow down and worship Me bow down and worship me and I'll give you the kingdom and Jesus says nope I'm gonna go to a cross I'm gonna do it God's Way I'm gonna pay the penalty for mankind's sin I'm gonna rise from the dead I'm gonna send back to heaven and I'm going to come back with my army and I'm gonna take over what is rightfully God's and mine don't you know that Jesus was the agent through whom God created the universe this is his universe this is his world and God's gonna take it back Jesus bought it at his first appearing and he's going to claim it at his second appearing Louie Armstrong says it's a wonderful world I like the song but it's dead wrong this is a world that at its core hates the gospel of Jesus Christ that's why it's hard to keep prayer in public schools that's why it's hard to get the Supreme Court to always do the right thing that's why it's hard to get people to quit killing babies through abortion that's why it's hard to get people not to hate each other because they're of a different ethnicity that's why it's hard because there's sin in this world and the devil's over this world and demons are operating in this world and that's why we're told not to live like the world Paul said in Romans 12:2 don't be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind so that you may prove or discern what the will of God is that which is good acceptable and perfect this world is not good it is not acceptable it is not perfect but the will of God is so don't be conformed don't be made like this world be made like the will of God John who wrote the book of Revelation tells us in his first epistle don't you dare as Christians love this evil world system first John 2:15 through 17 do not love the world say those words with me out loud good and strong do not love the world now lo definitely if anyone loves the world the love of the father is not in him for all that's in the world the lust of the flesh the lust of the eyes the pride of life is not from the father but it's from the world and the world ready the world is passing away and the lust thereof but the one that does the will of God abides forever don't love the world Jesus brother James said when you do love the world it is spiritual adultery listen to this out of James 4:4 you adulteresses do you not know that friendship with the world is hostility toward God therefore whoever wishes to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God I don't want to be an enemy of God so I can't love this world system I can't think the way the world thinks I can't act the way the world acts I can't spend my money the way the world wants to spend its money I can't honor the world I must honor Jesus Christ and the devil is the one who has god of this world right now verse 15 says the kingdom of this world the world that evil world system as far as God's concerned it's already taking place has become the kingdom of our lord and of his christ and he will reign forever and ever I want to tell you Jesus is coming back and the Bible says all the way through the Great Tribulation this world is going to be cursing God and it's going to be worse than it's ever been you think it's worse you think it's bad now wait till the Great Tribulation we just seen a little bit of birth pangs lately but the Great Tribulation listen I believe in the rapture I'm praying I'm praying for the rapture amen I'm telling you man I don't want to be here during the Great Tribulation it's gonna be so bad but even then Jesus will be telling folks don't love this world the Almighty is going to restore it the kingdom on earth when Jesus comes back he's going to take his seat on the throne in Jerusalem reign for a thousand years the devil is going to be thrown into abyss and the Bible says at the end of that there'll be one little short little skirmish where he takes the devil now and cast him into the lake of hell and Hellfire and then he's going to cast anybody whose name's not written in the Lamb's Book of Life in the lake of Hellfire and then he he's gonna after that after he's rained a thousand years he's going to do that and then he's going to destroy this earth and there'll be a new heaven and a new earth and Jesus will be Lord Jesus is Lord Almighty is going to restore his kingdom on earth number two the Almighty is revered in heaven not only does he restore his kingdom he's revered in heaven look at verse 16 and by the way the Lord's Prayer Jesus taught us to pray this way prayed in in this way Jesus said our Father who is in heaven hallowed be your name now would you just read this off the screen with me this verse 10 here read it with me your kingdom come read it now your kingdom come your will be done on earth as it is in heaven that's exactly what is announced in verse 15 verse 15 the kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of his christ and he will reign ever and ever is the answer to the Lord's Prayer your kingdom come your will be done on earth as it is in heaven God's kingdom is going to come God's will is going to be done on earth as it is in heaven when when the kingdom of the world will become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ and Jesus will reign forever and ever when Jesus comes back that's what's good and so they're announcing this all in heaven so what did the angelic beings doing during this time look at verse 16 the 24 elders I love these guys who sit on their Thrones were before God they fell on their faces and they worshiped God I want to say this to you if the exalted Lord Jesus walked into this room right now you wouldn't be sinning and I wouldn't be standing we'd all be on our faces before God he is so holy he is so majestic he is so awesome we nobody'd even have to tell you hey let's all bow down it would be automatic man we just hit the deck and worship Jesus that's what would happen and the Bible says that's what happens in heaven we've seen these twenty-four elders before they represent the twelve tribes of Israel the twelve apostles they represent the whole church saw him back in Revelation 4 verse 4 around the throne were twenty-four Thrones and upon the Thrones I saw 24 elders sitting clothed in white garments and golden crowns on their heads their prostrate before God they're worshiping God and they're worshiping them verbally here's what they say in verse 17 in our text in chapter 11 we give thanks O Lord God the Almighty who are and who were because you have taken the great power and have begun to rain they say something very similar to that back in chapter 4 again verses 10 11 the 24 elders will fall down before him who sits on the throne and will worship Him who lives forever and forever and will cast their crowns before the throne saying worthy worthy are you O Lord our God to receive glory honor and power for you created all things and because of your will they exist and were created the world does not worship God the world does not reveal God the world blasphemes God but the Almighty is revered in heaven because they see him face to face all hail the power of Jesus name let angels prostrate fall bring forth the Royal down diadem and crown him Lord of all what about you you got to reject Jesus you gonna revile Jesus you're gonna be part of the world I'm not I checked out of that a long time I checked out of this world about 44 years ago and I said I'm gonna live my life for Lord Jesus Christ I choose Jesus over the world I choose Jesus over the devil I choose Jesus over sin I'm not perfect I'm not perfect but I want to tell you he is I choose him over anything this world can give I choose the Lord Jesus Christ I'm with that bunch if we go down I'm going down if we go up I'm going up if we go sideways I'm going sideways I'm with Jesus the Almighty is going to be revered in heaven thirdly the Almighty will reprimand the lost all people don't like this everybody will say everybody's gonna go to heaven everything's gonna be okay look at me regardless of what the book says I'm not okay you're not okay and it's not okay only the people who repent of their sins and believe savingly and Jesus will go to heaven the others are gonna be reprimanded by Almighty God now what happened to this evil world the people in this evil world system when they see that Jesus has proclaimed that the kingdom has been given to him what happens to the world they get seething mad it says in verse 18 and the nations were enraged because the why were they enraged because of verse 15 the kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of his christ and he will reign forever and ever the people this world the lost people on earth during the Great Tribulation hear the same news and that the angel surveys heard the news and they rejoiced they fell on their faces and they worship God heaven is rejoicing but earth is cursing because they don't want Christ they want the Antichrist they don't want 777 they want 666 they want the devil they don't want Jesus they want there in moralities they don't want to repent they want to do what they want to do sound like anybody you know sound like our world does it not you understand we're in the minority don't you you understand Christians are the minority back in chapter 9 the Bible says that God had sent a just a horde of demons they came out of the abyss and they were like scorpions and they were seeing people and they look like locusts there were so many of them people were being tortured and then he sent an army of 200 million people and they killed people so many people were killed but even after that the world's heart was so hardened they wouldn't repent we read back in revelation 9 2011 after all at 20 and 21 the rest of mankind who were not killed by these plagues did not repent of their work of their hands so as not to worship demons man's gonna worship something and these are gonna worship demons they're gonna worship idols of gold and silver and brass and stone and wood which can neither see nor hear nor walk and they did not repent of their murders they were saying you can't tell me I can't kill somebody if I want to kill somebody I'll kill somebody that's how bad it's going to be in the Great Tribulation they won't repent of their sorceries you can't tell me I won't be I can't be a witch you can't tell me I can't be a warlock you can't tell me I can't be a Satanist you can't tell me I can't blaspheme the name of Jesus I'm not giving up my sorcery and you can't they won't repent of their immorality you can't tell me that I will can't be an adulteress you can't be tell me that I can't be an adulterer you can't tell me I can't be gay or a homosexual you can't tell me that I'm going to keep my a morality and I and they won't give up their thefts if you can't tell me I can't steal something you can't tell me I can't take something that's yours you say brother Steve they've lost their minds that's what sin does it makes you crazy in this world whether you like it or not whether I like it or not it's gonna get crazier before Jesus comes back it's gonna get dark the nations will be enraged and your wrath will come the Bible says in verse 18 the wrath of God God is merciful to those repent but he is wrathful to those who don't repent hebrews 10:31 says it is a terrifying thing to fall to the hands of the Living God Hebrews 12 29 says for our God is a consuming fire Colossians 3 6 says for it is because of these things that the wrath of God will come upon the sons of disobedience if you don't obey Jesus Christ the wrath of God is gonna come upon you and the time came for the dead to be judged verse 18 there these people say well I don't believe in judgment so Bible says in Hebrews 9:27 and by this way do you hear me say a lot of times the Bible says you know there's a reason for that don't you it's the authority I'm not the authority Bible is the authority Hebrews 9:27 and inasmuch it is appointed for men to die once after this comes not purgatory not cessation of existence but judgment you're gonna look at me you're gonna stand eyeball to eyeball before God with nobody around you unless you've got Jesus you're gonna stand one-on-one with God Romans 14:10 but you why do you judge your brother are you again why do you regard your brother with the contempt for we will all stand before the judgment seat of God you're you know I'll tell you hi intense it's gonna be you're even going to give account for every single word you have ever spoken Jesus said in you 2012 37:4 by your words you will be justified by your words you will be condemned then he goes on to say in verse 18 and the time to reward your bond servants the prophets and the Saints and those who fear your name the small the great we'll get to that in a moment but notice this and to destroy you're going to destroy those who destroy the earth that's not talking about destroying the environment through pollution is talking about destroying this world through sin that's what it's talking about the Almighty will reprimand the lost if they refuse to repent God is going to punish sinners who don't repent so God is Almighty he's the only one that is he's going to restore his kingdom on earth he's going to be revered in heaven he's going to reprimand the lost but here's some good news the Almighty will also reward the saved how many of you like payday be honest raise your head anybody like payday some of y'all just told a lie in church amen well like payday oh it's the 15th it's the 30th whenever your payday is you know what payday is coming and for Christians it's gonna be reward all of us get the grand reward of getting to go into heaven amen look there in verses 18 and 19 Jesus the Almighty is going to reward the seed for their fidelity their faithfulness look at verse 18 the nations were enraged and your wrath came and the time came for the dead to be judged and the time to reward your bond servants the prophets and also the Saints and those who fear your name whether they're small or whether they're great doesn't matter if you're some well-known Christian or not you're gonna be rewarded it's a beautiful thing you're gonna be rewarded with heaven greatest reward of all jesus said right before he died in john 14 don't let your heart be troubled believe in God believe also in me in my father's house there are many dwelling places many mansions if it were not so I would have told you for I go to prepare a place for you heaven is a place it's not just a state of mind it's a state it's a real place I go to prepare a place for you and if I go to prepare a place for you I will come again and receive you unto myself so that where I am there you may be also we're going to heaven that's the greatest reward but there are other rewards after that and not everybody gets equal rewards again I know that nowadays when you get a trophy for participation people don't like this idea all right but I wanna say this to you the Bible says in first Corinthians 3 that some people their works are not going to be burned up and some people's are after they get saved and you're going to be reward according to the quality of your works after you get saved you're all going to get to go to heaven but some people are gonna enjoy heaven more than others you say brother Steve I just don't believe that well then go cut 1st Corinthians 3 out of your Bible verses 11 through 13 for no man can lay a foundation other than the one which is laid which is Christ Jesus laying the foundation of Christ Jesus is getting saved now look what happens after it verse 12 now if any man builds on that foundation with six things the first three will make it through the fire the last three won't look at this you're gonna build on that foundation with gold silver precious stone that's good stuff but then hay wood and stubble or straw each man's work will become evident why for the day the day of judgment for Christians will show it because it is to be revealed with fire God is going to let all of your works after you gets a pass through a holy fire I believe it's the fire that comes out of the eyes of the Lord Jesus Christ who sees all and knows all but anyway the fire itself it says will test the quality not the quantity but the quality of each person's work your works matter what you do after you get saved matters if you're not serving the Lord start serving the Lord not so you can go to heaven but so you can have more rewards in heaven if any man works which is built on it remains he will receive a reward if any man's work is burned up he will suffer loss he won't go to hell it says but he himself will be saved yet so as through fire you come to God you guys say 50 years five minutes ago five days ago five weeks ago five months ago five years ago whatever you've come in there and you stand before God and he says now let's look at your works after you got saved and he said I'll just destroy those works over here in the fire the fire of my son's eyes or whatever it is if that fires and and some of its gonna be gold silver and precious stone some of its going to come out and say ah well done thou good and faithful servant but some of it is gonna get burned up because it you didn't do what God wanted you to do and Gus as well I'm sorry but I can't accept that you're gonna go to heaven you say brother Steve what do I care as long as I get in I get what you're saying I just want to I want to say this to you I believe that some people are gonna enjoy heaven everybody's gonna enjoy it but I believe that there's going to be some that enjoyed even more than others I can enjoy a football game better than some people because I played football and some people can enjoy and opera more than me because I don't like it but I can enjoy bluegrass a lot more than my wife she hates it all right and speaking of my wife I know we're not gonna be married in heaven but I can't help but think that one of these days I'll see her on one of the golden streets and say hey baby hey good-looking can I come over to your million square-foot house before I go back to my little pup tent I know that some people are going to be rewarded more than others even though the greatest reward will be just to sit at the feet of Jesus and worship Him oh look at me guys as a better day coming and then he will reward the save with his faithfulness oh I love verse 19 and then I'll close out look at verse 19 and the temple of God which is in heaven was opened and the Ark of his covenant appeared in his temple and there were flashes of lightning and sounds and peals of thunder and an earthquake and great hail storm you know what God does every once in a while in Revelation God just pulls back the curtain and says I know you're going through a tough time I know it's hard in the Great Tribulation I understand but look what's waiting on you he pulls back and said here's the real temple remember that Temple of Solomon it was just a little picture of this remember the tabernacle it was just a little likened like this but this is the real thing this is real this is real that world is not worth living for but this temple and my holiness is and we can all look in now we don't need to have a high priest now because we have a high priest his name is Jesus amen and then he says also oh you remember the Ark of the Covenant you remember the Word of God remember the promises of God and the presence of God remember the Shekinah glory it's still here my presence is still with you my promises are still for you I'm going to bring you through I'm going to bring you through this Great Tribulation I'm going to bring you through this difficulty I'm going to bring you through if you'll just trust in me our trust is not in a politician our trust is not in a judge those things are important but far more important is being in love with the Lord Jesus Christ being in love with the one who is king of kings and Lord of lords is being in love with the one who it says about him the kingdom of this world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ and here it is he will reign forever and forever and forever and forever and forever and forever stand up and let's worship the Lord stand up [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] amen we wanted to put the words on there but there were so many and they were coming in so many - we didn't how to do it alright so aren't you glad that that's what we're heading for do you know the Lord that's as simple as I know how to ask everybody comes to my house I don't care who they are what they if they come to my house I ask them this do you know the Lord Jesus that's pretty blunt hey time for soft talks over the world's wearing they've taken the gloves off they're there they're hidden with knuckles need to be lovingly bold do you know the Lord Jesus what more important question do you have to answer and would you receive him today he is king of kings and Lord of lords I got news for this world is messed up there is nothing in this world that should hold you back from receiving Jesus in the end he's taking it back right now it's under the authority of the devil that Jesus is coming back he's on his throne he's large and in charge and he's coming back and he will be king of kings and Lord of lords crown him today he loves you you need to repent turn from your sin turn to him believe that he died on the cross for you believe that he rose from the dead and receive him into your life if you would do that bow our heads just a mo if you would do that pray with me right now let me lead you just like I would lead a couple in their wedding vows just say dear Lord Jesus thank you that you love me I am a sinner I want to be saved I repent of my sin I turn from sin and selfishness I turn to you I believe you died on the cross for me I believe you rose from the dead save me right now Lord Jesus I call on your name thank you for saving me in Jesus name Amen
Channel: Bellevue Baptist Church
Views: 3,098
Rating: 4.7419353 out of 5
Keywords: the almighty, seven trumpets, pastor Steve gaines, Steve gains, Steve Gaines sermons, Bellevue Baptist Church, Bellevue Church, Bellevue Memphis, Bellview, Bellvue, end times sermons, online church
Id: wik4NqvYS-s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 23sec (3503 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 08 2020
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