This is EXACTLY What The Quest 3 Can Do!

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to this you've just opened your brand new Quest 3 and the first thing you'll wonder is what new things can it do unlike most generic console upgrades the quest 3 packs more than just a performance increase and in this video we will explore all that will be possible from hanging digital pictures on your wall to turning your entire house into a haunted house wait you might be wondering how I can show you all this well the features and games I'm about to show you are mostly available today and through the power of the quest Pro we can see a sneak peek into the future of the meta Quest 3. with every generation the pass-through seems to be improving and mixed reality is now a focus from meta and you'll see why in a second the original Quest 1 and 2 had this grayscale pass-through and the quest Pro and Quest 3 feature color pass through the pass-through shown in this video is from the pro and to be honest it looks better in the video than it does in the headset but this is all set to change with the quest 3 as it has the depth sensor that was missing from the pro before I get into the games I want us to step into what I would consider the future of the home environment if meta doesn't do this themselves they are truly missing the mark because this is what's possible I created all of this inside an app called figma where you can essentially customize your own space with essentially whatever you want you can bring in videos gifs 3D assets from sketchfab this really is a testament of what's to come I especially love these 3D paintings people have made and this is what I want for our own home environments one that we can actually consider a home not just a selection of spaces to exist in imagine having a PlayStation or a few arcade machines lying around this is the Ready Player One basement from the book a true personalized space for you and your friends could hang out in figma is available for the Quest 2 Pro and eventually the quest 3 and truly has some mind-blowing experiences you need to try going back eight years if you remember there was a visual demonstration of the future of AR with the beginning of the hololens what they showcased was essentially what we'll be getting now eight years later we got to see Minecraft in this new immersive way and that's what I'm going to touch on now you can get a visual representation of what Minecraft would look like in AR with a game called block first what makes this game cool isn't the fact you can have a miniature Minecraft type world to mess around and walk around in but the fact you can dig up your actual play Space the AR experiences I find most exciting are the ones you can seamlessly interact with your real environment another game like this is dungeon maker where you essentially make your own dungeon now excuse me for the poor level design but in this game you you make your own dungeon inside your own play Space it requires you to walk through both environments which I think is a key element for AR moving on the thumbstick is something that's never been an ideal Locomotion option and to move naturally through your environment is something you definitely need to try but there are some more static games that use AR features as a novelty like blast on this game essentially Blends the original into your own environment and the benefits of this is the self-awareness of your environment when I play VR games I'm incredibly self-aware as to where I am in my space because I've punched a few walls and smashed a few lights over the years but to play games like this it takes that fear away and allows me to play more comfortably another game that has switched up its environment in favor of AR is devia one of my favorite games on Quest DND and VR are a perfect match and when you add AR into the mix it really feels like you're playing a DND game in a physical space the way you can just seamlessly walk around your table and take the game to other parts of the room it's just that confidence that you have in games like blast on to freely move around your space it truly adds a new dimension to your games and I imagine when the quest 3 is here most games will be getting some sort of a armor a few years ago meta hosted an event where they utilized the quest external cameras through an interactive multiplayer shooter game dead and buried this was the first real use case of 3D mapping and using the environment as a play Space four years have passed since then and devs are finally utilizing these features to enable some incredible experiences the next clip I'm going to show you is something of a dream or a nightmare depending on how you look at it the potential of pass-through has only just been explored and the possibilities are literally endless I remember talking a few years ago about the future of VR horror games and even one of my first videos was on this subject and that's essentially mapping your house and using the play space as say a horror game and that's exactly what this game does Quantum it really does something special when it comes to the flashlight Illuminating the place space as if it's dark this game is truly terrifying to play as is every VR horror game in my opinion but putting it in an augmented environment gives way for so much potential the only limit getting in the way is the guardian system but I believe a smart Guardian system is to come with automatic house mapping you can imagine in time in the not so distant future when there is just an automatic mapping process so you can enter any environment and begin playing seamlessly to get a slight insight as to how this would be possible not so long ago meta released this video showcasing how a mapping feature would work from an image recognition point of view it uses AI to basically try to understand what the cameras are looking at and this could make a smart Guardian system work more effectively if the headset understood when a human or an animal entered your play Space it could occlude them into the game to keep you immersed I really hope the devs of the game shown see this video because this is just the start of AR gaming and there is so much potential out there think in terms of Pokemon go and that is just the beginning VR will always be at the center of what most of us enjoy but AR can enhance our reality and give experiences that until now we could only dream of what would you all like to see from AR and the quest platform let me know down in the comment section below if you like the video like And subscribe and as always I'll catch you on the next one foreign [Music]
Channel: Virtual Chap
Views: 93,301
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: meta quest, quest 2, VR, meat quest 3, quest 3
Id: 2HelS3vb6xo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 0sec (360 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 12 2023
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