The SUGAR Expert: Everything You Need To Know About Glucose Spikes (& 5 HACKS TO PREVENT THEM)

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the more glucose spikes you have the faster you age wow and this shows on your skin and your organs slowly age today three out of five people are going to die of an inflammation based disease if you want a healthy body a healthy mind you need to make sure you're not on a glucose roller coaster your body doesn't care whether sugar came from an orange juice or whether sugar came from a beetroot and is now in a can of Coca-Cola those sugar molecules will both lead to a glucose Spike before we jump into this episode I'd like to invite you to join this community to hear more interviews that will help you become happier healthier and more healed all I want you to do is click on the Subscribe button I love your support it's incredible to see all your comments and we're just getting started I can't wait to go on this journey with you thank you so much for subscribing it means the world to me the number one Health and Wellness podcast J shett J shett the one the only J shett what is glucose and why is it important to understand it I love this question so glucose is also called blood sugar right and glucose is your body's favorite source of energy so make a fist right now with your hand okay so as you're doing this the muscles in your hand are burning glucose to contract and for everybody listening to us right now the cells in your brain are currently burning glucose to understand what we're saying right every single part of your body is burning glucose every nanc to keep you alive and as human beings the main way that we provide this very important glucose to our body is by eating Foods specifically by eating two categories of foods starches so that's bread pasta rice potatoes oats and sugars anything that tastes sweet from an apple to my favorite triple layered chocolate cake okay so we eat starches and sugars and we give glucose to our body so you might think okay I want lots of energy who doesn't want energy so if glucose is my body's energy I should give my body as much glucose as possible I should eat as many starches and sugar as as possible well that's actually not the case I love to take the image of a plant do you have any plants at Home many okay so you know that in order to keep a plant alive you need to give the plant some water but what happens if you give the plant too much water it dies exactly and the human body is similar some glucose everything's going great too much glucose and problems start happening most of us are giving our bodies too much glucose and this leads to whole bunch of symptoms cravings for sweet Foods chronic fatigue brain fog inflammation faster aging hormonal issues and then longterm the development of type 2 diabetes so so my whole purpose is to teach people how to eat the foods that they love the starches and the sugars in a way that's not going to cause problems so how do you keep eating the spaghetti and the cookies and the bread in a way that is not going to damage your health that's the whole thing and that's what I really appreciate about your work and why I'm excited about this conversation because I think a lot of us think oh no I have to cut things out completely or oh no I'm going to have to completely shift everything and actually you're saying there's maybe that is the case actually let's go there yeah let's talk about that is there a need what is it that needs to be fully cut out are there things that we need to definitely avoid in those two buckets that you just shaped for us well we really don't need sugar we don't need to eat sweet Foods at all it's really just for pleasure your body doesn't need that amount of glucose that amount of sugar so when we eat sweet stuff whether it's fruit or chocolate cake we're doing it because it releases dopamine in our brain dopamine is the pleasure hormone so sugars we could do without but listen I want a chocolate cake for my birthday I don't want to eat broccoli for my birthday you know and it's all around us sugar is delicious it brings us this pleasure so of course if you could completely cut it out it would be better for your health but I don't think that's realistic for most people I don't have that kind of willpower and I haven't seen you must know people who have completely cut out sugar but it's quite difficult what about you what's your sugar consumption like so I'm an extremist which means I either I'm eating no sugar so when I was a monk I didn't eat sugar for three years but then I can easily drop back into eating sugar every day because my mother raised me as someone who ate a chocolate bar a chocolate biscuit a chocolate yogurt and a chocolate ice cream every day growing up my chocolate brother yes I when you mentioned that chocolate Triple A Cake and you po I'm like that is my dream and I have had to through my wife's coaching through your work had to develop a healthier relationship with sugar because I believe a few years ago I was genuinely addicted to sugar and I want to talk to you about that and for me it's taken a lot of retraining a lot of steps in between where now I'm back being the extremist where I'm not eating uh refined sugars at the moment but at the same time I would allow myself on my birthday or an occasion to allow myself to enjoy and indulge I've just I was wearing a glucose monitor for about 3 to 6 months like last year and I was shocked I was absolutely surprised at the types of things that spiked my glucose levels I would eat a nonsugar cereal as a test and that would take it to bad immediately not even average it was bad immediately on the glucose levels talk to us about glucose spikes and why are people measuring their glucose level what does that show us and what are we trying to get our glucose to map so when we eat a meal or food that contains a lot of glucose so for example a chocolate cake is a is a good option good example or a plate of pasta or anything else that starts you sweet when we deliver that glucose very quickly to our body we experience what's called a glucose Spike which means just a rapid increase in how much glucose is in your body and if you're wearing a glucose monitor you will see this it will look like this mountain that's just rising and rising and rising and then it crashes you don't need to wear at glucose monitor to understand the benefits of my work by the way but it's a cool visual tool so what happens in your body when we we Spike why is it bad for us there are three main mechanisms that are going on on a physiological level that make these spikes damaging the first one has to do with our mitochondria the mitochondria are the PowerHouse of the cell most people remember that from biology class so your mitochondria are these little factories inside your cells that are responsible for turning glucose molecules into energy okay they're incredibly important the problem is when you give them a glucose Spike so when you deliver them a bunch of glucose molecules very quickly they break down they kind of go on strike you know it's like when you have so much to do on your to-do list that you're just like I can't do anything I have to go nap that's the feeling they get they're like overwhelmed by all these glucose molecules and they cannot do their job properly anymore and so what happens you feel this as fatigue so you keep eating this sugar and these carbs but you're exhausted you wake up in the morning you're tired going to the grocery store is exhausting playing with your kids is draining your mitochondria are not functioning properly anymore and that's why one of the main symptoms of having glucose spikes which most of us have is this sense of chronic fatigue now the second thing that happens in our body when we Spike has to do with cooking so you know if you put something in the oven like a chicken and it goes from pink to Brown the chicken has cooked and the Browning process is called glycation the chicken has glycated it has cooked now a human being from the moment we're born we're slowly cooking we're slowly glycating I know it sounds weird but it's true for example if you look at the cartilage of babies it's white but if you look at the cartilage of somebody who's 100 years old the cartilage is brown we glycate we Brown as we age and so much so that glycation is actually pretty similar to aging and then when we're fully glycated when we're fully cooked when we're fully aged we die so glycation is a process that we can't stop We Can't Stop aging you know there's billionaires trying to reverse aging but so far they haven't been able to but we can slow it down or speed it up and glucose Spikes have something to do with this right glucose and glycation kind of sound like similar words it's because it is the glucose that is doing the glycating the Aging yep the cooking the cooking so the more glucose spikes you have the faster you age wow and this shows on your skin wow you get more wrinkles and your organs slowly age as well so that's the second thing I had no idea yep I did not know that yep wow mhm mhm and the third thing that happens when we have a glucose Spike well all of these processes so the mitochondria and the glycation they also increase inflammation and inflammation is just a nasty thing in the human body it causes lots and lots of issues today three out of five people are going to die of an inflammation based disease so inflammation is not good you want to bring that down and the third thing that happens when we have a glucose spike is that your body knows that these spikes are not good for you your body when it senses this big glucose it calls your pancreas and it's like hey we need to get this glucose down so your pancreas sends out a hormone called insulin and insulin is amazing and she grabs all the excess glucose molecules and stashes them away into your liver into your muscles and into your fat cells and that's one of the ways that we gain fat on our body but then too much insulin over time that's the reason we get type two diabetes so essentially you have mitochondria fatigue glycation inflammation diabetes IES and then a whole bunch of other symptoms you might feel depending on your personal health history like brain fog like hormonal issues that could lead to infertility etc etc basically what I'm saying Jay is that if you want a healthy body a healthy mind you need to make sure you're not on a glucose roller coaster because otherwise it's going to be very difficult for your body to function and for you to feel your best if you're experiencing glucose spikes on a daily basis what are some of the Hidden places glucose is that we may not see or may not understand that we can't figure out on a day-to-day basis because I feel like when I went to that test of the no sugar cereal in my head that didn't have glucose only for me to understand it was the rice that it was made from that was having that impact on me so where is are there any others that you know that are hidden actually breakfast food is usually a top offender right so orange juice fruit smoothies breakfast cereal even if they say no sugar or low in sugar that doesn't mean they don't contain glucose it just means they don't contain any table sugar but they could also contain sugar from fruit which is quote unquote natural so it doesn't have to be claimed as an added sugar in a package right breakfast foods huge huge huge offenders um and then kind of like funny things that you wouldn't expect like eating a lot of grapes yeah if you eat 50 grapes that's actually a lot of sugar because the fruit that we eat today has been bred to be extremely high in sugar and concentrated in sugar but I think breakfast foods are one of the biggest ones oh also dried fruit people don't realize that it's not because something comes from fruit that it's good for you dried fruit or fruit smoothie or fruit juice can contain you know tens and tens of grams of sugar even though it originally came from a fruit but your body doesn't care whether sugar came from an orange juice and is now in an orange juice or whether sugar came from a beetroot and is now in a can of Coca-Cola right those sugar m molecules will both lead to a glucose Spike yeah and it's interesting because I think the way we've been trained to have a sweet breakfast I've switched to savory breakfast last year and that's something you are a big big bigon yeah talk to us about that switch well listen the glucose Spike that we experience after breakfast is going to control the rest of our day so if you eat in the morning something that is pure glucose like most of us do right I grew up on orange juice and Nutella crepes so I know sounds amazing it was amazing but then at 10:30 I was exhausted because I was crashing my glucose levels were crashing and I was super super hungry because after a big spike you experience a big crash and that crash activates the craving Center in your brain and literally tells you Jay go find some chocolate you know and you cannot resist what that voice sounds like and you can't resist that urge so your breakfast if you're having a big glucose bike at breakfast you're setting yourself up for a day of Cravings fatigue inflammation and you're going to feel quite awful an important switch to make is to switch from a sweet breakfast to a savory breakfast built around protein right whatever kind of protein you like maybe it's Dairy maybe it's tofu maybe it's protein powder maybe it's leftover fish from last night maybe it's eggs whatever kind of protein you want that's going to keep your glucose levels nice and steady add some healthy fats in there and you can have some starch like a slice of bread for Taste but importantly a Savory breakfast contains nothing sweet it except if you want some for Taste some whole fruit right and you know all those sweet breakfast foods that you love you don't have to say goodbye to them completely the best time to have them is for dessert after lunch or after dinner because if you eat something that contains a lot of glucose something starchy or sweet after a meal the glucose molecules are not going to arrive as quickly into your bloodstream because that's already going to be food in your stomach the worst time to eat starches and sugars is breakfast because your body is super empty so anything you eat goes to your bloodstream in a second right but it's actually the meal of the day where most of us eat just starches and sugars yeah think about the typical breakfast orange juice oats with honey on them breakfast cereal you know fruit smoothies oatmeal with raisins exactly and then you wonder why most of us feel so terrible throughout the day why it's 400 p.m. and we're exhausted and we need coffee or Red Bull we have cravings all throughout the day and even at night your breakfast controls how you feel for the whole day and I think switching from a sweet breakfast to a savory breakfast is almost like you know in the movies when they go through the mirror it's a parallel universe yeah and you really feel so different absolutely so so so different all of a sudden you have steady energy your brain is clear you feel good you feel like yourself you're not controlled you're not a victim to these Cravings anymore yeah I found though that as someone who has had cravings for a long time or lived in that sweet cycle there's been a lot of withdrawal symptoms I think when people stop eating sugar I've definitely experienced headaches I think some people experience very low energy someone was telling me earlier today that they feel nauseous or or sick like there's a lot of different things that come with it talk to us about why it's so addictive yeah obviously beyond the fact that we love the taste of it why is it so addictive and how does it cause those symptoms I think what you're talking about is if somebody goes cold turkey and just completely Cuts things out and that's not actually something that I recommend I think that again like I don't have that kind of willpower um and I want to help people improve their health without having to give up the sugar so even if you delay the sugar from breakfast to after lunch as dessert you're not going to get all those withdrawal symptoms you're still going to be able to enjoy it and get the dopamine but with less impact in your glucose levels and listen sugar is addictive right and that dopamine is very very very very addictive and as human beings eating something sweet is a very easy way to get a hit now what you're talking about can also be due to if somebody completely cuts out carbs so starches and sugars completely let's say from today to tomorrow you cut out all carbs that can cause issues because if you've been eating carbs your whole life your body expects these carbs every two to three to four hours and your body is actually just burning glucose for energy so all of a sudden you cut off its supply of glucose and it becomes a little bit stressed out especially if your body's not used to also burning fat for fuel in a healthy body you can switch from burning glucose for energy to burning fat for energy easily so either you eat glucose and your body gets energy that way or you're not eating and your body's burning fat in most of us we're eating every two to three to four hours some carbs and so our body doesn't know how to burn fat for fuel anymore it doesn't have that muscle so so the idea is to train it slowly to be able to do that not to just cut out completely the glucose you know cut the grass from under the foot too quickly that's going to be difficult yeah and I think that's one of the biggest challenges right because when it comes to New Year resolutions or when it comes to changing habits we often think we have to go in or out I hate that and diets you know they don't work they're super stressful they're actually a pretty strong way to control women like I have been from from the moment I was a teenager the magazines are telling you lose five pounds in a day you know lose your belly before summer you're bombarded by these messages that make you feel inadequate if you're not on a diet I mean it's pretty messed up the amount of fat on your body or how much you weigh is not a good representation of the internal health of your body right absolutely and if you're just focusing on I want to lose weight I want to lose weight there are very unhealthy ways to do that that might actually make your health way worse what I like to teach people is these simple hacks so save breakfast is very important one eating sugar as dessert instead of on an empty stomach is another key one and these hacks are going to help your body on the long term and create Better Health from within and you might lose weight for example in my experiment about half the people lost some fat on their body without trying to without counting calories without cutting out Foods just because naturally that's where their body wanted to be and it readjusted right but the objective is not weight loss the objective is being craving free and not feeling victim to finding sugar three times a day or not victim to the pot of ice cream at the back of your freezer after dinner good energy so you can actually live the life you want to live and go after your dreams you know that's the point and play with your kids and have time for yourself and then improving any medical condition you might have from mental health to infertility to diabetes weight loss consequence but it's not the whole point it's not a diet you know yeah and it's a different shift in mindset really because you're saying that a lot of us are addicted to weight loss weight gain or or something like that and you're actually saying well let's make it about energy let's make it about Focus let's make it about make health health yeah yeah which is which is which we just haven't been trained to think that way you know we haven't even I grew up always feeling like oh if I didn't put on weight then I must be healthy and that's such a I mean it's such a rudimentary belief around what health and well-being is absolutely and it's shifting you know we're now understanding that's not the way to go we need to focus on health not body size or abolutely body weight absolutely what should someone eat at 300 p.m. when they're tired because everyone has that post lunch you know slump slump they do but it actually can go away if you study your glucose levels and if you no longer have these spikes you don't have to feel that postmeal slump anymore because generally that slump comes from your glucose having spiked and now dropping because after every Spike there's a drop and this drop can make you feel really really really tired so if you feel those symptoms of the postmeal crash the best thing to do is to start with your breakfast so have a savory breakfast then the second thing I would recommend is at that at lunchtime make sure that you start your meals with a specific type of ingredient that is going to help balance your glucose levels and before I tell you what that is I want to tell you about this amazing research study Jay so researchers looked at a meal and they found that if participants ate the elements of that meal in a specific order they could reduce the glucose Spike of the meal by up to 75% huge that's huge without changing how much they're eating without changing what they're eating overall just by changing the order and when I was in school I remembered uh biology teachers telling us oh when you eat it all becomes a big soup in your stomach and so I thought how is this possible how can the order in which you eat the elements of meal have an impact so the research is fantastic it turns out that when you start your meals with vegetables the fiber in the veggies when you eat it first has time to coat your upper intestine and create a sort of protective mesh okay like a shield on the walls of your intestine and that Shield then slows down how quickly the the rest of the meal is going to access your bloodstream how quickly the molecules from the rest of the meal are going to make their way into your bloodstream and so veggies first is this very important hack now the scientist always eat my veggies last really because you hated them yeah because you're right you eat all the Cobbs First and all the rest of it like oh yeah and you know actually so when you go to restaurants they often give you bread at the beginning of the meal yeah and actually it's pretty smart so I think there's a whole conspiracy here because if you give people some bread at the beginning of your meal so you're super hungry you eat the bread bread is starch it turns to glucose so very quickly you experience this glucose Spike and about 90 minutes later you're crashing and that's when the waiter comes over and is like hi anybody would like some dessert and at that point you're feeling this intense craving for sugar because of that glucose drop so you're going to order dessert wow that that makes sense to me I love bread at the St and end but the best thing to do actually is to delay that bread and first have your veggies and then have your main dish and have the bread you know during the main dish or after the main dish and that way you can still enjoy the bread but the glucose molecules are going to be protected by that fiber mesh and not going to create that big of a spike so you won't feel those Cravings 90 minutes later you won't feel the energy crash so that's another super important hack and if you do nothing else just at your next meal eat what you would normally eat just add a plate of vegetables to the beginning of your meal and it can be three baby carrots it can be some beautiful roed cauliflower with tahini or whatever it can be some salad it can be any sort of veggies you have in your fridge and tomatoes count as well and you'll see how different you feel after the meal no crash no cravings and you know you're also helping your body become healthier from within and interestingly Jay this hack actually has a lot of parallels in cultural habits so you know I'm French and in France we have this tradition of crud at the beginning of a meal which is raw veggies in Italy they have antipasti which is generally vegetables at the beginning of the meal in the Middle East you usually start your meals with herbs eaten by the bunch MH so none of the stuff I'm talking about is that revolutionary it's kind of common sense but we've lost touch with these traditions and now we understand the science behind them so I want us to bring them back yeah that's spectacular there was a study you were about to quote and then I cut you off tell me with my I don't know you were about to say and the study says and then I said I used to eat my vegetables L I don't know what that was I think I was just talking about the food order so 75% and so ideally from a scientific standpoint you would always start your meals with the veggies then the proteins and the fats and then the carbs last the starches and sugars last now you know that's a scientific theory and if you want to decompose your meal and do that specific order you can but I think from this science we can just extract the most important piece of information which is veggies first and the carbs towards the end of the meal to reduce the spike I think that's so practical I think all of us can at least do that with whatever's on our plates and if we can just make that shift today we're going to start to see the benefit and that will hopefully push us in that direction exactly and then naturally you crave less sugar and you feel better and it's these small tweaks and you don't have to cut out Foods we're not talking about restricting how much you're eating I'm actually telling you to add food to your meal and that is going to improve your health so veggies first that's another very key hack that I recommend people try out how off is the recommended daily amount of grams of sugar on any given packages right so if you look at any processed food or any packaged food it will say this is 30% of your daily amount how wrong is the daily amount well so the American Heart Association recommends no more than 25 gram of added sugar I think for women and 50 grams for men something like that but we don't need any of this sugar we don't need to eat any sweet stuff at all your body does not need sugar to live so that is an upper limit if you will yeah that's an upper limit we're seeing it as the basic requirement it's like saying uh I don't know three cigarettes are allowed a day it's like it doesn't mean you should smoke cigarettes it means like that's the upper limit after which real problems start happening but it's better to have zero but then what these recommendations don't take into account is when are you eating the sugar is it first thing in the morning so you're increasing inflammation brain fog increasing risk of diabetes hurting your mitochondria having cravings aging faster or is it after a lunch that had fiber at the beginning of a meal where the impact is going to be way less hardcore in your health so if you if you just keep eating the same amount of sugar as you're eating but you just change when you're eating it that's the first step you're already going to see a big impact on your health MH and then Second Step could be reducing amounts for sure and naturally because you're not creating that cycle of addiction you're going to have fewer cravings for the sugar anyway there's this other really cool study I want to tell you about so scientists put participants in an fmri scanner you know those big donut scanners okay so they were looking at their brain activity and as the participants were in the scanner there was a screen in front of their eyes and the screen showed images of food chocolate cake Donuts broccoli Burger Etc and the scientist asked the participants to rate how much they wanted to eat that food from 1 to 10 okay like one is like I don't care 10 is like I want to eat this right now and the participants were hooked up to a machine that was measuring their glucose levels in real time and this is what the scientists found they found that when people's glucose levels were steady they were rating all the foods like fiveish Burger fiveish broccoli fiveish so you know no particular Cravings but then when the participants glucose levels were dropping two things happened first thing on the brain scan the craving Center was activating and second thing they started rating all of the sweet Foods really highly okay and that just goes to show that you cannot control these Cravings they come from a deep part of your brain that goes on to alert mode when your glucose levels are crashing because it is a dangerous thing for the body right your body doesn't know that that crash came from a spite cuz you just ate 15 Donuts your body thinks it's low on energy yeah um and so all this to say that as you study your glucose levels this craving Center will activate less and less so naturally you're not going to want to eat as much sugar and you're going to switch from a situation in which you were controlled by those Cravings to a situation in which you'll eat the sugar you really like for pleasure for enjoyment without feeling controlled M so instead of feeling like oh my God I need to eat something sweet right now give me anything any chocolate bar it's more like hm you know what tomorrow I want to go to my favorite Bakery and get my favorite pastry you know from a sense of like agency tot and strength and boundaries versus being a victim to that sugar addiction yeah you can you can have that delayed gratification exactly exactly no that's huge I mean two things that really helped me with this and I notice when I'm weaker and this obviously happens with the amount of travel I do and I totally notice how that impacts my desire for more sugar and I found that one of the biggest commitments I had to make was eating my meals on time every day and that started to reduce craving so when I was having breakfast at a certain time lunch at a certain time and dinner at a certain time I found myself having less cravings and filling the gaps with less sugar when I was missing breakfast I was missing lunch and then I was trying to make up for it then i' would be willing to take anything as you're saying and the second thing I found was when I had poor sleep when I was sleeping badly or I wasn't sleeping enough I would wake up craving sugar to want to get me to the next meal and then naturally I'm going to have all these things that aren't great for me because I just haven't slept well and I found that those two things had a massive impact but how is what you're saying having an impact on the other way so I'm saying how these lifestyle choices impact my glucose Cravings but how are our glucose levels impacting our well for example sleep so sleep and glucose are go hand in hand and so what you're describing is if you wake up and you haven't slept well you have more cravings and you know what else happens which is kind of unfortunate is that when your body is tired it cannot regulate your glucose levels as well so anything you eat will create a bigger glucose Spike right so for example if you have that cake on a day when you're rested versus a day when you're super exhausted the exhausted day the cake will make a bigger Spike you're eating the same take but it's creating a bigger Spike therefore a bigger crash therefore more cravings and so when we're tired we tend to crave more sweet foods and that that makes a bigger Spike and a bigger drop and then in turn being on a glucose roller coaster also makes your sleep that night worse not as deep not as restorative so you start this vicious cycle okay here's what to do to break the cycle first of all use the hacks when you wake up right so if you're tired have a Savory breakfast second thing to sort of reset your glucose balance is to exercise even just 5 minutes so next time you wake up and you're tired do five minutes of jumping jacks put on a YouTube video five minutes you know exercise anything that's going to get your muscles working is going to help you manage your glucose levels better that day and then as you study your glucose levels you will notice you will sleep better and often people will tell me that they used to wake up in the middle of the night with a pounding heart you know sweats that can be because your glucose levels are crashing as you're sleeping wow yeah and that's why in my study so many people improve their sleep not by taking sleeping pills not by changing what's happening in their bedroom just by changing how they're eating everything is connected Jay you cannot just look at one thing in isolation when you improve your glucose levels so many systems in your body improve it's remarkable so you might be entering this because you want less inflammation or fewer cravings but then what happens is you realize oh my skin is better oh I sleep better oh my mood has improved you know all these amazing side effects it's really beautiful to watch Yeah you mentioned mood there what's the connection between blood sugar levels and mental health because I think again even though we are making those connections now I think often we don't recognize how correlated our diet and our mental health is that's the reason I got into this in the first place so when I was a teenager I had an accident I broke my back jumping off a waterfall had very intense surgery I have lotss of metal in my back now and physically I was fine because you recover fast when you're that young but then my mental health started going really down the drain so anxiety depression depersonalization my I felt like my brain was completely broken I didn't feel like myself anymore and I went on a journey to try to understand how to get better and that's what got me studying biochemistry that's what got me into genetics and then almost 10 years after my accident 10 years of Darkness I finally had my first clue I was part of a pilot experiment and during it I could wear a glucose monitor and I saw Jay that the days where my glucose levels were spiking and dropping a lot my mental health was worse and the days when my glucose levels were steady my mental health was so much better and this changed everything for me because I had been completely lost for the better part of a decade trying to understand what the heck I could do to improve my mental health and I was lost let me tell you and nobody said oh you should look at your lifestyle but in that moment I remember that day I was feeling one of these episodes come on of depersonalization which is this horrible mix of brain fog feeling like a stranger in your own body I mean it's terrible and I scan my glucose monitor and I see one of the biggest glucose spikes I had ever seen and so I started putting two and two together I said wait a minute is it possible that this glucose spike is actually causing this episode anyway so that opened the gates really wide for me I was like wow this is fascinating and I started doing all the research I could and I I saw that I wasn't alone that most people experience glucose spikes on a daily basis even if they don't have diabetes and that these spikes are correlated to all the things we spoke about and to Mental Health M so as I started managing my glucose levels my mental health started improving and so what's the connection well the cells in your brain also use glucose for energy and so you know those three things I talked about the mitochondrial damage the glycation the inflammation the insulin your brain cells also feel these consequences of spikes and we don't fully understand how the brain works but we do understand that when these things happen in the brain it's not good we also know that glucose spikes impact tyrosine levels and tyrosine is an important molecule that regulates our mood I want to talk you about another really fun study can I okay yeah please fascinating so bless these scientists they're so amazing okay so let me tell you what this study is so scientists recruited 200 married couples MH they gave each person in the couple a voodoo doll representing their spouse wow I know they told the married people to please over the next six weeks put a pin in the voodoo doll every time your spouse annoys you and then at the end of the six weeks the scientist got all the voodo dolls back with all the pins in them and they measured the participants glucose levels they found that the people who had the most irregular glucose levels had put the most pins in the voodoo doll representing their spouse and that's where the tyus hypothesis started com coming up they saw that being on a glucose Roc cooster can impact how irritable you are how you see those around you how nice you are how triggered you are by your spouse so if you ever feel irritated agitated like oh it's so annoying this person hate them well maybe your glucose levels have something to do with it so whether you're trying to improve irritability hungriness mental health anxiety depression whatever managing your glucose level again is a key foundation in the house of your health yeah and for me like it wasn't everything right after I managed my glucose levels I had to go to therapy do EMDR do lots of other stuff but it gave me a foundation that was so necessary as that first step yeah well I think what you're laying up there for us and that's definitely what I've discovered in my own journey of mental health and well-being is just that you're just making it harder for yourself when you're not using everything at your disposal and I was definitely someone who had used mindfulness and meditation in order to master the mind but I didn't realize how hard that was when your body was slowing you down and actually if your body was with you the kind of Revelations and breakthroughs you could have were Limitless but when your body wasn't with you or for some people when their mind's not with their body it slows you down and it makes everything so much harder and I couldn't recommend that more to people like if you're someone who loves meditating and you love mindfulness but you're not taking care of your body and you're not looking your glucose levels or your sleep take a look at it it's only going to make you a better meditator and if you're the other way around where you're like Jay this you know the physical stuff for me is easy I feel really fit and healthy it's really important to add the other side as well because you have no idea how good you can feel it's all connected and to give you another example um I've been recently really into weightlifting so it feels really good my body feels strong and I've noticed also my mental resilience has improved as my physical resilience has improved so I'm able to manage stress better I feel stronger and that's because you train your nervous system your body and your brain are connected by your nervous system right and so when you improve your physical health your nervous system improves and your mental health improves as well it's all it's all connected absolutely is there a more ideal food before or after workouts oh great question so this actually brings me to another hack which is the hack about movement so as your muscles contract and as you exercise or even as your you're just you know walking your muscles are burning glucose for energy and we can use this information to our advantage so the hack I recommend is after eating one of your meals a day after one of your meals a day use your muscles for 10 minutes go for a walk play with your dog tidy your apartment I'm a very messy person so I do that one a lot tidy your apartment do some calf raises if you're at your desk at work why not go to the gym you know go weightlift because as you do this your muscles are going to be using some of the glucose from the meal you just ate M and if you're an athlete and you're doing some very intense exercise your body is going to use up most of the glucose from whatever you eat so the more you exercise the more you can eat glucose before or even after actually um and you experience much less of a spike so if you want to eat a cookie or chocolate cake before after workout is actually a pretty good time to do it that way a lot of the glucose will go to your muscles instead of causing a that's what I've been trying to do so the reason I'm asking is for myself one of the things I struggle with is usually I'll wake up I'll meditate in the morning and then I'll drink a tea or something like that like a a warm herbal tea and then I'll go on a hike or I'll go and work out because I've never really found what to eat before my workout that's great for me and then when I come back I'll eat breakfast I'll have my Savory breakfast and I feel good and everything feels fine but I often wonder could I be doing something better before I go out on my hike which which can be like it'll be 30 minutes normal and then 30 minutes intense incline if you do eat something before going working out maybe a banana or something do you feel like you're able to work out better do you feel like you have more energy more explosivity that's a great question I think I'd have to monitor that to give you an like a honest answer and I would say that in the past I've tested things like dates but then I was worried that that was going to SP that's very high in sugar exactly so I had that recommendation from someone I tested it out I was like when I learned about everything to do with glucose I was like wait a minute that's probably not a good idea how intensely are you exercising are you just walking no so that's what I mean it's it's it's probably 30 minutes like easy and then 30 minutes of like explosive incline but it's not it's not high intensity in that it's not all fast it's self-paced but it is all uphill for 30 minutes for example if I don't eat before I work out I don't perform as well right because as you're eating something that contains glucose that's going to feed your muscles very easy easily accessible energy so you could do some tests I I don't think dates are necessary because they're very high and sugar but you could even try something like you know a piece of sourdough bread right with an avocado on it or a a banana with some Nut Butter you don't have to have something so sweet and concentrated as a date but do some tests see what works for you now I know some options yeah you could even I like the avocado and S that's sounds you could do some almonds um you could do yogurt with some berries try some stuff out and see because you might find that you're actually walking faster yeah yeah yeah that would be good for me yeah definitely sometimes about going up that hill going why am I doing this today so and and and I completely agree with and would you say it's the same for weight training before weight training is that the same typ of f big time Big Time especially if you're doing something like weight training which is you know more explosive than walking or running you have to really your muscle need to be able to go P you know so yes absolutely so my nutritionist put me onto this a couple of years ago and I hated it but then when I saw you like it was one of your big pillars oh I know what you're about to say you know what I'm about to say yeah go on vinegar yes yeah so I was drinking a cup of vinegar like the little whatever the shot of vinegar why a shot of vinegar before tell us well first of all a shot is not good you should always dilute it because if it's a shot it's going to hurt your teeth I was literally doing a shot so I've got to change that you got to change that it's a lot easier to dilute yeah okay so vinegar contains a wonderful molecule called acetic acid and acetic acid when you have some before a meal is going to slow down how quickly food breaks down into glucose in your body so it's kind of like slowing down digestion and this is really really good it makes you feel Fuller full longer and the glucose molecules arrive more slowly into your blood and that's the whole point so the heck is before a meal that's going to be high in carbs have one tablespoon of vinegar in a big glass of water I was not doing that 5 to 10 minutes yeah well no wonder you didn't like it if you had to do a shot like gosh and it can be any type of vinegar apple cider vinegar white wine vinegar Cherry vinegar whatever you just want to avoid the very syrupy like balsamic glaze that one's no bueno because that's full of sugar this is an easy hack and again science has shown us that this ingredient that most of us have in our kitchen actually has a wonderful effect on our health and it's been used for m Mia I mean vinegar has been around forever but now we understand the science behind it it's a great hack and what what before every meal or just lunch or is there a depends on how you feel I recommend before the meal of your day that's highest in sugar or starch right um and one of thing you can do is you know how I was explaining veggies first is so important you don't have to drink the vinegar you can also make it into dressing oh I like the and put it on your veggies okay that's you're making it easy now so you know the salad with some vinegret dressing wonderful way to start your meals wonderful you get the fiber from the veggies making that mesh and you get the vinegar slowing down breakdown of food you're golden got it okay now I can get back on it cuz I've been avoiding it it was so hard I was like I have to ask you about it today I'm not surprised I was doing a shot of vinegar and and you're right about the teeth as well I'm so sorry that's terrible that's kind of gross iame it was really hard to have and yeah every time I'd have it it would almost feel like it could start some reflux or it could have like uh you know that's not great oh I'm sorry no no it's good but as you can see this is another really easy hack it it's free it doesn't ask you to add any to remove anything you're just adding stuff and helping your body at the same time and then I like to see these hacks as sort of an on-ramp to freeway you know you kind of you kind of get on them and then after a few days you feel so much better and everything becomes easier in your life yeah no that's great what about for our snackers our snackers that are listening who are saying Jesse I love this advice I can do that for my but I'm a big snacker and I turn towards I mean today if you look at it whether it's a protein bar but I guess protein bars is such a common go-to snack but they have really high sugar it depends on the bar yeah it really depends so look at the ingredients always and if you so when you look at the ingredients list on the back of a product they are ordered by weight so if the first ingredient says sugar that means sugar is the most important ingredient in that product and then they decrease right in in in weight so if you see in the first five ingredients of anything whether it's a protein bar or yogurt if there's any type of sugar in the first five ingredients then that product is dessert okay so if it says like that's such a great tip and it doesn't have to say just sugar it can say something like date puree honey dextrose fruit juice concentrate it has in glucose Revolution I have the whole list but manufacturers use lots of fancy words words to not make it sound like just cane sugar but actually it's just cane sugar it's all the same molecules right so sometimes you could your body's not telling the difference as you said no difference so that's for the protein bars and then for the snackers okay I have a hack that's called putting clothing on your carbs anytime you eat carbs so carbs being starches or sugars make sure to never eat them naked and by naked I mean on their own mhm so never snack on just a piece of bread or never snack on just a cookie always add some clothing which means protein fat or Fiber which means for example adding some avocado to the bread or some cheese which means for example adding five almonds to the cookie or a Greek yogurt right so if you love snacking remember this hack put clothing on your carbs never eat your carbs naked that way you'll have less of a glucose bike because the risk Jay is that our snacks kick off that Cravings roller coaster because between meals our stomach is empty so same concept as for breakfast you don't want to eat too much sweet stuff otherwise it's going to make a big spike and you're not going to feel very good 90 minutes later this is actually Genius Like if you're listening to this right now none of us have any excuses to shift this around genuinely I'm listening to you just going thank you like thank you so much because I think it's so often when you're hearing about how to change your diet and your food it just sounds so hard and so complex and it feels like like God where do I even start with this and and here we are just making really basic connections that that we can all do very very simply and it helps you with your energy with your mood with your skin but also for serious health conditions like type two diabetes this is the way out right if you have type two diabetes if one of your parents Grandparents has it it can be quite challenging to know how to get out of it and it can feel like either I have to go on this extreme diet and never eat carbs ever again or I'll do this medication and what I want to offer with these hacks is an easy way to take back some control over your glucose levels because type two diabetes is reversible it is not a genetic hereditary disease that you can't do anything about you can improve it I see people put it into remission every single week using this work in concert with their doctor of course but this is the kind of stuff that can turn your health around and instead of getting sicker as you age your health can improve as you age and don't we all want that that's the dream you know absolutely yeah absolutely in the book you about there's some research that says that eating fruit first in the without any other Foods is best for digestion would eating it as a singular food first thing in the morning impact blood sugar like what's your take on that well you know this this idea of oh if you eat fruit as dessert it's going to rotten your stomach or it's going to purify that's kind of a urban myth that's been floating around so if you look at the ideal food order from that science you should eat the sugar last right and fruit is also in the sugar category and so how do you reconcile both of those things and people have asked me a lot about this concept of oh fruit for dessert is going to rot in your stomach turns out there's no scientific evidence to support that nothing can rot in your stomach nothing can purify in your stomach Sugar Sugar eaten last or fruit eaten last does not do that okay now even though most of us think that a piece of fruit is Supernatural they're like oh a banana or Peach like that's Nature's Bounty turns out Jay the fruit that we find today in supermarkets is actually not natural humans are very good at breeding stuff so humans have bred gry wolves into Chihuahuas right and loads of other breeds of dogs we've also bred our fruit and our plants to be very sweet and full of sugar if you compare a banana from today to an ancestral banana they look nothing alike the ancestral banana is small full of seeds full of fiber quite tart modern day banana is basically dessert same for apples apples used to be small like cherries now they're this big nice little plump package of water and sugar essentially if you want to eat something sweet the piece of whole fruit is still the best thing to eat because of that protective fiber and I explained the fiber makes that mesh in your intestine but then as soon as you denature a piece of fruit whether you juice it you take away the fiber you blend it you pulverize the fiber then it becomes just one big glucose Spike waiting to happen and it's not because something comes from fruit that it's good for you yeah that's a really good explanation I appreciate that I think there's always been people who've demonized fruit as well in that way but I think that explanation actually gets into the nuance and subtlety of how we're having our fruit and I never going to say Don't eat fruit it's totally fine to eat fruit seriously it's much better to eat fruit than a cookie right for your glucose levels for your body and it is still an unprocessed food right it's been bred and CH that's the but it's still unprocessed so of course have fruit just don't denature that fruit totally because then you're taking it even further and further away from the way nature intended us to consume it yeah I actually remember when I first went to India with my mom and my mom was making me the same cures that she would make me in London but now making them when we were living in India just for a bit we went visiting when I was younger and it's so interesting because each vegetable was so flavorful but so different and I'm sure you feel this back home or when you're traveling like you can find these places in the world where you're eating real vegetables again or real fruits and they don't look as perfect they all look imperfect random yeah they've got personalities and even the flavors are not consistent so like a zuccini is going to taste different to another one but it's still so flavorful but in such a unique way and and I remember saying to my mom like what are you doing here like what are you doing differently in India that you're not doing back in London it was just what was accessible and and I think that's in the states for sure where I feel that even more than from London where in London I still felt certain vegetables and everything were still accessible but here I I really feel like a lot of the vegetables and fruits that we're eating are super processed y yeah yeah absolutely it's really tough uh one of your other hacks uh is stop counting calories and I wanted to talk about that because I think that's what all of us do and again that again the recommended 2,000 for women and 2500 for men seems to be like such a big figure that we focus our whole diet plans on and lives on I love this question do you know Jay how people used to measure the amount of calories in a food I don't know okay so if they wanted to measure the amount of calories in a donut here's what they used to do they would put the donut in a little box box and they would put this box in a bigger like an aquarium like a big Basin of water okay they put the doughnut box at the bottom of the aquarium and then they would light the doughnut Inside the Box on fire the doughnut would burn and then they would measure by how many degrees the water in the aquarium increased oh my gosh so and that would give you the number of calories in the donuts the calories is just a measure of how much heat is given up when something is burned so if you were to put an avocado in that box and burn it it might increase the water temperature around it by the exact same number of degrees therefore you would say this doughnut and this avocado have the same number of calories now it seems pretty obvious that this is kind of a silly way to measure food it's almost like saying oh this book and this book have the same number of pages Pages therefore they're the same book yeah this is not the case right my book and your book might have the same number of pages but they're not about the same topic they're not from the same author they don't give you the same information don't give you the same emotion right and so if we just talk about Foods based on how many calories they contain we're missing what's actually key what is in that food what are the molecules in that food is that food just glucose and going to create a big glucose bike or is that food just healthy fats and protein and going to keep your glucose level steady to give you another example two people could be eating the exact same number of calories let's say two women are eating 2,000 calories a day one of them could be eating in a way that keeps her glucose level steady feel great energy functioning mitochondria clear brain going after her dreams girl boss whatever the other person could be eating 2,000 calories in a way that's creating lots of glucose spikes inflammation aging type two diabetes hormonal issues brain fog etc etc etc how many calories you're eating does not tell you how healthy you are does not predict your health at all you need to learn about what you're eating and in my book I explain how to identify the molecules in a food and if you follow my hacks and you stop counting calories naturally your health is going to improve you might be eating the exact same number of calories as before but your life will be completely different calories are not enough information they're interesting to measure the quantity of a food for example one dut versus two Donuts but they're not sufficient and it's really easy to hide behind calories when you're for example a food manufacturer and you're making processed foods and you say there's only 50 calories in this little bag of sweets don't worry it's not bad for you it's just 50 calories yeah but it's 50 calories of pure sugar and it's going to make you feel horrible so calories are not enough we need to evolve past this I want to teach people what is in their food I want to make every single one of my readers a food detective I want them to have all the agency the power the information to make informed choices when they go to the supermarket that's the goal right giving people that freedom and that power that's what I care about yeah that's such a brilliant Mission like that's such a brilliant Mission because even everything you've said to us today whether it's being able to know what to look at on the back of a pack all the way to putting clothing on your cars I just I was just about to say that like putting clothing on your like I love that it comes for you in your heart and mind from a place of giving people agency and giving people strength and rather than making us fearful which I think a lot of diet plans do a lot of food advice does it makes us quite insecure and scared that we're doing the wrong thing whereas when I'm talking to you I feel a sense of like enthusiasm and confidence I know what to do good and that's so that's so fulfilling like it's so it fills you with so much enthusiasm and energy to to feel like yes I am in control of how I'm going to feel and what I'm going to eat you are and the information is there and I'm I just want to apologize to all the people who've been manipulated by food marketing diet culture that stuff stop it can stop if you get this information this will stop and the thing that breaks my heart the most Jay and I think this is what motivates me to do this work is when I meet somebody who has a medical condition like type two diabetes and everybody wants to make the right choices every everybody wants to be healthier but because of the manipulation and all the misleading information about food they're eating in a way that they think and they hope is good for them but is actually making them sicker and that's what I want to stop I want to insert this information in this science in those situation and turn it all around for people yeah I love that I love that uh Jesse we talked about so many things today but one thing I wanted to ask you about was the use of supplements I take a lot of supplements every day I felt better because of them it's had a big imp impact on my personal life and I was always someone who was playing around I think supplements are also things that you have to test and experiment and see what works for you as a combination what's your take on supplements well I know supplements in the glucose space right and I can't comment on all the other stuff I'm sure there's great things for other stuff you're trying to optimize but when it comes to glucose so people often ask me instead of doing the vinegar hack can I take a vinegar gummy when I can't have a veggie starter can I take fiber pills my dad has diabetes doesn't want to change his diet what can I give him and I spent the last few years researching extensively this space and what are some cool molecules that could actually help your glucose levels unfortunately what's on the market today at worst actually contains sugar and creates a glucose bike under the guise of going to help you with your glucose levels and that's just so annoying to me and there's some good stuff out there but I've actually created something incredible that is the best thing on the market if you want to help your journey to steady glucose with a supplement now I'll explain what it is but I don't want people to think this is a magic pill you should do the food hacks first and foremost okay that is going to have the biggest most powerful impact on your health but a supplement can also help so I've identified four plants Jay that have existed forever but that recent science has shown have an incredible impact on our glucose levels these are white mulbury leaf lemon extract cinnamon and antioxidants from green vegetables I've put them all together into a capsule you take it before a meal and it reduces the glucose Spike of your meal by up to 40% wow and this is more powerful than vinegar which was up to 30% I know me I got some for you good I'm being serious I've got some so if you want extra help this is the thing you need it's called anti-spike formula you can find it on my website antis and it not only has this immediate impact on the glucose Spike of a meal it also builds up benefit over time it reduces inflammation it reduces your fasting glucose levels it increases gp1 which is a hormone we've spoken a lot about recently in the media because of things like OIC gp1 is a really cool hormone that just makes you feel Fuller and OIC tricks your brain into thinking there's more gp1 in your body than there actually is but with anti-spike you're actually harnessing natural Pathways to increase it for real mhm so this is my latest creation and I hope it's going to help a lot of people you know when you're 4 P.M birthday party when you're traveling when you can't do the hacks anti- Spike will be there for you but again do the food hacks first it's just an additional hack to help yeah yeah I want to try it for sure I have it in my yeah I love that what is your take on asmic I mean based on what you just mentioned there what's been your assessment of it I'm sure you've seen people who are on it yeah listen I think for a lot of people it's been kind of a godsend um they've really struggled their whole life with their weight and for some people that's their objective right so whether you take it or you don't take it it's not my place to judge but what I found Jay is that if you think about it this craze has shown us that we live in a society in which our food system is so toxic that we need to take a pill to prevent us from eating the food around us do you understand how sad that is so I just feel a bit worried and a bit disheartened we've gone to we've gone to that place and also when people lose weight on OIC they don't just lose fat they also lose muscle mass and so when you stop taking oing and if you um gain weight back you often just gain fat back and so overall you're in a worse place so whether or not you take it it's important to learn my hacks so that way when you stop it you sustain it right but um yeah I mean wow wow what can I say crazy world we live in yeah absolutely and I appreciate you touching on that cultural challenge that we have on a number of parts in our conversation and I really think that that's at the heart of a lot of what you're saying is that everyone out there who's listening right now who feels like they don't like the way they eat they don't like what they eat they judge their body they look at the mirror first thing in the morning and criticize themselves it all comes from programming and conditioning it's not your fault it's not your fault and it was you were set up to feel that way yes and there's a lot of money being made off your back because you feel that way yeah and so I think a lot of people we beat ourselves up we think oh what's wrong with me or there must be something really bad with me or oh my gosh I'm not disciplined enough and I don't have good it's not about discipline it's not about laziness everything Temptation choices yeah toxic food around you that's cheap mising marketing messages you know incorrect information so we need to go back to teaching people how their body actually functions in the science and the physiology and you know Jay I hope I will become completely irrelevant I hope this information will be so common knowledge people will be like yep wear a sunscreen drink water brush your teeth have a savory breakfast like I want my stuff to be at that level and I want to retire and disappear because everybody needs to know this it should be taught in schools it's basic right to understand how your body functions and how to navigate this difficult food landscape that we live in absolutely and and the courage that any of you have right now who are listening and even wanting to take one step towards that agency that Jesse's been talking about that's a huge win because we're operating in a society where even taking that one step is often so difficult because of all the messages we're hearing around us so anyone who's listening and about to take that first step uh go and order a copy of glucose Revolution right now uh the life-changing power of balancing your blood sugar and of course check out antis uh to figure out if you need to add that once you've done uh Jesse's hacks and Jesse we end every conversation with a final five which is our Fast Five on the podcast and I'm excited to see what you answer so they have to be answered in one word to one sentence maximum got it so Jesse here are your final five the first question is what is the best advice you've ever heard or received when it comes to health symptoms are messages I'm going to let you expand because I like that okay yeah if you feel symptoms from acne to psoriasis to infertility to brain fog these are not something to suppress they are messages they are your body trying to communicate with you to tell you hey there's something wrong I need your help don't suppress don't feel bad about the symptoms flip the script talk to your body be like okay why is there all this eczema on my arm what's going on that's inflammation that's inside can I help you you see what I mean so symptoms are messages how how do you think we often process symptoms instead of as messages we think our body is fighting us we're like body why are you against me we don't understand it's crying for help it's not against your body just wants to keep you alive your body's not trying to be annoying I promise your body is trying to keep you alive that's so good that's so good I love that your body is not trying to be annoying I love that no it's so true your body is so much smarter than you so much smarter than you listen to it it's got stuff to teach you that's such great Insight next time you come we're going to talk about that I love that that's really hit Accord with me like I think it's so interesting how we look at anything inconvenient as there's something wrong and and and you're being annoying and I wish you would just be okay rather than oh wait a minute you're actually trying to share something and I think a lot of people at least I've heard I don't have kids but I've learned that a lot of people feel this with their children where your child's trying to communicate with you and just doesn't know how and it's almost like our body's like that yeah it's like a baby doesn't cry because it's trying to annoy you a baby cries is going through something difficult and he wants your help yeah I love that that's such a beautiful answer all right second question what is the wor best health advice you've ever heard or received um have a fruit smoothie first thing in the morning yeah I mean anything that has to do with uh fruit juices fruit smoothies as being a health food anything no just like no yeah don't do it don't do it don't do it okay uh question number three what's the first thing you do in the morning and the last thing you do before you go to bed the first thing I do in the morning I take my earplugs out and I drink water so you do have water first in the morning that's it yeah absolutely and then I try to turn my phone on a little bit later I try to not turn it on in the first half an hour last thing I do at night before going to bed I have this app in which I track my mental health so I put a little a scale of one to five how my mental health was today and I write a couple sentences about my day nice what is the app code it's called Dao okay have no affiliation whatsoever it's awesome d a y l i o and I've been doing this for four years now and it makes a little dot for I'll show you in a sec it makes a little dot for every day and so I have four years of dots of how mental health was in all of those days and I see these patterns I see that I've gotten happier over time more fulfilled have less episodes of difficult mental health issues so it's really cool to look back that's beautiful I love that that's a great recommendation for everyone listening uh fourth question what's something that you used to believe to be true about health but now you've realized it's actually not true uh that everybody should wear a glucose monitor so when I first started in the space because wearing the glucose monitor had changed my life I was telling everybody to wear one and now I realize that you can get all the benefits by seeing what I've discovered and the science that I've found and sometimes overt tracking yourself can lead to issues and stress yeah I I can relate to that there was a point where I was measuring everything yeah and it was useful and then it went too far and then I didn't want to measure anything and then it's it's a it's a really interesting balance because data can be so powerful and at the same it can be so disempowering because sometimes you look at the data decide how you feel about yourself yeah yeah it's like you know yeah you let exactly you wake up and you're like I don't know if I'm tired or not look at my sleep data oh I'm exhausted clearly because I didn't sleep all but you're actually not connected to how you feel yeah yeah and it takes you outside of your body exactly exactly it's what you're saying earlier we need to actually get better at living in our bodies and listening within our bodies and hearing and feeling what they're saying to us and how they're communicating rather than expecting that even even an external person or system is going to somehow predict how we feel amen yeah that's a really really powerful take away I love that uh Fifth and final question which we asked to every guest who's ever been on the show if you could create one law that everyone in the world had to follow what would it be okay I'm going to restrict myself to the world of food okay because there's lots of other laws that we could do that would be very important in the world and it can be a real law like you know yeah yeah ban all processed breakfast food m I love that love because that would help kids it would help parents it would change people's mood make them happier more fulfilled yeah I think that's a big one that's huge or like the law could be treat breakfast like any other meal because if you ban something then other stuff pops up so it's more like treat breakfast as the second lunch and eat lunch food at breakfast yeah that's great I love that everyone Jesse in chop the book is called glucose Revolution the life-changing power of balancing your sugar if you don't follow @ glucose goddess on Instagram make sure you go do that right away please grab a copy of this book we went through the hacks but we were just skimming the surface there is amazing Insight amazing hacks amazing steps and habit building processes inside the book that are going to be huge for you so I can't recommend this book enough I would actually say that if there's one book you read in 2024 I want it to be this book so please please please go pick this book up I think it will change your life uh I don't think I've ever emphatically mentioned a book that way before on the show but I mean it and uh I I can't thank you enough Jesse for the work that you're doing in the world and how much it's impacted my personal life and how I feel and how I think it's going to impact millions and billions worldwide so thank you so much thank you Jay I'm very grateful to be here thank you and I hope you'll come back soon with pleasure thank you if you love this episode you'll enjoy my interview with Dr Daniel aan on how to change your life by changing your brain if we want to Healthy Mind it actually starts with a healthy brain you know I've had the blessing or the curse to scan over a thousand convicted felons and over a hundred murderers and their brains are very damaged
Channel: Jay Shetty Podcast
Views: 2,133,504
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Keywords: Jay Shetty, Jay Shetty Podcast, Jay Shetty Interview, On Purpose Podcast, Jay Shetty Inspiration, Jay Shetty Motivation, Jay Shetty Video, Self help, Self improvement, Self development, entrepreneur, success habits, purpose podcast, Jay Shetty relationships, glucose goddess, the glucose goddess, jessie inchauspé, the diary of a ceo, glucose spikes, blood sugar, should i worry about glucose spikes, cravings, food hacks, weight loss, weight loss tips
Id: MxovSnvSO4E
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Length: 71min 11sec (4271 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 18 2024
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