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there you go the actual mansells aren't cool oh my God oh my God hello guys how are you doing back on the road again so I'm in Vegas today and I'm going to a barbecue place called big bees so we've grabbed us an Uber we're on the way now all right now this place apparently is famous for barbecue food and I thought I cannot do a tour at states without trying some decent barbecue food so let's get to big bees I hope she's gonna fill my big baby my big belly come on [Music] I'm on my way to see that Big B for me Big D big B's Gonna Fill Up Big D yeah okay get it guys I'm getting in Vegas it's all right play we've got a time of his lives on this trip me come on and don't let it we've met some amazing people along the way oh and I've had some different styles of food but I can't wait to come try this because this might be tempting me to possibly as next to you know Texas Nashville all that kind of stuff you never know there or it could be but we're all talking over there but we're talking about Thailand Australia oh that's all going on so I'll come on Big B let's fill up Big D oh it's warm today loving it is so are you busy then working in Vegas where is it yeah yeah is it is it all be your full-time job or is it just so much extra oh yeah yeah oh Wicked where that right wow circus so what do you do in the circus juggling yeah oh juggler yeah I went into a Walmart the other day not well Matt uh Walgreens and one at staff I looked over Ireland they were juggling guns yeah you can see Cam's flying up in here I don't think they were amazing I went down to all that stuff yeah so it must have been it must be into juggling and obviously trying to earn a few awkward but yeah oh that's great where do you come from We're from England from UK we live in Leeds so it's near Manchester no we're just visiting to do all the tour so I've I've been to New York then I went to LA and then I flown to Vegas and then we fly home later on today uh but yeah we've had a we had a good time been here about two and a half weeks between all three so yeah it's been fun but it's expensive in Vegas isn't it it's not it's not no it is New York it's very expensive yeah that's it I don't like going on these gambling machines to take all my money off me I've only put ten dollars and I lost it I thought I could have bought a kebab with that gun yeah what about that is it not okay because it's 99 usual it's 120. is it yeah today is really good oh it's okay I'll tell you we're out all the day and I'll walk in an hour with my table and chair to this take you in it when that hot I thought I was melting don't get my face nearly fell off lost a chin look at this massive flower how he does it come next time oh I don't know I don't know we uh so this is his first like sort of big tour out of the UK we've been to Dublin uh if you come again yeah and then we can perform for you guys oh that'll be good that'd be good see should you just perform in Vegas do you not go anywhere else in the world or in America yeah but now after Corona virus we didn't do it because oh Our God bankrupt right so so yeah you don't have any angel right yeah yeah we're training and right for you guys yeah yeah next time well I've got your Instagram how many we're going home today we're flying back here with yeah I know we've been we've been here six days and this is our last day so we've just checked out of this hotel uh we've left as long as they were picking as luggage we fly we've got to be at airport for five o'clock so yeah my knife would come again I'll definitely get in touch with you then I mean I don't know if you'll be able to teach me any juggling or back flipping but uh yeah when we get out can you do a bit followers when we get out of it yeah you can flip oh but it was going to flip with my good at it yeah there you go uh oh the only flipping I do is when I'm shouting at my kids because they're not cleaning their homes or flipping burgers I like flipping burgers on barbecue chicken woof ribs see I'm getting home it all comes to filled with me doesn't it all about the food about the food big bubble I'll tell you one thing I've been trying to get while I've been here and I've not been able and I I see it on on TV programs all the time squirty cheese no cheese in a camp have you seen it anywhere where can you get that from we ever seen some cheese in a game that you squirt yeah cheese and it's in a can and you squirt have you ever seen it no but usually because they have a whole food right yeah right oh I'll have to have a look just invited us just saying if we're there again we can come with it to an Ethiopian restaurant that'd be good yeah yeah we'll keep in contact on Instagram and like I say I like juggling yeah yeah I don't like juggling I'm not that good at Googling I can juggle burgers cameraman oh my God I thought you might be able to take care because we're running out of dollar here it's it's five dollars for a bottle of water Aquafina and you know what I found as well out in in the LA no we are and Vegas the water is either the same price as as is it proper or more ridiculous charge more for water like back home we took it for granted that you can go and you can get a bottle of water for 40p from some places get even cheaper somewhere I'll just bang it straight I'll let down over there looks like five six dollars fought for a a bottle of the clay stuff so a bit of taste it see what it's like there you go hey oh Nigel mansells aren't cool you're all right love it I like a bit of that I don't want a pasta yeah well hey what the hell with hair look at what I love oh just about to drink the water it nearly ended up in my face I'm getting cold off I don't need to go to hospital is this so the Texas barbecue that does a big platters inside a hospital how's that yeah it's around there I can see look at this Dignity Health rehabilitation hospital so you can go and have your ribs and get yourself checked out oh yeah yeah I think it's round here isn't it cool there you go oh there you go big bees Texas barbecue that's the place oh yeah this is it this is it thank you very much all right we'll jump out are you going to give us a backflip then yeah come on right guys we're here just talk dress off let's just go do a backflip oh there you go look she's already York circused up aren't you yeah all right you're only small aren't you whoa look at this whoa whoa look at this of course I can here we go circus skills wow check it out guys there you go if you're in Vegas right I better get my table a chair out with you I'll give you all them thank you very much yep does it open up cause I've got my table and chair in here when you open thank you very much that's it lovely thank you very much love take care see you later oh there you go guys what a lovely lady right so over here big beast Texas barbecue let's go and check it out see what's happening come on over on the show it's magic you know that's all circus performers Uber driver oh right oh I'm just gonna have a braver guys should have got it on here yeah because this is like a circus table all right we have a brave up about with you in a second that's out of 10 guys because although she got all that can did a backflip Pull It in Edge Let's get in here big B's Barbecue let's see what's going on oh my God that smells proper oh look at this place here guys oh my god oh all right oh this smells nice in here guys whoa hi your love I'm very well thank you oh thank you it smells lovely in here yeah yeah it does it as soon as you walk in it gets you doesn't it yeah oh my God so I've been recommended to come down what what do you reckon there what's messed up menu oh a creamy plate that way you have a really of the mix you can get three meats over there in with two sides okay and you can you kind of meat it's going to be a smoke with wood everything going have the smoke flavor and the barbecue sauce is on the side okay right so it's a three meat platter yeah I'll have one of them then please um what should I get the sides yeah right so what meats have we got so we've got what do you recommend brisket yeah okay you like the baby back ribs so be ready both so whichever what do you think yep I love that one [Music] what do you reckon the orange juice yeah go for that then can I have please oh cut this can I try the mac and cheese and I'm gonna have to try the barbecue beans as well yeah I suggest you just use on one of the hard links that way you have four Meats in total oh yep go for that one okay and you like the spice with the jalapeno and cheese I love the regular please you like any little desserts what is this apple pie apple pie apple pie does it come with anything else or is it just a slice yep I'll have a slice of that please I'll have a water please okay yourself we have a fun time machine you can choose anything you like oh thank you okay yeah no problem thank you so do that there you go thank you right okay lovely so what I'm gonna do I'm gonna set a table up outside if that's okay okay yeah are you able to bring it out yeah for you thank you very much yes please look at that it's a big drink yes that's your thing too oh look cameraman thank you very much there Cameron you've got yourself a drink okay I'm gonna go get it set up thank you thank you very much hey let's go get you a drink that's a nice lady in it all right here you go look fountains what's this oh it's slipping on here shangriola iced tea drinks all right what do you want cameraman can I vote you want me coke coke ice ice baby nice go for the cameraman I've got to go water today maybe I'll tell what's Fizzy Pop nope yeah so I again this is I think that's it that's all you're getting right it's one of those places where I wish so much that there was smell-o-vision it just smells out of this world it really does so I'd rather get in the old Cutlery a lot there we go right cameraman I'm gonna hand that to you because I can't carry to all drinks and my table and chair right let's head on outside and get ready for this all right the smell is amazing I've never smoked all that they said you're okay when I beat a barbecue place it's about being sat Atomic Garden there we go see his mouth I kill all right cameraman oh hey a big big cup of water there's a table for you to put you if you're thinking I'm gonna go here like this been a shade and then we've got nice button up there look at mountains it's like me when I'm laying down I can't let this offer anymore I don't watch TV I've got a big belly where that's what kids say Dad what you're doing while you're laying on your side all the time can't love me about now kids right oh look at that big big bees Texas Parliament side hey like this Phil yeah he liked coming here [Music] foreign [Music] chair test here we go oh within we're in right drink of water hey up here we go look at this oh lovely wow oh my God what's them that was coming with Butters Connie we have the brisket over there the baby back ribs food pork and honey right and we have a spicy barbecue well this smells absolutely amazing yeah you like it and if you've got me apple pie yeah yeah that's brilliant thank you wow that's all I can say is wow that is what I call barbecue food now if I go to somebody's barbecue and I got serve this I will be happy it's cost me forty dollars this guys 42 with me a little bit of a tip underwater I've got apple pie coming just looking at it straight away I can see there's 40 worth of meat here without a shadow of a doubt so let's get cracking do you know what I'm gonna do I'm gonna try the size first these are like little corn kicks oh yeah I can't eat them [Laughter] well let's wait gone yeah so it's a staple diet but Devil's full but I ain't having that not a chance right mac and cheese look at this water pot of mac and cheese oh here we go look at this apples oh that looks a piece of me that thank you very much thank you thank you thank you very much look at this this mac and cheese oh now it's seasoned straight away you can see it's seasoned a lot of mac and cheese just get the cheesy sauce and the macaroni and that's about it they tend not to do much more with it but this oh my God oh soft cheesy warm creamy seasoned Mac and cheesy oh look how good I am I love barbecue someday there is a barbecue and that's made um right beans so it's a mixture the beans look so there's peppers in there as well or chillers or something we've got beans they've got kidney beans oh my God oh get stuck back and for all that oh my God they are the best tasting beans I've ever had in my life oh yeah I can't believe I'm so giddy over beans we're off to Texas man would have detect us right I'm leaving that bad boy till last let's try oh look at this pulled pork so it's a nice plot of this look at that loads of it big dollop of pulled pork oh God Smoky data smokey there's me doubles there dreams dreams dreams dreams oh my God I'm getting some of this in here let's mix it up guys well now I do all these reviews and it's my opinion I'm only halfway through all this and this is just phenomenal and to think we're coming towards end of his jaw and we were ominous about coming to all this place did we have time and I'm so glad we made time so this is oh my God right crack end off oh you can see the seasoning in that already what oh what about wow it's got very thin spice to it look the texture look at that of the sausage it's a bit like salami but that guys I'll tell you something beans and sausage what's this on it I'm just gonna try a bit of this bull pocket honey dip it in oh so it's one of those places where you can communics while you get out of this takeaway get home and chill out in your garden oh my God right ribs can't even pick it up without falling off man look at that proper smoked ribs dip it means no body about ribs oh my God now this is what oh my God guys this is what I'm talking about the Bone's just falling off oh that made it looks like it's dry but let me tell you it's not that is gorgeous right what we got here I want more vinegar try a couple of these and see what this is where barbecue also all sort of funny get me a little ready oh so that one was like a vinegar attached to it that's really nice all right it's lovely let's try this oh so that rib a smoked to perfection it's got a rope you know go away it's got I'm absolutely right out here it's got a rub on it barbecue seasoning rum and it's absolutely gorgeous let me just turn it over cameraman look you've still got like the for a little bit of ribbon look at that big meter look out into there I'm only just a little tug just giving it a little tug tug in it and it's done watch oh look let's just pull them all out let's just get it all up give it a good tug and it's off bang check that look at all that meat you've got there that's amazing it come on right I'm gonna Wet My Whistle this is what is famous for the brisket oh I can't remember we're having some food today mate we are having this it was all right so you've got slices of brisket here look at that proper property oh my God oh again that it just it just pulls apart guys do you know what I thought Vegas was expensive and I thought I couldn't live out here well look come in here and having quality beef quality fold like that that is just cooked how brisket should be oh my God it's full of flavor within the whole thing you can taste it authentic smoke when you're using the smoker the beans the mac and cheese just complements it really well the whole dish there nope I'm just gonna see if I can work out so 23 my God so 27 dollars 80 cents is that that's amazing in it cameraman and the next question come on yo it's costing me five dollars for pie a few dollars for a drink brings up to 40 dollars that's it but that's probably the best value of food we've got all right let's try this my my apple pie let me show you this here look so A beautiful crust bits of Apple apparently that's a caramel sauce but oh yes it's cinnamon you're not having them you can try some of this but if this tastes as good as it smells I love apple pie come on mate fires are all over it they're like yeah I want some brisket made I love cinnamon and Apple wrap the top off so it's got a nice pastry top or oh my God all I'm going to say is this the apple pie they made the platter sticker fork in me because I am done [Laughter] Vegas you blow me away with this sure guys let me have a bit more of apple pie let's go through it right guys oh let's go for a whip so we've got this big platter here sweet cornbread which I can't have that because it's devil's food you know what I mean it looks good but there's no way I am touching that that's going nowhere near my mouth mac and cheese absolutely gorgeous full of seasoning cheesy really really tasty soft absolutely gorgeous just slithers down your throat these beans they just blew me away if I'm honest with you I could eat these beans all day long dipping all this meat in it and that is me I am happy you know I'm like a pig in this day this is this is this is home this is home for me then I moved on to pull pork absolutely gorgeous bumps of pulled pork beautiful Smoky flavor to it beautiful texture absolutely gorgeous all right then the sausage the sausage is it's got a nice texture to it it's quite firm it's full of seasoning it's got a light spice to it absolutely gorgeous the ribs Blown Away with these look look I'm trying to pick it up to show you and it just Falls to bits Falls to bits I have to dip that bit in my beans now haha the brisket next level beautiful three Lobster brisket I've eaten one and one eating one cooked to perfection it's soft it's not chewy you can taste the smokiness going for it just like they can your ribs for the amount of money I prayed for that that meal is worth every penny every cent then we've moved on to A Slice of Heaven pie now we all know obviously back at you okay but we watch TV and but a lot of pie but Americans are famous for a slice of pie this is a Texas barbecue place if this is anything near what they're serving up in Texas with this meat and this pie my God I can't wait to get to Texas someday so if you've been here to big bees Texas barbecue with Vegas let me know what you think if you've not been and you're in Vegas or you're coming to Vegas and you want some quality food at a good price get yourself here sit in get a takeaway I don't care which just get it tried because this is right up my street it's blow me away it's a solid 10 without a shadow of a doubt and it is the best meal I've had on this trip I am so excited about this the flavors are buzzing around my mouth it's like I've met my taste buds feel like a a pinball machine didn't barbecue beans mac and cheese ribs pulled pork beef bit of apple pie and cinnamon let's go big beast Texas barbecue number one on American tour solid Tim from me I'll see you next time I don't know what to crack on with bit of sausage bit of this oh yes Dippity beans come on
Channel: Rate My Takeaway
Views: 932,200
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: g1UTGDznals
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Length: 30min 11sec (1811 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 02 2022
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