This Hyper Base Launchbox Emulation Hard Drive Is Only $40!

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all right in today's video we're going to be  reviewing and checking out the hyperbase launchbox   light this is a 500 gbyte emulation hard drive  with all the games pre-loaded uh boast over 3700   games I've tested a lot of these hard drives some  are great some are absolutely garbage you can find   this sort of thing on AliExpress or Amazon or Ebay  or just all over the place I'll put product links   down the video description box below but if you  want to win your very own stay tuned to the end   of the video and I'll tell you how and I'll give  this one away high hopes for this uh typically the   hyper based team has typically done a good job  of uh putting out a solid product so we'll go   ahead and plug this into my emulation PC and see  what kind of performance we can get shall [Music] we so when you first plug in the drive you'll  see a couple folders a video file as well as your   user manual document uh the install first folder  this is basically your your direct X as well as   your Microsoft redistributable files if you don't  feel comfortable downloading these or installing   these files off of this hard drive for whatever  reason you can actually Google and download these   for free they're out there on the internet very  easy to find um open launch boox this is going to   be your you know launching file you're just  basically going to open bigbox or launchbox doextra plugged into my computer it's  defaulted to D drive here but it'll be   completely different depending on everybody  else's setup for whatever reason whoever set   up this hard drive um they did a little bit  of an oversight if you ask me and you have   to manually go in there and change this letter  to in from whatever it defaults otherwise your   PlayStation games won't work all the other  files work just fine without having to change   the drive letter but for whatever reason you  got to change it to n to get it to work so   I'll show you how to do that really quickly um  basically you're just going to go to this PC   you're going to right click go to manage it's  going to pop this open you're going to go Disk Management you're going to find the drive itself  so here we have launchbox light D drive I'm going   to WR click it change the drive letter I'm going  to change sign to drive letter and like I said   we're going to go with in because that is what  it is instructed in the video and then bada bing   we are done we've also got our user manual I've  got it opened up ahead of time basically all it   does is tell you that yeah it's plug andplay but  you're going to have a better experience if you   have a more beefier setup since this is primarily  newer console systems um they recommend having a   graphics card of a GTX 1660 RX 6500 or above  and at least 16 GB of RAM all right and here   we have the launchbox user interface very easy  to navigate very straightforward if You' never   been familiarized with it it's very cut and dry  we have all our systems listed over here on the   left hand side we have the all category showing  all the games so you can just go ahead and select   one here we have you know the games you click  on it and get a little brief information over   there on the right hand side um about when the  game was released What type of game it is and   you know screenshots and you double click it to  go ahead and just launch the game I'll go ahead   and put a game list file down in the video  description box below that way you can see   all the games are included on this drive and  since this is a hard drive if there's not a   game on there that you wish there was it's very  easy just to download the ROM somewhere on the   internet and install it onto the drive yourself  that's very simple to do it's basically just drag   and dropping the file in the appropriate folder  but lots of great games uh one Omission on here   that immediately sticks out to me is there's  no arcade games this is predominantly just   your consoles your home consoles so we got your  Nintendo systems you got your Sega systems and   you got PlayStation um and that's pretty much it  not a whole lot of games on the newer systems but   like I said I'll have the complete Game listing  filed down below so you can scroll through and   uh find out if some of your favorite games are  included on this drive but without further Ado   go ahead and hook up the capture card and I'm  going to record some gameplay footage in 1080P   60 frames per second that way you can judge  the emulation for yourself so if you hear any   stuttering sputtering or audio issues or you see  any kind of gameplay frame droppage you'll know   exactly how decent how good the emulation  is going to be for you and this hard drive [Music] checkpoint [Music] you [Music] wonderful forgive me for me you I will show you  the greatest nightmare battle two [Music] [Music] fight [Music] the chance to be opportunity he h KO [Music] o h 30 I need 15 I [Music] hear [Applause] he 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launchbox per emulator if you  wish you can do that piece of cake but as far   as not having a lot of bloat Weare or unnecessary  files on this it's pretty straightforward like I   said I do wish it had arcade games but other  than that it is a very nice um you know just   concise listing um and again like I said if  it's missing a game that you wish was on here   it's a hard drive you just grab the game file that  you're missing drop it in there and you're good to   go uh one thing I will call out though is I did  find some adult content if you will out there so   I'll show you a case and point of this um here in  the Sega Genesis you know you're going through Oh   Captain America Castlevania Bloodlines then you  got this mang Club game which is clearly um for   adult audiences only so uh just keep that in mind  there are some of those games on here um and if   you're you know wishing to hand this off to a  child you definitely want to call through and   uh get some of those out of the um eyes of the  children but other than that it's a pretty good   product and uh if you're interested in picking  one up I'll go ahead and put product link down   the video description box below and like I  said I will be giving this away so if you   enjoyed the content make sure you hit that like  button share this video with your friends if you   found the information helpful and as always  thanks for watching guys really means a lot!
Channel: COOLTOY
Views: 8,036
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hyper base launchbox, launchbox emulation hard drive, hyperbase launchbox, hyper base hard drive, hyper base 500gb, cooltoy, launchbox, emulation hard drive, launchbox emulation hardware, best emulation hard drive, hyper base mix, jmachen hyper base, hyper base review, hard drive emulator, cheap emulation hard drive, emulation console, hyperbase lbox lite, hyperbase lbox game hard drive, emulation, retro gaming hard drive, jmachen 2tb hard drive, retro gaming, Video games
Id: oga9ojN84uw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 58sec (718 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 14 2023
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