Hyper Base Mix 5TB Emulation Hard Drive - Over 60,000 Games!

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[Music] foreign today on the channel we're going to be taking a look at this latest hard drive retro emulation device from J mocking comes in this hard shell carrying case which a lot of times a lot of these things are now pretty much all standard here is the hard drive itself five terabytes claiming over 60 000 games including hundreds of AAA titles USB 3.0 enabled a couple controllers inside these are actually a little bit different than what I'm used to I'm used to standard knockoff PlayStation 2 controllers but these actually feel a little bit better Aesthetics pretty ugly that red white and blue just looks really goofy to me but buttons feel nice triggers analog six very nice pre-lengthy USB cable and we have a black one this one looks much better in my opinion turbo and clear buttons in the front select and start Rumble functionality so nice improved controllers here and that is it like I said just pretty standard run the mill stuff but the hard drive is the bread and butter of this uh package like I said over 60 000 games included has different emulation systems uh front ends so it's got retro bat emulation station launch box and play night so we'll check out all three of those different front ends and see what the emulation is like obviously the emulation on this is only going to be as good as what you plug it into so if you're trying to plug this into like a Windows 95 PC obviously the gaming is going to be pretty terrible experience for you but if you've got a newer computer that's been made in the last couple years this ought to be good enough to connect and play any of your old school favorite retro video games so let's go ahead and check it out all right so you have the drive plugged into your PC obviously you're going to go ahead and navigate and find the actual hard drive location double click on it you'll see a couple of executable applications but first I recommend going to this readme document and it says for operating systems Windows 8 10 and 11 then it shows device specifications now this is actually a snapshot of whatever they were using to put this readme instruction together this isn't necessarily minimum requirements but I will say you can get away with less requirements that is what is shown on the screen to run a lot of the emulators and retro video games on this however for the more advanced systems PlayStation 2 and above and these newer PlayStation 3 and PC games that are on this hard drive you're definitely going to want something that is close to these device specifications and I'll go ahead and put timestamps down in the video description box below that way you can fast forward and check out any of the games you want to see emulated and or the applications like launchbox simulation station or Play Nights front ends so they've got this broken down into three different executable applications each one of them has its own pros and cons but we'll go ahead and start with emulation station this is what most people are going to be the most familiar with click it open and here we have the emulation station front end as you can see over to the left it says 54 055 games in total that's every game that is on here on the right hand side you get your various arcade systems and your categories so arcade favorites light gun games never played and as you can see over there on the left hand side it'll show you how many games is in each subcategory even has achievements that's neat arcade vertical games your CPS systems it's even got it broke down by different manufacturers and Publishers which is nice lots of different categories so if you just want beat em ups board games casinos you'd see they've really really got this broken down into each very minute category not just your basic PlayStation one PlayStation 2 that type of thing no they've got each kind of category for your genres as well as your system so you get into the systems now arcade games shows only 11 but that's because the majority of them are under this main folder and I got your Atari systems even you know Jaguar which is impressive 67 games under Jaguar what else we got as you can see we got some nice animations for everything your entire Nintendo systems are going to have everything in the catalog Virtual Boy you Nintendo 64 disk drive that's a rare one you don't see a whole lot of that I got Nintendo DS you got Nintendo 3DS get your more advanced arcade stuff so a Thomas wave Sega M2 which is nice Sega model 3 one of my personal favorites Naomi so yeah very easy to navigate even has a broke down by two player games four player games so a lot of games on here so we'll go ahead and get some emulation going see how this works the next checkpoint absolutely [Music] [Music] number one some extraordinary shots fired what a trip interception [Music] down foreign [Music] foreign [Music] check out launchbox this should be a much more advanced games so the newer stuff like PlayStation 2 and above and sure enough yeah so one thing I noticed on the emulation station it was missing Nintendo 64 and I thought that was odd well here it is here's all your Nintendo 64 games your Nintendo Entertainment System not really sure why it's on there your GameCube games and it's pretty much the entire catalog the best of my knowledge anyway at least uh the major major titles it's alphabetized you get your Dreamcast Sega Saturn PlayStation one two and PSP and Super Nintendo so any of the systems you were wondering like hey why isn't this on emulation station well it's because it's on this nice launch box so let's go ahead and check out some of these games scroll through real quick and my God there is a bunch of them look at that like I said alphabetized you name it one of your favorite games one of these systems you better believe it's going to be on here so enough enough scrolling let's go ahead and play some of these check out how it works that was huge giant meat the warrior going up uh bringing up the big guns early wow don't rule up press slam [Music] [Music] hey [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] hands off to Hill it's just a stack house from the ark [Applause] kills it is [Music] [Music] [Music] okay [Music] oh yeah [Music] and finally we'll open up the last one play night now I believe this is going to be the newest games yeah computer games got all sorts of stuff a very similar format to launch box and big box very easy to distinguish what the games are uh wow we got some very new games on here uh this is impressive and scary at the same time but uh you just go ahead and find whatever game you want to play and double click it you should be good let's see what kind of options we have statistics different view settings there we go get a little bit information what kind of game but we'll just go with the traditional one this one looks the best quite impressive how many games they got on here so let's go ahead and check some out huh [Applause] viral spikes [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] when it comes to your old school retro video games this will play pretty much all those retro home game consoles without issues it's when you start getting into the PlayStation 3 PlayStation 4 and those newer PC games that you really want to make sure that you've got an up-to-date PC really specked out that way you can have the best performance and capabilities while trying to play these games at the end of the day this five terabyte hard drive packs a powerful punch I mean this is your One-Stop shop for all things retro video games assuming you've got a computer powerful enough to play all these games this is you know your dream come true because it does all the legwork for you finds all the ROMs has all the emulators all set up great user interfaces multiple options so if you don't like one you can go use a different one launchbox is personally my favorite on here so that is the way I would personally go but you know you can also check out the play night in the Retro bat in the emulation station and change the multiple themes you can do all sorts of great things like you normally could you can save your video games you can load your video games you can change aspect ratio add bezels you name it you can do that in these front ends so very awesome very impressed with this but there were some quirks namely when I was trying to test the Nintendo 3DS games could not get those to work it just kept crashing some of the more advanced main games so things like Killer Instinct NFL Blitz the files are actually on there which is great but they failed to add the CHD files so those games won't play without adding those CHD files yourself it's very simple just drag and drop it into the ROM folder however that is a quirky thing that I did feel is worth noting so if you're trying to get Killer Instinct NFL Blitz a lot of those Midway Atari games to play make sure you remember to manually add the CHD files yourself but other than that overall it was a pretty good experience and I can say this is a highly recommended product if you're interested to pick one up go ahead and put a product Link in the video description box below and that does it for this video review hope you enjoyed the content if you did make sure the like button share this video with your friends if you found the information helpful and as always thanks for watching guys it really means a lot [Music]
Channel: COOLTOY
Views: 98,994
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hyper base hard drive, hyper base emulation hard drive, hard drive emulator, jmachen hyper base, emulation hard drive, retro gaming hard drive, best emulation hard drive 2022, best emulation hard drive, jmachen hard drive, cooltoy, playnite emulators, jmachen video games console, super console x cube, Super console x stick, super console x pro review, emulation console 2022, Emulation console, Super console x max, Super console x king, Super console x pro, retro gaming
Id: sJ83XL1-aYM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 50sec (890 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 13 2023
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