5TB Gaming Hard Drive on Amazon Has Every Game Ever

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so somebody sent me a blank undisclosed hard drive and what did I do what anybody would do plug it in your computer obviously no uh they sent me an email first this company had said they have this gaming hard drive um you know my understanding is very much like in this kin Hank these these people making these drives or similar company and you could buy this on Amazon and it is a fully loaded five terabyte hard drive with not only every system from Atari up to GameCube but it also has PC games on it as well as you saw earlier in the earlier video so it's quite extensive um and a lot of the games worked out of the box with the Xbox 360 controller they even sell it with a controller so I'm just gonna do what I do which is check it out you know it's definitely you as you're seeing this video it's not the best option out there but for something you can buy on Amazon it's kind of intriguing you can see just the GameCube collection alone here but uh what we'll do is we'll check out the game collections on the three different operating systems yes three as retro launchbox and play night and we'll check out all three of the themes the games let's go let's do it see the external hard drive enclosure you know so they're just buying these external hard drive enclosures throwing in a hard drive inside and loading it with ROMs a five terabyte that's actually pretty big Barracuda Drive all right here we go we have our um arcade vertical games these are games that you can play uh vertically shoot them up things like that you have uh 629 of those 3DO you got 138 amstrad CPC almost 3 000 gx4025 Apple 2 470 Apple 2 GS 148 arcade only 11. this is not the right arcade this is the arcade right here maim so this is going to be your all your arcade games uh you can absolutely Jump Around Pages things like that but uh they're probably going to have 18 plus games in there you know mature games in there duplicates things like that light gun games there's a ton a ton of arcade dump they're probably also not going to necessarily be optimized either but you know there's a lot of arcade games Atari 2600 to 600 Atari 800 2700 almost 5200 so pretty much all the games so 95 854 here 7865 Atari Lynx 82 and you even have Jaguar here you go in and you have all your games here this is cool and fun to see I've always liked 3DO Jaguar Sega Saturn um and then not on this build but later we'll get into um the um GameCube and I like those I mean obviously Nintendo 64 is awesome but like you can find builds with those all the time kind of the ones that a lot of people skip over are the 3DO the um it's like a Saturn and then the GameCube GameCube because they're being so big uh some other systems too like a Thomas wave Naomi you don't see all the time but more and more common Wonder Swan 114 Wonder Swan color 91 CPS one two and three system all the games there you know those are gonna be your street fighters stuff like that arcade games Coley Co 146 Commodore 64. 6500 games Jesus Commodore Amiga 500 2600 Mega CD 144 Commodore cdtv 35 Odyssey 2 113 and television 149 vetrix 46 Sam Coop uh that is uh 31. uh Coupe or Coop all right MS-DOS three and they're all the shareware games here um I'm not clicking into every single game I mean there's just so many here and especially for these smaller systems it's really easy to get a ROM really easily PC engine 296 heater on 155 so it's gonna have a lot of your games on here anyways super Graphics 5 pcfx 50 gamingwatch 59 Nintendo so 1800 games a ton of games and yes it will have your Super Mario all that stuff these companies don't care about Nintendo they just throw everything on here no matter what family computer disk system 209 Game Boy 1175 Super Nintendo 760 and again it's going to have all of them already checked it has Super Mario All-Star it has Super Mario RPG it has Super Mario car all that stuff is on there so Tel Aviv 123 Virtual Boy 33 Game Boy Color yeah it has Marios it has the Donkey Kongs it has the Pokemons they're all going to be there Nintendo 64 DD got six games here if you're wondering here what we're looking at on this screen work in progress these theme that they have here they have a bunch of different pre-installed themes they're not all set up for the amount of systems that are on here that's kind of a lame about this thing but that's what you get Game Boy Advance 1800 pretty much all of them look at that even when you click in you'll see all the two-in-one games so lots of duplicates because of the two in one and the video games excuse me when I say video games I mean games that were literally videos right they're movies movie games Pokemon mini 43 Nintendo DS 3800 and again Nintendo GS dsgs there's so many bad games for this system like the two in ones all those dog games trivia games just a lot of Just Junk in there but they're still gonna have your Mario your Mario Karts stuff like that Nintendo 3DS 21 Super NES MSU these uh have a enhanced music I highly recommend checking them out a lot of your favorite games open board beats rage 280 games there Thomas wave 26 games and it's gonna run great on a computer if you have a decent computer SG 100099 second Masters and 442 Mega Drive so all your Game Gear 406 Mega CD so this is your Japanese Mega CD Sega model 2. I just want to jump down to that they do have um Sega 32x and I thought I saw another Sega CD somewhere okay never mind that's your Sega CD I thought I saw something else what did I see that's confusing me I don't know okay uh so this is gonna be your Sega CD and then you have Sega model two so this is gonna be your house the Dead uh I think time what is the correct what virtual cop one and two so good light gun games on here as well and uh Sega 32x 37 pretty much all of them model three there's some cool games on here uh these were really fun arcade games and those are all set up for you like the Lost World Jurassic Park fun light gun game right there Naomi 109 games and remember there's a whole separate Dreamcast section too that we covered in the video as well sharp 68 847 Sinclair zx81 70 ZX Spectrum 5 000 Neo Geo 151 that's pretty much all the Neo Geo games Neo Geo cd-104 it's pretty much all those Neo geopock and Neo Geo Pocket color supervision and then you have some collections here as well uh if you want uh to get rid of some of these collections you can hit start on your controller go over to uh game collection settings oh game collection settings you can change what um you know what systems you want displayed you can turn some Systems off you're not actually deleting the ROMs or the systems you're just not showing them in in the display here and so this is fun you could change the game settings the ROM settings the you know filters things like that uh retro bat is great for those reasons let's not give credit to this company though they're not the ones doing it a lot of the the heavy lifting here was in retro Arch and in the uh you know in the actual front end here retro bat and emulation station all right so I started the video out talking about emulation station and the games there and now you're looking at the GameCube list here and uh later in the video actually you'll see that the GameCube section is you know close to a terabyte the PlayStation 2 collection is like a terabyte anyways for some reason they have Launch Box um running the more advanced systems like the 2000s and older systems the PlayStation 2 the PSP and it was while I'm talking here we're going to go through all these these games so keep an eye on the screen if you want to see what games are included but I just want to talk a little bit about the setup of the system now um this so in launchbox you can either run regular launch box which is free or you can then buy a license the license is not too expensive I highly recommend it um it does not come with a free license which I'm happy to see that like you should totally support launchbox but I moved over my launchbox license and then I was able to access big box you're able to download like additional themes there's lots of features that are unlocked for you if you're wondering what the hell is launch box it's the screen you're looking at right now it organizes all the games and uh does all the settings and such and um big box uh there's a there's a uh the way emulation station what we were looking at earlier it looks more like that right it's a more full screen full immersed experience I like this though the way we're looking at these games now though because you're able to see so many more games in a in a single shot so you're able to see the game list uh better now um so there's the GameCube uh great great great collection I think now we're in Nintendo and so Nintendo's one of those systems where they added it to both emulation station now you can absolutely Guide launchbox to the ROM folders in emulation station and then populate this whole Launch Box build with all the games um that's absolutely possible and then vice versa you can get emulation station to run all these games that we're looking at right now like Nintendo 64 Etc it's kind of weird that they have a half and half but that should be weird should be an ongoing um theme for this particular build and that's exactly what you're buying in this thing I'm going to talk about it at the end but you know you're going to get a lot of duplicates you're gonna get ROMs from all over the world and they're not going to be sorted correctly you might get settings that are incorrectly done you're going to have to remap your controller occasionally you're gonna have to mess with some settings so it's not perfect but I do want to also to say that I understand that the people that are interested in something like this don't want to go to the hassle especially as Nintendo's shut down a lot of ROM sites and stuff they don't want to go through the household of you know finding a good website and where to get stuff and download it and unraw it and put it with the right core and download the right core you know most people watching this if you're still watching it you're a fan of emulation and you know this but um there's gonna be a there's quite a big market for I mean case in point Nintendo minis right SNES mini NES Mini people love the Plug and Play One You could argue that they like the Collectibles as well but um they love Plug and Play now uh I'm just chatting as we go through the games list here PlayStation is also another system there's a ton of games for us so it's kind of nice to have but as you see here there's artwork missing it doesn't have all the artwork you know you would think that for the price they're charging for this hard drive that they would do all that but unfortunately not um and so you'll notice also I want to bring up the fact that there's a third operating system here or or front end so you have emulation station retro bat and then you're going to have this launch box and then they have the newer games like cuphead and crisis and stuff like that and that actually runs on um something called play night and uh that's another front end so there's three applications on this build that'll all run different games so here you go you got PlayStation 3. and uh yeah you can play light gun games and Guitar Hero games on PlayStation 3 you could technically hook up a Guitar via USB or something like that and set it up through the emulator and same with a light gun it is it is possible easy no possible yes um not super hard but not super easy either um so as I'm scrolling through these games uh shout out to quad damage he helped me record this video and uh you have a bunch of PSP look at that PSP you've got a mixture of minis in with actual games it doesn't look that great but there's a lot of games here there's a lot of nice looking games I think we look at the actual megabytes later there's like almost 600 megabytes or more of games here Need for Speed it's lots of fun the um and uh yeah it's it's you know it's a nice it's a nice set here not as many um images missing on this one um if you want if I admit if you really like you know I didn't get a game for you I know that the person who sent me this sent me another YouTube video with a bunch of the game lists so the game lists are out there if you need to look for a specific game um Super Nintendo this is gonna be the same games that were on the emulation State or the Retro bat build uh as well all right and then last but not least these are this is play night these are the PC games that would be included um you can access them in the folder called play night on the hard drive you double click it it loads up this and I did test one of the games and it did work so pretty wild that they also have this included as well I like this theme I don't like this page on the theme but once you're in the games it's not bad once you're in this game list here it's not bad but you can move you can move systems this way too if you want this one's nice so I did want to show you that wow they really did fill this thing up 4.5 terabytes worth of games and if you're like me and the first thing you click is emulation station thinking that everything's going to be on there you would be mistaken um they give you a little bit of instructions here about what you need to install first make sure you're on a 64-bit operating system and then uh make sure you open up retro bat this way as a non-admin account now mine booted right up you know because I've done builds like this before but something you need to know just right off the bat is that there's launchbox and emulation station and launch box when you load it has gonna have your PlayStation 2 your PlayStation all your newer games 2000s and newer launchbox gonna be running those where emulation station is going to be running all your 1980s 1990s games so it's unfortunate that it's on two different platforms um imagine has to do with the emulator cores even though you should be able to do it the other way around but here you got initial C4 you got Nintendo uh regular Nintendo it looks like and then you have a second dream cache PS1 PS2 PSP and we're gonna go through those later in this video all right there you go there's all your games here even as techno parrot no no techno parrot they're just pre-populated so you got some of your ROMs stored here in the launch box you got Dreamcast GameCube now the GameCube is amazing I mean if anyone's gonna buy this hard drive it's right here for this I mean that's quite a download that's 700 almost 700 gigs worth of GameCube same with the PlayStation 2's got to be pretty uh big one terabyte of PS2 games let's look at all those boom a lot of games um so back to ROMs here same with PSP this has got to be big here as well 200 gigs PlayStation second Saturn 250 gigs um Dreamcast has got to be pretty big as well at 220 gigs okay so you got the launch box ROMs and you got retro bat ROMs and then you're gonna have all your other systems you do have a Thomas wave you have some nice arcade games um pretty big sets here and a good Naomi set there as well so for that alone four terabytes is pretty uh pretty impressive all right so there you have it this thing is loaded and it works and it says what it was going to deliver I have to give it credit for that now the downsides are pretty obvious right a lot of duplicates a lot of just a lot of bloating you know a lot of things that aren't quite set up it's not super polished that being said is it are you just getting ripped off are they not delivering you anything no I wouldn't say so I'd say you're getting quite a few things as far as actual Hardware you're getting remember you're just getting that hard drive you know go look up what a five terabyte hard drive is and then you can see the difference but um I understand a lot of people have slow download speeds so imagine like how much bandwidth you're selling especially if like you have a brought your Broadband provider charges you overage if you go over a certain data cap um so you know there's value in everything um it's not the best but it's also not awful bad so you know you make up your own mind I was hoping to just showcase the whole entire thing so you can see what kind of emulation station retro bad experience what kind of Launch Box experience and then what kind of play night experience and uh everything else I obviously did not have enough time to test all the games so they're you'll probably find some more things that are broken or aren't working but you also saw that the majority of the stuff was there you know the majority so that's what I think when you all think don't forget to like And subscribe and we'll catch you on the next one
Channel: DrewTalks
Views: 1,136,414
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: drewtalks, jmachen retrobat drive, jmachen 2tb retrobat drive, retrobat add games, retrobat hard drive, retro bat, ps2 retrobat, kinhank hyperspin hard drive, emulation device on amazon, nintendo clone amazon, sega clone amazon, retro gaming, emulation, emulation station, emulationstation, psp, nintendo gamecube, 5TB Gaming Hard Drive on Amazon Has Every Game Ever?
Id: MC3lnlBD72o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 32sec (1052 seconds)
Published: Mon May 22 2023
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