THIS HOME RUN SAVED THE SEASON! MLB The Show 21 | Road To The Show Gameplay #25

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all right what up people welcome back to the channel hop right back into some more road to the show also shout out to my dog it has to stay in my office for the next few days so if you see a puppy running around that's why okay but anyways i played so much road to the show last night i played for probably an hour okay straight up just playing every single game trying to get my guy as good as humanly possible and he's looking pretty good right now okay i know we're still only a 62 overall but if you look at my ball player and then you go to uh loadout and then if you go to his archetype program boom right here we are so close to unlocking the silver archetype which will make my guys so much better all we need is a few more extra base hits and a few more played appearances and then we will get there we're at like what 87 of 90 yeah 87 of 90 and then once we get there we get to unlock a silver one so hopefully we get there soon once you do that i'm telling you my guy's gonna be unstoppable but also this is gonna be pretty fun because if you look right here hang on a second let me show you so if we go to league and then we go to standings boom we are in first place okay this literally happened last season where we were in first place by one game and we have one series left now literally all we need to do is win like two of these next three games if we lose all of them again i will lose my mind okay it's not gonna happen though we're gonna play amazing we're gonna get this dub okay i guarantee it let's go okay here we go not a good start here for the express dude two one no outs we gotta get the double play and that is gonna be a hit oh my god please catch it yes he is gonna make the play throw it to me oh he just completely misses the cut off and he's safe at third okay whatever bro that's fine hopefully they don't score here and oh my god they don't of course i gotta disable all the tutorials dude and i know some of you guys are like bro go to the settings i do i disable them every single day it feels like and they never stay disabled i don't know what's going on here but we do get out of the jam there which is very clutch do first and third with no outs we have to win please oh my god i missed the fastball right down the middle come on mighty please mighty go the third we got to get this dub here please i'm begging you please don't mess up here please oh let's go absolute bomb to center field over the dinosaur let's go baby okay two to nothing that is huge we gotta win this game i'm telling you if we win this game no we're down by two now oh my god you've gotta be kidding me just like that we're already losing dude no okay go you know what you gotta do you gotta carry the team let's go baby i cannot believe we already blew the lead it was literally two seconds gone oh my god he's killing it dude i think uh i can't remember what i changed my batting stance i can't remember if i had this batting stance last video but i changed it at some point and we are two for two this game absolutely insane start we tied it at four please express stop giving up runs okay i can only score so many because i only get so many at-bats a game please stop giving up runs i'm begging you i want to win i want to go to the postseason and see what happens in triple-a so please do not give up any more runs please i am begging you stop anyone on base no okay that's fine i don't need anyone on base i'll go ahead and hit a solo shot here no we roll over to second base all right that's fine i'm two for three come on baby come on and it is so hot in texas right now dude literally it's like 90 out and it rained i'm dying in here like i don't even think the ac is working so if i pass out that is why like it is so hot throw him out oh my god he's safe terrible fielding absolutely terrible and now we're done by one again oh my god look at this situation dude we can get a we can get a go ahead run here if we hit a home run please oh i needed that one dude that was a sinker oh my god dude no come on mighty please don't choke please don't choke please destroy this thing don't be an idiot come on no wait maybe come on no we fell short god dang it dude we're gonna lose game one you've got to be kidding me god dang it dude no and we're playing the dodgers which means literally it's all oh my god this is the exact same thing that happened last time go back to where i said i was one game off from a season we ended up losing 13 to six oh my god dude this this makes no sense what is happening to my team oh my god okay we gotta win the next two or else we get eliminated from another postseason i'm gonna lose my mind okay please win the game please okay here we go game number two i swear dude if the dodgers beat us again in the final series of the year to take the win i am going to cry and it looks like we're already going to be down by one because no shot yeah this guy is not throwing him out he's got an absolute noodle arm out there oh my god this is depressing one to nothing dude why does this always happen to me like literally so if we lose this one we're taught or if we lose this one we're down by one with one game left but i would rather dude how do i not feel that oh my god my range is terrible he's going to third he's so out no the center fielder is the worst baseball player of all time if you would have had an accurate throw you would have threw him out by 20 feet but no you throw it way away and you're going to make us lose please be a ground ball please yes yes come on twist it oh my god he tags him out okay that's fine dude this is stressful oh my god okay one to nothing still we're finally getting to hit here two oh my god driving a run mighty home run right now home run right now do not mess up please get the job done low fast ball that's fine i almost swung that one but i decided to lay off because i'm gonna get something better here come on throw it up let me destroy it oh my god this guy is locating like an absolute beast dude we can knock it out here no double plays and do not get out oh my god an infield fly ball you've got to be kidding me dude that is horrible that does nothing for us oh my god please express do something without me do something without me no we don't score oh my god you've got to be kidding me i choked so bad this is bad this is bad i have a really bad feeling about this one oh my god in the second baseman does not feel it cleanly and he is safe at one oh my god when it rains it pours two to nothing now i mean honestly two to nothing it feels like it should be 35 to nothing with how bad this game has been so far so the fact that it's only two to nothing that's pretty clutch throw them out there you go that's what i'm talking about baby okay and another one real time gains i don't care i've turned you off 47 000 times just stay off for five minutes please you have three to nothing there you go there's base hit where was that last step at mighty you idiot god dang it dude like how was that first game so good we hit the home run over the dinosaurs you know but no now we can't hit anything for power all we're doing is hitting base hits and freaking fly balls this is brutal dude we gotta win this one like i am i'm seriously gonna be so sad if we don't win this and it's not looking good i mean we only got nine outs or i guess 12 hours remaining and it does not i have no confidence right now absolutely no confidence still down by three nine outs left hopefully we get another at-bat in the ninth maybe we can hit a home run here and get a rally cooking as we hit it high to right field it's back and that is gonna be wait yes oh i love this stadium dude i definitely thought that was gonna be routine play out there to right field oh my god how did that thing go over the fence we hit that straight up in the air probably would have went over that hotel if we hit it farther but oh my god let's go this field is amazing and now it's four to one i have no chance to win with this team dude i have no chance to win with this team oh my god you've got to be kidding me that's not going to go we hit that so bad yeah that one's going to be caught on the wall god dang it dude no my team is so bad dude i can't win anything ah well we got one game here if we win it i think we tie and then i really don't know what happens but if we lose we're obviously not gonna make it to the postseason again but please can we win one game express please just one that's all i need is one win please help me out a little bit okay okay here we go please just keep the team from scoring like seven runs if we can keep him below seven i feel like we have a chance to win he's probably gonna beat this out dude my fielding is so bad i'm telling you that red lion messes me up i tried turning it off someone said to turn off assist or whatever i did didn't work um i don't know what i got to do to to feel better um because i'm telling you dude i can't like i can't make the play how i want to oh can we get a double play here can we get a double play here let's go yeah that feeling thing messes me up i'm telling you dude i don't even know if it's possible to disable it but if there is a way please let me know because i promise you i will be so much better two on no outs we are up by one this is huge mighty hit a home run or else i'm gonna freaking puke all over you well that's gonna be a sac fly oh it's biome oh my god let's go score we're going three no we're saying it two i can't make that out no way we can make the first out of third let's go three to nothing please keep scoring six to yes six to nothing in the bottom of the second this is clutch this is freaking clutch we're gonna win and i'm not done whoa that ball smoked how far does that thing go do we wait did we hit the ufo we might almost hit the ufo out there hang on let me look if you guys don't know i'm playing on my created stadium by the way and that almost hit the bullseye out there at the ufo hopefully it shows it from a uh from a better angle here but let's see here come on show it a different way show it a different way come on boom 426 there it goes it's not going to show it high enough yeah we have no idea how close we were to hitting the ufo oh well it doesn't matter we're up by seven wait didn't i call it didn't i say if they scored less than six we're gonna win i think i called it dude i don't really remember oh my god we're gonna make a play it's a miracle it is a miracle and we barely even throw him out at one yeah i gotta work on my defense dude this is kind of sad like this is like actually sad i don't know why he's so bad but let's see record a hit while even or ahead in the count how about oh and oh how about we record a hit on the first pitch and how about we hit it at harry potter's house over in left field come on or fly out to left center field you know that's fine that's fine mighty good the third i might have said mighty go junior earlier i'm sorry we all know it's going to take me about four years to start calling a mighty the third but anyways he's had a pretty good game so far he's had a lot of far home runs this episode so i can't get too mad at him okay but we're up by seven this is amazing we just got to keep it going throw him out throw him out let's go literally every play is very close at first and i don't like that i don't know if i got to work on my arm strength or my fielding i don't know but seven to nothing bottom of inning number six can we make it eight yes we do another no doubt shot this one might go even farther than the first one off the batter's eye the dinosaur is looking at it he said what the f was at something just hit me and now i'm gonna go bite someone's face off but not a bad shot there go that's what i'm talking about how far did that one go um 431 not bad that might have actually hit the dinosaur because it kind of goes through the uh the the hitter's eye so yeah i'm impressed yeah nine to one they got two on here though in the seventh they're kind of making a comeback here but they're not gonna win bro we got this one easily oh he still goes for it he goes for the double play he's safe at one that's fine i'll take the out nine to one still this is literally the next batter here come on we gotta get this out no double play is necessary marty just get the easy one yes yes uh go one just get the out let's go okay we're through seven pretty much and we're up by eight so we should be able to win this game i would think um if we lose that will be heartbreaking but it's not going to happen we're going to win this thing guaranteed and then we're going to see what happens because i really don't know what happens like i don't know if you can actually play in the postseason in triple-a he's definitely safe at one yeah yep i don't got the uh the feeling or the arm strength for that one but that was a good hit not mighty go junior's fault or god dang it mighty up the third's fault someone on first though two no outs okay what am i looking at i thought i thought i saw two outs oh that ball was hit hard good god that thing was smoked okay wow that guy was mad i guarantee that guy that hit that is very mad he hit that ball 400 miles an hour right to second base yeah bottom of the eighth final at-bat of the game that is gonna be a double off the top of the wall i think almost went out of here this field is a home run paradise like you hit the ball so good here yeah let's see what happens oh we get the we get the notification about freaking running i don't even i have running turned off but we do win thank god okay 2000 xp earned that's pretty solid now wait i went four for five with two runs and two doubles that's a pretty freaking good game right there baby yeah let's return to the clubhouse and see what happens now i don't know again i've never made it this far in triple a because usually by this time i'm already in the major leagues um that's how it was last year but uh yeah i don't know what's about to happen so this is gonna be pretty interesting um let's go ahead and advance here and see if there is indeed a postseason i hope so but let's see play view calendar um september october hang on wait oh god what am i doing wait a second hang on i gotta back out and go back i messed it all up view calendar so let's do this so we're in october here let me simulate here um have finished the season at seven that wasn't enough are you kidding me how is that not enough how what hang on hang on a second i gotta go look at the standings uh let's go fielding dude my feelings trash we gotta work on it but dude how did we not advance [Music] does that not put us out even in the division hang on league standings we're tied how did i not win it what we tied how am i not in the like what do they judge it by like how do the dodgers get in over us even though we literally have the same record do they go to like runs aloud or something i mean that's literally the only thing we're down by like i don't know how we didn't advance like i don't get it it makes no sense um i feel like we got screwed there i feel like we got screwed you guys got to let me know what i'm missing here yeah i really don't get what happened right there i really thought we were going to uh play in the postseason but apparently not so that's unfortunate uh you guys got to let me know what happened because i i don't know but maybe we will make it to the postseason next season hopefully not i want to play in the major leagues so hopefully that happens yeah again if you enjoyed the video make sure you smash the like button alright if you're new here subscribe and i'll see in the next one peace
Channel: Mighty Goat
Views: 99,212
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mlb the show, mlb the show 21, mlb 21, mlb 21 the show, mlb the show 21 road to the show, mlb 21 road to the show, road to the show, road to the show mlb the show 21, road to the show mlb 21, mlb 21 road to the show gameplay, new mlb the show, new mlb the show 21 gameplay, mighty goat, mightygoat, mlb, rtts, mlb 21 rtts, road to the show series
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 34sec (934 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 24 2021
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