CALLED UP TO THE MLB! MLB The Show 21 | Road To The Show Gameplay #27

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yes it finally happened boys we are getting called up to the mlb oh my god let's go it only took 27 episodes but it finally happened let's go baby congratulations goat the third they want you on the big stage you're going up immediately yes finally let's go we're gonna say that one you earned it son with your hard work and steadfast belief in yourself you've surprised a lot of people myself included to be honest not really we should have been called up a long time ago but let's go oh my god go to the show let's go baby that literally took so long 27 episodes but we are finally in the major leagues let's go we are going to play our first game right now let's go baby i'm not kidding dude that took so long so it looks like before you get called up they really want you to get that archetype to a silver now it took me a long time um last video i forgot to show you the uh the new rules to be a gold archetype or whatever so i'll show you that after this video but can this go first step out we hit a home run oh my god what a start my first major league at bat is a home run to left field let's go oh my god but we're getting absolutely absolutely destroyed i mean i forgot that i was on the rangers oh my god that was horrible yeah i forgot it was on the ranger so this kind of makes me kind of sad because i don't think the rangers team no way no way that's gone yes dude my guy is unstoppable bro ever since we upgraded our archetype to the silver we're we're insane dude oh my god we might hit another home run oh fastball up we missed it god dang it god dang come on mighty dude how like look at this we're gonna go four for four with four home runs no weak base hit the center field but i mean we're literally gonna lose i have two home runs of my major league debut and we're gonna lose could you imagine that dude this is this is stupid okay i want it i want an immediate trade this team is trash oh my god okay let's get a double play here come on mighty twist it twist it beautiful dude my first major league game we're doing it all we got two home runs we got our first rbi our first hit dude this is an amazing major league debut let's go bottom of the seventh dude i still can't believe we actually got called up dude i was starting to think that we were going to be a triple-a player for the rest of our life but no we beat all the odds and we are actually in the major leagues this is amazing yeah two to four here bottom of the seventh let's see if we can't uh make a web gem here come on let me die for it oh maybe maybe no way over my head um yeah dude we're literally gonna lose to baltimore here in game number one that is not fun dude are you kidding me okay top of the eighth yeah literally no one on the rangers is doing anything right now unfortunately though unfortunately though we uh we have to play on the rangers for like our first six years so technically we're in year three because um that's just how the mlb works that's how the contracts work but once we get through the rangers we're going to be able to play on a different team every year if we want so yeah it kind of sucks that we're stuck with the rangers for so long but it should go pretty quick we're going to set a bunch of records and maybe i don't know maybe we will win a world series at one point that would be insane but uh yeah we lose game one even though i absolutely killed it yeah four to two the rangers did nothing hopefully next at bat or next about next game they could do something cool okay please let's go win the next one come on okay now we're playing the yankees uh our record right now is 11 and 17. it's not good because we're only playing like one in every like five games right now i mean i know i am like a rookie i just got called up so i can't expect to play every single game but if i keep hitting a few home runs every game they're gonna have no choice but to play me every single game so yeah um i still can't believe we got called up dude i was shocked when i loaded in the road of the show and boom got hit with it uh that was amazing like literally i was gonna play some games try to rank up my guy even more and then boom out of nowhere the coach was talking to me said bro you're going to the big leagues and i said what the f is going on boom instantly started recording a video and uh yeah we are here now like dude i can't believe it i was literally shocked like no joke in the previous mlb the show uh wrote of the show games you kind of knew when you were getting called up you know i'm absolutely killing it i've been in triple-a for a while and uh you know you're about to get called up but dude in this game no one really has any idea like it's so much different than the previous years like um like i don't think i've ever in any mob the show i could be wrong but i don't think i've ever played two seasons in triple a and i did here with mighty goat iii so yeah it's pretty crazy um i'm still shocked but dude what are we doing can i stop dropping the pci mighty you're trying to earn a starting spot here on the team it won't be hard because this team is absolutely trash but dude i need you to stop flying out okay they're giving you high fast balls you need to hit those high fastballs really far okay let's go wake up be better and that's gonna get through yeah my feeling still not amazing i mean with the archetype we got uh it increased it a little bit but we still need to work on it a little bit more because our range not great our arm shrinks fine but dude our range is pretty uh it's pretty average i'm not gonna lie and we did we even get a hit here i don't think we got a single hit that is not good that is not good over four mighty imagine dude imagine we get sent back to aaa dude i would throw up everywhere oh that would be so bad dude that would literally be so bad hopefully that doesn't happen because that would be terrible but yeah let me show you the uh the new archetype really quick so if you go to loadout um here's my archetype if we go view program i'm just i'm assuming it's the same one right of the show uh wait what is this hang on so we need 30 plate appearances we need eight extra bass hits 25 uh assists put outs extra bass hits um extra bass hits extra bass hits porta put outs assist assists and put outs okay so i guess if we do all those are any of these repeatable yeah these two are repeatable so is this one so this one yeah so the first four are repeatable so it looks like they added put outs and assists to uh to your character which is good um that'll make it go a little bit faster yeah we gotta get to what um 100 again and then we we get a gold one and then obviously after the gold we get a diamond and then when we unlock that diamond one we are going to be absolutely stacked dude it's gonna be insane yeah let's go play another game here and hopefully we get another hit okay let's go okay here we go and now we are playing the boston red sox dude we have played three different teams in our first major league episode and could this one go it's deep it's back and that is actually gone wow okay um yeah i mean i'm not surprised the goat has a bunch of powers i went 431 i'm gonna replay this dude it really did not seem like it went that far that really went 431 430 i guess yeah i guess it did okay i definitely didn't think we hit it that far but yeah we are up by one three to two yeah dude i do not like the rangers bro like i mean i got no problem with them in real life but i don't want to play for this team dude we are not going to win anything this year and what's the point of playing if you can't win a world series you know what i'm saying like with the with mighty goat the third i'm trying to win at least 75 world series rings it's gonna be tough but i want to and we cannot do it if uh i'm playing for the rangers that's a gap shot do we go for can we get a triple here can we go for the cycle maybe uh no that's gonna be a double yeah i don't think we got the speed yet for a triple but we will try it if we run into one into the gap again ten to three oh my god we're destroying the red sox i don't know if i should be happy because they are my favorite team in real life but uh hey this isn't real life this is it will be the show road of the show so i am perfectly fine with it let's go hit a home run mighty no wait no hit a triple is this gonna go out stay in stay in oh it's that's no go back we gotta get a single here okay all we need is a triple come on mighty do not mess up 13 to seven dude this is a crazy game dude oh my god come on oh missed it fastball down the middle come on mighty do not miss that one don't hit it over the fence though only hit it into the to the right center gap and run fast frick dude that's gonna be a single okay it's only the bottom of the fifth we got time to hit this triple i really want to get this cycle done could you imagine our first episode in the major leagues oh my god grand slam opportunity ow i just kicked my desk my toe is broken mighty oh my god come on be better be better this could be our first grand slam but dude i need a triple for the cycle oh my god i don't know what to do no yes he misses it wait i mean that's still only a base hit i'll take the rbi we missed the grand slam that's fine but i'll take the hit dude 16-8 what a crazy game here against the red sox 24 runs have been scored this is a pretty high scoring major league game dude i feel like we are still in triple a because i'm telling you bro those are aaa games like a lot of runs get scored like sometimes they'll score 35 runs it's insane but uh yeah this is in the mlb and we win there we go okay not a bad little uh little game there from the go five or five oh my god i just realized that what a start from the goat here he killed it in game one game two was horrible game three absolutely amazing mighty let's go baby yeah guys i would play another one but dude i can't that was an absolutely amazing start to my major league journey dude i seriously still cannot believe i got called up i am shocked you guys got to let me know if you've been called up yet and let me know if it happened like right when you upgraded your archetype to silver because that's what happened to me bro like literally i upgraded it and then like before the next video i was gonna play some games and then boom instantly got updated or updated upgraded to the mlb so yeah let me know if ryze you upgraded your guy if you got called up but dude we have a lot of work to do okay the rangers not looking like they're doing too good this year i mean it's still early which is kind of clutch because then we can uh we can actually help this team come back and win the division but we're 12 and 20. the only way we're gonna be able to make it is if we play every single game so i don't know if it's gonna happen year one but it could we're just going to wait in cbi if you enjoyed this video make sure you smash the like button we got a long way to go baby we are not even close to being done yeah if you enjoyed it again smash that like button if you need to subscribe and i'll see in the next one peace
Channel: Mighty Goat
Views: 134,751
Rating: 4.959269 out of 5
Keywords: mlb the show, mlb the show 21, mlb 21, mlb 21 the show, mlb the show 21 road to the show, mlb 21 road to the show, road to the show, road to the show mlb the show 21, road to the show mlb 21, mlb 21 road to the show gameplay, new mlb the show, new mlb the show 21 gameplay, mighty goat, mightygoat, mlb, rtts, mlb 21 rtts, road to the show series
Id: yW1DZeROmko
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 29sec (689 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 24 2021
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