This Guys Warehouse Was LOADED With Good Stuff

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hey guys I went to my antique booth last week and I ran into an old buddy of mine who was also reseller and he's got a booth at the same inti Kamal and we got to talking in he's got a warehouse just full of stuff he says he's got a huge surplus of inventory and I could kind of use some stuff right now so I'm going over there right now I'm to check it out and see what he's got hey what's up buddy there's really no rhyme or reason it's just everything just like I'm literally seeing some boxes okay oh wow you got a lot of space it's nice what do you know you're like 1,500 square foot think it's 15 or like 15 or 16 or so somewhere around there I know it's over 1500 I believe yeah this is a nice setup yeah you do have a lot of stuff man so is anything off limits anything all right if you want some like make off I mean pretty much everything's for sale okay okay I said there's no rhyme or reason everything was just literally yeah well I'll just start making a pile then and go from there [Music] [Music] where'd you get all the signs oh yeah give the bubbles for those down there just the boxes just the boxes filled with more just boxes though okay have you tried listening her when she's complete she's about 100 all our bobble not yet I just got that a couple days ago yeah I don't think just for the blocks you could still yeah the only problem is you might get a Naiad if somebody wants to be a jerk about it have you had a lot of relatives returns or anything the more I sell the lower the percentage is you know like well I get issues every now and then yeah they put even the listings but I haven't had any buy I had one person try to return something they bought a Nintendo like the zapper gun oh yeah does not work newer TVs person says not working one sweet would they even ask they just put him for the refund and I'm like no and I was going back and forth yeah and then I'm like all he works on the glass screens and I put I sent the email to II BAM like look I play the listing I said I told this guy to you know and I'm like it's his fault or he just doesn't want it they didn't give him the refund they cancelled it oh that's good they usually side with the buyer yeah that's yeah oh wow the TV is cool huh we tried listen this our CATV no one stinks the antennas a little bit yeah I bet that fetch is a good price so this was like these were boxes that I guess came out of somebody's storage unit years ago oh yeah and I guess they were big Reds fans but they have I was just wanted this stuff like I'm not a big baseball person but um they had all of these where I guess they went to training camps or whatever and then scorecards and Sophie it's like all they kept score Wow everything there's like April 8 2006 well they had the starting lineups and yeah I was like finding notebooks and notebooks of this stuff I'm like yeah and um like this 2006 and they have for the different teams - yeah huh that's neat yeah I'm actually leaving for Arizona on Thursday to go to spring training really yeah it's beautiful out there it'll be nice to get out of this crappy weather for a week and you are sitting on a ton of inventory and this is stuff that haven't even listed yet truth cuz I'll get a fine binding where I just buy stuff yeah you spend like hundred and like I went through I found the box oh yeah hey there's the elf I saw him in the video it definitely is do you want to go full-time eventually right yeah all right I think I'm gonna cut it off so I've got everything right here there's stuff underneath too so get a good look at everything and let me know what you're thinking you have a number in mind I'm trying to get there right now kind of adding everything up yeah and if we got to take him out of the deal then that's okay like I do justice if you just wanted to separate for the signs yeah the signs by themselves I don't know what your thing with it's not like the sign for themselves what I paid for all those because I just looked up the three up on eBay including those those three signs plus the Bourdon signs in that the motorcycle sign and hey I paid 443 for all that okay so if we took the signs out of the deal pod you need for everything we took the signs out well we can leave those those - yeah I figure there's work what number do you have cuz I want to look say hi no you're fine um and I went in you know I want you to make money - yeah I know I get it like I know how much a paste-like so right little Legos I paid 50 bucks for that box yeah yeah these I think I paid like 12 in like 20 for those yeah transformers I paid like dirty fought for the bag yeah about 250 for everything [Music] [Music] now with 275 be let's do it alright cuz the Transformers you probably make the pennants in two you'd probably make over a hundred bucks just for those with 275 gives me a little bit and then it just gets up out I don't think I've got a ten so much gonna round you up to 280 for you okay perfect and then if you want to come back like I said we can figure something out if you want to come back and go man well that's a pretty handy cart no they sold out that night did you not get any I'll put you on the list I'd say we'll probably get some cancellations or something no problem in go throw some smalls in here well I appreciate it man this is fun you've got an awesome setup here it was really nice yeah whenever I'll message you whenever any other stuff comes up [Music] [Music] alright back at the warehouse I got everything pulled out to show you guys I spent two hundred and eighty on everything there's a lot of starting lineup figures and I think these will be kind of cool for antique booth there's a lot of reds and Bengals and stuff Barry Larkin is one of my favorite players there's some 1990s GI Joe figures that are doing the packaging as a handful of Simpsons stuff I got some baseball books two or three Funko pops some vintage pennants here's a Dave Matthews print but this radio poster was really cool handful of Legos that are all new in the box there's an Atari game I got to RC things one is this right here just typhoon hovercraft then over here we got a couple more Funko pops here's the Yankees plaque this is a Cleveland Browns autographed photo let's figure out who those signatures are here's a box of old Legos really old Legos all I think some of these are from the 70s in full of transformers this one's from the 80s I thought these were whole these are old tops basketball rulers Oscar Robertson leaders playing for the Cincinnati Royals here is the other RC and gets a hovercraft as well so ghostbusters Legos there's a Bengals bobblehead here got another Bengals bobblehead some Batman figures Mortal Kombat and pretty quickly figured David thank you again for let me look around the place I'm really happy with this stuff and I'm putting new business together again David also has a YouTube channel where he's showing everything he finds his reselling journey and he finds some pretty cool stuff so I'll put a link down below if you guys want to check it out that's it for this video guys thanks for watching I'll see you next time [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Cincinnati Picker
Views: 67,384
Rating: 4.9389486 out of 5
Keywords: american pickers, cincinnati picker, ebay, what to sell on ebay, how to sell on ebay, how to make money on ebay, work from home, how to make money from home, reseller, full time reseller, how to resell on ebay, ebay tips, what sells on ebay, ebay reseller, ebay seller
Id: ne5DjmwGlrU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 46sec (766 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 26 2020
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