This Guy Did Not Want to Negotiate

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he's got um 143 worth of stuff offering 100 he's got the camera bags he's got two bags down here now i see a lot of vintage stuff you have like an antique booth or something [Music] i know the feeling are you selling any apple products or just all the boxes which i thought was weird but i guess people buy how much of the boxes [Music] couple bucks a piece how much is your truck somebody that's just asked me that i don't know i i'll probably take 25 for it because it's not in that greatest shape but i just put new windows in it this is really cool i like it okay so oh yeah which car is yours how are you doing i'm doing well how are you doing good are you able to work with me on price time if i buy a lot of stuff i'm sorry are you able to work with me on price time if i buy a lot of stuff what do we got here i've got a couple backpacks so far i'm still shopping okay uh video games let me put it over by the stove yeah sure yeah we'll do that you brought the idea back yeah i can't prepare very smart oh here this sticker came off let me put that back on there okay thank you ma'am uh-huh thank you yes uh okay i found some more stuff all right there's five bucks for these for three and two on it okay all right thank you three two i got you i trust you thank you all right so with the switch or with because it has four games in it or i mean the nintendo he's got he's got 75 on that because i called and asked him so let me mark that before i forget here just in case you change your mind okay good morning good morning see i called him and he said 20 on the game because there's all of those games in there do you want to think about that one or you want that i think i'm gonna pass on this one okay oh this was 20 i think it's on top there yeah okay [Music] i couldn't find a price on that one we'll put five on that one okay so twenty-nine [Applause] so you're at 98 right now counting this or not no so let's do that on each one of those you got 30 on that 35 30 on wait wait so back up just a second these two 15 are 30. yeah and this is 20 so that's 50. right 54 55. yeah you said 5 that's 60 yeah so 62 63 yeah and this was uh he put five on that okay so 68 yeah 68. that's okay 75 would be 143. i do 100 bucks for everything justin this is mainly your stuff he's got um 143 worth of stuff offering 100. he's got the camera bags he's got two bags down here no okay you split it at 120 those are priced appropriately give it to you give it to him um this is all his so he can get it yeah you want it okay you have to go ahead and give it a fix thank you thank you appreciate it yeah sorry you wanna put the game in there think you got it all oh you got it thank you man thank you have a good day um how much are the phones the five dollars each you got two big boxes of these what would you do if i bought all of them um how about 50 bucks all right thank you thank you thank you man thank you i'll leave them there if that's okay i don't keep looking around it's fine they are the large ones they're ten dollars and the small ones are fine that's okay they're flying around we don't know what we've got we're missing signs we don't know what we have signs on it oh yeah did you just clean out an office or something yeah oh i'm sorry how much are the label printers uh so sorry some kid did that no it's okay um the label printer where is that this one i don't know if it's got it or not yeah it should and we have another one hey john oh here it is oh here we go this is we have a that is the label printer we have this mixed up i don't think my husband did these are the labels in these boxes here and then that's a ups label printer how much for all this stuff i'm going to say 40 bucks for all that do you have the charger for this one you know i was looking everywhere and couldn't see it um let me ask my husband has he organized some of this okay there's one somewhere if not i'll just throw it in for free and you might be able to order one okay it was in here it was in here yeah and i'm looking i see a lot of swing lines these are all swing lines how about 30 and then i can just buy a adapter online sold all right thank you ma'am thank you thank you and this had that over there you sound like you're interested in office stuff yeah that is a letter folder oh wow so um it's actually very cool it's not you can't see it well but you set that's the bottom you set it up on a table top this catches okay envelopes or not catches the elbows catches the folded paper okay so you feed paper in it and it hurts getting it ready for an envelope wow okay i'll take a look so it's a it's a neat thing what's up john hey man how's it going uh the xenia garage sale i'm vincent yeah that's what like three four months ago i remember that you got a bunch of uh disney stuff right yeah i didn't do so hot on that though oh man i'm sorry that's all right how are you doing today doing really good i just came from uh birch park first park um it was like 10 minutes from here they had a bunch of stuff gotcha they like would not budge on prices but yes they had some good stuff i've been doing too hot i've been to like three or four of them and i don't know just having to find stuff i guess oh that's too bad man i'm sorry just keep at it you'll find stuff for sure yeah it looks like an office clean out or something yeah i just bought the two boxes of phones and labels and some other stuff yeah awesome all right a little bit lucky hey good luck to you man take care would you guys consider selling any of these carts yeah they're for sale um what are you asking for them uh that's a good question let me ask my wife i'll take it okay there you go thank you sir so much good luck with the sale thank you so much morning that stuff okay yeah i found a couple things cool i've got two screwdrivers for a dollar each okay this is a dollar fifty so it's 350 and see a price on these two okay that's an adapter two dollars on this one okay and this will do a dollar fifty cents there you go there you go thank you ma'am so much you have a great day thank you here we go [Music] sure oh wait no no i'm sorry those are 10 of these no 24 i'd do 25 those are easy ebay they're super popular right now because of the stay at home everybody was doing nintendo switches she sold her unit for like with the cup only a couple games it's like nothing to do you know that'll look great in your garage it would absolutely for twelve dollars right right twelve dollars [Music] huh i can wait till she's done yeah i'm going to hurry the weirdo thank you she told me to ask you for prices on this stuff oh uh three five ten ten thirteen this is a funny putter it's goofy the woodsy it actually has a prism in it uh 10 bucks for the putter yeah and then how about the thing okay how about 20 bucks for everything you do that um 25. all right let's do it that's from the office this guy yeah dwight yeah yeah he's hilarious there you go thank you sir have a good day [Music] how you doing good choices i'm gonna get that for three i was wondering if you do three for that as well uh no so you're saying you want to pay six for both yeah okay all right thank you thank you sir okay i just got back from the garage sales and today was like the first day of the whole year i've really been able to go out and actually go garage sailing i went to two garage sales the whole year before today but today did not disappoint i'm going to show you guys what i got all right it's kind of scattered all over the warehouse but i'll start right here this is a manfrotto tripod i've sold a handful of these over the years and done really well if you guys have never heard of that brand manfrotto definitely look out for it they sell for good money uh this one i paid 20 bucks for it and i should get around 100. this right here is a vintage pot doesn't really look like anything special but it is magna light i just recently learned about this brand and they seem to do pretty good um i picked up this christopher radco clown ornament they were asking five but i got it for three and that same sale i got this blanket it's not a san marcos or anything crazy like that but it does have a little bit of value it is goodwin weavers i think it's like a sun and moon pattern but i paid three bucks for that should sell 30 or 40 at least i think and then here's some small odds and ends i got it on sale a couple of screwdrivers those are just for myself to use uh casio calculator i think it's super valuable maybe 15 bucks but i think i only paid a dollar for i think this was a dollar too it is a vhs cassette adapter it would usually bring about 20 bucks and i almost missed this um i found this after going through the stuff again this is an olympus voice recorder uh digital voice recorder i picked two bucks for it and i've done really well selling these it seems like sony and olympus are really good ones to pick up if you can find them i did not look this up yet but i'm sure it's worth 20 30 bucks something like that all right um this cart is loaded with stuff and i actually bought the car too this is at that sale where they were clearing out an office just getting rid of a bunch of stuff and they were selling the carts too which is really rare that i see places selling nice carts like this this is a rubbermaid commercial grade so i paid 50 for this then they had a huge box of staplers i actually found a dymo label printer in here and pulled it out and bought it with some other stuff and then once i went back around and looked up these staplers i realized that they had some pretty good value too they are what is it there's the brands on here somewhere i know eh70f electronic stapler max flat clinch um i can't remember mexico i guess is the name of the company um i got this whole box and some labels for like 20 bucks and these are definitely going to bring some good money here's a couple of the boxes of the labels that i got these are inkjet labels let's see color bar print thousand labels in each thing i did not look at the barcode but i know labels have some decent value and they're all sealed in the plastic so i thought i'd do okay this is a really cool print looks like you got the capital building there some airplanes american flag the guys wanting 10 for it but i ended up bundling it with some other things he had and paid 25 for everything so i've probably got six or seven bucks into it i think this is going to go in my antique booth and then down here a couple of these things i got at the one sale um before the guy did not want to negotiate like at all i was i was trying to get a discount but he wasn't going for it but it's all right there's still money to be made i got two of these backpacks um the brand is peak design i've never heard of it but i looked up a peak design and it seems like these are selling for really good money i think they might be for uh photography just the way that these dividers are i think this is probably set up for some kind of you know camera rig or something everyday backpack 20 liters yeah they're in good shape um they're 15 bucks a piece maybe the other one somewhere else and then he had this little peak design range pouch for four bucks uh looks like yeah it's for a lens and i scanned the barcode and this is going for 30 40 bucks this is a game i got for my daughter got a couple of bobble heads at one sale this is dwight schrute i'm just going to be keeping him and here is mateen cleaves played at michigan state i guess he played for detroit i don't really remember much of his nba career a couple more things i picked up at that sale i got the nintendo 3ds it has the charger and i think the values of these have gone way up since the pandemic started more and more people were playing video games um i only thought these were worth about 75 bucks but i saw some soul cops around like 150 and he's got three zelda games and a mario kart 2. so i think there's some money to be made on that got another little uh voice recorder this one's not digital it uses a tape but for two bucks it's hard to go wrong probably worth 25 bucks or so i saw this and i seem to remember selling something similar uh this is ham the character from toy story and this is i think from like toy story 2 or toy story 3 where like you know the kids using his imagination he turns into some kind of airplane and i think he might have some value could be wrong but for a dollar fifty i thought it was worth a chance before i forget let me move this box and show you guys what's in this one underneath so i got two big boxes of these yeah link i guess that's how it's pronounced y e a link they are all hd telephones and i typically don't mess with this kind of stuff but it seemed like it was higher end and i looked up the model and it seems like they're going for about 30 each plus shipping and i got two big boxes like this for 50 bucks i think each box has one two three maybe like six or seven of them got this walleye board i guess this just measures walleyes i think i paid three dollars for it as part of a bundle deal and i think i saw the comps around 20 bucks or so picked up this putter in that same bundle deal and it caught my eye because it's made of acrylic and i have seen a lot of putters over the years because i specialize in sporting goods and i've never seen this so i went ahead and picked it up didn't look it up at the time um but i did just recently look it up and i think it's worth about 25 bucks all right here is the other peak design bag sorry my neighbors are being incredibly loud at the lawn mowers today i also paid 15 bucks for this one it is hmm i thought it might have the model number on there but yeah it's also in pretty good shape and these are the dividers so like i think these would be for like a camera body and a lens but they're pretty nice here's another bag from that sale this is not the peak design brand but it looked pretty nice i went and picked it picked it up i think it was like five bucks here is the other box of telephones i think there's more in this one than there was in the other one one two three four five i think there's almost 10 phones in this one and then right here from that same sale here's a dymo uh label printer um they did not have a power cord i think i bundled it with this one and some other things and maybe paid like 30 30 bucks maybe this is an okay i think it also makes four by six labels let me see ld 630d i have not looked that one up yet but seemed to be like a pretty nice one and then more labels i just have a ton of these labels so i'm hoping those do well i could not be happier with what i found today i'm expecting to make some really good money on that stuff and i'm just really excited that garage sales are back hey guys so i was about ready to end the video but i completely forgot that i need to do some giveaways in my two previous videos i announced i was gonna give away three wholesale lots and also one of the boxes that jeff sent me which was just chock full of product you ready to do a giveaway yes okay [Music] okay the first video is right here so we're gonna take that url and put it into the comment picker this one has 1 387 comments it's a lot of comments isn't it yep and we're going to draw for three winners darcy's gonna press the button all right three winners okay it's picking the winner look see all those names all right first winner is f a toilet and they commented i'm a winner you are a winner go ahead and send me an email my email address is cincinnatipicker i'll put a link down below in the description and send me your address and i will send you your wholesale lot all right you wanna pick another one all right press here again okay watch see all those names okay second winner is rick morton congratulations great job i have my hand raised for a wholesale lot well rick you win one so shoot me an email give me your address i will get it out to you let's do it all right one more okay you ready to hit enter press it again all right third and final winner of the wholesale lot is bobby boxes thanks for the selling tips you are welcome bobby and you just won the wholesale box so shoot me an email give me your address i will get it out to you all right let's pull up the other video it is right here this one had 1100 comments there we go okay now let's get those comments generated all right darcy you ready to pick another winner yes okay click the button right here one winner one winner for the box of jeff's stuff that's good yup you held it down too long ryan xo you won awesome video john really appreciate the entertaining com content legally hope all is well stay safe hope all is well with youtube ryan and shoot me an email i will get that box out to you that's it for this video guys thanks for watching i'll see you next time [Music] you
Channel: Cincinnati Picker
Views: 130,326
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: garage sales, garage sale finds, garage sale bodycam, garage sale gopro, garage sale tips, garage sale hunting, cincinnati picker
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 3sec (1623 seconds)
Published: Fri May 29 2020
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