I Filled My Bag For $10 at This Sale

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[Music] is it really very cool awesome all right let me settle up with you are you two three four how much does it shirt five bucks evening should be five bucks thank you have a good day all right at all way to do Sparkle exhibits what I'm doing it okay [Music] [Music] I've got $5.00 box here well it's upstairs oh okay I was just gonna help you carry they told me to give this to somebody to give me prices somebody with a clipboard somebody in there okay what's that John find some good stuff that's your band yeah we all are I am too I've got $5 bucks here okay I've got about $10 for all yeah that's fine use write it on there yeah okay I pay upfront okay thank you sir thank you yeah do you really that's funny man awesome man cool man I'm John by the way I'm Rob nice reach I described oh yeah I actually got the little clown fish version of this thing nice so do you buy and resell cool men I don't even own it yeah yeah it's fun in it it is I mean when I bought sent before dime and it's sold on eBay for like eight yeah just wait - you like $100 I like you it's yeah second being safety there was somebody to some type of psychology kid away looked at it look like a puzzle but it was I looked it up going for like a hundred twenty bucks now kidding I put it up and like three weeks later somebody offered me 95 I took you to haggle bum yeah just take it yeah just take it oh yeah I don't haggle yeah just move it yeah that's cool man watching your channel and some of the other guys yeah I learned a lot from watching those guys too man like I've been doing this for like 15 years I'm still learning a bunch of those guys yeah what you got just stuff you pick up like I saw a big birthday I couldn't remember oh yeah yeah yeah somebody had it quote book and I don't know anything about golf quit you said yeah just buy it how much you pack me a towel that's cool man all right pumping heart and a little MTV thing all you want on those age of seven on that seven on this so eight and five thirteen okay are you got a man yeah thanks wrong poser mean you bud - yeah I appreciate it it's a book this is that's cool yeah I'll take it for a buck oh this is something totally different I'll do it a quarter you many video games like Nintendo or this system here somebody came in but I did hear they bought everything brought everything yeah what are you asking for it 25 bucks okay would you do 15 on it let me think on it how much is your camera tell you what if I do the 25 on the camera stuff what you do the 15 on the game would be 40 bucks all right thank you for working with me thank you sir I'll keep poking around see what I can find how you doing good would you take five for your camera okay there you go thank you man by your Scrabble game too yeah a lot of customers today yeah yeah I'll get your Scrabble game I get four bucks there you go thank you ma'am thank you good day hey guys it is now Tuesday afternoon just now getting around to pulling all this stuff out but a busy couple days but let's take a look I'm gonna sing a game gear with some games he was 125 dollars it seemed like everything that I asked to price about like like 25 was like a magic number I wasn't crazy about paying 25 because these things like hardly ever work usually you have to sell them as parts I offered him 15 he came back with 20 I was kind of hesitant about doing that so I kept looking around for awhile and found a camcorder and some stuff I'll show you in a minute but he also wanted $25 for so I said I'll pay your 25 if you'll do 15 on the gamegear so 40 bucks for both and he said yes here is the game gear is pretty clean and the battery compartments are clean I remember playing with these as a kid I take six double-a batteries and I remember they went through them pretty quick too this one actually has the AC adapter which is pretty rare to find them with that if this works I might be able to get 50 or $60 I think I'm not really sure and then if I have to sell it as is I'm probably looking like 30 or 40 dollars I got a really big bag of stuff at a church sale I basically just filled my IKEA bag and they're like just 10 bucks for all of it and I was like yep I'll totally do that and a lot of little odds and ends I got this Dragon Ball Z figure well they fund any markings on them so I'll have to figure out what he's from but it's kind of cool got some sealed stuff this is a sealed Nutcracker puzzle any time I find sealed puzzles I pick him up here's another one Alex beard impossible puzzles no one sealed this Sony radio was in the lot always check the antennas on these things because these seem to break quite a bit a lot of these that I see out in the wild those are broken pretty often so always keep your eye on those this one might bring 25 30 bucks here's a Bible new in the packaging I got from that sale they're like some random remotes one is Kensington the other is interlink electronics I feel like these are four computers it seems like it would be for like a slideshow type thing PowerPoint presentation maybe I got this Phonak thing I don't even know what this is it just looked interesting so I threw it in the bag what is this thing bluetooth TV link base station a little mr. t bobblehead I got that sale here is a Garmin Nuvi GPS let's see what model this is 260 W my brain like 20 bucks or something this is a car wizard alarm system who's new in the packaging this is still all the stuff I got at that church sale on the ten dollar bag this is a board game called elf Finland I'd never heard of it and the company's Rio Grande games I think their games generally have a good resale value so I picked that up and lastly of the church sale I grabbed these Game Boy games these were at the bottom of a box with like a bunch of VHS tapes there's four of them all in the box I just threw them in my bag and I didn't look until later but no the games are inside it's just the boxes and so this Barbie ones probably worthless I've got three yugioh ones I think I'll just throw them on eBay you know boxes and manuals only I might get 15 bucks for the three one sale I went to the guy running it watches the videos name was Rob so we're out of you watching this man hope you did well at the garage sale I bought a couple things from them I got this science kit model thing doing the packaging paid seven bucks not really sure what's worth I kept this MTV remote control computer game and turns out somebody just like bootlegs it basically they just put it on the random floppy disk I just thought the box was cool I remember that show so I wanted to pick that up and I got a pacman towel for five bucks so yeah he had some pretty cool stuff got this Fujifilm XP camera out of the sale the guy didn't know if it works he didn't have like a charge or anything for and asked what he wanted for it he said just take it so you just gave me that for free got this Tyco Typhoon it's like a hoverboard boat thing it's got the remote with it but the remotes missing the back I actually saw one of these sell for like 30 or 40 dollars well he looked it up at the time and I'm pretty sure it was like just for parts so I guess some of these old like our seats always have some decent value the Sailor got the game gear at I was looking at this skull and the cows like buy that you have to have it was like okay he was being really aggressive it was kind of funny it was only a buck I did think the skull was kind of neat and it stamped 1993 Vicks novelty on the back I've always done pretty good with like Halloween type stuff and he's like take the base for it I don't like it's not really a base that's like a shell thing this is what he had it sitting on I had nothing to do with the skull but he made me take it so I grabbed it I got two big Scrabble these are both the deluxe edition I paid $5.00 for one and $4 for the other these are the big boards that actually like rotate and the tiles are maroon I've sold a few of these in the past I think I've got anywhere from like 20 to 40 bucks for maybe they're not fun to ship I will tell you that was like the last sale today or next to last sale today I picked up this canon camera it's an AE one it is like 35 millimeter but has a 50 millimeter lens on it they were asking 10 I got it for 5 bucks could this magnifying glass for a dollar I just thought it had like a really cool design on it they have a lot of older stuff at the sale so I thought this might be old didn't look like a reproduction I mean I know it's a buck so I couldn't pass it up all right here's the camcorder stuff I got that sale along with a game gear somebody handycam it's definitely an older one but these do still have a little bit of value to one quasar handy can keep finding these old handycams I don't know that this one's worth much this is some kind of like Panasonic camera power supply so I'm probably part that out for something I got this cast iron bank and there's like the first sale of the day I knew right away it was like a reproduction it's got the Phillips screw on it shoving one in two dollars and she sent us from England in that it has English money inside so let's pop this thing open see what's in there one two three four five six seven eight nine ten there's 12 coins in there that's pretty cool I don't know a lot about coins my dad collects them so I will probably give all these to him this is a 1975 new pence I don't even know if these are still in circulation I think they switched to the euro so these probably aren't really worth anything Elizabeth - 20 pence yeah not a bad deal for two dollars got some foreign money in cast iron bank I should be able to sell the bank for like 10 15 bucks I think that's it for this video guys thanks for watching I'll see you next time [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Cincinnati Picker
Views: 125,812
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: american pickers, cincinnati picker, garage sales, yard sales, garage sale finds, garage sale haul, garage sale tips, yard sale finds, yard sale tips, yard sale haul, estate sales, estate sale finds, estate sale haul, estate sale tips, tag sales, tag sale finds, tag sale tips, ebay, amazon, reseller, full time reseller, ebay seller, ebay selling, ebay finds, ebay tips, ebay selling tips and tricks, how to sell on ebay
Id: 4K1om8iS6Go
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 31sec (1111 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 12 2019
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