This GTA 5 UNDERWATER Parkour is 99% Impossible...

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oh my god what am i doing you'll be fine yeah give me a submarine right now submarine time are you kidding bro time for gta 5 parkour in this video we're trying the impossible can we do parkour with a submarine car i don't know you're gonna have to watch until the end of this video to find out pressing the like button for more gta and go to the jelly store for merchandise before we start with this video i've got breaking news the glow-in-the-dark jelly official controller is coming back that's right we went back to the factory and asked for 300 more pieces now these are gonna go insanely quick they're releasing this sunday september 26th at 1pm eastern time write it all down i mean look at it it literally glows in the dark we've got an xbox and a playstation version i'm so hyped about this controller and this this is the last one i'm gonna do after this we're never making controllers again let's go let's let's go ladies and gentlemen it's time for crater to get another dnf right why do i have to slow it oh oh my god excuse me wait hey watch out yeah oh i use the boost i forgot about this do you say you can jump with it how do you jump yeah you can jump you press down the joystick you jump and if you hold a you you uh you boost i can play and you're gonna need that boost to get on this wall right cleaner hurry up buddy [Music] i get it i get it guys it's okay you're supposed to fly to the next platform this is awesome oh my gosh so yeah and fly okay yeah okay let's go and again oh wait where's my back oh this is actually a sick race so far this is fun by the way i think this is the batmobile car isn't it no jump and aim up hey bob are we doing it properly okay why are you going all the way over there josh there might be a thing maybe you need to boost immediately maybe no way you have mislead me jelly okay yeah yeah okay jump and boost and aim up at the same time i just made it let's go okay jump boost aim up at the same time yeah yeah yeah all of that at the same time boys at the same time i'm doing it i'm going up that large ramp right now wait what trainer just fell short like literally click the jump hold back and boost all at the same time oh josh i had the same thing i had the same thing but it's not going to make it oh crazy i made it guys i made it come on crater am i supposed to stop this ramp wait i'm back here are you kidding me hey what's going on guys i'm waiting for you here okay it made me go oh my gosh yeah go up the ramp crainer here we go here we go i'm going to make it jenny i'm going to land oh i don't know i don't know whoa oh no ow josh let's continue boys let's keep going back at the at the thing there's no need to do it that is a bad idea not competition here josh i don't know if you know it like jelly it works don't boost josh no it does it works really you did it yeah i just noticed josh but i'm not your problem here oh wow yeah i actually did it too oh that's it that's it look at me boys okay trainer is actually really good at this yeah sure what what does it say on your screen jelly no no no no go like this oh yeah it's a bit of a oh this is this is fun josh i like this we're basically climbing stairs with cars can you believe it why don't you just go off the side here isn't that what you're supposed to do what uh huh it's like a boost here oh no that's that's for later i think crainer you got to follow the check we have to go back down that's how races work crainer i mean i'm here does that count he doesn't follow the checkpoint and then wonders where is crainer i'm just way ahead of you guys oh no you are not now down down down down go down oh i guess i gotta go that way yeah oh hey josh nobody okay now time to how do i climb the stairs oh my god you literally have a jump oh oh yeah jump gotta climb the stairs with the jump crane air okay okay okay i think i got to go this way wait first all of a sudden josh yeah i was i i don't know what was going on yo i'm climbing there this is sick huh i think i made a terrible mistake i'm with them i'm going to respawn around a bit literally having fun i'm sorry i'm doing the same i made the same mistake are you kidding the platform this is another stay on the platform stay on it yeah all right yeah just boost okay i don't know straight up right no i didn't do that oh god i can't do it i'm back at the bottom josh how did you make it so i went up without the boost and then at the last second did this boost straight i do when i'm at the top of the stairs okay i'm thinking you're going to wait go down again crainer huh i think i'm going to wait for you guys here because i'm oh you got it oh the checkpoint is down all right i think i did it i think i'm doing it how do i overshoot i think i'm doing it ah yeah josh i made it i made it yep and now i am what is this car oh same car down you stupid girl yeah why does it not go down john okay all right there you are come on down down hey gator what is wrong with you oh i'm up here all right now go down karena okay josh should we get oh a new thing just for fun yeah we should give him a head start what is this oh wait whoa hey creator we're giving you a head start go go go go go go something's off here just go crane okay wait a second stop boosting just go give me a speech how long of a head start are we gonna do one guys okay go hey my controller house do it it works again it works oh wait crainer i caught up with you oh i got the checkpoint okay i'll take that oh let's go you guys suck just do it stop being dumb [Music] did i make it i think i made it josh didn't do it either yeah i did why are you back here then with me wait wait where am i literally not what are you talking about you spawn there you're looking oh my god i did it slightly differently that was my problem but oh dude don't cancel the boost canceling boost is bad okay here we go and then i think we're switching car here what am i in now oh switching yeah indeed and we go up the ramp let's go wait this is a ramp car help i'm upside down wait maybe we should i died with the ramp car i do my i might need you guys to ramp jelly i mean crainer oh that's a good idea excuse me sir oh excuse me come on come on go side by side just the case ah so hard to do it's just straight trainer jump and boost there you go ah that's simple yay yeah oh losers losers all right let's go he's probably gonna die just like us to be fair yeah i don't know what happened maybe yeah we are yeah come on greener hurry up hey thanks no what all right respawn boys we're all stuck no i'm on my up okay flipped over let's go that's cheating wait what is this dude i can't get the same speed anymore hello jelly how did you manage to flip it i've got to break through tell me more i'm going i'm going why are we upside down still where am i no idea oh it's this way it's this way oh thanks josh thanks for figuring that out no worries no worries thank you oh hang on don't go that way hang on oh there's giant balls here there's too many balls okay which way do we go now middle uh oh that's a good guess that's a solid guess that stuff can you guys move some balls come on jelly it's blocked ah what ah josh why you know i didn't do that of course you did anything with explosions josh does on purpose now i'm going to die oh wow oh there's just explosions behind it oh oh oh explosives okay all right gosh watch out oh i killed him oh there you go there we go there we go ram time straight you got me i actually didn't do that on purpose and i didn't make the ramp and one of them is fake oh it doesn't matter i spawn right here idiot is it fake i don't know i just i can't seem to go fast enough who hit me not me i'm not even there which one did you pick josh i picked the left the correct one now i hate you which one is the correct one the right one okay that's that's wrong no i said to pick the right one yeah yeah the right one is the left one the right one okay it's not that muddy doesn't use the left he just appreciates real humor i i think that was funny how did i mess up [Music] we're gonna become something else why is this car so slow oh and now we're going down sure i guess i'll see you guys josh are you kidding me all of a sudden you're super far ahead of us that's kind of how our race works though jenny that is funny i'll leave you guys into it that is true let's see if we get to another obstacle i'm in the tube josh i'm on my way to you i think i'm going oh wait whoa whoa what's happening is it difficult be careful when going down the tube that's all i'm going to say oh the tube like i i totally missed you i totally messed that up i'm going to try this in first person teleporting where am i going it's not possible underwater car oh my god what am i doing you got to fall into the right hole there we go there we go i made it on your head you'll be fine yeah i know i'm on submarine time are you kidding bro this is good give me a submarine right now i'm about to fall in water come on you get it when you land in the water i've done a stunt race underwater this is interesting indeed this way josh don't like being just a little bit too too far ahead of me i don't think i can catch up on the water i'm in a box uh what oh i'm in a box first submarine box time i'm in the box right is there an easy i don't know turning off the submarine but i can't figure out how hey it's turning why am i in the box okay down this is really annoying dude this is horrible now we're going down why is this so bad i don't like being a box in a solid bit of a routine now okay why is there a ramp here i'm confused dude this is so bad crater's catching up big time why are there boosts on the phone how is he so much faster they're literally boosts on the floor here what ah crater how are you so much faster i'm not a no oh i know i'm a car what is going on i don't like this he's catching up with me josh there's a finish line he just goes straight into the wall of course you idiot of course well well i might be at the finish line oh this boost oh yeah i'm at the finish line why am i so slow no no i need i need to catch up with creator finish line i cannot is this supposed to happen oh my god ah what where did you come from boost yes oh my god i caught up with him on the ending oh jenny's up up the ramp i have no idea what i'm supposed to do come on and jenny failed i i can't complete this oh guys oh no guys too much mine messed up i'll make you guys in the water now oh thank you guys tell me beforehand i literally told jelly i didn't know it could be turned off yes you did no i actually didn't that's the only reason why you're ahead of me now i i pressed a many times that's why i think you gotta play the game so no you weren't gonna beat him i was going to beat him all right here we go this is it he's got it this is it why will i not read front flip good luck with the dnf buddy i got okay god all right thanks for watching click to watch another one do it now cause this one's over
Channel: Jelly
Views: 1,475,911
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kid friendly, jelly, gta 5, race, parkour, stunt, skill, impossible, This GTA 5 UNDERWATER Parkour is 99% Impossible...
Id: 9Fl9U6ghvGM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 20sec (860 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 23 2021
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