Fishing for Spillway MONSTERS w/ Unusual Bait (BIG Fish)

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what is up folks welcome back to another video I am standing in front of this massive Dam and Spillway right here that connects Lake eala and the chattah huchi river two bodies of water that just so happened to hold some of the biggest fish species of all time and we're not talking about big bass like we normally Target we're talking about other species of bass like striped bass and hybrid bass even spotted bass and not to mention flathead catfish Channel Cats Blues spotted gar longnose gar might even be a few alligator gar in here needless to say there are massive fish of all species at any one of them could be caught out of this little area right now the river is not generating meaning it is completely slack and when that happens the big fish have a tendency to come up and look for food since it's springtime there's also spawning factors that you have to take into consideration so these fish are at the biggest that they're going to be of any point in the year so the goal is clear today we want to set a new PB I don't care what species it is but we want to catch a new personal best something I want you guys to notice how tore up my thumb is right there and that's because just the other day in the lake that's right across from that Dam right there I was actually able to catch my new PB channel catfish at 26 lbs that Beast was an absolute Behemoth but I'm telling you right now there are much bigger fish than that right down there we're going to grab all of our gear and make the treacherous trk down about 100 yards of steep Rocky embankment because there are so many fishermen down there by the dayam we can't even get a spot to fish right now I hope you guys are ready for this got big daddy pulled her right out of retirement not only did I tear my thumb up catching my PB you had a little uh thingy hook thingy incident yeah I B circle hook baby I can't think of a worse hook to get in my hand oh yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yeah I have never been down here before okay yeah that's incredibly far there's no chance we could land a fish right here okay this is interesting okay there's a little kind of area right there I guess if you had a giant fish you could like slide down there and try to land it maybe the perspective gets lost because this is a GoPro that you guys are seeing this on but this is a very very steep fall drop like it's probably just 20 25 ft straight break down all right well this is base camp it's official that's where we want to be but everybody else wants to be right there too and we were a little late getting out here this morning so that's the price that we pay but boom here we go so this river is so low right now that when it's flowing the water is like up to where we're standing so because of that now this is just one big Bay now it's like a stagnant Bay with no water flow bunch of bait just kind of sits here and big fish from all over this River just kind of come up in this area we have multiple different options for bait today you guys know we're not coming to the dam without some marshmallows so we always keep some marshmallows around but today we're throwing in a little bit of a curve ball with some live shiners and a dead one and some red worms so we literally have everything covered I think first up I'm going to take a Shiner a live Lively Shiner oh yeah you're Lively back hook C about twoth thirds of the way back just like that he's still alive gonna be doing a lot of frantic swimming and we're just gonna send him out here just like that oh man this this is going to be so sketchy I cannot emphasize enough how sketchy this is about to be just like trying to land a fish here is just going to be hard to do let's just open that bail set her on down that way if a fish does grab a hold of it doesn't pull her whole combo into the water the plan is to just alternate the bait I'm literally got I've got got three combos here got three baits I'm going to put one of each out there see how the fish respond to that and adjust accordingly uh-oh oh oh oh dude my bobber's getting hit right now oh no I haven't even rigged up another rig yet are you kidding me now don't start playing them games with me now think I'm going to put a big old juicy worm on this one oh yeah just going to kind of triple thread him like so oh my God it's gone the bobber's gone the bobber's gone it's pulling line it's pulling line we're on jeez huge fish already I mean we're we're already we're already hooked up to a giant fish and I don't even know how we're going to land it Andrew I believe oh good okay good it's a it's a huge catfish it is an absolute tank I'm going to grab the net you just keep going Andrew make sure you document me dying okay figure out I'm going to go over there he's going this way I'm going to let him go this might be my this might be a PB I'm going to try to get down here I I don't even know what's about to happen oh God this is how people get hurt right here Andrew I love your commitment man oh shoot it's so slippery I'm going to fall okay here we go we might be able to land it oh this rock is so slippery oh my gosh it's a monster it's barely hooked come on buddy you got to be tired dude you got to be tired please this is still in Bass Gear too oh come on don't fly don't fly don't fly don't fly no he broke off no away so slowly I got him in the pool got him in the pool I got him in the holding pool which is if you get him there you basically got him I should have jumped on him it just it all happen so fast I wasn't ready for this I was rigging up this second Rod I just gotten that Rod out there that is a great sign though the big fish are clearly out and they're willing to bite so it's on today folks cuz this right here is so slick it's crazy foot hole right there maybe okay okay this isn't that bad there's little like footsteps look at these things nice somebody like like somebody carved those in at least we know that we can get down like in and out of that little thing like if we have a big fish we know we can work them to right there and we can land big fish so now that we've got that like figured out beta tested let's get some more rigs out there oh I forgot about you Mr wormy swarmy I rigged you up and then I realized that I had a fight on my hands go ahead and cast this this is a much bigger rig obviously this is meant for a fish of that caliber yeah I'm just going to put it like just right there on the edge I mean that's where that's where that fish was cruising I'm guessing live night crawler right there we're going to do the same exact thing we're just going to set that bad boy down that way when that big fish gets a hold of it he can just take out as much line as he needs to before I get there but I'd say that the Shiner bite is definitely on guys like I was saying though the river is so low right now so these little spill doors normally there's like one or two of those open and because of that water from the lake is just gushing through here and that's what brings that water level up but since it's not churning at all all of this stuff all this rock all where those birds are across the way is supposed to be underwater that's like the normal fish cover and structure little holes and stuff in the side of all these steep hills where catfish can get and hide all that stuff's out of the water right now all right got a night crawler out let's get another Shiner out there I'm going to put him right back where the last one was caught like literally right around there oh God that one just went down jeez the Nightcrawler one just went down oh it's back up no dang let's check see if we got a worm oh yeah oh yeah we got a worm oh yeah son that means we're getting bites on multiple bait holy shoot let's see if I can get my third rig rigged up without one of these two Bobbers going down cuz I would sure like to get big daddy in the equation here this is the rig we specifically bought for this spot like this is the only place on planet Earth where we use this gigantic 12T rig I'm going to put one of these larger hooks on this bigger rig this is a five o cuz I'm expecting this is going to get hooked into a bing I'm going to cast it out there pretty far well Andrew I think I'm going to do itow I'm going to put a mow on the big rig we're going to do the whole mow because we know these catfish here prefer the whole mow oh my Shiner is oh man he just got hit Shiner just got murdered Shiner just got murdered I watched it happen on the bass rig again oh it's way too loose on the drag oh man he's not nearly as big but we might able to horse him oh God I'm going to break my rod oh boy I'm going to slide down the hill dude oh the other wig going off oh my gosh we got to that's not a baby oh my gosh jeez there dude I got two this is so dumb okay hold on a second I'm going to let him fight for a second I might be able to horse this one in with this ride come here buddy all right here we go we're going for a huge boat flip here nice look at my guy I still got a r I still got a fish on that one I can't forget about that oh he's trying to take the ride let's see if we can get this guy unhooked really quickly these are not the size we're after although if we were trying to do a fish fry today this would be a perfect size what about your friend here oh he's still there don't worry I think I'm ready to go for it this is so stupid you should never do this oh wow that happened incredibly quickly what one of them on the Shiner one of them on the Nightcrawler yep I haven't even got the marshmallow rig out hello friend let's definitely get you out there buddy I like the back hook them just leaves them more active I feel like some people like to mouth hook them for a better hookup ratio but you know what personal preference that's what I have to say swimming oh oh D I mean I just put the worm out there gosh this is just I mean there's there's probably 50 catfish down there right now maybe right by the wall yeah maybe dude this boat flipping all right BB's coming I have not stopped reing rods since the moment that I started rigging rods by the way I have not stopped one of them is constantly needing to be riged there goes the Shiner I just moved them this is insane I don't know oh it's another it's a nice one would you do me a huge favor and reel that in real quick that marshmallow oh we got a big one guys another big one okay look at him go look at him go he's okay we're going to the magic spot he's already heading there for me oh god oh it's a big yep it's a big it's a big okay don't fall and break your leg dumy Yeah like that uh-huh don't do that we're Landing this fish by golly okay where are you buddy we're not breaking off on you this time I can promise you oh it's the Big Fish guys we got to land this fish it's a big one Andrew it's a big one dude oh oh come on no no no no no no come on come on baby come on come on come on come on come on come on come on no no no no no no no no come on come on come on come on no no no no no no come on come on come on yes yes yes from heartbreak to Triumph baby oh look at that dude it's a huge fish I it's huge oh no no oh he's so big I am getting my ass kicked right now by this dude oh look at that fish right there Andrew massive dude look at that fish oh my goodness that's a tank that has an absolute tank let's get a weight on him real quick he's a little bitey y mhm get me back he got me back he owed me for that dude oh 15 it's like right Bounce Around 15 wow look at that freaking monster right there dude oh wow he almost slapped me right in the face that is incredible not even as big as the first one that we were hooked into still a 15 pounder not quite a new PB all like this big guy go what a fish dude what a fish is he going to figure it out yeah he's like dang okay I kind of like this pool here you go buddy let me just there you go look how tore up my hand is right now look at my finger jeez I already had that one from yesterday I showed you guys right off the bat I may outdo myself today truthfully though I could do this all day I could do this well I would say until my hands are bleeding but they're already doing that but well beyond that point I guess get the old knot crawl out there there we go oh my God what the hell is going hold on I've got a fish how dude it just touched the water brother it's might be a giant fish dude why I just sit in there dude we it didn't even hit the water R his mouth like literally this is incredible I don't know how big of a fish this is but it feels big on this Rod oh he might be foul hooked he might be hooked in the back I don't even know what it is it's a good size one nope maybe yep just boat flipped a 10 lb catfish that bait was not in the water for 2 seconds before it was eaten no and I cast it like a 100 yards I must have hit him in the head with it another nice fat catfish once again if we were having a fish fry man this would be the size we'd be after this has to be just one of those days where the bite is absolutely insane and just no matter what you do it's going to work D look what he did to my rig just destroyed what I just did to my rig I just freaked It Up made it worse it's been an incredible day phenomenal day still have time still waiting for that fish of a lifetime put this joke H her out there deep again cuz that's where oh that was a horrible cast I'm going to do that again that might have be the quickest fish bite I've ever gotten in my life somebody told me last time I was here the dead shiners like just kind of belly hooking them like this and just kind of floating them out there catches the the huge gar we've seen a couple gar rolling around here on the surface so I'm going to kind of shorten this thing way up and just have it just kind of floating right below the surface and see if we can catch us a gigantic gar we just been kind of just seeing them right out front right yeah basically just kind of like right out there I'm going to let him sit right there and there he goes let me put a wormy squirmy they stay on the hook considerably better than the shiners do especially when I'm trying to Chuck them murder hey there we go dang it I still didn't even get it that far this giant Rod I can barely cast it as far as my other ones love it we got a live Shiner a dead Shiner and a wormy squirmy we're in business we are in business right now we got a big bobber down oh yeah oh oh that's huge we got big oh he's all wrapped up in the line too oh my God this one's going to be a nightmare dude it might be like actually huge come on let's go to the secret spot God look at him roll oh my God oh my God it's so slick oh this part's really slick oh he's all wrapped up in the line gosh get him in the pit get him in the pit ah got you buddy got you he's not even that big dude nice one probably well not a 10 pounder like a you know like a eight pounder if I'm being generous nice fish dude a nice fish freaking Noggin It's all dirty I hate it but this spot is so Sandy let me know in the comment section if you've ever fished down here I know I run into a bunch of people that fish up there but let me know if you've ever been up where me and Andrew are right now and you've been fishing like this look at this slime coat on my line right here oh my gosh that is a slimy boy well we still got two bobber rigs out there I think one of them is alive Shiner and one of them is dead Shiner right okay and I'm going to take big daddy right here and we're going to make a little bit of a strategy change I'm about to try to hit him with the old double mow rig right here just a bottom rig with a couple circle hooks on it but we have used use this exact rig out here and believe it or not it's a great way to catch them it looks ridiculous every time but we'll see if I can back it up the good part about this is I'm going to be able to get it way out there and just maintain some bottom contact there we go oh we lost one mow we figured that was going to happen but that means we still got one right let me just try to get my line tight we should be on oh oh we're on dude wow dude massive I mean I think pretty big look at this man dude oh my goodness people say don't wor it might be a good fish I'm going to start kind of like trying to work them this way cuz we know we're going to have to go down to land that thing I haven't really got the best look at it yet dude will you reel these in really quick God this is going to be super awkward but I think he's pretty good oh man he's good that was instant bro inant instant this is crazy guys this could be really dangerous we're literally scaling a cliff right now with a 20 lb fish on the line God look at him look at him oh no no no no let him run a little bit there you go you can run a little bit buddy come on buddy I know you got to be tired no be tired dude I was catching the biggest cramp in my arm just then holding that huge Rod I am so physically worn out by these fish today God they're so strong he just kind of popped off I don't even really know what happened oh bro he broke my snap swivel oh look at dude look what he did to my rig look at that bro look at that he like he he tore that part off bent out this one this snap s Lev and this one what a beast respect man well now that this rig is out of commission I think we're just going to focus on like a live Shiner presentation out there and a dead Shiner presentation out there all right I'm getting back out there Andrew the new rig oh dude giant gar Andrew giant gar Andrew oh my God gosh it's massive we got this rig right here with a fish piece on it this is the gar rig okay I see him I got to get in front of his face he's running away from us yes right in front of his face might be even too close to him oh my gosh it's right next to his face God it was too good of a cast he's still going he's just cruising he might come back through those are the type of fish we're looking for so if he does I'm just going to leave that little piece right there for him oh there's a gar gar gar Gar big gar okay let me see if I can get our piece of meat out in front of him that's really the key with this y'all can't see him he's he's out there I try to just put this in his path there we go that's right in his path that's perfect he's swimming to it he's swimming right past it he might eat it yep he just ate it all right I'm I'm going to let him go he's got it right now he's chewing on it he's literally chewing on it okay I'm going to go ahead and start walking this way a little bit too all right I'm about to hammer him cuz I got to get some hook penetration here all right here we go got him you got him got him oh I got him now can we land him oh he spit it dang it they're so hard dude oh yeah he didn't straighten my hook but he definitely kind of definitely widened that Gap just a little bit just hooking into those things you just get to feel their power and especially those long fish like that they just have the ability to generate so much power in the water and when they pull against you it just feels like a dinosaur well the adventure hat came in clutch today because we found ourselves right in the middle of a big fish Adventure today we went out the other day on Lake eala right over there caught some massive catfish so we kind of knew that the fish were fired up so we wanted to come out here on this side of the dam and try to catch some of these big fish we were able to do that today didn't break a PB but honestly I'm okay with that you know that first fish could have been close to a 20 pounder it was a heartbreaker lost it right in front of me wasn't quick enough I should have jumped on it I don't know what I was thinking I was just in shock I guess then we finally were able to land a good one a 15 pounder so cool but yeah it was a great day guys get in the comments section let me know right now if you want to see us come back here to this area and try to Target maybe some of these giant gar we always see them swimming around and they get up to 6 feet in this River guys they are freaking monsters my hands are absolutely destroyed right now I'm loving it we're packing up everything making sure we clean up all of our trash we'll be back in the Green Goblin very soon remember guys that giveaway is still going on at googans every dollar spent using Code lojo equals one entry for a chance to win the newly upgraded green Green Goblin the skiff boat guys thank you so much for watching I love you so much see you later [Music]
Channel: LOJO
Views: 83,769
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fishing, bass fishing, catfishing, gar fishing, big fish, dam fishing, spillway fishing, new pb, fishing videos, lojo, lojo fishing, $15 fishing kit, big bass fishing
Id: lS7rX5SNXbg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 54sec (1554 seconds)
Published: Mon May 06 2024
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