This goodwill employee told me something and its a game changer! goodwill thrift store

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all right so i go through the hats here and there is a uh a lot of good hats in here there's a callaway hat that's in my hand and they also find under armour but both of them are stained and i and that one actually has some pretty bad pools on the fabric on the underneath of the bill so i leave both of these behind all right now i'm actually looking for a small tv that has a hdmi outlet and like the places that you can hook into a old vcr to test because i have to test all my stuff on my big tv which is annoying so what we're trying to do is find a small tv that one actually does not have an hdmi cord on it i do comp all of these pots and pans out they looked when i first looked at them like vintage uh salad master but they're not i they're some other brand i do comp them out they were wanting like five dollars or six dollars a piece for them and when i count them out they only went for about fifteen dollars [Music] all right so i'm heading up to the cash register and i look behind the glass and there is a black case that says nintendo 3ds on at night obviously and they have 14.99 on it and i'm like yeah i would definitely take a look at this thing and uh what's inside is pretty impressive [Music] do do [Music] [Music] come do all opportunities [Music] so i don't know much about plushes but i do know that some are worth a ton of money and i found a lot of build-a-bear stuff in here so once i found one i start digging around because my theory is if you find one of one item there's going to be usually more than one of that item so i have a whole bunch of build-a-bear that i'm going through here and i'll go at the end of this video i'll go through uh the reasons why i bought the ones i did and if you look over there in that corner there's pikachu with his head down and i finally see him and he's definitely going to be a keeper also [Music] [Music] so in this area i found a ton of good shoes but all of them had their issues these are new balances i think 694s or something like that i did look them up and they were women's shoes but their soul comps were really good around fifty dollars after i inspected them later on they did have an issue with the front toe coming apart these nikes i did comp them out they were only going for about twenty dollars and that was in super clean condition these were not in super clean condition so i end up putting those back these right here are going to be some nike air uh golf shoes they were in pretty rough condition put those back and then there are some hokas directly in front of me i put those back because they're missing a big chunk out of the soul these um are new balance sandals with vibrant souls but the one side of it which you really can't see is actually falling apart so all of those were really good shoes just the condition was really bad to pick up [Music] all right so i went to the cash register and the lady at the cash register uh start putting all my stuff in a bag which was weird then explain some stuff to me and i'll explain at the end of the video why i go back and shove a whole bunch of these stuffed animals in that bag because the price is super good now at the goodwill for this all right back from the thrift store and again super good for not being in thrift a long time i actually like these short thrifting uh things that i've been doing lately because you can go in and out super fast and you were in there the day before so you can see new inventory a lot faster and pick it up and the fines are have just been really really good uh in my opinion so let's go ahead and get started over here so the first one right here is uh they are doing a new thing and i asked her how long they've been doing it they said they just started it and the person at the cash register when i brought up the scooby the little dragon guy and the pikachu start putting it in one of their bags and i was like hey what's going on you know and she said if you uh buy one of their bags and then you fill it up with you know stuffed animals plushes it only cost the first time because you have to buy the bag too which costs a dollar but it costs 4.99 today and i rounded up to five bucks so five bucks today but if i bring the bag back in then it's only 3.99 for an entire bag of plushes which is pretty good i'm not like a plush hunter or anything but i will start looking at them a lot more because the ones i found today are actually pretty good and it only cost me five bucks and the next time i go in it'll only cost me four bucks for an entire bag of plushes that i can fit in here like you can't have like overflowing or anything but i mean a reasonable amount just go over the ones that i went today again five dollars for all of it so really it was a dollar a piece uh these are all build-a-bear and i usually sell the build-a-bear things like for you know 10 to 20 bucks this one right here and i did comp all these out before i grabbed them i think he goes for about 10 bucks plus shipping another minion i think he goes for about 10 plus shipping than the pikachu i saw and uh he goes for about 20 dollars he's in really good condition too a lot of these do not have stains it looks like somebody just got rid of their whole collection maybe i'm always looking for the pink puppy and there's one of those out there that go for like a thousand bucks or something crazy and i haven't found that one yet but uh pikachu not too bad about 20 bucks on that one this one is the only one that has a little bit of a stain on one of its uh ears i think it's right there yeah and uh this is a dragon i don't really know which show this is from it says it on the tag it's from dragon the hidden world look this one up and about 10 bucks so 10 bucks plus shipping these all have actually pretty good soul comps too and good selfie rate so really not too bad then this one right here is definitely the biggest score of the day this is a scooby-doo and uh again build a bear and he's got scooby-doo right there on his foot now if he had the clothing that goes with him there's a shirt that goes with him definitely goes a lot better but scooby-doo in this configuration goes for about 60 plus shipping and again i paid a buck for him so happy about that this one might be my biggest or most expensive plush that i've ever picked up is going to be scooby so far so if i sell for 60 bucks that will be a record for me personal record then we did find a coleman uh blender and it was six bucks and it did come with all the stuff the thing is why i bought it is because this bottom base plate goes for like eight dollars alone so right there this will be parted out no problem the charger uh probably not too much because those things are generic but the top you know when you're out blending and stuff i mean these things always get lost so easy 10 bucks there 10 bucks there these will get cracked also so 10 bucks there and then the base itself the stuff like this usually doesn't break i'll see if it works it really doesn't matter i didn't buy it because of the base this is very heavy this thing probably weighs about six pounds so not a whole bunch of money made there but you're talking probably 10 20 30 40 bucks on six dollars not too bad everything that i did buy did cost me 27 so really not that terrible at all then at the one uh thrift store the salvation army this is the same place i found the wii not too long ago nintendo 3ds it's got a keychain attached to it which actually i think the keychain goes for like probably five to ten bucks this costed me 15 bucks the case is in good condition and inside was this now has a crack on the screen which for 15 i honestly don't care if it works or not because i'll be able to get my parts out of it or get to sell for parts for no problem because this is the nintendo 3ds xl and i am trying to learn a lot more about video games i never played video games growing up i don't know much about them and i'll tell you what i've actually never found one of the nintendo 3ds xl's they go for a lot of money i've always found those little ones and their soul comps if it works you know in good condition this one's not in good condition someone can go like 150 to 200 dollars for one of these bad boys this one doesn't have the pen doesn't have the stylus pen doesn't have a charger but i'll see if it uh does turn on even if it doesn't turn on they're still going for parts for 40 to 50 dollars for this thing so really good there there's a couple nicks on the outside of it i'm saying that this thing most likely does not work because the large crack on the front screen but not bad then it came with all these games and uh you know a lot of ds games 3ds games aren't worth a ton of money but there was one in here that i saw that i have actually sold before and that is a nintendo 3ds pokeman y that one's worth about 20 to 25 bucks alone and then the rest of these aren't worth a ton of money i think nemo is worth like seven bucks that one's worth seven that one's worth five and that one's worth five but if you add all that together that's probably fifteen dollars right there and then everything else is going to be profit in actual cases like this they can still go for like ten dollars so really not that bad i mean you're talking less than 30 minutes in the thrift store 10 minutes of driving very little gas and we're pulling out some really decent stuff lately and i finally found some i think some good plushes and again i don't search them out but with the new bag thing about you know only 3.99 for a whole bag of plush i'll probably be looking at them a little bit more because i mean scooby back here 60 bucks that ain't too bad so right there that's everything that i bought today to be a full-time ebay reseller and that's what basically i do i go places find stuff flip it online for a profit so i much appreciate everybody that watches but real quick i'm going to go ahead and thank some people that have still been buying these paperweights for me i think we're down to 10 available and uh so real quick rick you bought one the sophisticated fox you bought one rael you bought one angela you bought one and jeff you bought one so i much appreciate it again there's a link down below if you all want one we are down to 10 left i think we've sold over well over 100 at this point so i much appreciate everybody buying those i much appreciate everybody that watches this video and you know i will always get you [Music] on the next one [Music] um [Music]
Channel: Bearded Thrift Machine
Views: 1,657,455
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: thrift with me, thrift haul, goodwill haul, thrift flip, come thrifting with me, goodwill thrifting, how to thrift, thrift shop, thrift store, thrift vlog, ebay reseller, goodwill shopping, thrift with me 2021, lets go thrifting, flip for a profit, shopping at goodwill, thrift shopping, thrift with me goodwill, goodwill haul 2021, goodwill haul men, goodwill thrifting haul, how to thrift at goodwill, thrift store reselling, thrift store shoes
Id: FaLQKtsoB8w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 25sec (865 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 28 2021
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