The Goodwill employee refused to sell me this item!

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[Music] what is that right so this is the first stop of the day and so far not too bad i picked up that uh seiko wooden clock and remember at the end of the video i always go over all the comps so how much things are worth and i do a breakdown at the end of the video on my hourly rate now anytime i see anything in a box with a barcode i usually do go ahead and scan the barcode and the app that i'm using to scan is going to be just a regular ebay app and then i go over to the soul comps and see what they sell for this item right here is super surprising when i scanned it and it will be bought and again at the end of the video i'll go over exactly how much that's worth but it's very surprising so i've been doing this a lot is standing back and taking a better look at like the surroundings because a lot of times i actually do miss a ton and when i go back and watch these videos i always think about how i miss it so you do see me take a lot of like big steps back and try to look at everything on the shelf do [Music] all right so i make my way over to the plush bin i tell you what i am new to plushes but i can see why people like them they're easy to list easy to ship and actually they are worth some good amount of money now again i'm just learning so i'm sure i missed a whole bunch in these bins that i'm going through if you see something that stands out to you please write down below so i can learn a little bit better but if you haven't uh watched my other video basically i can fill up a whole good will bag for 3.99 and as you can tell here there's a whole bunch of like pokeman stuff there's a whole bunch of uh build-a-bear stuff there's just a whole bunch of stuff that i end up grabbing and i go over all this at the end of the video [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] i always go through the jeans that's one of my last stops is going through the jeans and these right here are yellow bean and the thing that makes them special actually there's one right there that's yellow bean and these are also yellow bean and i buy these because they do have that flannel lining and i'll give you the comp at the end but i always pick those up if they're under five dollars all right now in this goodwill i'm actually in a little bit of a hurry so uh i don't compound a lot of things i don't even comp this thing out that's actually a 35 millimeter projector and i just now comped it out while i'm watching the video and it doesn't go for that much money but in a little bit here you're going to see me ask about an item and the employee will not sell it to me [Music] so didn't have a price on it all right now this is not a weird occurrence there's a lot of things without prices in the goodwill and the policy is they have to take it in the back and then price and then bring it back out and i end up finding these really nice uh cutting blocks i only picked them up if they're cut go and they these weren't so i left them behind but what's about ready to happen has actually never happened in this goodwill before all right we are back at the house and i picked up all this stuff right here for 42 dollars and there's some really good things in there there's one thing here that will actually cover all of this and then the rest will be profit so let's start over here we'll go over the plushes here in a second because there's so many of them but first catchphrase scrabble this is actually not new or if it is it kind of fell off thing this will be sold as pre-owned and they usually go for about 10 to 15 bucks plus shipping it helps it has the box for sure and then this seiko quartz wall clock got it for three dollars and it uh i didn't put a battery in it yet but i'm thinking it's gonna work has no corrosion or anything and there's some so comps around 20 bucks plus shipping as high as 50 free shipping it's not very heavy so it's probably going to go out at three like three pounds or something so the shipping won't be too much money so i'm gonna say on the low end 20 bucks but maybe like up to 35 plus shipping on that and then this was a pretty good score i got it for six dollars the thing that drew my eye to this is that the box was like super cool looking so i was like what is this and i'm actually still not 100 sure i think it's a straightener or something for hair putting waves in here ceramic and this was definitely worth it i scanned it it scans like brand new for about 90 dollars plus shipping uh pre-owned probably 50 bucks but all these are new so this is going to be like an open package type you know just damage to the box so i can probably get 50 50 60 bucks uh plus shipping on that so that's good i picked up three vintage hats again that one is from the town of matthews north carolina i really just kind of like the patch to be honest with you i like picking up old vintage patches so that's pretty cool this one just says legends cars on it it's pretty neat and then this one is a old car quest auto parts hat and if you know if you've been watching the channel a long time you know i love picking up hats it's only 99 cents at my goodwill and i pick up a ton of them now let's go over to the plushes so if you watch my one video stating that if you fill up one of these bags uh everything is like 3.99 for the plush and as you can tell i got a whole bunch of little ones so i didn't spend hardly any money on any of these and we're going to go over them quick this one right here is the most dingiest he's got oh pikachu's got a very angry face on him but i went through these and a lot of these do go for about like five to ten bucks some of these five nights at freddy's when again i'm learning this stuff as i go i don't know anything about plushes to be honest with you but some of these bad boys can be upwards of hundreds and hundreds of dollars if you get the right ones now mine don't have the tags on them like the original tag it still has that tag but not like the one that came to it so they'll be like sold as a lot this one's a little sega guy i got some build-a-bear the reason why i picked this build-a-bear up is that it is a happy birthday but it does have a hello kitty dress on it so and a lot of people in my last video was like hey pick up hello kitty stuff so there you go i picked up a build-a-bear with a hello kitty dress should go for some some money some of the comps that i have on these are pretty good i think this one actually comes out pretty good at about 10 to 15 that is a build-a-bear star wars bear another pokeman thing i got a mario he's missing the tag all together but he this is where he was the raccoon in uh mario so that's pretty cool got a uh what is his guy's name if you know tell me down below he still does have the tag on it but he did comp out very well and the way i comp it out like say i take a google lens and i'll take a picture of this one because ebay has gotten rid of their camera or at least on my app they have so i can't take pictures with um with ebay anymore so i take a picture with google lens and then i'll remember the name or i can just visit like the the website and this one pops up this is a star wars build-a-bear so like these two probably lot together because they're both star wars they're both build-a-bear then i did get a spider-man and i'm pretty sure like spider-man just came out right like the movies i don't really watch too many movies but so that one right there that one again is a build-a-bear so build-a-bear spider-man another pokemon one this one's cool and probably keep if you've been watching the channel you know i'm a big fan of uh jurassic park in jurassic world and he is legit he is a legit jurassic world uh dinosaur they call him blue but blue was a raptor and this is a trash horse rex so i don't know but he's worth like 20 bucks but he's probably gonna be kept and then a batman lego still got the tag on him and he i think goes for about 10 to 15 bucks so what i'm gonna do is average out on the breakdown at the end of the video eight bucks on each one i think that's going to be shooting it a little bit low but realistically let's just say eight dollars and there's 24 of them even got that guy right there i don't know who he is but pretty cool then moving on i got this fez hat from like the uh shriners i just picked it up because it was super cool looking and they do have some soul comps this one's like in brand new condition and uh i don't know i got it for three bucks i think they go for about 15 to 20 plus shipping and then this thing right here is pretty neat this is a keypad like an electric keypad and i always pick up these if i can't you know when i comp them out in the store this one obviously there's something going on with it because it is glowing and it's red and white so i have to actually youtube how to reset this thing everything comes with it paid six bucks for this and the base and this item and this item right here is abode and that's what this brand is and there is a lot sold on ebay and not a lot listed so i'm going to go ahead and just research it make sure i list it correctly but this one item has sold for 17.99 plus shipping in brand new condition condition and this one is brand new so that's good the base this goes for about 42 and i can't find the keypad yet but um if i can't get this thing to work you know i might be able to sell for parts or something but i definitely have to youtube it to figure out what exactly it's doing right now because it's flashing all white and red which is usually never a good sign but it was a bundle deal for six dollars so right there this would be double the money that's pure profit that ain't bad then ll bean uh i usually pick up their jeans only if they have the lining in it so these are double lined and that's what they're called they're called ll bean double l now you will see a whole bunch of like low comps on these eight to fifteen dollars if you hold out they usually will sell between 18 to 25 bucks plus shipping i've always sold them at that much people will always offer ten dollars twelve dollars for them plus shipping i usually hold out on these because i know that they'll sell for 18 to 25 bucks so these will be less than 25 dollars i'll probably take the best off around 20 on those so that's really not too bad so right there that's everything i bought today to be a full-time ebay reseller and this is what i do for a living i go places and then flip things online for a profit or try to make a profit at least on the first goodwill you saw the individual i asked the employee i said hey can you go ahead and price this for me because without a price they won't sell it to you and i didn't expect them not to actually sell it all to me they said it was a mistake it was out there which means that most likely it will be sent off to be auctioned on or wherever they do their auction at so that will no longer be in the thrift store and what it was was a sony like camcorder not sony it was an rca camcorder the sony ones are called handycams they usually go over a hundred dollars the rca one's probably 50 maybe 100 i didn't even run the model because it didn't have a price on it but that just proves the other day i said that in my game cube pickup when i was like hey if they found this out they would probably never sell this to me for 2.99 and that just proves right there that they probably wouldn't have so that's why i bought the thing fast and put it in my car super fast so i do appreciate everybody that watches definitely picked up a whole bunch of plushes i don't know much about plushes if you saw something i missed in the bin that i was looking through definitely tell me down below uh you guys have given me so much valuable information down in the comments so any more valuable information go ahead and tell me down below and i much appreciate it and you know i will always get you on the next one [Music] [Music] um [Music]
Channel: Bearded Thrift Machine
Views: 242,711
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: goodwill haul, thrift haul, thrift with me, thrift shop, thrift store, thrift store finds, thrift flip, come thrifting with me, goodwill finds, goodwill shopping, ebay reseller, lets go thrifting, shopping at goodwill, thrift vlog, thrift shopping, goodwill haul 2021, thrift with me goodwill, selling on ebay, what sells on ebay, ebay selling, thrift store flip, goodwill thrifting for resale, thrift store shopping, thrift store haul, goodwill haul to resell
Id: MkNQfCzr8gw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 39sec (879 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 06 2022
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