This Game Is SADISTIC (huge jumpscare) | Until Dawn (#6)

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all right so let's continue now to kill her at least well that's so [ __ ] that's so fun I'm so sorry Rami nice put it here's our one-way ticket to the spirit realm I've just been through enough and where have you been taking a nice bath what if she just wakes up at dawn oh my god guys I [ __ ] up there is one individual we're considering as a saved I think currently unknown you know there is still the old sanatorium on the mountain could he be hiding there come on my let's go on a revenge spree that's right there's not even looking for Ches he's looking for the killers yeah maybe lose the light you draw too much attention to yourself how they got dogs it was like wolves are you sadistic you are sadistic as [ __ ] I'm so sorry feels so bad Josh I think the worst part is I think if I hadn't chosen it would have allowed both of them to live god damn it I want to start over though it's fine it's fine we still got the rest of him alive okay yeah that gum would have been nice to have more than one bullet walking around with the light brought we would have been better just to put this out the scaffold prints now - you should try to find a way to cover your tracks I grab like a branch and kind of like grass and leaves on it maybe like trail that behind you or something I'm just saying there's ways to go about this but you're just overall athletic ability I'm trusting you're like Tarzan but gets more [ __ ] because tighter that only gets Jane you know this guy gets multiple girls every every time he goes up to the cabin he's got a new girl I don't know what I'm talking about don't worry about me guys I'm still really put the light out bro I can probably see that [ __ ] he's got dogs it's gonna be tough to kill him these are dogs I will kill though like if it comes to it yeah maybe you try that a little bit quieter you're really gonna try to get inside aren't you too Brad you're gonna go up against two ravenous dogs and a killer I gotta say I like the confidence respect we gotta find a way to unlock or go around this place is decrepit man sketches hair don't you just [ __ ] pork or your way up because it seems you have those abilities should I check her down for more clues yeah I probably should look at that bigger things bro than a [ __ ] sign let's look around from our clothes we gotten hit Oh more things a letter was it's a be advised that the minor rescue is due to be completed tomorrow those five miners is unknown prepared all beds oh there was a vine something on the back you'll need a nose peg those guys smell awful okay so it was a mine collapse or something sir here Oh bro maybe I should went to the other door the admin daughter I'm back outside oh this is the yeah okay this is the thing I saw before I got this I got this [Music] try to do things little more quietly Mike huh hey how much noise he's making mark or I was ready for the good time or didn't need to be okay okay okay what's up what's up how do we feel right now not great now that one of the characters is dead I feel like ass okay here's a blinky what's up blinkered is a puzzle what am i where am i what am i doing boy was that me was that me lost or them what does that mean did you just rise believe that butterflies by dreams of premonitions each totem foretells in a possible future okay but yeah I don't want to end up like that though my face his face was gone oh hey ha ha I was water live with that barrel there we go dig it up dog [Music] now this game makes me really wonder if I walked in that door before that admin dotard like what normal video games like there's two options ones the main storyline and there's like a secret something that you get like extra currency or something if you go the other way and you know like start researching it a little bit not researching but exploring I mean but in this game I feel like every door you don't go through it's like you're missing area changes the story who you interact with what you see okay up through the hole in the wall floor oh you see dad it's a different oh watch out watch out watch out watch out watch out what I feel some bad yeah huh yeah I get the camera wider so I can see more my back where I started oh no I'm in the room my lord Yogi's hey what the [ __ ] and I'm back I'm literally that was such a waste okay so I guess we're going through this door after all that was so stupid why did I go around I literally don't even remember what I found downstairs or the totem yeah which don't help me at all by people who are smart maybe the totems help I'm not that guy I don't have the brain so I don't think can I find a weapon is there a weapon in here yeah oh no I thought he's gonna use that clocking cards that wasn't you keep those in a safe who cares about that look at this people worked here oh no [ __ ] glad I found that out I had no idea that there were employees here at this business Jesus Mike you're a genius he's like oh [ __ ] he's like the kind of guy that his parents gave him a lot of money you know so he doesn't understand the value of a dollar does understand how the world works now this is a clue no no no no no not pick that up pick that up pick that up pick that up oh it's broken can you still check the footage on there I see recording let's take it pictures of oh man you're still distraught over that death look at ease baggy baggy I'm a doggie whispered [Music] okay more clues look at all the [ __ ] I'm finding guys are you proud of me cuz like I miss everything and I found this [ __ ] although knowing me I probably walked past something very important already it's fine you pick your battles okay you win some you lose some bet I've run from these dogs in one of these scenes okay more paperwork reading medical notes just 12 miners collapsed okay so there's 12 miners trapped in a mine expecting to find a man seated shells of men star defuse thankfully the miners superior cogent and relatively healthy attributing attributed to their apparent discovery of emergency food supplied oh so there was they found food down there okay so there's some of them got pneumonia 23 days they were trapped the shock of reintegration has been difficult for some of the group really it's a lemon it was only 23 days did they eat each other no they would note that due to the delicate nature of some of the patients we closed off the a wing of the sanatorium okay so this guy was probably a miner they had to okay so they're prescribed stuff and kept under one of these guys actually tried to bite me I'm going to report it as a dr. Bowen I think he probably ate each other that was the emergency food supply hacked off one dudes a lake I just started shouting it can I go in here all right to the black oh it downstairs it's been a while since we had a scare I shouldn't say that she jinxed it it's coming so one guy I felt like it was a team it might just be one guy that yeah let's do it I love birdie oh [ __ ] some house broke grabbed yes thank you for the WEP got it yes Oh attack some murderer ass up I'm gonna carve you I'm gonna carve you so good bro you and your dogs and I'm gonna put you in a stew and eat you let's go this way I think I might be a like a like Dexter except a cannibal and I don't want to kill good people I want to kill the bad people and yes [ __ ] basically [ __ ] girls and murderers I'll hack that dog up I don't BK I say that as I turned around did like flea look at another thing I do all these clues I'm finding guys was it safe apply immediately reporters and other supers to be kept away at all cost so there's secrets here okay J wouldn't want press snooping around this paradise showing signs of mental trauma okay there's some serious serious mental health issues going on at this place these miners who were trapped for 23 days top dog I saw you running through here I'll [ __ ] you up I don't want to kill you I love bounds hello mr. bounds were you one of the miners that they ate I can't go this way cool all right see you later mr. bones it's a pleasure talking to you you got a nice teeth [Music] let's go over here yeah having this light that scares me a little bit because you're easily seen right what mr. Boggs I found your arm what's wrong with you bro Oh Santa's eyes I was feeding them oh yeah grab the machete oh oh oh oh don't let me do it don't let me do it do not make me do this Oh today today today tatata tatata tatata dance our fingers I'm so sorry fingers [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] Shh oh gosh I'm so sorry I'm so sorry bro I'm so sorry I made you do this [Music] you're making a lot of noise dogs are definitely coming yeah wrap that [ __ ] up okay so mics down a couple fingers probably a little bit less athletic now how did that okay does that tell me how my site of usable shitty my khakis on figures okay okay what's a couple fingers now Sam now I would have done it I probably just took my chances dog it's like me it's like me in this game Oh enemy always choosing a way to go what are the options I only know this path well [ __ ] I'm gonna [ __ ] this up guys I'm so sorry I'm gonna [ __ ] this up I think he's gonna die I really think I'm gonna [ __ ] this up guys I don't wanna I don't wanna I'm trying to save everybody the first get the first that the first step it's like traumatizing me I'm just used to exploring everything I didn't realize I shouldn't touch the thing you know oh that's a body that's an incentive ated body it's a toe tag yeah big hikes put that down now we're gonna walk away now we're gonna walk away now what's in here it's or another one don't jump out don't jump out I was a fresher one it's a fresher [Music] gross that's kind of gross who are you what is this okay let's check this out check it out how did I just find something that I just potentially save him what's this this place just gets better and better bro how are you so calm how is this a clue man's a sociopaths Psychopaths not sociopaths I feel like I got to go back and set uni meenie miney moe the game is clearly telling me the next choice you make is huge oh my feet my fingers I miss you already okay I might end up cutting all this part out this next part cuz I'm gonna wander around because that card felt important was that card not anything use the key card on the chapel door all back upstairs oh my braveness went up cuz i [ __ ] cut my fingers off ah it's not brave that's stupidity guys I think I'm making the right choice I got the key card now if I go upstairs and use it I'll get in through the door if I went through that door that it was prompting me to go through before hey buddy mr. bones ask some fingers that I'm not using anymore if you want them if I go back upstairs no not this way I go back upstairs got what I'm saying okey oh yeah I know I have the key card and this is gonna save me I really hope so cuz I'm really taking the long way around you know he looks like a hook [ __ ] with his hand like that I got how you lost your fingers dog but I still be a man you know Oh more clues bran finding clues like crazy get out of here get out of here yep I think it's time to get out of here yep yep yep yep yep yep it's not as camera the camera in this game I don't like it's hard to fight figure out where you are oh through here bro through here this is how I got through last time why can't I get through this time bro use the keycard on the door how I can't cuz the path is now split and won't let me go through who closed this door all right well I guess we're going back mister bounce mr. bones is like the least threatening thing down here he's my source of comfort and these dark times I got to see the bro this is my place of trauma really the dogs never came either so kind of feel like I probably could have just open the door and kept my fingers or open that trap all right here we go hopefully it doesn't [ __ ] kill me oh this is a thing take the card game take the card with you as well yep cool what are you gonna do now how are you gonna fight someone with eight fingers you're at a disadvantage you want you only have 80% of your power I'm nervous now I was all jacked up about Mike coming in here [ __ ] people up oh my god quick time if you're quick Tommy I got you you got a machete you can hold it with three fingers ah hey bro okay okay you just said you with me okay that's a quaint little psycho grandma that dog scared the [ __ ] out of me [ __ ] you dog this first time ever said [ __ ] you dog and been actually actually talking about a real dog usually when I say it it's about a person yeah [ __ ] stairs bro we still got a parkour spirit back in here you know any fingers like once you lose like four or five fingers then you start losing the parkour spirit but - you're still good I feel like we shouldn't be going in here but I don't know where else to go so I'm not intuitive enough to understand where the game wants me to go did that card with you yeah yeah make sure we got it that's like our greatest resource besides I just kicked right is keep the I just throat kicked that dog and it kind of seemed friendly he was like bro why did you [ __ ] kicked me in the throat that wasn't nice oh cool can't wear it oh yeah I'm gonna stealing this psychos code oh this dude's got long arms nice thinking dawg now we got a gun ana machete [ __ ] yeah this dude is screwed I got a gun and a machete I'm loaded no pun intended intend that pun a little bit doggy what are you I'm sorry for kicking you I feel bad your other for your friend scared the [ __ ] out of me you know just reflexes I'm gonna follow this guy he's gotta know I'm here right I'll be making a ton of noise feel guilty it's like looking at his diary I guess some people wants fat man oh good bro loaded now I am loaded now you didn't understand I'm safe four days from the dogs at least dogs ain't [ __ ] with my machete or my gun and now I got yeah I'm pretty sure he's gonna hear that good you come to maybe look to see if there's a key around sad use the gun let's go this way and they in this room that's useful oh good thing I checked Oh Shh this totems got handlers too oh don't don't light a fire don't light a fire oh okay I'm gonna forget I have the worst memory ever guys I'm gonna forget holy [ __ ] this is bad I'm totally gonna forget that I'm like crying laughing because I know I'm gonna kill Mike accidentally when I light a fire cuz it tells me to press buttons and I'm just a puppet I just do what I'm told you know a sconce tears don't like the match don't like the match don't like the match can you remind me tell me in the conversation don't light the match we'll pretend that I'll see it before the end of this video okay the clues in this room okay so far I know that there's miners there was miners trapped in a mine they were sent here and the press had to be kept out because there's some wild [ __ ] going on here well this is not how I wanted my weekend to go you know I just wanted to come to the cabin bang my girlfriend like these were my dreams and now I have two less fingers of course locked but if I despair and make some more noise good job no no no don't do this back can I go back I don't wanna waste my bullets okay that seems like a mistake yeah maybe get out of your dog [Music] I see them watching me always masterminding this whole thing hey it's locked can we jump it the hell who did that but there's some seriously uncool seriously uncool like your friend being split in two by a saw me just double check maybe no okay I thought he's like a friendly [ __ ] you can't jump that bro he's an athlete right no what if they were wrong maybe we should have checked the shed to see if it was really true yeah I'm not getting on that cable car if you think I'm getting on the cable car you're mistaken that dude controls the locks no no I'm sorry we're not getting on that cable car don't trust it okay here's the thing I had on the total and I'm finding these like crazy I made you supposed to find them son an accomplishment well that doesn't look promising okay so got another tooth totem bar near the cable car okay so he fell from up high let's avoid Heights maybe god I can't I still can't believe I killed someone oh hi thingy hello blinky it's still fresh maybe paint a portrait for your girlfriend or something I don't know what you're doing right now oh yeah fighting for your life gotcha and be painting it's not the greatest thing to do right now it's up there nothing I'm not getting on that cable car honey I have this called her honey what the [ __ ] look good act yes so do I yes give me weapons thank you is that a clue or a weapon no no no no no no no no no we're not no we're not we'll break the door down William won't be pleased if we start to smash and shut down he's gonna hear us you got any better suggestions I don't know about look what window that's great Matt I can just about fit my lip balm through that little slot come on come on help Emily through or smash the door no I'm gonna go with my plan cuz I'm smarter than you because you're kind of a [ __ ] you will are you nuts you're gonna shove my ass to that little hole anything to get my hands on your ass pretty tight jeans em good stuff it's a talent it's a talent fine yeah dudes like he's at the sanitarium or whatever this was more than one guy I trust you girl you got this I believe in you you [ __ ] this up I'm gonna break up with you and you also might die so but no pressure get it ash oh my god what pitchblack I do not like this I'm right here um yeah I got you girl status update what's going on what happened oh my romantic went down and my thing with them I went down okay can you find the latch anything bra Frank got chopped in half maybe don't complain about stupid [ __ ] like spiders I'm just trying to he was worried about dude hearing them and now he's yelling at his girlfriend oh cool I knew that was a right plan I don't seriously what what's your deal huh all right what the hell was that I'm in the pitch black with the spider webs and dust I was good you just go wandering on I just don't know me this is a complete and total breakdown of even the slightest glimmer of trust I might have had that you attacked me from the bad things that are out here and I am just majorly bumming out just stop I got an axe I'm sorry what I was thinking well see you weren't thinking for one thing okay chill Hey look at you it's crazy we were here just a few hours ago this must have just happened [ __ ] all this blood it's got to be the guy the one who I'm about to Chris an action Josh he's gotta know this is the only way back don't say that [Music] look oh she wants to make me joke I'm not jumping I saw the thing I saw the toe don't know we'll figure something out girl what the power of our love save us I think they knew exactly what they were doing yeah I agree this is premeditated they planned this [ __ ] for a year more than a year probably okay I'm not good with maps but cool someone really did a number on this joint such a boy this place was barely it's working condition before and why you're tired too Magellan maybe we should get the cable car watch a let's show on the road huh she knows I'm a gentleman his shouldn't seem that guy's smart oh no she was she got a 4.0 okay so cable car we got to get up to the fire tower I guess so we got to go up okay okay I'm down mental hospital great that's like totally gross no just creepy mics there bro if I look at this again will it give me another thing okay all right what's this die die die plus the paint look at all this crap there's got to be something useful in here right very friendly unfollow unfollow bro this isn't Instagram kara what's the clock the clock mean something no alright well one thing's for sure I'm not jumping oh hey get out of the way [ __ ] I'm trying to pick up this [ __ ] thing why can't I pick up this thing bro there's something blinking on the ground and I need to pick it up I literally can't pick it up there's a cool on the ground and it's not prompting me okay now I get this now this on the ground maybe it's a piece of glass maybe just reflecting I don't know either way I can't pick it up so whatever just make sure I don't jump make sure I do not jump I will not be jumping to today what am i okay we go let's get out of here be careful around clip edges bro okay so we got to go this way and up we got to go out the mountain when the [ __ ] am i oh here we go you ready for a hike baby this is back up the way we came right is the gate unlock now can I bus it down I bust it down though bro how can I not hop this I'm not getting on that cable car I'm not making that jump seriously I've seen the premonitions we had to break into here for some reason you know maybe I missed something what did I miss I'm [ __ ] lost oh here we go finally finally great oh mercy keys keys no cable car so I got to square one find your tower on the map so nice trying to get to girl I guess it's an option we gotta get to that radio I agree mini today's area this cigarette let's head back ah head back where I agree we need that radio or disagree let's head back let's head back I disagree I don't want to fall to my death girl this is my life's on the line I don't want to go any higher I don't know that could work I kind of think that maybe we should get back to the metronome everyone's been split up for so yeah wait for real what is it with you and going back to the lodge you see her hide out in your room and cry maybe a little bit okay don't be a [ __ ] I can't not be a [ __ ] that's who I am fine whatever you say no don't bro did you just cave I bet she liked that my braveness went down and my relationship with her went down I thought I thought it would go up because you know I'm a pushover little [ __ ] where are you going oh no no what Oh another election oh you know Shh as long as I'm not jumping [ __ ] hell okay well she's gonna do it I'm gonna do it cuz she called me a [ __ ] you know it take your time oh this does not look at this bad boy you're coming with me buddy and just like magic come on down we can totally get out here this way can I leave I don't want to do this I'm gonna die I'm gonna can I just leave I don't think I have a choice there's nowhere else to go all right snooze you lose slowpoke oh my god I don't want to do this I don't want to do this cos you've got your I just saved your life [ __ ] all right yeah thanks maybe you should go first though oh my god I don't like you she's gonna push me okay easy now okay holy cannoli thank god that's over real hot not always dying there folks I'm good though okay so we got around dope now we can go up to the fire tower I really just wanna go to the back elect Lodge and cry in my room but it really does seem like the best plan if it doesn't we need a plan maybe we can just climb down that doesn't seem like a great idea she's a psychopath is just gonna give up and run away no but maybe we should find a safe spot oh wait it out yeah I realize easier to figure this all out in the morning yeah we don't hide in the lodge that's where he expects us to go is it I'm not searching around much because she isn't light and I don't expect there to be many clues oh this is sketch I don't like this I saw myself falling to my death we already lost one guys we can't lose another I'm maybe gonna try to save Jess now I'm shook I am straight shook yeah how would this way girl I'm gonna leave you oh there's something over here yeah what's this oh it's our phone Oh whoa this is like I swept the whole area looks like they missed this yeah I know it's the other way I know it's can I go this way no I can't but I know what's this way it's a giant cliff we fall to our deaths I've seen Beth and Hanna do this thought there's another thing I see you thinking another totem give me a sign give me a sign bro give me something portion totem what a fortune totems do privacy of good fortune and it was just okay that doesn't tell me why sure oh don't like this don't like this oh oh yeah I think it's a dead end watch your step girl do I have to interact yeah no [ __ ] spend my evening plummeting to my death hey be a little more cooperative girl yeah and let's get away from the edge oh I don't know it sounds freaky though if I have a choice I'm fighting it what the [ __ ] diamond dear no I've done it I'll stand your ground bro the totem the totem Oh fine oh that is a giant toy is that a swimming pool they are Richard [ __ ] look at this girl you don't know what you've been missing so long ice bath - it's been several hours I think yeah maybe open your eyes to that clown looking dude in the back yeah see you later bro you don't need to be in here I'm naked dudes not even subtle about it guys yeah this is one of them's already did what are you doing out there dying creepy okay come on hayden Panettiere we need your abilities of invulnerability right now it's not the heroes a reference oh yeah put your clothes on I'd say yeah she's been in here for at least an hour and ten minutes cuz it was 23:59 when Mike started doing his thing and it's now 111 so that's how long I've bath do you really just come up here just to take a bath it's my clothes really wait to whichever one of you did this is off my Christmas list seriously it's not cool guys at least put yourself they wouldn't knock her out they would have if they were going for efficiency oh yeah this ain't good he set up like a maze for her when I was editing the video last time I noticed that there was like arrows and [ __ ] on balloons he wants her to go a certain way yeah that's walking here where's here [Music] why is it digging at 111 like it should only be on the outer marker Jesus at least 15 minutes actually there is something I wanted to check out okay it was all very funny ha ha look at say I'm walking around in a towel but now I just really want this to be over alright chuffy you had enough okay Coolio okay I want to go to check out oh no that was where is Hannah's can I have my clothes back now or am I supposed to hang out in a towel for the rest of the weekend I want to check out Hannah's room again that's had two thing this whole tattoo thing is like on my minds I assume there's something on the back of that card that business card that I missed okay we're not stairs that's it that's it we're going on stairs I'm gonna cut a lot of that out I was looking for Hannah's room because I wanted to check out that business card for the tattoo thing because I thought that was important just a guess but I think it was something written on the back based on what you guys told me oh I just saw that dude walking downstairs definitely just saw a walk downstairs I've already seen this [ __ ] yeah it's the foaming family is there some on the back hey you ready for senior prom ah can't wait if you were trying to freak me out guess what you succeeded it's gonna say is that I just follow him I'm not far behind then I saw him I saw him walk down here oh [ __ ] okay hold on all that all that hold on hold on hold on okay my battery's dying I gotta change it man I got a flashlight now I really want to get back to my blood whites to be honest down here I saw you don't go into the cellar hey guys come on I'm done with this I really don't appreciate the silent treatment here oh it's a movie what is it what's gonna be on there is it gonna be me killing Josh hey psycho I don't think you'll have much luck looking some that you're only going to see what a beautiful bathing but I do you think she has any idea what lies ahead Riley not do you think these were the last happy moments of this creatures life why are you watching as you locked me in this room how did you get that camera in right now I'm going to give you 10 seconds [ __ ] what to do what run or throw vase we're gonna run we're gonna run I have a track background not really I'm ready quick time I can quit time to shell jump or hi oh don't tell me this is the don't tell me don't tell me don't tell me this is the still controller thing they still take care grab ah kick him kick him kick him in the balls in the balls in the balls balls uh-huh I was that taller staying on that's a well wrapped towel I thought I was so nervous I was gonna feel like remains really still got it got it got it got it got it got it oh my heart is beating out of my chest oh I got this I got this I got this anymore four times that's the one thing I know I can do well high in a run we're hiding again I think we have to safe though ah all the bats yes oh thank you thank you bad thank you oh I [ __ ] that up I [ __ ] that up I thought it was staying still ball force force let's beat this door down holy [ __ ] I [ __ ] that up I [ __ ] that up I thought I could I thought I could keep it still I thought I could keep this I think it's not only side to side but it's up and down alright let's walk fast walk fast life fast walk fast let's get out of here bro thank God that bat was there I had to run hide I'm gonna set the controller down any QuickTime events I set it down guys that's a little bit cheating I do feel a little bit bad for that I just can't let anyone else die you know Josh had to go oh I thought it shut up honestly everyone saw that because I don't know unplugging and yeah the crucial moment you are foiled by your own inadequacies I told you everything [ __ ] them in the head with the bed you think this mistake won't have repercussions they started making what do you do what you say causes things to change oh good work exploring the sphere and you've just gonna use this art yeah yeah I hate you your overwhelming fear why haven't I killed this guy you turned it against these people oh you should test for the one to torment I said freedom worth am i the killer or is he talking to me like breaking the fourth wall literally whoa oh man I I'm [ __ ] exhausted bro this isn't this is too intense I don't understand what happened at the end but honestly I was hoping for him to die that's why I didn't get scared because I was like oh good he's here to murder the doctor now cool all right guys next Wednesday is gonna be part six next Friday we part seven come back then maybe I'll make some more poor decisions oh oh [ __ ] I killed Josh that's gonna eat me up that's gonna eat me up sorry - any fans of rami malek out there who wanted to see him in the game more even now my heart's still beating like I want a fast obviously heart still beating on Monday who do you think I have mr. bones yeah oh yo that's it I love you see you next time [Music]
Channel: Dylan Is In Trouble
Views: 464,561
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: until, dawn, until dawn, game, gameplay, horror, reaction, review, trailer, until dawn 2, until dawn review, until dawn dylan, dylan until dawn, until dawn 1, sam, mike, hayden panettiere, rami malek, josh, chris, ashley, emily, matt
Id: n-G1HCeVqcQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 51sec (3471 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 18 2019
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