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oh boy you guys are in for a treat today anyone who knows me knows that I avoid all things horror horror games horror movies horror shows horror books horror houses the haunted houses they're called but I to fit the pattern I avoid a man I do not like anything horror which is exactly why this video is good I recorded the video yesterday I wanted to rerecord the intro just because I wanted to say that this is me getting my feet wet this is the kind of video that I really haven't made before all the gameplays I've played before just like app games I'll also record another one today for the love island series which is a good series you should check out if you haven't seen that that's that I do want to say that this is my first time playing a computer game since I was a kid playing roller coaster tycoon soo and The Sims which are just a little bit different than this game so I just it took me a second to get the controls down anyways I hope you enjoy the commentary next week on another video like this very likely the second part of the outlast gameplay so yeah I hope you enjoy this first video on to the gameplay let's give it a whirl man normal hard nightmare or insane I will choose the easiest there outlast contains intense violence core graphic sexual content hey I'm here for that you are miles Upshur an investigative reporter whose ambition is about to earn him an intimate tour of hell on earth always willing to risk leaking into the stories no other journalist would dare investigate you will seek out the dark secret at the heart of mount massive asylum stay alive as long as you can I don't like how it's phrased stay alive as long as you can you're implying that there is no other choice but death what's going on how do I Drive how do I play how much gas do I have with my Oh oh my god I'm on what's an empty you equipment that's a real problem guys this is so sketch security guard there better be someone here please tell me someone's here confidential all right you don't know me have to make this quick they might be monitoring people are being hurt and Murkoff is making money it needs to be exposed let's do it let's expose these [ __ ] all right did I bring a calculator aw it's a light calculator oh all right investigates how do I move Oh what's this BRR BRR BRR BRR BRR BRR BRR oh here we go that's back that's backwards press or hold left mom okay so press opens it fast got it got it got it sketchy [ __ ] at least I think in the beginning of the game is not gonna be too many super scary things you know they can't kill me in the tutorial that'd be super wack to run hold down left shifts oh oh [ __ ] yeah here we go knock-knock boy they're just gonna lock me out well [ __ ] you then I'll find another way in don't worry just drive this truck through the front Diller I'm here to investigate you and I get in here hey I'm in now here's a gate this one looks promising oh it's chained Oh dad this is so fishy all right left control Oh God Oh God all right this doors gonna be locked am I gonna be able to get into it I'm gonna sneak in through more windows I'm sure right yeah shocker the camcorder active you can zoom in and out with the mouse scroll up and scroll down oh oh look at that look at that interesting [ __ ] huh I'm sure I can climb this oh yeah here's a ladder how do I climb I hate ladders in real life can you stop with the eerie music I don't I can't with you right now there's a space bar while moving forward yeah this is this is such a system why am i this guy why am i this reporter sketch man shh-shh I hate the sound of my footsteps they're so loud like it why am I such a fatty oh my god you do not look like a good man you look like you final children I'm just I'm not I'm not I'm not allocating I'm just suggesting that we open an investigation into him we are a reporter after all huh oh [ __ ] you we're going we're going just blood everywhere god these gun holes please go why am i investigating this just let it just sweep it under the carpet bro let's check it out slowly slowly oh there's something here boom confidential okay can someone hang this goddamn phone Oh bro I'm sick of that sound hang the [ __ ] phone oh hello Paul there's bloody footprints now going an air-tight that much oh hey break room let's take a break oh hi oh what the [ __ ] why is there blood leaking from the ceiling and why am i going in here [ __ ] it we're doing it hey you go through the vents you know this makes so much sound oh hey bud okay should we go check in on them or should we just let me crazy it's fine what's going on down here anything oh hey is that a wall okay it's a wall do we just do it let's do it alright I'm going through here slowly [Music] I'm gonna die stop with the music can you stop with the music please stop with the music another one bro you okay they killed us she caught out the very you can't fight them [Music] I'm not ready to be chased I don't have the controls down enough to be chased yet keep going keep going keep rude hey and who are you well I don't think we're gonna be friends you're a little too creepy for me dog oh my more you I don't know I I see merciful God you have said be an apostle gotcha hey we're gonna be friends I miss apostle [ __ ] yeah I'm resettled I was a nerve for a while there oh my god bro you ain't even got your chair before you died you lazy piece of [ __ ] you deserve to die ah what was that oh I stepped on the Dead Guy haha woops sorry I didn't mean to ruin your corpse I pinched all his intestines are hanging out it's not like I'm doing much worse than he's already gotten done to them why did I come on the night when all the people are breaking out Oh which way do I go I freaked out and then I shake the mouse because I'm such a little [ __ ] oh my god is that poop is that a bloody poop Oh bro why are you looking that toilet you weren't a witness did you did he witness your poop all right I want to see that [ __ ] she's a bank closed yeah yeah is that a hand that's not what he's opposed to doing a toilet close that [ __ ] oh my god why is there so many dead people why did you have to die well it's you why is everyone's intestines on the floor god what a waste of a monitor to security are you Oh God more phones off the hook all right boom click that [ __ ] what's this before report pending no immediate action is required on the part of the Murkoff Corp the profit potential little projects walrider remain staggeringly odd alright so they're trying to make money and doing experiments oh my gosh yeah bro did you really have to die like this you got your head bashed in and then your spine stones and I'm standing on you it's not like you can feel anything but if you're a ghost on seeing this place you probably haunt me because I'm doing some terrible things to your body right now look at that look at that ah that's crouched on you oh yeah I get close to that booty put your hand on the booty put your hand on the booty put your hand on the bodhi sir put your hand on the booty okay back up sure just put your hand on the booty sir put your hand on the booty yeah yeah alright can we hang up this phone I'm so sick of this phone off the hook it's the most annoying sound it's not a scary sound she said annoying the [ __ ] out of me does he have a key card on them I'm stepping all over his corpse I can't find a key card so I don't think so nothing on the table nothing on the desk bathroom here's the thing here no that was goddamn it oh this bat it's just the battery I'm starting to get the hang of moving around a little bit Lauren who closed this why is this closed oh god what a mess in the bathroom who's gonna clean that oh here here okay okay okay I see there's got to be something in here oh here's the doorway here's the door right here we go here we go here we go anything here I'm trying to conserve my batteries because I know at some point I'm gonna run out and I'm gonna really need it to peak press Q or e q oh this is the head Bob thing ah I'm dancin look at my shadow veins and there's no other way through here right just want to get past you hey but breathing so hard sound like a freak yeah all right white switching four are you an addict huh okay just gonna pass you real slow-like bro you don't look so good your scalp is like yeah I don't know I can see all your ribs still all right you're not a danger to me can you guys hear hey miss we're gonna party you're just watching the blood screen what's wrong with you [Music] Hey Hey hey [ __ ] hello [ __ ] you ain't nothing you ain't nothin either oh my god oh I love our nerd and talk to me we're really not friends like that very slowly oh hey I'm here are we cool oh I got a pass hey key card yeah thank you buddy I know your friends okay okay we're good we're in the clear I'm the clear it's time to go back I'm gonna go back everything's all right thanks all right Sydney watching your blood screen that show on Netflix blood screen this guy again why do I think he's gonna try something if he touches my ass [Music] [Music] I will [ __ ] you up actually no I'm just gonna run went the wrong way oh hey some shiny hey hey I'll pick that [ __ ] I'll read that later I'm in a hurry I'm gonna just replace the battery real quick throw a new one in there boom keycard I am in I am in and let's just close that oh oh they even got in here how bro how are all the guards did let's get out of here accessing the security system are you suspicious oh no restart to generate now we turn to generate off what an [ __ ] I done Locker I can do this now he a big [ __ ] huh damn is he sniffing for me we don't have thumbs hahaha thumbless bits can't even open lockers yeah sir I called you a [ __ ] I feel safe in here I feel so safe in this locker I keep sniffing for me gonna find me ain't gonna find me okay I'm just gonna go the opposite way that he was going all the basement I know the basement is no he's the bathroom who's in here Oh more [ __ ] poops okay I don't want the poops I want the basement basement Oh someone left the door open all right sign of water actually cows it makes me feel a little safer okay oh shut the [ __ ] up don't talk to me don't talk to me who's there who are you is that what I just jumped over I think so just go just go just go trust Trust trust generator this is the generator right here here we go here we go here we go here we go generator we have generated current but now they know exactly where I am I'm in the generator room not a great thing for me okay battery battery tanks oh hello hi hello hi hello hey hello hi uh [Music] how can I run I'm not ready for a chase sequential grown I'm totally not ready for this I don't know where I am I don't know where I am I don't know where I am [Music] [Applause] do you see what I'm talking about I do not do well in these pressure situations when I'm about to be murdered honestly I'm calm like if I know I'm about to die I don't get scared however it's like the anxiety of being chased oh that kills me that's all I recorded that day I have the controls down now I didn't really have the controls at the beginning the game down and that's why I was like I can't be chased right now cuz I just don't know how to move properly but I feel more comfortable now and I think the next part of the gameplay is gonna be a lot more entertaining so come back next week I'll have another outlast gameplay up and I will see you next week
Channel: Dylan Is In Trouble
Views: 210,508
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: outlast, scare, gameplay, game, play, let's play, lets play, jump, scared, prank, funny, episode, one, episode one, outlast 2, outlast 3, whistleblower, ending, horror, horror game, 2018, 2019, best, best game, best horror game, best horror game 2018
Id: yheJPc9SteA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 56sec (1136 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 08 2018
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