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so I have just finished every single Roblox game inside the classic event however I haven't 100% at it yet because I still need to developer slice in the cake cat which at the time of recording this I am 485 inq yeah I'm never getting this so the way this video is going to work I'm going to be judging games based on how much they tried and how easy it is to get the badge now easy doesn't mean it's going to be high ranking but it does help it in the ranking a little bit compared to some of these games you know what I'm talking about this event is meant to be fun and engaging ing to the players so things like afking tedious grinding for no reason or just something really repetitive is going to be ranked lower on the list despite having effort in the game now there are 15 games in one Hub I will be including the Hub so this is going to be a top 16 list and funnily enough the number 16 spot was probably one of the hardest things to decide because there are so many bad games in this event however there is one in particular that I think stands out and is just overall an awful experience coming in at number 16 we have restaurant Tycoon 2 now to say that this one sucked as an understanding this one was just pure misery and I'm saying that as a person who already had a developed restaurant now to get the tokens you had to serve classic meals to I think 120 classic people or 150 I don't know I I stopped counting if you have a developed restaurant it doesn't seem that bad up until you realize that you can only get it for people that have the little classic tag over them and I'm going be so real this event in particular really did nothing to add to the whole classic Roblox thing but if I'm being real here it seems like they took like 10 minutes out of their day to cook something up for Roblox I don't know if it's because they had a bad deadline or something like that but really it's inexcusable and I'm going be honest with you I think it took me around an hour an hour and a half to actually beat this with a developed restaurant by the way so if you don't have a restaurant and you're trying to 100% good luck because you're going to have an awful time now coming in at number 15 we have adop and to be honest with you you could probably switch this out with restaurant Tycoon 2o because they're both unbelievably bad and to be honest with you I thought this was going to be a great event because they did an amazing job with the hunt event however that was not the case instead you had to raise a teapot a classic teapot and you're probably thinking corny surely they added more things than just a teapot to raise for the classic event and you're right they actually added one more small thing the castle from Crossroads so you can talk to the NPC and start your quest that is it that is the only thing else they added and so in order to complete this event you have to sit through the monotonous huh probably hour and a half of raising a teapot and to be honest with you there's no way you can really speed it up and so most of the time you're just going to have to AFK until you get a popup so you can actually do something with a teapot and you have to level it up five times for the five tokens I'm going to be so honest I have no idea how this got greenlighted or how Roblox saw this and was like yeah I I think this is a great idea because I don't know about you but a Roblox event shouldn't require you to AFK that would be like the equivalent of me hyping up one of my most massive videos and then releasing it in 8 minutes of it is just a black screen like seriously did anybody at ROBLOX play this at all I feel like these events would be exponentially better if they stuck David bazooki in a room and would not let him out until the event was over and maybe just maybe he'd realized that hey maybe these shouldn't be so grindy in fact can we get a petition for David bazooki to make a live stream and sit in a room until the event was over because I guarantee you that man would not be able to complete his own event I guarantee it you could give them all the resources in the world but that would be the most boring stream to watch of all time I think you're watching paint dry 10 times over would be actually faster than completing half of this event I'm sorry I got a little sidetracked and a little bit worked out about the whole AFK thing but it really made me mad so let's just go to number 14 coming at number 14 we have toilet Tower Defense now the reason why this one isn't 16 it's just simply the fact that you don't have to have any prior knowledge of what toilet tower defense is to actually beat the event like I'm going to be honest they really didn't do anything with the event itself I think they added maybe a boss in The Crossroads map but besides that you just have to complete a series of challenges that were already in the game in the first place and thankfully because I'm a YouTuber people actually donated me a bunch of legendary items so I could actually just speed through this one so if that was one of you guys thank you so much for doing that that made this event somewhat bearable coming into number 13 we have driving Empire now I know what everybody's going to say this should be the one at 16 but I can't in good conscious put this in 16th because they actually did put some effort into the event like they had their own special islands where it was all classic Roblox themed it was honestly pretty big and there was a few things to do on there mostly racing and you could also do a little taxi service and pick up people or like the classic Roblox characters but that's where the good ends because this is one of the only games that's actually PID to win for 10 Robux you can get yourself a tick tracker and it'll tell you where all the ticks are which I mean it's 10 Robux not a big deal but what I have a problem with is the fact that they made the rewards for the token so unbelievably grindy to get if you didn't buy the two times reward bonus thing you were cooked like straight up you were cooked I remember seeing people say that they had to do the event like 50 times over or 50 races over just to get all five tokens I thought they were joking turns out they weren't joking and so you fa with two options you can one grind out the taxi service that gave you three three points per delivery or you could do the race that would give you 12 points per delivery and do you want to know how many points you needed to get the fifth token 500 points so the options really were pay like 60 Robux to get the double times Rewards or get I'mma be real I may or may not have spent that 60 Robo I know I know I have sinned I cannot be forgiven but at the end of the day I am a Roblox YouTuber and I do have Robux to spend okay I'm very sorry driving Empire got 13th Place out of pity this honestly could have been the top 10 if it didn't make it so grindy but obviously when there's a money incentive to keep people inside your game 99% of the time these soulless developers will take all your money and smile so yeah driving Empire if you're watching this video this is by far my least favorite game in this list and I'm going to plainly ask that you never sponsor me or do anything related with me I don't want to touch you with a 10-ft pole because clearly you guys are motivated more by money than the actual player experience and it's really obvious coming in at number 12 we have bedw wars and this is part of the list where things are going to start looking up I would honestly call those first four games the depths of hell and if you plan on only getting the items within the event don't play these games in particular because these next 12 are way better and speaking of number 12 we have bedw wars now I will say bedw Wars event within itself actually wasn't too terrible however if you're trying to do this by yourself in a public Lobby this this is probably going to be the most miserable badge on the entire list to get all five tokens you need to get to wave 10 in their little Survival game however if you had no idea what you were doing just like me and you didn't have a skilled group of players while you were basically screwed don't get me wrong I really love the idea of a PVE game with penguins God bridging over to you and breaking your bed however the difficulty skill it really should have been fine tuned because it was really hard my team that I use compris the people that had over 3,000 wins and even then we still struggled to get to wave 10 in fact we we almost lost at wave 9 I I it was really scary but once again even though I had fun objectively this game is probably one of the worst ones for casual players I think it was pretty amazing what they did but once again they should have just tuned the difficulty down just a little Notch because oh my God that was terrible I feel like I had a better time fighting the nameless King inside Dark Souls 3 than I did having to beat bedw Wars crazy statement by the way coming into number 11 we have Liv Topia now I'm going to be honest with you Liv Topia didn't really do that much for the event I actually have never really play Liftopia outside of the hunt and that's really about it but honestly compared to all the other events that we have done so far this is one of the easier ones and it really isn't that hard a potato could do this event this one really requires no guide whatsoever the ticks are really obvious and all you have to do is I think make 30 deliveries to people a little bit tedious but honestly really chill all right finally we are in the top 10 and coming in at number 10 we have blade ball now I'm going to be honest with you this one there's a little bias here I really don't like blade ball that it's okay but what I thought they did a really good job of was the actual boss fight every five rounds if you had a Lobby more than four people they also made a bunch of classic exclusive Maps where you can find ticks on each one of the maps which is really amazing however problem is is that it's really heavily RNG based there's a solid chance that you could not run into a single one of these maps and not be able to complete the event because of it also to do a bunch of challenges that really weren't that hard I really think anybody could have done them but once again I'm just kind of biased because I really don't like blade ball that much much so that's why it's at number 10 coming into number nine we have Beast swarm simulator this was my very first classic game I played and honestly I thought they did a reasonably good job just like classic Roblox they kept everything very very simple the entire purpose around this game's event was a PVE Survival game however it required not having any bees you could do this 100% legitimately you would never ever have to touch Beast swarm simulator which is something I love that is somebody who has actually grinded out Beast swarm simulator in their free time I don't want to talk about it okay it was my guilty pleasure but even having op BS it actually really didn't help with the event at all and best part is I got it on my first try so thank you Beast SW simulator keeping it simple coming in number eight we have dragon Adventures honestly I don't know where to put this game one because this is just not my type of game I would never play this outside of the event and so they also did a pretty good job but they didn't really keep me engaged that much one thing I will say however they're the only game to keep things kind of personalized everybody's locations of the eggs were different so thankfully really looking up a guide is basically useless because none of the locations that they'd have would actually apply to you and thankfully just like bearm they kept everything really really simple all you had to do was fly around collect some classic eggs and then collect two tick eggs and then destroy a meteor incubate the eggs rinse and repeat five times they had five different custom areas with some of the old classic roox stuff honestly it was pretty good but once again not my type of game but coming into number seven we do have my type of game gunfighter Arena now I am not going to lie I really liked what they did with this but the reason why this isn't ranked higher is just because of the pure imbalance of the game this badge suffers from the fact that it's too easy all you have to do is just play with the classic weapons it gives you you got to get like 100 kills with the rocket launcher another 50 with the slingshot 50 with the DodgeBall I think another 100 with the paintball gun which sounds like a lot but believe me or all of your opponents are Bots combine this with the fact that you can literally put forest Fields down in their spawn and spawn Camp them over and over and over again it was just too easy I kid you not every single game I played which I think I played four rounds of it I got over 120 kills per I honestly think they did a great job with the weapons themselves all of them functioned really really well besides maybe the DodgeBall however it would have been fun if I was actually fighting against real people instead of AI because the second my neural Divergent brain realized that their Bots all the fun just disappeared I thought I was doing really good I mean I was killing it literally but yeah because it's all Bots this one's actually really easy to get and I would probably go ahead and get this badge but coming into at number six we have clipid now I wasn't expecting a Roblox Tik Tock carbon copy to do a really good job however I put my bias aside and I actually played the event and I honestly thought it was one of the best crafted games in the event including the hunt events 2 they did an amazing job with this one essentially you had to go around in maps and make Tik toks with the players that you have to find I think you have to find like sedki Builder man uh the hacker guy uh and John do and Jane do and quick off topic I actually just finally got into this person's Roblox Lobby only to find out that the admin actually left right before I joined and I'll going be real I started recording this like an hour and a half ago so now I got to go into another developer Lobby oh my God I am now 173rd in Q life sucks but back to what I was saying but yeah clip it made custom Ms for these they made little puzzles it was basically one giant Maze and I'm so glad I finished with this one cuz if I finished off a driving Empire yeah I don't think I'd be here right now coming in at number five dress to impress once again I can't believe I'm putting this so high up on the list but they did a bang up job with this just like clip it they made this one really easy but also really engaging so the first thing you have to do is collect around seven ticks in the lobby and then once you do that in the intermission area there's like three more ticks that you can get and then a portal opens this portal leads to a parkour area the parkour area is actually pretty big and takes maybe like 15 20 minutes to go complete it was engaging enough for me not to care about its difficulty one of my favorite things that they did with this is that they made the old Roblox building style beautiful honestly for dress to impressed to go above and beyond and do this we did not deserve this so dress to impress if you guys are watching this I I I I didn't even like you know dress to impress but if youall want to sponsor me for a video I will do a I will sit down and do a video on dress to impress that's how good this was but coming in number four we have Dusty trip now Dusty trip was a game I had never played before before this but that as I played it honestly the game is pretty good and the reason why this one is above all the other ones is because this one kind of made a story with it I'm not going to spoil the plot or anything that happens but essentially all I got to do is drive in a straight road and they give you basically free everything they give you infinite food infinite ammo infinite gas and overall it was a really relaxing but very fun experience especially if you do it with friends I highly recommend getting friends with this one this is how all the Roblox games should be modeled in this event but unfortunately they're not coming into number three we have Tower Defense simulator now I know people are going to be mad at the cuz I put this in number three but I have my reasons number one it's just not my type of game you know Tower Defense simulator has never been my type of game however I can't admit when a game is good and essentially what they made you do is you have to go through five different missions and thankfully they actually give you the towers that you need for these missions you won't actually have to do any playing beforehand to actually do this I even skipped a tutorial for this I will admit though I did have some hard time starting off but once I realized that you could just Spam soldiers like no tomorrow things weren't so bad that is until the final mission oh my God is this Mission hard but it's fair it's a fair hard it's not like bedw War hard where you know things just do infinite amount of damage to in your cook if you strategize properly and think about what you're placing down you will have no problem beating it and even though this probably took me an hour and a half 2 hours to beat I still had a very fun 2 hours it honestly really was very fun but coming in at number two we have Arsenal and as a Phantom Forces player at heart it hurts me to say this it really does but when you give Arsenal the chance to cook cook they will this is by far my favorite Roblox classic game and honestly it's even better if you have friends with you and also makes it a lot quicker so essentially all you have to do is you have to beat a little campaign game mode but after you beat the campaign game mode you also to do a series of challenges with it and then on top of that if you pay close attention to the level there's a lot of hidden tick spots which are really good and it honestly kind of reminded me of playing through Doom Eternal or Doom 2016 you can 100% find all the ticks without a guide if you just pay attention you'll notice that certain details are altered around places that ticks are for example here's a freebie when you're fighting the mini boss guy the first time there is a little tube that is slightly tinted green go inside of there and you'll get teleported to a secret tix room honestly really cool and you just have to play the entire thing for yourself now if you notice I said all 15 games but we still have one more left and if you have half a brain you already know exactly what I'm about to say but if you don't and you're left scratching your head let me spell it out for you coming in at number one we have the hub no not that Hub oh my God you're so gross the classic Hub they knocked this one out of the park I'm not even going to lie like the other hunt Lobby was maybe a 4 out of 10 best this Lobby is a 10 out of 10 it showcases what made old Roblox old Roblox it has the cart rides it's it has the obies it has the Guess Who it has so many secret Areas you really could have asked for for a better hunt Lobby and thankfully that was the first thing I actually did was the Hub itself and I got to experience it with my viewers first hand and we found a bunch of Secrets together and it was honestly really really fun but here we are finally at the end of the video If you guys enjoyed this LST and agreed with it please leave a like And subscribe because these videos take a long long time to make let's go ahead and get a mental health check on my editor hey seems happy enough anyways guys I hope to see you guys in the next one enjoy the rest of your guys' day bye-bye
Channel: corny
Views: 151,554
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: corny, corny roblox, cornycob, cornycob roblox, cornycob youtube, roblox, gaming, roblox funny moments, roblox corny
Id: NlOmCB8N5B8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 0sec (1020 seconds)
Published: Wed May 29 2024
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