This FREE Godot Plugin Makes Me a BETTER Developer

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tools like todoist and Trello are great for managing tasks but they live outside of where you write your code I want to show you how the to-do manager plugin for gdau helps me code more freely by getting me out of my own way let meay no there is too much let me sum up this isn't really a tutorial on how to use the plug-in because it's fairly self-explanatory instead this is more a look at the methodology that makes this invaluable to me and hopefully to you [Music] before I get into exactly how I use this to-do manager I want to show you how it works throughout your code you can leave keywords in these comments you see them here to-do hack and so on and they'll get surfaced in this project menu giving you an organized bird's eye view of different types of reminders you've left yourself I'm going to take you through all of them let's start with the to-do keyword I use to-do when I've not written any code but I want to remind myself to put something there so looking at the settings menu you can see I've got this quit button Handler that just exits out of the game and because I'm prototyping and I just need to get something up and running I'm leaving myself a reminder to come back here and put an Ru Shore prompt the next three keywords I use are temp hack and bug and you could argue that these are all very similar I use them as like varying threat levels so temp as an example if we look at level object so here you can see I've actually written some functional code it's an export variable that requires I identify my player node which makes it easy to prototype but I know that eventually I want to automate this so that I don't have to remember to wire it up every time so for me that's temp it's a low danger placeholder for right now so hack is the next level up in this case I have some code that does work but only under certain conditions I know that right now when I teleport some something to a space I'm not actually checking whether I can occupy that space so if I ship with this code as it is it would 100% break at some point what do you think of the place I don't know right now while I'm still just testing gameplay I'm just leaving this as a reminder I'll come back and fix it later but it's a little different than temp because temp is functional but maybe not ideal hack is dangerous and then bug is very similar to hack neither bug nor hack is something that I would ever ship a game with I just like to give myself a little variability to make one slightly more important than another in this case I flagged this one as bug over hack because in order for it to work you actually have to go through a sequence that the player wouldn't normally go through in order for this logic to work maybe not the best example but in general temp hack and Bug are like my you know low medium and high priority things that I want to get back to before I ship the [Music] game now optimize which is a another keyword I use let's take a look at this one a lot of times when I write something into a prototype I know it's not the most efficient code this Loop here is a good example of that it's a loop that walks through all of the doors when you enter a level and figures out which one you came through and this will work 100% of the time the way I've structured this the difference is that in my prototype a room is never going to have more than four levels so while the fine Gateway function might not be super efficient it's an unnecessary place for me to pre- optimize now when I start building out my game if I get to a point where I'm building much much larger levels and maybe there's 100 or 200 or 300 doors in a level then this is going to be an opportunity to optimize so because I have a tendency to over engineer when I write something and I a little thing goes off in my brain where I'm like this could probably be more efficient I'll tag it as optimize and then I won't come back to it until the end of the project where I'm actually looking for opportunities to optimize the game so for me the optimize keyword and and frankly most of these are not just about keeping track of things that I want to do they're a technique that allows me to sort of stay in the flow because like I said I have a tendency to over engineer and overthink things and the hack optimize and temp in particular are all keywords that allow me to just kind of throw something down get the game to a state where I can test it find out if this is a feature I'm even going to keep or if the rough construction of the systems I'm building actually makes sense and once it does then I go back and I start cleaning up the hacks and addressing optimization and stuff like that but so I use todoist and apple reminders and Trello and a notebook and I I have all different kinds of ways of keeping track of the things that I'm working on this to-do manager isn't a replacement for those but it is one that lives right inside of my code and so it allows me to kind of stay in flow it allows me to get out of my own way that's why I use this system it's not just about keeping track of things that you have to do it's very much about getting out of your own way the last one was a tip I got from my friend Adam deg grandis I'm going to pop over to the settings and change this from secret to what it actually is and this is one that I think is less commonly used not that I'm hanging around to do manager forums or anything but I've got these next items and especially as a hobbyist game developer who's maybe only working on nights and weekends or maybe just a couple of days a month it can be really hard to remember what you were planning to do next when you stopped working so I've made a habit at the end of my coding sessions to sit down and convert some of these to next or you know if I'm still building stuff out and I'm not ready to go back and start checking some of these things off I might just go to the top of I mean you could do it at any file because they'll all show up but ideally in the file that you need to implement stuff and just start you know giving myself a list next do this next also that and then I save and I walk away the next time I sit down to my project I can open up this window and see oh yeah I was going to do this I was going to do this I'm going to do that and if it turns out that for whatever reason I'm not feeling that I convert it back to Temp or whatever and I work on something [Music] else lastly I just want to show you how to install and customize this it's real simple go up to asset Library search for too and we're going to look for this green one by Oregon Pete you can click download and then install I tend to exclude the example file because we don't need that then we'll go up to project project settings and under plugins we're going to want to enable this we'll see that show up here and of course we haven't been using it yet so there's nothing here yet if we click over to the settings tab you'll see the built-in to do hack and fix me I like to change this fix me to bug and then I add one two three my others are temp optimize which I'm going to shorten to opt and of course next and then I like to set up the colors so that they feel sort of like a logical scale of severity so I have my temp as kind of like a mild yellow warning hack is a little bit darker orange red is bug optimize I leave white and then a nice blue for next so now if I'm in my tool here I can type temp whatever or next make something awesome and when I head over to the project there they are I genuinely appreciate you spending your time with me and if you haven't already please consider subscribing to the channel it will mean more to me than you know in the meantime please be kind to yourself be kind to others and I will see you in the next [Music] video
Channel: Bacon and Games
Views: 5,640
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: godot addon, godot plugin, godot 4, godot 4 tutorial, godot tutorial, godot engine tutorial, godot engine, godot prototype, godot prototyping, plugins for godot, addons for godot, godot add-on, godot 4 addon, godot 4 add-on, godot 4 plugin, prototype in godot, prototype with godot, prototype with godot 4, awesome godot plugins, awesome godot addons, free godot plugin, favorite godot plugin, favorite godot addon, game development, godot addons, godot
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 0sec (480 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 24 2024
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