This FREE AI Plugin Turns Audio into Presets (MicroMusic Review)

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this free AI plug-in turns any piece of audio into a synth preset or does it that's what we're going to find out in this video so let's just jump straight into it now the plugin in question is called micro music it's technically not a plugin but it's a free piece of software that allows you to take any piece of audio something like this for [Music] example and drag it into the program where you can analyze it and Export it out as a preset that you can manipulate now there's a few settings that you can change here such as the amount of choices that you want um so I'm going to leave it as 10 which is the maximum and when we click convert it's going to spit out 10 different vital presets and if you don't know what vital is it's a completely free VST synth which is very similar to serum so if you've used serum before you'll get on with vital just fine anyway let's see how it's done with this first one so what I'm going to do is I'm going to open an external preset in vital I'm going to find where I exported those presets from micro music and you can see here we've got 10 different choices um that we can choose from so I'll start on the first one so not too far off to be [Music] fair you can hear it's got some of the tonality right um you know we've got this wave table here which is a blend between a square and a saw wave let's listen to some others just see how they sound see I think this one will be quite close if we just change um the envelope a little bit of the [Music] filter so you can see it's even applied this filter it's got multiband going as well a touch of down sampling which is quite impressive to be fair um but I think we just need to change the attack a little [Music] bit so after messing with the envelope of the filter a little little bit as well as the amplitude uh envelope we're getting something that's very close I haven't changed any of these settings apart from just tweaking the Reverb just a little bit and if we just added um let's say a bit of delay on here and a bit of EQ you know we're really close just already so this is the original sample now and this is what we have in vital so it sounds really close like I say I have had to tweak it a little bit but it got the tonality right from the start which I think is really impressive it's using all these different effects it nailed the filter in terms of what we needed but we just needed to tweak the envelope a little bit now before you start getting in the comments about how simplant 2 is probably 10 times better um to use than this for recreating a sound I want to give you some more context now micro music from what I can see is being run by a really small Dev team and to me what looks like a Dev team of students the sort of launch video for this plugin um was made by this guy in his bedroom who looks like he's one of sort of the lead developers on this and one of the impressive things about micro music I think is that it's actually analyzed this entire Loop in simplant would have had to chop one of these notes for example um to get the desired sound that we want but Micro music has actually read the entire thing and figured out what the sound actually sounds like uh based on that and recreated it in vital which to me is a much more sort of intuitive synth plugin opposed to simplant where we can more easily dial in these different parameters until we get the sound that we need so from what I can see so far it looks like it's going to have a slightly different use case in comparison to simplant anyway let's try another sound here so we've got this sample okay and what I'm going to do is once again find that sample I'm going to drag it into micro music and then press convert once it it's converted we can see now we've got 10 other presets here ready to go um so let's just go through them see how they [Music] sound quite close it's got some of the tonality again we are working with basic shapes here um it is using a [Music] swaave okay this [Music] one so to me this one sounds like the closest so far however we've got no Glide between the notes like we do in the original sound so what I'm going to do is I'm just going to set the voices to monor put up the [Music] Glide and we're getting quite close again I think the filter probably needs opening up a little bit [Music] more and that is sounding really close quite [Music] quickly right I'm yeah I'm impressed I'm impressed um let's do this one more sound here which is another lead sound and once again what we're going to do is we're going to find that sound drag it into micro music make sure it says file uploaded hit convert and then watch it convert into a load of patches here I'll open up vital again again this one's pretty close if we listen to the original sample and then listen to the vital preset that has been generated it's pretty close it's got some of the curvature um for the filter again I just think it needs to be opened up a bit [Music] more if I just added um a bit of EQ and maybe a bit more multiband just enabled in here okay now that I've done that I might just bring the filter cut off down a little bit again and we're really not far off at all which is just really impressive now up until this point I've only tried some synth lead sounds and the reason why is because in that promotional video that was posted one of the devs highlights that this plugin has been designed to analyze those kinds of sounds but what I want to try now is see how it analyzes some bear sounds instead so I've got this sound [Music] here quite a basic Plucky bear sound uh with what sounds like a little bit of down sampling on there as well so let's see how that sounds so again I'll just find the sample going to drag it into micro music hit convert okay I think this one is the closest one but it is quite a way off it's got that down sampling in there but I think we need to bring down the release a bit of these [Music] filters yeah so it hasn't quite got it as close as what it could do on this one right I think I'm just going to start Speed running through a load now so what I'm going to do is I'll play the original sample then I'll play what micro music has created once it's analyzed that and if it's quite close I'll show you my tweaked version to try and get it as close as I possibly can let's [Music] go [Music] [Music] [Music] okay so I think I'm ready to draw a conclusion on this based on what we've heard it sounds like you know melodic elements it works with actually quite well especially those lead syn sounds however Eternal sounds like drums and things like that it can struggle with a little bit more it definitely isn't working in the same way that simplant does it is working with a basic set of oscillators it tends to only use like square waves saw waves things like that but ultimately I think it's really good at using some of the effects that are in vital and recognizing which ones to use like it seems to be really good at knowing when to use multiple voices on an oscillator and using low pass filters as well with envelopes modulating them and I'm really excited to see where this goes I mean considering it came out a month ago I do think that it's got a lot of potential and it definitely will have different use cases compared to what you might use like Sim plant 4 for example and by the way if you haven't seen Sim plant already in action I did post a video last week where I try and push s plant's Geno patch to its absolute limits so go check that video out just to the left of me now but yeah really interested to see what they do with micro music I'll link their Discord in the description as well and you can check that out thanks for watching and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: GECHA
Views: 8,850
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: micromusic, synplant 2, synplant 2 alternative, free ai synth, free synth plugin 2024, synplant genopatch free, synplant 2 free, vital synth, AI synth copier, synth replicator
Id: 5WFbPgEkBDg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 44sec (584 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 27 2024
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