Best 6 AI Music Plugins & Tools You Need In 2024

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with the impending doom of the AI takeover you might as well join the Dark Side and make use of these six insanely powerful and potentially controversial AI tools to level up your music production in 2024 now in all seriousness I would love to know what you think about this topic in the comments down below I personally don't think that AI is going to be taking over everyone's jobs in the music industry just yet but it's definitely here to stay and it's going to be making an impact on how we work so there's a couple of plugins on this list that are gamechanging and I'm going to dive in now and look at one of the more controversial plugins [Music] so this first VST is a drum kit with a huge AI twist essentially what it's capable of doing is taking your one-hot drum samples and basically copying them maybe adding some variance in there as well but from the ground up recreating the same sound in this AI algorithm but it can be a great tool for producers because essentially what you can do is take sounds that you like within your track make slight variant of them like the snare and the kick and have a more varied track but keeping a sort of consistency throughout so this is the VST it's emergent Drums 2 by Audio laab and it's got the sort of stock kit loaded up already you can see there's a lot of things you can tweak and change so you got your basic settings here like your attack your [Music] release you can add some gain filterings you've got an option to fine-tune the panning and also fine-tune the actual tuning of the sample and then of course onto the AI features so you've got a couple of settings to tweak for the AI features you it's creamy or CR algorithm and You' got this random slider here so you can go from as similar as it can get to more random version of the initial input so if I take a sound at this snare I'm going to copy it onto here and we'll see how well it can recreate it so we'll go as similar as possible you can change it to Mono or stereo um we'll keep it as mono and we will generate a sample so this is from the ground up a new sample and they've essentially recreated this sound now obviously it's going to be great the sounds that the stock sounds that they put in but let's see how good it is at replicating sounds that are a little bit more organic and a little bit more difficult to copy so I've got this sound little bit more percussive and organic and we'll see how well it can replicate it so this is the before this is the after doesn't sound that close but I've noticed with these samples it generates a lot more sort of higher frequency sounds if you've got quite a muffled muted sound the input so before it we start to cut some of the highs starts to get a little bit more similar it's definitely got a similar vibe to it anyway but these are the more uh interesting and difficult sounds to replicate from what I've tested that's emergy drums now on to the next tool so this next tool is one that I initially picked up to use in my video productions to take my audio from sounding a bit like this to sounding more like this so essentially it uses an AI algorithm to clean up audio but it's got some great sound design potential as well so this is the plugin it's called clear by supertone it's got a minim interface and a lot of great functionality so you've got the voice the ambience and the voice verb Each of which you can solo mute or adjust the volumes as well as inverting you've got the stereo to monot toggle as well as an eco mode to reduce CPU usage now obviously if you're working with vocals it's going to do a great job of cleaning them up you can throw in the dirtiest Taylor Swift Acappella and then you can instantly reduce the ambience reice the verb increase the voice you can solo different areas and essentially if you're working with vocals it's just going to be a great and easy tool to clean them up and it's also great for plugins like arcade where you get these intrinsically wet samples that you can now essentially clean up and get a really dry version of it so for stuff like this it's great for just cleaning up the audio getting a dry signal and then adding your own processes and effects it's a super easy to use tool and it's a great one to have in your Arsenal so on to the next set of tools so next up I've got two a powered tools one of which is completely free both from this week sponsor drro kid so for those of you who don't know drro kid is a distribution service that takes your tracks and apps them to sites like Spotify title diesa and the long list of other more obscure streaming services I've been using them for a long time and can personally vouch for the distribution service that they offer and they've also got a great array of amazing tools for producers and artists so the first one is an AI powered mastering tool called mixia and obviously it's not going to take the place of mastering Engineers or if you're experienced at mastering yourself it's not going to be for you however if you're a hobbyist or you're new to production or you're just not happy with your Masters at the minute it's well worth having to go so if you follow the link in description down below and go over to mixia distri kid you can upload your mix so I'll drop in a track that's unmixed it'll upload and process the file and a few minutes later you'll get this screen so this is my original track obviously not ready for distribution and too quiet for streaming services so you'd never want to distribute a track like this now I'll adjust the level Al doesn't play your head off and go over to the mastered version and this is what it sounds like so now it's perfectly ready for distribution services like Spotify and apple and you've got a few things you can tweak as well so you're going to tweak the intensity go for a sort of less compressed master or go the other way around and increase it and reduce the Dynamics so that could be great for more electronic music you can also adjust how bright it is or how warm it is so it's $99 for unlimited Masters for the year but everyone gets one free master and you can also upload as many tracks as you want to sort of hear how they would sound through the engine so it could be well worth doing if you're not happy with the master maybe try it in this and see if it sounds a bit better and if you want to try out distri kid you can use my link in the description down below to get 7% off your first year great distributor would highly recommend checking them out and they also have a second AI powered tool that is completely free for anyone to use this one is called drop piic and it's an AI powered picture generation tool similar to Mid Journey but this one is free so this is an example that I put in uh you can see the prompt I used there and this is the result so it's actually quite a nice picture that I could definitely use for a track distribution you can see on the right here some ideas other people have made as well and these look really cool so you can always click in and see what prompts they used and try and create something similar yourself and scroll down see what else is going on there's definitely going to be some Rogue ones in there as well not sure what that's about but there you go uh so yeah potentially if you need some artwork definitely check out free to use and you can get some easy artwork for your tracks but anyway next up onto a fantastic a powered Reverb so I was recently recommend this plugin it's around $30 it's an AI powered Reverb so I've got my guitar going di here into the matus assaro uh amp simulation plugin it's a really good plugin by the way I made a video about it a few weeks ago if you want to check it out here great amp simulation for guitar players and also works well on loads of other instruments and this is the AI reever plugin we're going to use it's called Pure verb by sonable and what we're going to do is go and click our input which is guitar hit record and then get some input for the plug it to [Music] analyze you can see it's analyzed the sound essentially carved out the Reverb to match the sound and let's pick some settings here so it's gone zero synthetic size 48 and 30 on the mix so you can see it's a super clean Reverb it's really balanced it's got a nice natural organic sound and that's out the box just analyzing the sample so it can really save you a lot of time in a big mix down so you got the options here to increase the size for a huge Reverb you can go and increase the mix as [Music] well and you've got the synthetic option which zero is a more sort of organic natural real Reverb sound and at 100 it's just trying to replicate sort of digital Reverb sounds so I'm going to keep it to zero make it a little bit smaller keep the mix fairly high so you can hear it and this is in normal mode so there's a few other really cool sound design features as well so next you've got infinite mode which is a infinite sustain [Music] Reverb this is a little bit too much there but if you knock that down it can make a really nice s background [Music] pedal so that's potentially a really cool one to have you got reverse mode which um I've used it in a few tracks already it's a very cool [Music] feature finally you got this bounce mode which is sort of like granular reflective [Music] Reverb for now on to potentially another controversial one but maybe the most unique and interesting one on the list so this next one is possibly one of the most unique on the list and it's a bit of a game changer in my opinion uh so this is a synth engine that uses similar to emergent drums AI to replicate sounds but this time you can take one shot melodic sounds and essentially recreate a synth patch based on that one sound so in a lot of sample packs like in my chill drum sample pack we release one shot synth sounds or one shot melodic samples in there as as well because what you can do is throw them in a sort of sample player however this takes it one step further and completely recreates the sound that you put in with insane accuracy so this is synth plant 2 and they've got a very generous 3-e trial period so let's see how it works essentially I can take a sound from my sample pack like this one drop it in the VST and this is what the sample sounds like now I can press this button here and it's going to generate replications of that sound in these different sort of branches as they try to get the as close to the sound as possible using FM synthesis so that's pretty damn close and it can keep going till it finds almost a perfect match and you can go through these other branches as well and explore different ways to get to that same sound but we're going to go for this sound at the minute cuz that very close it's crazy close this down and now I [Music] have the sound in the synth [Music] engine but also I wonder how well it sounds with a more acoustic sample so I've dropped a felt piano in there you can also adjust the area which it's sort of analyzing if you want to and we're going to see how well I can replicate that oh that sounded pretty close wow it's crazy how well it can do it maybe a more textured sound would be a bit more difficult but that is wild so that is the felt sound [Music] such an interesting texturing [Music] character wow yeah really really nice um so the first time I tried that one it sounds fantastic so finally onto a tool that revolutionized my mastering process for the first time in years a little while ago I made a video breaking down my master bus and all the effects and processes that I use which I'll link here and then description if you want to check it out and essentially nothing's changed from that until recently when I picked up this insane AI powered limiter so this is a plugin called Smart Limit which is Again by sonable and it's got some great features that set it apart from the rest of the limits that I've tried so you've got a few things built in here first to import exactly what sound you're going for you can drop this down here and pick exactly which streaming site or broadcast that you want to master for so in this case we'll go for Spotify and then you can pick pick the genre that you want to master for again we'll go A hip-hop track here but you can also put in your own reference track if that's what you want to do and then we'll play the demo which is again Dusty reels and I'll hit listen here and it's going to analyze the track make sure we're getting the sort of average loudness of Spotify wants and we're not peeking too loud for spotif fight either so it's probably going to drop 1 DB down on the limit there yeah so there we go a 6 DB gain dropping down 1 DB on the limit making sure we're getting the perfect volume levels for Spotify you've also got some great controls at the bottom here to adjust the style of the limiting as well so you can change how soft or hard the limiting style is you can add some more saturation and you can also monitor the Distortion via this Distortion monitoring graph as well it's not always easy to hear so this is a great feature to have you contain some of the resonance with this balance control you've also got a base control as well plus a great little feature as well is this quality check just to make sure that you're hitting the right levels that you need for whatever your input is so this is another one that's well worth checking out there's extra features in there as well that you can dive into and overall I just love how easy is to use and how great it sounds but that is it for my list are there any AI plugins that you're using that I didn't mention would love to check them out so do let me know in the comments down below and what do you think overall of AI and the music industry is it something you're worried about or is it a welcome change to improve your workflow would love to know what people think in the comments down below but for now thanks for watch watching and I will catch you next time
Channel: Mondo Loops
Views: 25,259
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: best AI plugins, best ai vsts, ai music vst, AI music plugins, best ai plugins for music production, best ai plugins for vocals, best ai plugins music, best ai plugins 2023, best ai plugins 2024, free ai music vst, best ai plugins vst, ai plugins music production, ai music generator vst, best free ai plugins, ai music production vst, best ai mixing plugin
Id: ylr1w6YzhfE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 31sec (811 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 10 2023
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