Instantly convert AUDIO to MIDI in REAPER

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in this video I will show you how to convert any audio into midi in Reaper just like [Music] this I'll be showing you a very simple way to do it a more precise way to do it and an amazing custom action that you can build to do all of this in one click to any item in your session let's go first I'll show you the most straightforward way to do this let's say that we have an audio like this and we want to turn this into midi and it's super simple all we need to do go to the track effects and load reatune and here I'm going to change the Windows size to about 50 and overlap to about 8s you're free to play around with the settings I just find that this work best for this situation and then you're going to check the spots at the bottom that says send media event this is going to make it so it outputs the midi note that it's detecting in Rune and you can even try it for yourself if you connect your guitar or any other instrument and load a piano after Rune and then hit [Music] record but I honestly wouldn't use this live I think there are better things out there for this lastly after checking this spots you will close reune and go to the item right click on it and select apply track take fats two items as new take midy output and when you click that you will notice that it's going to give you all the medy notes of the item hey if you're wondering what theme I'm using I'm using the reaper Chips Theme and yes I made this I'm very proud of it and you can get it in the description below and it's free now here's a real life situation where I use this feature a lot so I have this section that needs space and usually I would just make a midi item and do all of my midi based programming in here and that takes a lot of time and something I've been doing is using this same track to record my guitar pretending that I'm a Bas player so pretty much I'm running my guitar through the same effects chain that the base guitar will go so the base amp The Equalizer and all of that so I'm going to press record and I'm going to play all of the baselines that I want for this section on my guitar and I'm going to make sure to play each note really loud and clear so the conversion is more accurate Dynamics don't matter technique doesn't matter just focus on getting the timing and the notes that you [Music] want okay now that I recorded my guitar all I need to do is right click and select my custom Action Audio to MIDI and this is the result you may wonder how how I did all of that in just one click don't worry later in this video I'll show you this incredible trick that you can do with [Music] this pretty [Music] good so yeah that's amazing I was able to get pretty much all of the base notes correct right away and all I need to do just fit some of the timings and do some legados and I have this action to do legatos real quick I highly recommend setting this to a shortcut set note ends to start of next note and now I'm going to show you a couple of issues that you may encounter and how to solve them one is the timing you will notice that everything is slightly late and it's because of the window size of retune one simple solution is just simply holding alt and moving it until you see it right and let's let's actually move this into a track that has a piano so we can hear [Music] it okay so the timing is mostly correct but we have another issue and it's this tiny notes that happen every now and then so we're going to open this in the media editor and you will see in the toolbar there's this filter icon you're going to hit that filter events and check this but to show only events that passive filter so you're going to select event type note and the length to above 132 so these are all your tiny notes and you can simply select all of these or just use set selection and hit delete and now you just need to uncheck the spots and you will see all of your notes cleaned [Music] up a quicker way to do this is going into the actions menu and make sure that you are in the main section and search for 132 delete so when you run it it's going to get rid of all these tiny notes now lastly you can quantize this by hitting the Quant t button and you can play around with the settings but these are mostly correct so that's perfect now there's a couple of things that we can do to get more accurate results like applying some effects before reatune and also applying some effects to the item itself first I like to insert JS time adjustment delay remember how every time we run the thing it was a little bit late we can compensate by adjusting the delay amount by negative numbers so that's going to make it so the midi just shift back and it aligns better with the audio and I find that if you use a window size of 50 a good number to using here it's minus 25 you can play around with this I find that minus 25 get some best results so far now really important this one goes before reatune in fact all of the effects I'm going to do now are going to be before Rune another thing I like to add before Rune is re EQ and and basically we're going to cut all of the base from here and we're going to also emphasize the mid-range I don't know I find that it works better to detect the root note this way something like this should look good so yeah we're basically trying to clean the audio as much as possible so retune can perform best and lastly I like to add reate before Rune and this is to prevent all of the noises in here we can set a pretty low threshold set the attack to zero hold to about 50 milliseconds and release like that and that's it for the effects now you're not going to be doing all of this every time you want to do audio to Medi so all you need to do just right click and go to FS change and save all effects as a chain so now every time you want to do this all you need to do is just right click and search for your effects change audio to MIDI and it's going to load all of those plugins in order lastly there's a couple of things that we can do to the item itself and one of them is normalizing by hitting shift control or command n and this helps a lot especially if your signal is pretty low and another thing especially if you're doing guitars or anything with very low notes is increasing the pitch by octaves so I would usually Raise This by one octave or two octaves and the way I'm doing this is by holding shift alt and you can adjust the pitch another way is double clicking and adjusting the pitch right in here in this spots and that's it all you need to do now is right click on this and hit your apply track take a FS to items to get your meting notes and you will see that most times you'll get a much better result this way and of course I have a way to do all of this automatically with a crazy custom action that I will show you next and now for my final trick I'll show you a way to do all of the things I just showed you in just one click all I need to do is just select this item right click on it and press this audio to MIDI button and boom it just in one second I get all of this midi and it's very accurate and very useful right away and here's the [Music] original so yeah I super love this and I've been using it a lot to mostly get my guitar into med and then turn that into program base this gives me a lot of times a solid starting point the way I'm doing this is with a custom action and to do that we go to the actions list and in here new action new custom action by the way for this technique to work you're going to need the S SWS extension installed if you don't have that check the description below it's pretty easy to install we're going to name this audio 2 Medi and for reference here's what the final custom action is going to look like it's all of these actions and it might look like a lot and just so much uh but don't worry I'm going to walk you through each of these steps and explain what's going on so you can further customize it to whatever you need and just as a reminder the way you build this is by searching the name of the action in here for example pitel takes up one octave the first one you click and drag into here the next one will be select only track with selected items and you will see it in here and then just click and drag just make sure that you follow this order for this to work now I'm going to demonstrate what each of these action is doing and the purpose behind all of the first we got Pitch all Tak up one octave and I do this because most of the times I'm doing guitars and low tuning stuff so the low notes usually struggle with rear tune and pitching it up helps a lot next we have select only track with selected items and this is just selecting the track then it's going to insert a new track below and this track is where we're going to do all of the processing next we're going to move that item down into that new track next we need to select the new track because we want to insert this effects chain that we made earlier now if you try to find your effects chain in here for example I have my audio to Med you will not see it in here unless you do this little hack that you can do if you go to your fats browser you will see in the fats chain section you will see all of your fats chains and one way to get it so it shows up in your actions menu is by setting a shortcut to them so for example I can right click on this one and hit create shortcut and then just set any shortcut I'm just going to do a very random shortcut and then you will see that it will show up in your action list so it says insert effects chain quick Master chain so now it shows up in here so that's how I able to have my audio to Media effects chain in my actions menu and I'm able to use it as a step in the custom action so running this will insert the fat chain we made earlier to do the audio to Media next it's going to normalize the item and then it's going to transform it into midi by running this action after that's ready it's going to switch into the previous take and it's going to reset the pitch and reset the item take gain then it's going to go to the next take which is the midi it's going to put this back into the original track it's going to delete all of the tiny notes and it's going to transpose it down an octave because earlier we pitch it up one octave so we're bringing it back to the original tune and lastly it's just going to remove this track and that's it so yeah now when I run this custom action all of the things you see in here are going to happen in less than a second by the way if you're wondering how I'm right clicking and being able to have this actions over here it's super simple just go to the actions menu and you will see menu editor and this will open up and in here you just need to find media item contests and in here you can add whatever you want and you can even modify and tweak all of the things that you see in there so for example I just just go and find my custom action and I bring it over here by selecting it and then I go right click and I can use an emoji in here so I'm just going to do any speaker audio to MIDI and I'm going to hit apply and now this will show up in my right click menu so yeah it's a very convenient way to have all of the actions you usually use on items to have them available in your right click menu and that's it I hope that was as useful as it is for me this has zero ly save me so much time especially for Bas sometimes I will have a melody in my head and I would just sing it into the microphone and get that into Mei and just play around with different synthesizers and stuff like that it is a very very fun thing to do see you
Channel: Reapertips | Alejandro
Views: 23,760
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Keywords: reaperdaw, reapertips, REAPERdawtips, REAPER tutorials, REAPER
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 44sec (764 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 24 2024
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