This Engine Oil Just Destroyed My Customer's Car

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rev up your engines can you get a car that runs for 250 bucks well this fireman did he paid 250 bucks for this dodge avenger it actually gets over 30 miles a gallon on a highway now it's a dodge there's pluses and minuses so if you ever look at one of these realize they sold over half a million of them so there's a reasonable amount of them still floating around pay heed what i'm going to tell you now this is the sedan you're better off with sedans the coupes were underpowered that's why they stopped making the coupes and went to sedans and big thing is you want to see who made it now this is chrysler llc 9-2008 this was when chrysler was in their in-between stage first they were chrysler then daimler chrysler mercedes gave up they were a limited company guy was shopping around and then he sold him the fiat later so this was after mercedes-benz owned him and really before fiat took control of the company the weird thing is mercedes bought chrysler and they lost a fortune but they did build better cars once fiat took over they continued their downward spiral well i don't know if you can say downward spiral chrysler because my grandfather was a mechanic and even in the 50s and 60s and 70s he hated chryslers he knew what junk they were so it's not like they went down it's kind of like they stayed downhill they went a little up with mercedes and then when fiat took over they took a nosedive usually with chrysler they got good looking designs they make great uh you know ornaments to park in your front yard they're always we're good at design this car wasn't built that poorly it's got well over 240 000 miles on it and it's still running okay these they stopped making them and they replaced them because like i say fiat took over the company with the absolute turd mobile chrysler 200. those were one of the worst cars ever made engines transmissions go out that's what the replacement was this wasn't of course they don't make the 200s anymore either this was actually a much better car they made avenger coupes and they weren't that great they were kind of underpowered they all had little engines that weren't that powerful but these are actually decent four-cylinder engines put out a reasonable amount of power the earlier ones did not the sedans were actually better you got the four doors you got more space but they were actually better built they stopped making sedans and then a little while later they stopped making the coupe so earlier they came out with sedans which are actually much better vehicles now this one has a problem and it's typical of these things as they age 240 something thousand miles it burns oil now we only paid 250 bucks for the car so you kind of kind of expect that but the interesting thing was it was running on regular oil and he switched it to synthetic oil and that started burning like crazy he drove from georgia to tennessee and he probably went through a cord oil every 300 miles and that's one of the reasons i tell people it's not a good idea to switch from conventional to synthetic oil the synthetic oil flows better yes guess what it also flows better around the piston rings and then burns instead of sealing it it's a good oil it works perfectly fine but if an engine's been using conventional oil and you switch to synthetic oil they will often burn oil on an older engine now let's say you're doing on a car that's got 20 30 000 miles probably won't hurt anything but he did it in a car that had 227 thousand miles and now it's burning an awful lot of the way so you know if he's a fireman so he's got all kinds of electric stuff on it for running his sirens and stuff for 250 bucks and it gets 30 some miles a gallon on a highway not that big of a deal when you go inside you can see this wires all over the place because he's got all kinds of things he's messing around with well we'll start it up starts right up and you'll notice it's making kind of a little clucky noise like a happy chicken you know but there's no chickens on here just a little bitty engine now when you hear this kind of a noise smell trying noise go over that camp like a little rolling noise when you wrap it up [Music] a lot of it goes away you still hear a little bit of it as you rev up an engine it's going to get things a little bit tighter make a little bit less noise now obviously the engine's on its last legs i mean it's burning a quarter oil every 300 350 miles so it's worn out inside my advice for this whole thing is next oil change go back to conventional oil and just because this is an older engine i don't normally advise it but since it's a 250 dollar car with a worn engine instead of the 5w20 i'd go with the 10w30 make it a little bit thicker this isn't an ultra modern engine where you got if it says use 0w16 you use zero w16 you can put a little bit heavier oil on it so that it will not burn as much oil and it'll probably make a little bit less noise heavier viscosity is going to get rid of some of that noise to a little bit extent eventually i mean the engine will go there's no if answer bots about it with it burn on that kind of oil it's just flat worn inside and we know it's worn because all he did was put synthetic oil and it started burning if it was a pcv valve or something that would have no effect that is only going to affect the wear of the piston rings inside and are obviously worn this is a more simple four-speed automatic transmission than look it's got a dipstick you can actually check it and change it and the owner says it's just fine we'll find out we take it for a road test to see what's going on but it's not these modern 8 10 speed transmissions that can be hellaciously expensive to fix that don't shift right this thing's got 240 some thousand miles on it and it's still going down the road and shifting pretty good i doubt if you're ever going to find that in any of these modern high tech 810 speed automatic transmissions sometimes they don't even shift right out of the factory or they get 20 000 miles and they start going let's take it for a spin he's got a cb radio and everything around even has an extra battery do notice that the window on the passenger side is held up with a block of wood wedged in there that seat is kind of missing it didn't come with one but let's see how it runs the door locks automatically lock yeah the struts are warrants got kind of a bumpy ride it's certainly going to wallow in the curves i got to kind of oversteer this thing but hey it's low enough to the ground that it still handles pretty good it's an old dodge you know the check engine lights on we're going to check that once we get back we'll check the brakes out here get them pretty firmly hey the brake's stopping perfectly fine great brakes turn signals still work we'll try a little drag strip out here hey it still burns rubber i'm impressed [Music] doesn't make a bad sound either going down by the airport here and yeah if we let go the steering wheel tends to pull to the right but hey it's an old car and it only costs 250 bucks aside from the pulling to the right so you got to keep your hands on the steering wheel i feel pretty safe and secure driving this thing around got plenty of zip stops good handle's pretty good now he's put about 8 000 miles on a thing so far and hey he only paid 250 bucks imagine how much you're going to spend going that far into uber you're not going to get all that far right so let's put the machine on and see where the check engine lights are and we'll diagnose it because what it is 09 avenger 2.4 cylinder non-turbo see what's red what's green what's normal what's not there's 10 codes well the pcm is the main one we want to look at intake manifold control stuck open pink one camshaft position sensor sensor two now these coats tripped at 19 miles an hour car runs decent enough those are complex systems that they change the volume inside the intake to make it either have more power or be more efficient and it's stuck they often break but this thing runs good enough who cares it's a 250 dollar car now if you live in an area where you have to get your car missions inspected you don't buy a car like this because with that check engine light on that coat it'll fail and you can't get it legally passed but here no one cares look at the bcm headlight brake switch wheel speed sensor headlights again who cares the headlights work on this thing they got low beaming high beam who cares what the computer thinks all that complex stuff who gives a crap about when the rear defrost control circuits open that doesn't work who cares and the speed sensor circuit isn't working correctly on the rear wheels then again don't expect anti-lock brakes to work on a car that's this old with 240 some thousand miles that you paid 250 bucks for they're fail-safe systems when abs system breaks down it goes to normal non-abs braking it's like they won't stop it just doesn't have any braking capability anymore so let's look at the last one low tire pressure tire pressure sensor on three is bad well that makes sense because the tire pressure monitoring warning light is on too there it is under the check engine light who really cares it's a 250 dollar car you could spend six hundred dollars changing sensors get a tire pressure gauges let's look at raw data we'll select them all and away we go everything so far is blue and we'll get some analysis there the number one oxygen sensor is a little bit off but i mean it runs good enough and he's getting over 30 miles a gallon so who really cares you can see in the injector pulse width it's moving around a little not outrageous but you can see it's moving and that is because the computer is trying to compensate it thinks the engine is running lean and it's trying to add a little but then it handles too much it's got a little bit less it'll go up and down a little bit funny thing here is he's getting over 30 miles a gallon on the highway if you fix that lean running condition you would probably get worse gas mileage does it look here i told you it was running lean the long term it's adding 12.3 fuel in the short term it's adding different ones it's adding six three two you see that's moving around two just like the firing of the fuel injectors it's trying to adapt to give it the right amount of fuel but really it's not shaking it doesn't idle that bad and like i said you got an old car like this you're happier to have it run a little bit leaner you'll get better gas mileage if you went through the trouble of fixing an awful lot of stuff you probably even have to rebuild the engine because the piston rings are worn to get it not to run lean and you're probably gonna worse gas mileage in the long run you're only gonna get so much life out of this engine with the worn pistons but it's actually running quite well for as worn out as it is so here we go 250 dodge avenger he's got 8 000 miles out of it yeah it's a 250 car a lot of stuff doesn't work and it burns an awful lot of oil but hey oil was cheap it's still running down the road and it saves him from putting mileage on his bmw that's his real fun car so if you are looking at one of these stick to these ones that were four-door made before fiat took over the company because then they just went and really the two doors they don't have enough power they weren't that good hey for 250 bucks i'd give them 300 bucks for the car so if you never want to miss another one of my new car repair videos remember to ring that bell [Music]
Channel: Scotty Kilmer
Views: 301,900
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: auto, auto repair, car, car diy, car repair, cars, diy, how to, mechanic, repair, scotty kilmer, car review, bad engine oil, car advice, car engine oil, changing engine oil, different engine oil grades, different kinds of engine oil, different kinds of engines, engine, engine oil, engine oil explained, how to change engine oil, how to change oil, is thicker engine oil better, oil, oil change, types of engine oil, stop using this engine oil, I can't believe, customer, customers
Id: TNrcZjoKdkI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 29sec (689 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 30 2022
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