This DIY Pizza Oven Is Cheap, Easy And Works Amazing!

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welcome back guys last year i built this smokeless fire pit then a couple weeks ago i built this brick pizza oven based on a bunch of videos that i'd seen of people doing this because i wanted to see did it work well needless to say they both worked amazingly well and that got me thinking about my wedge specifically the maurage of the fire pit and the pizza oven in order to create a more perfect union i'm going to start out with this 55-gallon drum that kim picked up for me and then i'm going to throw in some well let's just say some consumables because i want to get a raging fire going in this thing for a couple reasons number one i want to burn off anything that's on the inside of it and i want to go ahead and burn the paint off of the outside of it now that everything's cooled off i can dump the ashes and get to work you should always save your ashes because if you got a garden they're great for your garden that is not my garden it's just my crappy backyard the first thing that i have to kind of figure out here is how tall i want this thing to be my original plan was to cut the barrel off right here basically you know the barrel is kind of divided into three sections here cut this bottom section off and then it would be you know this tall which would make it come up out of the fire pit to right here which i felt would be the perfect height to put the pizza in but accessing the fire below would not be very easy so i think my first plan of action is to leave it at this height and i'm going to cut an opening that allows easy access to the fire and then the pizza will go in up here the paver pizza oven has an opening of approximately 15 and a quarter inches so i'm going to stick to that give or take on the 55 gallon drum pizza oven when i drilled the holes in the smokeless fire pit everybody was like oh what what tool did you use and what hole saw did you use so i'm just using the milwaukee 12 volt i'm going to use in my milwaukee hole dozer hole saws [Music] why why do i do this to myself small miracle i actually did find it but i'm pretty sure very close look just a little bit worn out there just a little bit let's instead go with the two and an eighth [Music] yes so as i was saying i'll be using this milwaukee step bit to get a straight line i'm just going to run this tape from the top of the hole on this side it's the top of the hole on this side i'm going to leave this at the bottom of the barrel to give it extra strength so i want this opening to come to like right here a lot of mercy the barrel's hot right up here [Music] i have no idea if this is going to work or not but i'm going to try just using this little milwaukee cut off tool because it would be fair simple if it does [Music] [Music] that worked better than i thought well folks a lesson has been learned i have a nd filter on the front of my lens here so that i can shoot out in the bright sun and as i just went to shoot this next shot i was like oh i got dust all over it i don't know if you can see that but all those sparks flew up on the lens on the nd filter and run it i run to my nd filter it ain't no good fire's gonna be here i want the pizza to go in up here i'm going to measure around using my soft tape measure find the center and mark this out and i'm just going to cut this out just the same [Music] not bad i did mess up in one spot though so the whole deal is i wanted this golfing tape with this nice round corner and i don't know if you can see it or not right there whenever i was cutting it i just came down past my corner there that angers me beep now that i've gotten the edges all filed down it's time to do everybody's favorite part and that is cement okay relax you can handle this we need a base for the pizza to be able to sit on above the fire that heats up now i've already proven with the smokeless fire pit that you can just pour concrete and it will hold up pretty well i've had zero issues with mine and i'll leave you know even whenever i was getting this barrel ready i've got the fire right there against the concrete and there are no issues i have no cracks the main thing is how you pour it and then i proved with the paver pizza oven that putting the pizza on the paver right above the flames also had no issues but i can understand how over time both of those could have problems and so just for the sake of wanting this to last forever i went ahead and got some refractory cement now if you want to see what the difference between all that is you can actually go back and you can watch the pizza oven video where i did it using the pavers and kind of explained i'm not going to go into the weeds with that right now you decide what's best for you if you want to use regular concrete knock yourself out or even if you want to take a paver and cut it out to fit you can do that just below the opening right here is where the cement paver i guess you call it that i'm going to pour is going to sit so i need to know what the diameter is so i need to know what the diameter is of the inside of the barrel and i don't need to be exact actually 22 will go let's say 21 and three-quarter half of 21 and three quarter is ten and seven eighths i want to cut this circle out of this corner and go ten seven eighths there ten and seven eighths there you could of course cut this out with a jig on a router and that would be very simple and fast i don't feel like setting all that up i'm just going to use my jigsaw [Applause] with a different blade on it [Music] i like to keep some of this foam around just because of just such an occasion actually i've used this foam a lot to make molds in fact i used it to make the molds for the smokeless fire pit caps so what i'm going to do is i'm going to put this top on here that i cut or actually the mold base i should say i'm going to cut that out so that i have a waterproof base because obviously maybe not obviously but this is mdf so when i set this on top of the mdf we get a thickness of one can you see that one and three eighths i want my thickness on top of this to be an inch and a half easy way to figure out what you need that at let's just set that up inch and a half above there what's it come up to 2 and 7 8 is how tall i need my sides to be i'm just going to cut some kerfs i guess you'd call it in the back of this to help it bend easier oh yeah that really helped that bend easier see how much easier that bends now there's all different types of ways you could do this carpet tape okay that's what i'm gonna hold this down onto the mdf with i cut this strip of carpet tape in half i'm just gonna run it down the edge just like that all the way around now for added strength all i'm going to do is if you have some duct tape perfect i have a bunch of duct tape somewhere but i have three little girls who like to use daddy's duct tape so what i have here is gaffers tape and it's stuff you use like when you're filming to hold stuff in places and it's flat black but anyway it'll hold this i'm going to take some of this silicone caulk and this i'm going to use to seal up the corners [Music] [Applause] i want to make sure that i leave basically a chimney in the back of this so i'm just going to take this extra piece that i have [Applause] and use this silicone as a glue and put it back here see how that ended up looking right in there really nice huh i tried to do this as quickly and as haphazardly as i could to show you that it doesn't have to be perfect i'm just kidding that's the way i would have done it anyway let's talk about handles because whenever i first started planning this out and i know what you're thinking dude you planned this out i mean come on or just order these off amazon and because i like to be so thorough when ordering stuff and planting and these are really nice i kind of looked up grill handles spring handles coiled handles whatever you want to call it there is a problem though so yeah where does the screw go uh huh clearly these are meant to be welded on and they're going to look sharp when they're on here but uh i did actually just buy a welder so i'm getting there okay but i ain't there this is the plan not not the cheap harbor freight vice but actually this a die is it focused on it why don't you work with me camera i'm going to start out by installing this really fancy vise jaw soft jaw protector all right so i've got a half inch die on here and that is i think the perfect size for this now i don't have any cutting oil so i'm just going to put a little bit of motorola in here listen man you got to do what you got to do actually seems to be biting in pretty good i'll back it out i believe what was required here is a little bit more lee bridge so i've got a pipe here we'll give that a go there we go there we go oh just like that right there just like that right there i think the form's dry enough now i'm going to put a little release agent in there in the form of pam you could use wd-40 if you want but i'm going to be eating off this obviously so pam is an excellent choice normally i wouldn't do this but i did go ahead and take the liberty of reading the instructions on here and it says that i need one quart of water per 12 and a half pounds of this refractory cement so you're trying to reach it monkey so i'm going to go ahead and dump this whole 25 pounds into my tub here stand back so you don't breathe this in when it opens up oh yeah yeah yeah yeah i just pulled my fingernail back karen i might might need you to open this for me thank you my love now for long time viewers of the channel you'll be expecting the dog food scoop maybe even the chicken scoop but no no no bona fide concrete scoop not really it's a nice scoop but i did get it as a christmas gift from my little baby dolls i'm hoping that this will be enough i did get two tubs of this just in case i'm not gonna smooth the top of this over because the instructions specifically say don't do that [Music] same shirt different day i've just realized that i made two mistakes probably maybe i don't know we'll see with this pour number one is i probably should have made this into two pieces so that would be easier to get into the pizza oven i can still get this in there but it would have been easier with two pieces and then the second mistake is i should have covered this with plastic last night to keep it from drying out and uh balloon you know what i mean things happen i think i'm going to go ahead and attempt to take this out one thing i want to point out is anytime you use gray cement which this is gray cement versus white cement gray cement takes much longer to set up and i pointed this out whenever i did the smokeless fire pit caps and some guys like hey i ain't never heard no difference between colors of concrete drying faster but it's a fact you can look it up grace i mean i used to do this for a living gray cement takes much longer so it's much more fragile when you take it out of the mold the next day so you have to be very careful so and i can feel it this is actually still a little soft but anywho anybody got time i got to get it out of here this is what's good about using the foam for the mold is that it gives so just makes it easier to get out of here oh this is expanded metal and this is often used for making grills and barbecues and in fact whenever i was a kid we had a really nice brick grill that my dad had made in the corner of our back patio and it had this across the the top of it for us to grill on and below to hold the charcoal and then whenever he took out the charcoal grill i actually used this to make a high flow intake for my camaro [Music] oh this is exactly why i should have made it in two pieces oh there's a bit of a hassle now i can place these l brackets now i can place these l brackets or corner bracket whatever you want to call it place them down in here and pre-drill anytime you drill any metal it's a good idea to either sweep of course or if you have one of these magnetic sweeps go over it and look at all that metal if i didn't go over that that would either be in my girl's feet or my dog's paws [Music] i'm just coating this with high heat grill paint i would have liked to have painted this with copper to match my grill but i couldn't find it in stock anywhere and then i was actually tempted to really rust it up and coat it with clear high heat paint which could have been kind of cool looking but we'll just go with black for now maybe i'll change it later [Music] sweet [Music] [Music] what do you think should we put it in the fire pit make a pizza and see if this pizza oven actually works i say yes the pizza oven is at around 650 degrees now and i actually went ahead and put in a piece of dough just to kind of clean this off let's put this in there now and see what happens four minutes later [Music] tell me that doesn't look good there you have it guys diy pizza oven for the smokeless fire pit obviously you don't really have to put it in the smokeless fire pit i just chose to do that check out one of the other videos if you want to go see how to make the smokeless fire pit or to make the even easier pizza oven anyway guys i'll see you next time that's good
Channel: HAXMAN
Views: 880,920
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pizza oven, fire pit, backyard pizza oven, diy smokeless fire pit, wood fired pizza oven build, wood fired pizza oven diy, wood fired pizza oven cooking, diy fire pit, 55 gallon barrel, 55 gallon barrel wood stove, 55 gallon barrel projects, solo pizza oven, 55 gallon barrel pizza oven
Id: YZqnQvNeB9o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 33sec (1173 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 08 2022
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